Game League of Legends 2 (mafia wins!)

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If there are no other explanation then what the fuck is your point by questioning my thought of her?
Chill out, cut this aggressive bullshit out of here. I questioned your thoughts on her because you seemed to be taking into account only her behavior which is wifom. Also the post I quoted and caught my eyes, you just said that you believed her being Indie, I wanted to know if you believed her of being specifically Survivor which is what matters.
And I've explained to Lewd why Ahri could be a fake claim from Mel to get herself lynched if she's Jester unless you didn't read the thread.
Fake claim for a Jester. That would be double lame lol.
Chill out, cut this aggressive bullshit out of here. I questioned your thoughts on her because you seemed to be taking into account only her behavior which is wifom. Also the post I quoted and caught my eyes, you just said that you believed her being Indie, I wanted to know if you believed her of being specifically Survivor which is what matters.

Fake claim for a Jester. That would be double lame lol.
And you cut your bullshit "taking into account other things" when you in the end said there's no other explanation.
>game starts
>at work

My luck.

Anyway, Oddjutsu is always crazy. May as well wait until some ability gives us more concrete evidence.

Ishmael’s lack of defense against votes seem suspect.

[Vote Ishmael]
Someone acting crazy normally isn't reason to not scrutinize them, relying on abilities in a role madness game is folly in general, more so in a Nitty game. Also a bit hypocritical, given the Ishmael vote.

For people who were in the first game, how random were the character alignments?

Were evil characters more likely to be evil, was the mafia team an actual teamcomp etc etc
Just off the top of my head the mafia in the first game was Patheon, Lissandra, Nocturne, Evelynn, Katarina and I can't remember the rest at the moment. Just from that there is a top/jg, mid, jg, jg, mid so Nitty wasn't adhering much to team comp. Alignment to an extent as best I can remember the lore(Liss and Noc definitely evil, 95% sure Eve is).

Just drawing some observations from the discarded role list, like if your own role is on someone elses discard list then they're going to know your abilities

And the word you're looking for is artistic
Is this some roundabout role fishing? At least with how my role picking went down, I was only given names not abilities for my options.

I am well aware that my apathy and disdain for all the focus on me are also making me look like scum. I just don’t see the point in trying to act unannoyed at this point, I am annoyed.

Like I said I’ll reveal if I need to but I’ll hold off for now.
Looks like an attempt to stall for time to form a fakeclaim.

I'm Braum.

I'm town.

Town Wincon.

If enough people target my target then the target gets stunned aka none of the abilities targetting them can fail (bulletproof doesn't block kills ect.)

Something Something Stand behind me.

Did I get the job?
I do get some genuine vibes here though, if only due to it being so carefree with only giving slight details.

no clue didn’t play it but im thinking more along the lines of a support role will have support abilities so that seems like something you would give to a mafia team in addition to their killing power, neutralizing power, investigative power, etc
You were Eve in the first LoL game, got killed by whoever was playing Miss Fortune.

Also judging from the spread one of the fill players is probably support

Then there's Janna, who's probably in the game (hope I stay alive in opening post) and likely town based on them being the 'presenter'
If they aren't just an avatar, I wouldn't put any merit in this. Nitty has a history of presenting roles as town that are anti-town, like the Moon Goddess in HST game.

Expand on the additional wincon hombre. Is it just use your ability to save 3 random people? So you'll have to guess the night-kills or make someone lynchproof, stuff like that?

Nice. How does the abilities work? Protect is just a normal night protect? Also the lynchproof.

Immune to what? Investigations?

Expand on that etc :mjpls:
This verges on going into anti-town ability fishing territory over townie caution. You haven't really done much else this phase than argue with Kira over his asking for an explanation for your vote on them, which has gone in circles without either of you hard accusing the other.

[Vote Lynch novaselinever]

I call mad bullshit on Survivor; I'm a survivor.

also I don't know if I buy a regular survivor on top of a survivor with extra stipends :thunk


100% serious,im pro town indie :dank
So either shizune is trolling or one of u two is bsing about being non hostile :mikebatman

I'm inclined to think that Melodie is a jester over a survivor if not mafia playing some longcon, due to Melodie's experience and knowledge of league characters. If Melodie was really inclined to fakeclaim survivor as a hostile indie/mafia they could easily come up with one that wouldn't immediately called out by the likes of WAD/Didi as being bullshit. Given they've also been mislynched as a survivor prior, I doubt the mafia longcon angle as well. It's also not in a survivor's best interest to counterclaim survivor, not if they have such a surefire way to avoid kills as Melodie claims.

WAD's claim of survivor also looks genuine, though his history of ballsy plays makes it possible he is a mafia/hostile indie fakeclaiming. Need to see what his ability proof is.
This verges on going into anti-town ability fishing territory over townie caution. You haven't really done much else this phase than argue with Kira over his asking for an explanation for your vote on them, which has gone in circles without either of you hard accusing the other.

[Vote Lynch novaselinever]

This verges on absolute horse-shit. What exactly am I fishing for? He's claiming indie with a peculiar set of abilities. I was doing my job of getting to the bottom of it. I did it well. Keep stretching.

Eh, I've done my fair share of things so far. The same can't be said about you. I was onto something with Kira, and with his claim I stopped 'cause it's believable and he read genuine. I'm not sure where you're getting "gone in circles" though, wouldn't my vote on him count as a hard accusation?
I still do want to lynch you or (kira,or wad) though cause I don't believe that all three of you are actually indies. One of you has to be mafia trying to ruse us.

i dont think any of the other 2 are mafiascum actually


me = actually survivor with add'l win con (which makes me true neutral cuz i could win with either town or scum but i have to save some fuckers before someone wins)

melodie = hostile indie lying as survivor, likely cultist

kira = not really survivor since he has to sponsor or endorse another player as a survivor, seems bizarre but i do tone read him as genuine

I guess I could buy that, only thing throwing me off right now is why Melodie would reveal herself this early. Like she did say it would look bad later if her role was revealed and she mentioned herself as a survivor then when you did so D1. Is she trying to buy time or I don't even know :psyduck


i just think she made a bad play in every conceivable hypothetical scenario there tbh :thunk

like the only play that remotely would make sense if she was jester and that would be high IQ as FUCK so i think its possible but not plausible tbh
Vote C*nt(Don't want to get banned nowadays):

Mystic: Shiny -> Franky -> Unvote -> Melodie
Oddjutsu: Kira Yagami -> Melodie -> Ishmael -> Melodie -> Cooler -> Melodie -> Cooler -> Kira Yagami -> Franky -> Lewd -> Kira Yagami -> Franky -> Chaos -> Franky
MAD: Lord Genome -> Ahri(?) -> Melodie -> WPK
Cooler: Ishmael -> Melodie
Ishmael: Okosan -> Unvote -> Franky
Poutanko: Oddjutsu
Melodie: Shizune(?) -> Oddjutsu -> Franky -> Melodie -> Franky
Franky: Ishmael -> Ratchet
Kira Yagami: Oddjutsu
Chaos: Franky -> Unvote -> Lewd -> Melodie
Luck: Oddjutsu -> Melodie
novaseline: Kira Yagami -> Melodie
Underworld Broker: Poutanko
Didi: Oddjutsu -> Melodie
Okosan: Melodie
Lewd: Melodie
Remchu: Didi
Mr.Waffles(old): Melodie
WPK: Novaseline

Disregarding Self votes; If there are any, this is the vote count

9 Melodie
3 Franky
2 Oddjutsu
1 for the rest
This verges on absolute horse-shit. What exactly am I fishing for? He's claiming indie with a peculiar set of abilities. I was doing my job of getting to the bottom of it. I did it well. Keep stretching.

Eh, I've done my fair share of things so far. The same can't be said about you. I was onto something with Kira, and with his claim I stopped 'cause it's believable and he read genuine. I'm not sure where you're getting "gone in circles" though, wouldn't my vote on him count as a hard accusation?
Things like "normal night protect" is where it verged the line between cautionary townie and the kind of info mafia would look for, as it seems to be asking about protection strength which a townie shouldn't be pressing about.

Your initial vote was baiting and I didn't get the sense from your back and forth that either of you were strong accusing the other. I give Kira more leeway here due to their claim and that they were looking for an explanation for your vote on them, which you kept dodging. After a point such back and forths without other significant content come off as padding, a means for the player to give the illusion of content with a bloated postcount.

i dont think any of the other 2 are mafiascum actually


me = actually survivor with add'l win con (which makes me true neutral cuz i could win with either town or scum but i have to save some fuckers before someone wins)

melodie = hostile indie lying as survivor, likely cultist

kira = not really survivor since he has to sponsor or endorse another player as a survivor, seems bizarre but i do tone read him as genuine
I have doubts about cultist as Nitty has expressed a dislike of the role in the past.
Who is the liar then iyo, WAD or Kira?

Or are you three the NON-HOSTILE INDIE trifecta. (Hate this game if that were to be the case tbh)
WAD isn't playing neutral so he is the biggest one to raise eyebrows especially how contradictory his arguments has been, but he may have just changed his opinion. But I do think the possibility of us all being non-hostile indies is an experiment Nitty is willing to test.
gonna address the posts I have missed in the meantime but i dont think i have ever nor would i ever fakeclaim Survivor as scum

it’s WIFOM territory but it...just isn’t my playstyle

plus I always thought that the idea of scum fakeclaiming survivor unless specifically provided with a fakeclaim of one is too ballsy when it’s likely a Survivor will exist in any sizable game
I don't know why you are defending your assertion by claiming it is something you have never done before, when we both know that you have in the past set up metas for yourself only to later break them for personal gain. The point being, this would be one of the more ideal games in which to break your "fake claim survivor" thing, given that I imagine League will lend itself naturally to quite a lot of survivors in general. And do we know that scum haven't been provided a fake claim?
You seriously think a character name reveal was enough? That's ridiculous lol
Well, I mean, it'd be nice to have an actual argument as to why it was ridiculous. It's Day 1, and the only major pressure on Franky was him saying he had an important role. A flavour claim there would have been enough in my opinion, it's not like there was any clear suspect behaviour to justify a full claim.

On another note, why are you not addressing this to me?
Ratchets post was good, very informative and insightful but it was the first post for them. If you had time to get all of that you had time to post before that and then claim you were sleepy. Just a thought.
Well, I mean, the fact that it was also maybe half 4 in the morning for me would probably lend credence to my claim that I was actually tired. The sleepy bit was really only to wave away the possibility that I end up waffling on into nothing, which in the end I don't think I did. I fully stand by the points raised and all that.
I control the lynch today sorry
Not sure why you're so insistent on being individualistic about it. Controlling the lynch really isn't all that useful an ability for the Town, in fact I'd argue it's a negative utility because it goes against some of the main advantages of the lynch, that being coming to a uniformed conclusion rather than having one person decide. As a scum role though, well, it would explain why I'm perceiving some joy on your part as to having this ability. Not that I think you can use it with impunity, i.e. see back to my comment on your early voting patterns. Probably a bit more to it, too.
Day 1 - Vote count
This is Janna reporting live with a vote count! Hopefully I counted correctly!

Mysti - Shiny > Franky > Melodie
Oddjutsu - Kira > Melodie > Ishmael > Melodie > Cooler > Melodie > Cooler > Kira > Franky > Lewd > Kira > Franky > Chaos > Franky
MAD - Lord Genome > Melodie > WPK
Cooler - Ishmael > Melodie
Ishmael - Okosan > Franky
Poutanko - Oddjutsu
Melodie - Oddjutsu > Franky > Melodie > Franky
Kira Yagami - Oddjutsu > Melodie
Chaos - Franky > Lewd > Melodie
Luck - Oddjutsu > Melodie
Nova - Kira > Melodie
Broki - Pou
Didi - Oddjutsu > Melodie
Okosan - Melodie
Lewd - Melodie
Franky - Ratchet
Remchu - Didi
Mr. Waffles - Melodie
WPK - Nova

There are six hours left in the phase. @Legend, @Shiny, @Ratchet, @Lord Genome and @Underworld Broker haven't voted.

Now some announcements from our network:

1. The spirit of the activity requirement is that every player must contribute something to the show. Technically meeting the post minimum without making an actual contribution is not enough to satisfy the rule. Offending players have been notified and may soon be replaced.

2. We noticed that someone submitted an [unvote] command. We do not support an unvote function, because when you're not voting for anyone else you're voting for yourself. When feeling suicidal, we ask that you instead use the [vote lynch your-name] command like Melodie did.
9 Melodie
3 Franky
2 Oddjutsu
1 for the rest
Assuming this is up to date:
[Vote Lynch Franky]

I'm actually more tempted to vote for Odd, but given I have about 6 hours left I would rather go for a fringe suspect than mel who aside from a claim that leaves a fair bit to be desired, hasn't actually done anything all that scummy in my view. Franky, I don't know. He feels like he's going with the flow a little too easily for my liking, and actually claiming was in contrast to his previous frustrated behaviour. Odd claims to be in control of the lynch anyway, so I suppose it doesn't really matter should that be true, but eh.

I didn't mention in my other post that I also wanted to ask @Ishmael why he was asking others about how my first post was perceived (by them), and only later added his own interpretation. Feels like he's done that the wrong way around.
WAD isn't playing neutral so he is the biggest one to raise eyebrows especially how contradictory his arguments has been, but he may have just changed his opinion. But I do think the possibility of us all being non-hostile indies is an experiment Nitty is willing to test.

i think ive been playing pretty neutral

all ive really done is mechanically angleshoot which as has been demonstrated can be interpreted very subjectively

oh and lynch u cuz lol

I don't know why you are defending your assertion by claiming it is something you have never done before, when we both know that you have in the past set up metas for yourself only to later break them for personal gain.

lol very fair

The point being, this would be one of the more ideal games in which to break your "fake claim survivor" thing, given that I imagine League will lend itself naturally to quite a lot of survivors in general.

eh i dont think so
i really struggle to think of other roles that can fit the classical definition of "w/e i dont care" without having SOME kind of agenda which is partly why its hard for me to reconcile a generic survivor win con for melodie among other alarming factors

And do we know that scum haven't been provided a fake claim?

for meta history, shizune typically doesnt provide fake claims

And I remain firmly against the notion that there must be one scum between the supporting roles, and I don't think you've really addressed my reasons for why I'm against it, @MAD

i mean i cant definitively demonstrate why scum HAS to have one but i think it would make a lot of sense if they did

you have to believe that the reasons we are picking position roles is partly to gate us on which champions we would be offered but also in what general skillsets we might possess

given that a good number for the amount of scum in this game is 5.....yeah i dont see why scum cant or wont have a top/jg/mid/bot/support team lol

im not saying to accept it as fact

but its a theory to consider
i really struggle to think of other roles that can fit the classical definition of "w/e i dont care" without having SOME kind of agenda which is partly why its hard for me to reconcile a generic survivor win con for melodie among other alarming factors
That's a fair point.
for meta history, shizune typically doesnt provide fake claims
given that a good number for the amount of scum in this game is 5.....yeah i dont see why scum cant or wont have a top/jg/mid/bot/support team lol

im not saying to accept it as fact

but its a theory to consider
I suppose I should make myself clearer. It's not the theory itself I have issue with. I mean, I do, for obvious reasons given my sign up preference, but I mean I can accept the theory as having some merit. What I dislike is taking that theory and having it become a "let's kill through the supports until we find the scum" crutch, because I feel like that will obviously be ill-advised. It isn't so much that you were proposing this, either, just that I felt the discussion around it led to a danger of it becoming this. Bear in mind, this is all within a context of me skim reading the whole discussion, so I haven't really gotten a full appreciation for the nuances to it. I just felt it something that was worth calling some attention to, at that point.
Wowee you saying MAD wanted to go for a power play but got someone to counterclaim his position then decided to flip his entire opinion on champion affiliation being irrelevant (probably due to his knowledge of mafia probably having friendly characters), and decided to lynch me for counterclaiming survivor as "omg succubus ahri CuLtIsT!!!!oneone"

Let alone disregarding the entire fact that I know everything about the characters in league and obviously know that Ahri is not really much of a 'survivor' character to counterclaim. He's approaching it as I have absolutely no knowledge to the flavor that is in this game, which is pretty questionable.
That's a fair point.
I suppose I should make myself clearer. It's not the theory itself I have issue with. I mean, I do, for obvious reasons given my sign up preference, but I mean I can accept the theory as having some merit. What I dislike is taking that theory and having it become a "let's kill through the supports until we find the scum" crutch, because I feel like that will obviously be ill-advised. It isn't so much that you were proposing this, either, just that I felt the discussion around it led to a danger of it becoming this. Bear in mind, this is all within a context of me skim reading the whole discussion, so I haven't really gotten a full appreciation for the nuances to it. I just felt it something that was worth calling some attention to, at that point.

i understand the suggestion is potentially chaos inducing

but i really dont mind it lol

remember that at the very least the perception of me is that theres no way im town

could be truthful, hostile indie, or scum

but im not town unless im gigatrolling and gamethrowing

ergo i dont always have to (and i wont) make posts in town's best interests

suggesting some mechanical angleshooting fuckery seemed like a good place to start from
Things like "normal night protect" is where it verged the line between cautionary townie and the kind of info mafia would look for, as it seems to be asking about protection strength which a townie shouldn't be pressing about.
No, it doesn't and it is something a townie should be pressing about in the wake of such a claim. You seem to be pretty dishonest, and you're completely ignoring what MAD claimed, my follow up questions and the results of them. MAD claimed an ability, singular that could do all these stuff. That's why I specifically asked about the protect, the lynchproof, the immune, and also asked him to expand on his "etc". This isn't the kind of ability claim that you just brush away, especially since we had several indie claim. The result of my questions is what led to him explaining his win-con and the effect of his ability in more depth. It painted a good picture, and make his claim believable.

So yeah, this is a big stretch coming from you. You're full of shit.
Your initial vote was baiting and I didn't get the sense from your back and forth that either of you were strong accusing the other. I give Kira more leeway here due to their claim and that they were looking for an explanation for your vote on them, which you kept dodging. After a point such back and forths without other significant content come off as padding, a means for the player to give the illusion of content with a bloated postcount.
My initial votes wasn't baiting though, nor did I dodge anything. The interaction was a bait though, with me not complying to his demand to get his reaction. I explained on that in a follow up post, not only why I didn't respond immediately to his inquiry but also the reason for my initial votes. Did you not read that before doing your daily recap post?

What other "significant content" were you expecting to find in an interaction about a player that had at the time posted 3 posts consisting of one liners? The only significant content there was, and I went off from was his vote on Oddjutsu and bullshit reasoning for.

Also I'm not sure why you keep parroting "hard-accusation" and other fancy words. It was an early push, that ended up being being kind of good, since the dude isn't Town.
also for anyone who is not league savvy, the name of the ability is 'tempered fate'

here is a link to the wiki page with the abilities for bard:

i would say the one major deviation is that to my knowledge the player i hit with it will NOT be roleblocked (in the game itself, players hit with it are put into a golden stasis which makes them immune to everything but also unable to act)

in the game it's also AoE tho and bard could include himself in the AoE
Wowee you saying MAD wanted to go for a power play but got someone to counterclaim his position then decided to flip his entire opinion on champion affiliation being irrelevant (probably due to his knowledge of mafia probably having friendly characters), and decided to lynch me for counterclaiming survivor as "omg succubus ahri CuLtIsT!!!!oneone"

Let alone disregarding the entire fact that I know everything about the characters in league and obviously know that Ahri is not really much of a 'survivor' character to counterclaim. He's approaching it as I have absolutely no knowledge to the flavor that is in this game, which is pretty questionable.

its funny cuz the more i see people present it the more i could see myself in a universe where yea i may eventually claim survivor and be like "well LOL! thats why im not dead yet guys!" down the line

so thats why i think i should bank on being able to at least prove my ability exists in some capacity (tho im still at a fucking loss of what the actual limitations of my ability is because shizune LOVES to use super fucking vague descriptions and then constantly impose hard limits on them when i find ways to break the role/game)

so in good faith, ill reveal my passive

cosmic being: cant be roleblocked, rolecrushed, or controlled cuz im way too fucking powerful

there now i have 00000000000 excuse next day phase for not explaining what i do with my ability

now the onus is on me to find something creative or imaginative enough that's within the host's agreeable terms to use it to impact another player in a way that's fundamentally different from other conventional roles :catshrug

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