1. Franky - Blitzcrank, Taric
2. MAD - Karma, Taric
3. Didi - Ornn, Kled
4. Shade0180 - Illaoi, Gangplank
5. Novaselinenever - Jinx, Miss Fortune
6. Ratchet - Malzahar, Zyra
7. Mr. Waffles - Yorick, Kalista
8. Underworld Broker - Lissandra, Zoe
9. Poutanko - Zoe, Brand
10. WolfPrinceKouga - Tryndamere, Fiora
11. Lewd - Caitlyn, Vayne
12. Chaos - Taliyah, Vi
13. Kira Yagami - Malphite, Fiddlesticks
14. Luck - Leona, Zilean
15. Cooler - Nocturne, Ivern
16. Okosan - Galio, Amumu
17. Remchu - Karthus, Karma
18. Mysti - Quinn, Graves
19. Oddjutsu - Lux, Kayle
20. Lord Genome - Twisted Fate, Anivia
21. Ishmael - Elise, Amumu
22. Legend - Cho'Gath, Akali
23. Shiny - Ivern, Zac
24. Melodie - Zoe, Malzahar
1. robot-dunno, fabulous gem dude - good or neutralish?
2. ionia I think, see above
3. forgegod-neutral, unstable war veteran
4. tentacle goddess, evil pirate
5. evil crazy mayhem bitch, piratehuntress who wants revenge on evil pirate
6. Void-aligned so pretty evil, crazy plant bitch (think poison ivy) so hostile indie probably
7. both from the shadow isles which is basically an evil island of ghosts and shit
8. Evil ice queen, neutral cosmic trickster
9. see above, evil dude made of fire
10. Freljord leader and raging warrior, uh idk but I think from Noxus which are generally bad guys
11. Sheriff of Piltover, basically batwoman with a crossbow
12. Earthbender-neutral, also a police character in piltover but more chaotic good
13. neutral mountain dude, evil scarecrow
14. badass sun worpshiping woman in armor, time wizard (good I think?)
15. Literally nightmares come alive, crazy forest hippy massacring everyone that isn't a tree
16. Giant Defender gargoyle from Demacia (good guy place), sad mummy who just wants friends
17. Shadow isles death singer, see 2
18. lady with a bird - good I think, outlaw with a shotgun
19. Light sorceress from Demacia, Angelic figure with a flaming sword
20. Outlaw who scams people, Good Ice bird goddess
21. Shadow isles spider lady, see 16
22. Evil Void monster that wants to devour the entire world, goodish ninja lady
23. see 15, blob experiment come to life - neutral?
24. see 8, see 6