Game League of Legends 2 (mafia wins!)

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Could you substantiate these? Expand a bit.
Yeah. Avito, Legend and Waffles havent contributed anything r just coasting. (Waffles also fishing for my ability was also sus)

WPK and Ratchet r playing the exact same. They post make 1 post per game breaking down their thoughts, which is something I myself do as scum. They also push/argue with players who im town reading.

Put didi and dega there to make it a 6. Im not actually that sus of them :geg
Honestly, I don't think I'm a fan anymore of the mystic wagon.
Like Nitty has already proven this game to make weird roles, and Jinx IS a troll, so weird stuff just to fuck with people does fit her, even if it's not very useful for a townplayer.

Then again, thinking about how this shit would fit her QWER - it doesn't really. Well, maybe her explosive traps a slight bit I suppose.

Mystic might be scum

but I felt more sure about Legend/WPK

w/e, I'm staying on it, there's enough doubt for me, damn you nitty again tho if this role is town
Day 4 - The lynch is stopped, Degaforce and Avito die
Vote count

Luck - MAD > Legend
Didi - WPK > Mysti
Kira - Mysti
Cooler - Mysti > WPK
Nova - WPK > Mysti
Mysti - Legend > WPK
Okosan - Avito > Mysti
WPK - Mysti
Chaos - Legend
Franky - Degaforce
Degaforce - Mysti
Legend - Mysti
Mr. Waffles - Mysti

As the crowd gathered around the gallows, a faint "whizzing" noise was heard in the distance. The noise grew louder until a massive, spectacular rocket came into view, scattering the crowd as each person fled toward their own survival.

The rocket struck Degaforce (???), superkilling him. The body was too thoroughly destroyed to be identified. The crowd was dispersed, preventing the lynch from occurring.

Avito (Nidalee) was modkilled for inactivity.

Shizune said:

The Bestial Huntress
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"Instinct guides my steps."

[Active - Aspect of the Cougar] - Nidalee is a shapeshifter who can switch between her human and cougar forms every six hours. Nidalee can only use each ability once per shapeshift. Nidalee can still shapeshift when roleblocked, and roleblocks only apply to the form Nidalee was in when she was roleblocked.

[Passive - The Untamed] - As a human, Nidalee's unshakeable temperment gives her a voting power of two.

[Active - Primal Surge] - Nidalee enchants another player with nature magic, granting them one extra voting power for that day or one extra life for that night.

[Active - Javelin Toss] - Nidalee throws a spear at another player, vote silencing them for that day or making them vulnerable to kills for that night.

[Passive - Prowl] - As a cougar, Nidalee has no voting power. The cougar aspect's savagery causes protective and investigative abilities to fail on Nidalee. If another player targets Nidalee with a negative action while she's in cougar form she will hunt them, learning their name and the name of the next person they interact with.

[Active - Bushwhack] - Nidalee can smell another player, learning which living player they most recently interacted with.

Night 4 start. No more posts, no exceptions.
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Day 5 start
The League Mafia superkilled Chaos (Sejuani) and Ratchet (Nami).

Shizune said:

The Fury of the North
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"I was cut from the ice, shaped in the storms, hardened in the cold."

[Active - Arctic Assault] - Sejuani is the war-hardened leader of the barbaric Winter's Claw tribe in the unforgiving arctic Freljord. Sejuani's vote cannot be tampered with, and other players gain an extra voting power when voting for the same person as her. During the night, Sejuani can send an anonymous message through the moderator to one player who ended the previous day voting for the same person as her.

[Active - Winter's Wrath] - When Sejuani helps lynch a guilty player her influence grows, permanently granting her an extra voting power. For every two guilty people that Sejuani helps lynch she can recruit another player into her tribe, where they can communicate ouside the thread. If Sejuani recruits a guilty player into her tribe, she will unknowingly scan guilty to investigations.

Shizune said:

The Tidecaller
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"Swim against the current."

[Passive - Ebb and Flow] - Nami's water magic evolves with the phases of the moon, granting her a different ability each night.

[Passive - New Moon] - On night one Nami bathes in the enchanted waters of the Marai, permanently protecting her against poisons.

[Active - Waxing Crescent Moon] - On night two Nami can bind her spirit to another player. If Nami dies, her role will be hidden and her death delayed until her target also dies. This ability doesn't work against superkills.

[Active - First Quarter Moon] - On night three Nami learns of any status ailments that afflicted other players during the third cycle.

[Active - Waxing Gibbous] - On night four Nami can use consecrated water to cure another player of all status ailments.

[Active - Full Moon] - On night five Nami can gift another player the sacred moonstone, permanently protecting them against status ailments. If Nami's target is attacked, the moonstone will be consumed to protect them. If Nami's target is lynched, she will retrieve the moonstone from them to be given to another player.

[Active - Waning Gibbous] - On night six Nami can enchant another player, refunding a limited use ability.

[Active - Last Quarter Moon] - On night seven Nami gains the ability to kill another player when she dies.

The League Mafia attempted to superkill [???], but it was redirected to [???].

Udyr killed Legend (Riven)!

Shizune said:

The Exile
wincon: eliminate everyone outside your faction

"A warrior’s blade reflects the truth in their heart. Mine is black, and broken."

[One Shot Passive - Nobody Expects the Noxian Inquisition] - If Riven is the only member of her faction alive she will swear fealty to her homeland, the warmongering Noxus empire. During the night Noxian saboteurs will roleblock everyone besides Riven, and enable her to perform an extra faction kill.

[Passive - Broken Wings] - Riven's enchanted sword feeds on her energy and protects her against roleblocks and role crushes. If Riven performs the faction kill two nights in a row her sword will grow, roleblocking her victim. If Riven performs the faction kill three nights in a row, she will upgrade it to a superkill.

[Active - Ki Burst] - During the day Riven can use her latent spiritual energy to influence another player, vote silencing them if they vote against Riven's team or granting them an extra voting power if they vote for someone outside her team. When less than half the town is alive Riven can culminate her spiritual power in an attack to superkill 2 other players, consuming this ability in the process.

Kayle superkilled Franky (Braum)!

Shizune said:

The Heart of the Freljord
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"The heart is the strongest muscle."

[Passive - It's A Secret To Everybody] - This ability's effect is hidden from everyone, including Braum! Who knows where it will take you?

[Active - Concussive Blows] - Braum can mark another player with frost magic, improving the effects of abilities that target them that night. For example, a kill would become a superkill. Braum learns the effects of abilities he improves, but not who used them. If Braum's marked player is targeted by more than one ability that night, he will roleblock them.​

Lulu attempted to convert [???], but it failed.

Franky has been poisoned, he will die at the end of the phase if not healed.

Day 5 start. You may now post.

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