Game League of Legends 2 (mafia wins!)

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1. MAD - Karma, Taric
2. Didi - Ornn, Kled
3. Novaselinenever - Jinx, Miss Fortune
4. Mr. Waffles - Yorick, Kalista
5. WolfPrinceKouga - Tryndamere, Fiora
6. Kira Yagami - Malphite, Fiddlesticks
7. Luck - Leona, Zilean
8. Cooler - Nocturne, Ivern
9. Okosan - Galio,
10. Mysti - Quinn, Graves
10 players left.

Mad, Kira, Mystic and I r claiming indie (dont believe Mystic's claim tbh)

@Kira Yagami I have 1 more question for u. Y did the buff I used also fail?
ok so

1. MAD - bard sup
2. Didi - Camille (Town?)
3. Novaselinenever - (did he claim?)
4. Mr. Waffles - idk
5. WPK - ?
6. Kira - ?
[Vote Lynch Kira Yagami]

if ur mafia u only have urself to blame for trying to take me on :ufdup

7. Luck (claimed Lulu/cultist/indie?)
8. Cooler (Udyr/Town)
9. Okosan (Town with special win con?)

10. Mystic Jinx (Pure Indie?)

@~Mystic Serenade~

my nibba i think dega was scum, am i right?
not scumhunting at all but my lynch preference is kira (for trying to step up to me) > WPK (cuz fuck that guy) > mystic (cuz hes a wildcard as jinx and possibly an indie i cant win alongside) > luck (possibly indie that might steal the game too) > mr. waffles (just cuz id want to see him maybe claim :caticon) > didi/cooler/okosan/novase cuz im all relatively certain theyre town but i wont purposefully lynch them unless mafia says its time to lynch for the win :catboogie
I'm waiting for Kira to confirm himself like he said. I wanted WPK gone for a while now but I'm getting some doubts

What are you doubting?

The only people I trust right now are Didi and Okosan. I'm reading you town right now but I'm also tinfoiling a bit...

Would be shocked if at least one of the claimed indies isn't lying but which one? Not feeling like taking a shot in the dark there. Kill wpk, assuming he flips town we can buy another day.

If wpk flips town I'll be pissed.
What are you doubting?

The only people I trust right now are Didi and Okosan. I'm reading you town right now but I'm also tinfoiling a bit...

Would be shocked if at least one of the claimed indies isn't lying but which one? Not feeling like taking a shot in the dark there. Kill wpk, assuming he flips town we can buy another day.

If wpk flips town I'll be pissed.

Action related thing.

No doubt about that. I'm not even considering Mystic one of them, 'cause he isn't one bit believable. Out of the others, MAD is confirmed flavorwise and actionwise, it's more between Kira and Luck. Waiting for the former to confirm himself.

I'm not down to lynch WPK anymore.
Action related thing.

No doubt about that. I'm not even considering Mystic one of them, 'cause he isn't one bit believable. Out of the others, MAD is confirmed flavorwise and actionwise, it's more between Kira and Luck. Waiting for the former to confirm himself.

I'm not down to lynch WPK anymore.

Why not wpk? Just think there are better options.

I'll switch votes if need be. Want to try and control the lynch at least and not be cucked by spreading votes.
Why not wpk? Just think there are better options.

I'll switch votes if need be. Want to try and control the lynch at least and not be cucked by spreading votes.
It's an action related thing as I told you. I'm waiting for him to come in the thread, also want to see the thoughts on the mass claim I asked for earlier.

Yeah, that's probably our only option to be able to get a lynch through.
Why are you giving up all of a sudden? Baiting a lynch on you perhaps instead of a one of your minions?

You got some of that juicy lynchproof? :catnoworries
Heres how I see it. We work together to find and lynch the remaining scum. Since there r like 3 or 4 town left, I can probably cult them by the time the scum team is wiped out.

If the remaining townies r under my cult by the end then both our faction win.
Heres how I see it. We work together to find and lynch the remaining scum. Since there r like 3 or 4 town left, I can probably cult them by the time the scum team is wiped out.

If the remaining townies r under my cult by the end then both our faction win.
Hmm no thank you. That's a disgraceful way to win. You'll have to vote with us if you want to have a chance at winning so buckle up but yeah, Town is going to win as Town
Do u want my help or not? :drake

I can give townies a double active and protect them.
I can settle for mutual assured destruction if thats how u wanna play :catnoworries

Let me rephrase it this way,

We're not going to lynch you, 'cause Mafia is the biggest threat at the moment to both of us. But that's all. You need our help just as much as we need yours to actually get a lynch through. So vote to lynch Mafia with us and that's it.

What happens during the night, happens :catnoworries
[Vote Lynch ~Mystic Serenade~]

There is no indie with a wincon supported by abilities like that. Troll indies are like Don Patch or Excalibur from Favs III, they can be an annoyance to town but aren't actively hostile with five person misfire abilities, potent defensive passives and super janitor kills that stop lynches.

Okosan and Didi are basically confirmed town at this point and Cooler is 100% confirmed, so by process of elimination Nova/Waffles should be scum and potentially also one of the indie claims, depends of if there were four or five mafia to start. Nova I've been fine with recently though it wouldn't be the first time I let off an early suspect for them to flip scum later, not really feeling that though. Waffles I can never read but he has been absolutely useless this game, when I know he is capable of making great quick observations. Of the indie claims that might just be mafia, don't think it's MAD or Luck(too stupid to be scum), so if there is one among them it's Kira who keeps bringing up people killing MAD as if he wants town killers to use up resources and test out his defenses rather than risk a faction kill there. They still haven't done anything to prove themselves like they said.

Also unsure about Kayle's alignment at this point given other town kills. @Cooler are you able to kill every night? If so then I'm pretty sure Kayle is a hostile indie.

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