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3 non hostile indie claims on d1 :dead

At least one of them is bullshitting about being non hostile. It makes sense for melodie to be the odd one out if her character is indeed a succubus, but its hard to say if role alignment has anything to do with the established lore.

I never played a gsme where an indie was lynched day 1 but since we have so little info on right now it may be better to lynch an indie than risk offing a townie.

[Vote lynch Melodie]

There's been conversation concerning the possibility that either you, Franky, or Ratchet is mafia.

What is your response to this.
This whole "one of the people who signed up for support has to be mafia."

This sounds like some ploy to fear monger town into lynching 3 people just to see if an off handed theory holds water.

If u need some written confirmation, no, im not support for mafia.
and kindred is literally the aspect of death, so sure sure they can spare people if they want.......only to hunt them down later

btw i think oddjutsu is kindred lol, makes sense given what he's claimed so far
Is he even a Town with that kind of abilities? :huh
>Odd claimed he couldn't be killed
>Claimed that he can kill
A bit too OP for a Town role no? :frysus
>character moral alignment mean jackshit
>use it to rush lynch someone unreasonably

You use people as your "wall" everyday for 2 cycles so nah :tiredpepe
Nothing bad happens to them, they just tank kills that come for me so i can fulfill my wincon(survive till end game) for example i can rate friendly a mafia and if mafia targets me they kill their teammate instead of me

If nobody kills me nothing happens to them. Also it only lasts for 2 cycles

To my knowledge cooler hasn't been seen as sus to most, he isn't talking as much as he's been in the past few games but he isn't considered sus by anyone.

Why not plant it on the other two who.claim to be indie of franky or odd who've been sussed this game?
To my knowledge cooler hasn't been seen as sus to most, he isn't talking as much as he's been in the past few games but he isn't considered sus by anyone.

Why not plant it on the other two who.claim to be indie of franky or odd who've been sussed this game?

I can.

Lol Mel claims Ahri isn’t at least neutral.

Claims if Ahri is not town Braum can also not be Town.

Braum is as town as it gets. I am well aware of league lore.

However that being said I also don’t really know if Mel is mafia, I actually want to believe she’s indie.

So, [Vote Lynch Ratchet]

Based on WAD’s concept of “there must be a scum support”

That's not what I said, don't misquote me please. I do know that Ahri is not a pro town character as far as league 'lore' goes. I said when I flip survivor, it throws lore affiliations out of the window which the braum claim, and any other claim will not be an indicative of a player's alignment.

i skimmed the whole thread, quick thoughts before sleep

odd's initial behaviour felt like he was laddering his votes (i.e. attempting to move his vote as many times as possible under the pretext that it has a legit reason behind it/pressure)

luck's query as to which champions people discarded struck me as awfully superfluous. He even later clarified that he merely wanted information as to whether or not these champions were good or bad. However, and perhaps my experience was an outlier here, but I didn't find out my alignment when it came to selecting a champion. That came considerably later on. So what purpose does this question actually serve? My initial thought here is that Luck is scum and wanted to test whether or not he either had to worry about the champions he discarded from a flavor perspective, or he wanted to test the waters as to whether he could suspicion on others later on due to them discarding certain champions. In the case of the former, of course, it would imply that the mafia had prior knowledge to their alignment, so I would strongly favour the latter in this scenario. Scum read.

chaos demanding franky full claim after his flavour reveal struck me as opportunistic. Franky indeed put the attention onto himself, and his reaction left a lot to be desired for sure, but at this stage I'm not so sure one needed to full claim given the circumstances. A flavour claim, by al accounts, should have sufficed, given that it couldbe compared with what he had previously said about his role. While he would in all liklihood be forced to full claim later today, I didn't like how bullish chaos was on this point, and then how easily he backed off with a fairly weak reason like "it feels genuine". Scum read.

I don't entirely buy MAD's survivor claim. Well, to start with, I disliked his premise about one support needing to be mafia. This I feel opens the game up to metagaming, and I strongly disagree with the notion that any one set of roles (support, top, bottom, w/e) would have to cover multiple alignments. The reasoning for choosing support in particular felt fairly weak to me, too - I don't agree at all that support lends itself naturally to a scum role, because it depends entirely on the setup of the town. A mafia with a lot of destructive power would naturally be countered off with a town heavy on supporting roles, and probably a hundred other similar scenarios I'm not going to go through and list would also result in little to no support role for a mafia. However, a support role is naturally going to be a useful town role, because it's easy enough to confirm oneself with one and being able to kill without much fear of having those kills actually fail is a major goal early game for mafia. Plus, "support" itself is fairly vague, and I'm assuming there are offensive and defensive supports in league that both serve different purposes for a team. This is to say, to assert that one player must be scum out of a small set because they have a support role sounds to me like an open invitation to whittle through fairly important roles on the basis of basically nothing.

MAD later asserts that it would be overpowered for a survivor to be able to avoid kills easily, a notion I agree with to be clear, but fails to admit that a survivor capable of proving himself as MAD claimed he can with his role this early in the game is similarly overpowered. The sooner one is confirmed an actual survivor, the better for the survivor, because the idea that he's really scum fake claiming is debunked and thus the lynch is considerably less attractive, and any mafia shooting at the survivor there does so either out of spite or is simply not a very smart mafia. I would, at this stage, lean more towards the belief that MAD is mafia than he is survivor. I scum read the other two more highly, but for me, MAD's play has been very un-survivorlike right up until his reveal, and even beyond that.

I do agree, mind, that Melodie's role claim is awfully suspect. Her later show of frustration around the role also felt ungenuine to me, though admittedly having read this whole thread in about 20 minutes I'm probably asserting my pre-conceived bias as to the role claim being scum-leaning here onto the reaction, and so I'll concede that the reaction is probably just a neutral one overall.

I believe that's all I have right now. I'll be back before the end of the day tomorrow, hopefully earlier than this but, y'know, nfl season starts and all.
I think what has most of us suspect is that three people have claimed to be NON-HOSTILE INDIE. :catdankv2
It's questionable for sure and I don't like pulling out the WIFOM card but if I was cultist or whatever accusation that was spewed I had absolutely no reason to contest WAD's claim, and sure as hell had no reason to claim that AHRI out of all heroes is a 'Survivor' with no other wincon other than literally surviving.

It's not like I'm unfamiliar with the game or the characters. It just seemed very opportunistic accusation from MAD and very contradictory to his initial statement of thinking that a character affiliation is not related to their alignment.
What if MAD wanted to make a power play and claim survivor as a gross scum but then baited out actual non hostileTM indies by mistake and went along with it :thunk

gonna address the posts I have missed in the meantime but i dont think i have ever nor would i ever fakeclaim Survivor as scum

it’s WIFOM territory but it...just isn’t my playstyle

plus I always thought that the idea of scum fakeclaiming survivor unless specifically provided with a fakeclaim of one is too ballsy when it’s likely a Survivor will exist in any sizable game
gonna address the posts I have missed in the meantime but i dont think i have ever nor would i ever fakeclaim Survivor as scum

it’s WIFOM territory but it...just isn’t my playstyle

plus I always thought that the idea of scum fakeclaiming survivor unless specifically provided with a fakeclaim of one is too ballsy when it’s likely a Survivor will exist in any sizable game
When did ballsy ever stop you:kermitthink
When did ballsy ever stop you:kermitthink

that’s tru
Wait if a scum claiming survivor is considered unrealistically fucking ballsy then what the fuck is the narrative of "Cultist counterclaiming survivor d1" is?
It's true that it's weird if you're scum to counterclaim like that (with a questionable character too that people will find you to be more sus than convincing). Looks like no one bother since you're not Town so :kannasip good luck if you're actually Jester tho.
Cooler who also has been a bit vocal in games lately has went back to his small talk play so far.

It comes and goes with me, see MAD's generic game where I was pretty quiet as well.

I'm just lacking reads right now, so far I believe Franky's claim - I'm on the fence with MAD though I'm leaning more towards believing his claim. Though the point Luck (?) made about him sending us on a wild goose chase for a mafia support is interesting.

No one has stood out to me as particularly scummy.

A decent chunk of the recent talk has been lore related with potential alignments etc...which I just can't contribute to.

At some point I'll ISO some posters and see if anything stands out to me but I'm at work right now.
It comes and goes with me, see MAD's generic game where I was pretty quiet as well.

I'm just lacking reads right now, so far I believe Franky's claim - I'm on the fence with MAD though I'm leaning more towards believing his claim. Though the point Luck (?) made about him sending us on a wild goose chase for a mafia support is interesting.

No one has stood out to me as particularly scummy.

A decent chunk of the recent talk has been lore related with potential alignments etc...which I just can't contribute to.

At some point I'll ISO some posters and see if anything stands out to me but I'm at work right now.

How do you feel about ratchets points on chaos? Basically saying him calling for more info on frankies role was sus.
It's true that it's weird if you're scum to counterclaim like that (with a questionable character too that people will find you to be more sus than convincing). Looks like no one bother since you're not Town so :kannasip good luck if you're actually Jester tho.

Can't see Ahri being a jester.

I'm not up to date with current ongoings in LoL but if there was a Jester my guess would be Sion.
I mean, I hoped you guys would understand why I would think there’s probsbly a mafia support when I believed there to be 3 supports, given that I am indie support.

Therefore I find it strange that one could lean towards believing that I’m indie, not scum, but not think that if there’s an indie’s very likely there’s a mafia support.

There are actually at least four supports, but my point remains: I think it’s quite likely one of them are actually hostile (hint: its not me) to you guys.

I don’t think it’s unreasonable to believe that there’s at least one ‘type’, ‘position’, or ‘class’ in the scumteam. That’s the point I’m trying to make.
Can't see Ahri being a jester.

I'm not up to date with current ongoings in LoL but if there was a Jester my guess would be Sion.
I don't play LoL (or vid game in general) :lmao

Could be a fake claim if Mel is a Jester (aka Mel's real role is not Ahri). If there really is Ahri in the game (another player and scum), she wouldn't be counterclaimed and Ahri claim would make her look sus as hell and likely getting lynched. If somehow Ahri is Town this game and counterclaim Mel, Mel would be lynched too.

If Mel is honest, Nitty definitely trolls her hard by giving her such a role :dank
I mean, I hoped you guys would understand why I would think there’s probsbly a mafia support when I believed there to be 3 supports, given that I am indie support.

Therefore I find it strange that one could lean towards believing that I’m indie, not scum, but not think that if there’s an indie’s very likely there’s a mafia support.

There are actually at least four supports, but my point remains: I think it’s quite likely one of them are actually hostile (hint: its not me) to you guys.

I don’t think it’s unreasonable to believe that there’s at least one ‘type’, ‘position’, or ‘class’ in the scumteam. That’s the point I’m trying to make.

While I believe a standard team comp will be likely what the scum team follows, the meta this season (from what I've heard) has been messed up so bad.
Depends on what Shiz goes on I guess
I mean, I hoped you guys would understand why I would think there’s probsbly a mafia support when I believed there to be 3 supports, given that I am indie support.

Therefore I find it strange that one could lean towards believing that I’m indie, not scum, but not think that if there’s an indie’s very likely there’s a mafia support.

There are actually at least four supports, but my point remains: I think it’s quite likely one of them are actually hostile (hint: its not me) to you guys.

I don’t think it’s unreasonable to believe that there’s at least one ‘type’, ‘position’, or ‘class’ in the scumteam. That’s the point I’m trying to make.

It's something to consider sure, but I think the concern is that later down the line we start lynching players because they picked support and "there's a 1/4 chance one is scum" or we get down to end game and all other supports are dead and we bank on the last one being scum etc...

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