Game League of Legends 2 (mafia wins!)

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Coo! Coo! (Also since the day's just about over Okosan's going to say that currently Okosan is jailing Chaos. He lost control of his ability back when he was threatening to kill Mystic, so it's about a 95% chance they targeted Okosan and forced him to do that.)

COOOO! (Okosan didn't mention it before now because he wanted scum to potebtiallp target Chaos on the extremely off chance that Mystic isn't scum. But he doesn't want town to waste resources (if we even have any left) on them tonight.)
Vote count

Okosan - WPK > Mysti > WPK > Mysti > WPK > Mysti > WPK > Mysti ... WPK > Luck
Nova - WPK > Mysti > WPK > Mysti > WPK > Mysti > WPK > Luck
Cooler - WPK
Chaos - WPK > Mysti > WPK > Mysti > WPK > Mysti > WPK > Mysti > WPK > Mysti > ... WPK
Luck - WPK
WPK - Luck
Mysti - Luck
MAD - WPK > Luck

Luck (Lulu) was lynched! The players she converted have returned to normal.

Shizune said:

The Fae Sorceress
wincon: outnumber all other factions

"The best path between two points is upside-down, between, then inside-out, and round again."

[Passive - Pix, Faerie Companion] - Lulu's best friend protects her against roleblocks, role crushes and controlling abilities.

[Active - The Enchanted Glade] - During the night Lulu can invite an innocent player into her magical home. Lulu learns her guests' abilities and cures them of any status ailments. Lulu changes her guests' boring old wincons to be more exciting, and she wins when her bewitched playmates outnumber the other factions. When Lulu dies, her spell is broken.

[Active - Whimsy] - Lulu's reality-warping magic can hide another player away from the game, or help them rush into the thick of battle. During the night Lulu can either polymorph or hasten another player. Polymorphed players scan innocent to investigations, are roleblocked and protected against kills. Hastened players can use an ability twice and bypass roleblocks.

Night 6 start. No more posts, no exceptions.
Game end
The League Mafia faction killed Cooler (Udyr)! His guardian angel Ishmael also left the game.

The League Mafia (@WolfPrinceKouga, @novaselinenever, @~Mystic Serenade~ and @Legend) have won the game!

Shizune said:

The Spirit Walker
wincon: prevent both the town and mafia from winning

"Through us, nature's will is done."

[Passive - The Avatar of Nature] - Udyr is on a spiritual journey to attune himself with each of the primal animal spirits. When Udyr helps lynch an innocent player, his quest is set back by one night.

[Passive - The Agile Monkey] - On night one Udyr gains the aspect of the monkey, allowing him to evade roleblocks. Udyr requires one extra vote to be caught and lynched. The first role crush attempted against Udyr will consume this ability instead.

[Active - The Ferocious Tiger] - On night two Udyr gains the aspect of the tiger, allowing him to kill another player each night. If Udyr kills an innocent, his quest is set back by one night.

[Passive - The Enduring Turtle] - On night three Udyr gains the aspect of the turtle, protecting himself against kills. The first superkill attempted against Udyr will consume this ability instead of his life.

[Active - The Mother Bear] - On night four Udyr gains the aspect of the bear, which he can use to redirect kills from another player to himself during the night.

[One Shot Active - The Mythical Phoenix] - On night five Udyr completes his quest with the legendary aspect of reincarnation, revealing his identity to the thread and allowing him to revive another player. The first time Udyr dies, his role will be janitored and he will return to life one cycle later.

Thanks for playing!
So the game hasnt ended meaning that mafia has, at worst, as much vote power as the rest of the players combined.

WPK either managed to survive that lynch through 1 of 2 ways. He has a one shot makes it so the second highest player gets lynched or someone in his faction has a vote follow/block ability. Ill assume the ladder.

Cooler, Okosan, Chaos, Odd and I = Antimafia

Mad = Indie

WPK, Mystic and Nova = Mafia

So if mad sides with mafia plus the vote follow then thats 5-4 in favor of mafia.
Literally predicted how this would go :derpko


The Wandering Caretaker
wincon: prevent the game from ending

"The chimes of his footsteps are echoes of change."

[Passive - Cosmic Being] - Bard is far too powerful to be roleblocked, role crushed or controlled.

[Active - Tempered Fate] - Bard can intervene once in each player's life, placing them under an effect of his choosing for the rest of the cycle. For example, Bard could create a portal to help someone escape the lynch. Bard cannot target the same person twice, and he wins when he uses this ability to extend the game an extra phase where it otherwise would have ended.

i didnt have to save 3 people

i had to

save someone right as teh game ended

i was actually going to lightning rod either mystic or yourself (since i couldnt you since i had already targeted you)

but i decided to abstain at night and see if i could win the game in the day phase

should have calculated u guys winning overnight tho im fucking dumb
Mafia roles
Mafia roles

Nova - Varus

Shizune said:

The Arrow of Retribution
wincon: eliminate everyone outside your faction

"Beware a man with nothing to lose."

[Passive - Piercing Arrow] - If Varus performs the faction kill and it fails because his victim is protected by another player, Varus will learn that player's name.

[Passive - Living Vengeance] - When another player casts a vote against someone in Varus's faction, he permanently gains an extra voting power when voting against them. If another player uses an ability to negatively tamper with Varus's vote, he will learn their identity and reflect the ability back at them.

[Active - Chain of Corruption] - Varus corrupts players who interact with him. Varus leaves blight on other players when they quote him or target him with abilities. Other players cannot trigger blight more than once per phase. Varus can also add blight to another player each day and night phase. Players with 2 stacks of blight are blocked from using kills against Varus's team. Players with 4 stacks of blight reveal their abilities to Varus. Players with 8 stacks of blight give Varus control over their abilities and voting power. Once per cycle Varus can guess the name of another player's character, and if correct he will add a stack of blight to them.

WPK - Teemo

Shizune said:

The Swift Scout
wincon: eliminate everyone outside your faction

"Size doesn't mean everything."

[Passive - Fluffy] - Teemo is adorable, allowing him too fool all investigative abilities. Teemo requires one extra vote to be lynched.

[Passive - Toxic Shot] - If the faction kill fails Teemo will follow up by poisoning the victim the following night. Teemo's poison role crushes his target for two cycles, then kills them. If everyone outside Teemo's faction is poisoned, they will be considered dead and the mafia will win the game. When Teemo dies, his murderer or the last player to vote for him will retrieve one antidote from his body.

[Active - Noxious Trap] - Each phase Teemo can lay a trap for another player. During the day Teemo can guess who another player will target that night. During the night Teemo can guess who another player will vote for the following day. If correct, Teemo poisons his target.

Mysti - Jinx

Shizune said:

The Loose Cannon
wincon: eliminate everyone outside your faction

"Three guns means never having to say 'I'm sorry'."

[Passive - Say Hello to my Friends of Varying Sizes] - When Jinx performs the faction kill she leaves no traces of the victim, janitoring their role.

[Passive - I'm crazy! Got a doctor's note] - Jinx's unpredictability makes her particularly difficult to catch. When someone from outside Jinx's faction targets her with an ability, its effect is reversed. For example, a kill would become a protection, investigations tell Jinx the user's alignment, etc. When Jinx dies, she appears as a jester.

[One Shot Active - Zap!] - For each of the first five phases Jinx can anonymously message another player, inviting them to meet her at the nexus on night three. On night three Jinx overloads the nexus with energy to shock the players she lured there, causing their abilities to misfire for the next two cycles.

[One Shot Active - Super Mega Death Rocket!] - At the end of the day Jinx can scatter the game by firing her ultimate weapon, superkilling another player, janitoring their role and stopping the lynch.

[Active - Vandalism] - During the night Jinx can add anything she wants to the writeup. Jinx brands tampered writeups with her trademark "X wuz here." Jinx leaves a hallucinogen on tampered writeups, placing the first player to post that day under a temporary posting restriction of her making.
Just know that your role made our last few phases a fucking nightmare lol. You were supposed to be controlled from shooting us, so killing Legend had us shook af :lmao

Had you put a bullet in me instead of Waffles, we loose. We prayed.

I mistrusted you, but I thought I might have just been tinfoiling lol.

I should have shot Legend a turn earlier tbh, but I wanted to play it a bit safer.

I was almost going to shoot you tonight but went with WPK - not that it would have made a difference.

Like, on a ability side of things I played like trash, but when I actually tried to scum hunt I think I did ok.

Who are you? lol. Can't keep track of these name changes.
Nah i fuckin knew u was scum with how u was on my D all game :mjlol @novaselinenever
[Active - Chain of Corruption] - Varus corrupts players who interact with him. Varus leaves blight on other players when they quote him or target him with abilities. Other players cannot trigger blight more than once per phase. Varus can also add blight to another player each day and night phase. Players with 2 stacks of blight are blocked from using kills against Varus's team. Players with 4 stacks of blight reveal their abilities to Varus. Players with 8 stacks of blight give Varus control over their abilities and voting power. Once per cycle Varus can guess the name of another player's character, and if correct he will add a stack of blight to them.
So u really did want my name for some scum ability :mjpls:

Town played horribly tbh,GG scum
And thanks for the game @Shizune
Didn't see no vote on me though:mjpls:

Nah, I had enough stacks on you already. I wanted you to claim flavor to the thread because at that point, you were either Kayle or Lulu.
Couldnt lead a lynch on u alone when no one really sussed u but If i couldnt only kill innocents u and mystic woulda been killed n1&2:jackal

Reading the thread the next dp made me so mad
Cooler killed didi and Nibbas left u alive and still read u town after u voted with the entire scum team against me :tupac
Couldnt lead a lynch on u alone when no one really sussed u but If i couldnt only kill innocents u and mystic woulda been killed n1&2:jackal
You shot me n2 thinking I was town, don't lie :jackal
Reading the thread the next dp made me so mad
Cooler killed didi and Nibbas left u alive and still read u town after u voted with the entire scum team against me :tupac
You rated one of my posts ningen that phase when you were dead :bookerskully
Couldnt lead a lynch on u alone when no one really sussed u but If i couldnt only kill innocents u and mystic woulda been killed n1&2:jackal

Reading the thread the next dp made me so mad
Cooler killed didi and Nibbas left u alive and still read u town after u voted with the entire scum team against me :tupac

Read my role, I never lied about not being able to die through conventional means :caticon
Cooler was culted

Also didi shooting me

I told you I was town :kibashades

Friends don't believe me :blobcry

sorry but
u were on ur scum meta :blobcry

he got culted

cuz i lightning rodded him so he was the cult recruit LOL

I couldn't be redirected so I still rolecrushed uh
I don't remember who

but someone else

and I used a rune cuz I thought mafia was gonna target me for the kill that night
did you target me for the kill that night? (more specifically, was it Mystic?)
cuz if so
he would've gotten killed back

if not, didn't matter I guess
sorry but
u were on ur scum meta :blobcry

I couldn't be redirected so I still rolecrushed uh
I don't remember who

but someone else

and I used a rune cuz I thought mafia was gonna target me for the kill that night
did you target me for the kill that night? (more specifically, was it Mystic?)
cuz if so
he would've gotten killed back

if not, didn't matter I guess

I always die early as town

Never die early as mafia

sorry but
u were on ur scum meta :blobcry

I couldn't be redirected so I still rolecrushed uh
I don't remember who

but someone else

and I used a rune cuz I thought mafia was gonna target me for the kill that night
did you target me for the kill that night? (more specifically, was it Mystic?)
cuz if so
he would've gotten killed back

if not, didn't matter I guess

It bounced back at me and made me even more immune to kills. :caticon

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