Game League of Legends 2 (mafia wins!)

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If you have one more to save why you want to side with scum? Help Town man, it's lame to make fun of townies and side with scum

Give me your power :ufdup

ill only side with scum if they ask me to because that basically means they have majority at that point with me

that said i still think i need to save one more person so yeah it’s in my interest that nobody wins today
ill only side with scum if they ask me to because that basically means they have majority at that point with me

that said i still think i need to save one more person so yeah it’s in my interest that nobody wins today
So Legend (dead), WPK, Kira

who else

How does it work? Do you just give protections?

Waffles is out, so Vig WPK or Mystic
Block/Crush Luck
Protect me

Can WPK even be vigged? Surely he's the Godfather unless you fucked us...
Can WPK even be vigged? Surely he's the Godfather unless you fucked us...
Why you keep throwing shade at me man? It's annoying as fuck and I didn't fuck anybody. GF isn't necessarily bp 'cause scum sometimes have diversity in their immunities. Legend flipped block immune. But you're right though, it's a risk. Maybe WPK is baiting vig with his blatant vote switch

Vig should target Mystic then, or Okosan role-crushes WPK freeing Waffles to catch a bullet.
I'd hope not but no clue

Why you keep throwing shade at me man? It's annoying as fuck and I didn't fuck anybody. GF isn't necessarily bp 'cause scum sometimes have diversity in their immunities. Legend flipped block immune. But you're right though, it's a risk. Maybe WPK is baiting vig with his blatant vote switch

Vig should target Mystic then, or Okosan role-crushes WPK freeing Waffles to catch a bullet.

Mystic, Waffles and WPK scum team?

Waffles is bullet proof?
Day 5 - Kira (Kayle) is lynched
Vote count

Cooler - WPK > Kira > Mysti > Waffles
Didi - WPK > Kira > WPK > Kira > Waffles
Kira - Mysti > WPK > Waffles
Luck - Kira > Mysti > WPK
Nova - WPK > Kira > Waffles > Kira
Mysti - Luck > Kira
Okosan - WPK > Waffles > WPK
MAD - Kira > WPK
WPK - Mysti > Kira > Waffles > Kira
Mr. Waffles - WPK
Ishmael - WPK
Franky - Mr. Waffles

Kira Yagami (Kayle) was lynched!

Shizune said:

The Judicator
wincon: at least one disciple must survive until the end of the game

"Justice comes on swift wings."

[Passive - Divine Being] - Kayle is far too powerful to be roleblocked, role crushed or controlled.

[Active - Reckoning] - During the night Kayle can superkill an innocent player, raising them as an angel. Kayle's angels can communicate outside the thread, where they can cast lynch votes and count toward the town's living player total. Kayle's angels have their abilities improved and can still use their abilities in death. Each angel must choose one living innocent player to be their disciple, who will also have their abilities improved. When a disciple dies, their corresponding angel leaves the game as well. Kayle wins if one of her angel's chosen disciples is alive when the game ends.

Night 5 start. No more posts, no exceptions.
Day 6 start
Cooler (Udyr) has completed his spirit quest to commune with the wild gods. He channeled the mythical phoenix's power of reincarnation to resurrect @Chaos (Sejuani). He then used tiger aspect's ferocity to kill Mr. Waffles (Sivir).

Shizune said:

The Battle Mistress
wincon: ???

"Coin may buy you skill for a day, but never loyalty."

[??? - ???] - ???

[Active - Ricochet] - Sivir can throw her gravity-defying glaive at another player, roleblocking them for that night. If Sivir's victim attempted to target another player, Sivir's blade will find them the following night, roleblocking them and telling Sivir their name. Sivir's blade returns to her two nights after she uses this ability, and she cannot use Ricochet or Spell Shield until it returns.

[Active - Spell Shield] - During the night Sivir can use her enchanted weapon to ward against magic, causing magical abilities to fail on her. If Sivir successfully blocks an ability, she will learn the ability's effect and the name of its user, and Spell Shield has no cooldown. If Sivir used Spell Shield but doesn't block an ability, then she cannot use it again for the next two cycles.

The League Mafia attempted to faction kill [???] but it was redirected to [???], upon whom it was upgraded to a superkill. The victim was injured, but they escaped with their life.

Lulu attempted to convert [???], but it was redirected to [???].

All votes cast today stack!

Day 6 start. You may post.
Day 6 - Udyr kills Didi (Camille)
Udyr killed Didi (Camille)! Didi's guardian angel, @Franky , also left the game.

Shizune said:

The Steel Shadow
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"Precision is the difference between a butcher and a surgeon."

[One Shot Passive - Adaptive Defenses] - Camille's cyborg body will permanently develop a resistance to the first type of negative ability used against her.

[Passive - Precision Protocol] - Camille's abilities are too accurate to be redirected.

[Active - Tactical Sweep] - During the night Camille can attack another player, roleblocking them. If Camille targets the same person two nights in a row, she will attempt to kill them instead.

Camille's Adaptive Defenses developed an immunity to roleblocks.
yea but u have to understand i assumed u would have been safe because okosan claimed a jailer (roleblock+protect) so i just assumed everything would have been dumped on you but you would have survived the night :ufdup

@Cooler What the fuck?

My new wincon is to prevent town and mafia from winning...

Bit salty because I felt we'd finally turned the tide as town.

I guess you can thank MAD for this.

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