Game League of Legends 2 (mafia wins!)

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Wait,So now its wrong to question someone on why theyre voting someone?
I never said that, I said it is counter productive. In the early stages of a game it's usually not needed. The reaction to random votes, or prodding votes is what the vote is all about. Explaining that defeat the purpose.
What reaction? You blowing this outta proportion
I'm not blowing anything out of proportion. Your reaction is getting hanged up over a vote this early, and trying to get to the bottom of it. That's an interesting reaction, and that's what I noted.
My "Town again :blobcry" opening post? I dont see why that matters,its not indicatatve of my alignment
I said it last game when i was scum and also the game before that when i was town
It's not that big of a deal but it's still something to think about. I'm interested in why you didn't feel the need to post it again. I find it weird, and you're more likely to not post it again as scum imo. You know distancing yourself from a previous game where you did it, and were scum.
Odd gave a reason for voting me which i answered...
True that, my bad.
No I call everyone that,interesting how you only noticed me saying that when it suits your narrative tho:noworries
That was a joking remark. I never said it was bad thing though, so what is this narrative you're talking about?
One question
Are you scum, Yes or No? :blobtrin
I'm not blowing anything out of proportion. Your reaction is getting hanged up over a vote this early, and trying to get to the bottom of it. That's an interesting reaction, and that's what I noted.
I always question votes on me,especially when given no reason,its nothing new
You're the one who refused to answer a simple question hence why i insisted
It's not that big of a deal but it's still something to think about. I'm interested in why you didn't feel the need to post it again. I find it weird, and you're more likely to not post it again as scum imo. You know distancing yourself from a previous game where you did it, and were scum.
Because i was scum last game so im not really dissatisfied with being town this game
And Its not like i say that opening post every game when im town
The only reason i said it last game as scum was to throw people off since it had similar players to chaos' generic game so i tried to mimic my town play as much as possible :lmao
@Kira Yagami Mind expanding on Odd's scum meta?
From what i recall from the favourites game
Trollish,irritating and messy
I'm not blowing anything out of proportion. Your reaction is getting hanged up over a vote this early, and trying to get to the bottom of it. That's an interesting reaction, and that's what I noted.
I always question votes on me,especially when given no reason,its nothing new
You're the one who refused to answer a simple question hence why i insisted

It's not that big of a deal but it's still something to think about. I'm interested in why you didn't feel the need to post it again. I find it weird, and you're more likely to not post it again as scum imo. You know distancing yourself from a previous game where you did it, and were scum.
Because i was scum last game so im not really dissatisfied with being town this game
And Its not like i say that opening post every game when im town
The only reason i said it last game as scum was to throw people off since it had similar players to chaos' generic game so i tried to mimic my town play as much as possible :lmao

@Kira Yagami Mind expanding on Odd's scum meta?
From what i recall from the favourites game
Trollish,irritating and messy
So following wad's line of thinking so far one of either:

1. Luck is the mafia support
2. HE is the mafia support
3. Franky is the mafia support
4. Mafia have no support

Option 2 is lol, kinda ballsy imo.
Option 3 I'll pass as well, seems genuine though we have no idea if character alignment plays into being scum or not.
Option 1 I have no read on luck yet, gotta glance back at his
Could also see it being option 4 though since theres so few of them to begin with.
I always question votes on me,especially when given no reason,its nothing new
You're the one who refused to answer a simple question hence why i insisted
That's not great especially in this phase of the game, but what's weird is how you just you asked if it was "random or nah". What would you do if it was just random? Or the reason, bogus?

I don't answer simple question when I'm unsure of the reason behind them, or suspect them. But now that we talked, I can answer. My vote wasn't random. It was mostly prodding because I don't like your vote on Odd, and the reason you gave. It's cheap and reads disingenuous. The way you go "I agree" without quoting or referring to anything feels like jumping early on a bandwagon for an easy vote.
Also my tinfoil is going crazy over the missing opening post lol.
Because i was scum last game so im not really dissatisfied with being town this game
And Its not like i say that opening post every game when im town
The only reason i said it last game as scum was to throw people off since it had similar players to chaos' generic game so i tried to mimic my town play as much as possible :lmao
All right, all right. Did you think about posting it this game
From what i recall from the favourites game
Trollish,irritating and messy
Hmm is this supposed to be his scum meta? What about the other games you've played with him?

What you just described is just his normal self lol.
So following wad's line of thinking so far one of either:

1. Luck is the mafia support
2. HE is the mafia support
3. Franky is the mafia support
4. Mafia have no support

Option 2 is lol, kinda ballsy imo.
Option 3 I'll pass as well, seems genuine though we have no idea if character alignment plays into being scum or not.
Option 1 I have no read on luck yet, gotta glance back at his
Could also see it being option 4 though since theres so few of them to begin with.

Aren't you forgetting something?
1. Franky - Blitzcrank, Taric
2. MAD - Karma, Taric
3. Didi - Ornn, Kled
4. Shade0180 - Illaoi, Gangplank
5. Novaselinenever - Jinx, Miss Fortune
6. Ratchet - Malzahar, Zyra
7. Mr. Waffles - Yorick, Kalista
8. Underworld Broker - Lissandra, Zoe
9. Poutanko - Zoe, Brand
10. WolfPrinceKouga - Tryndamere, Fiora
11. Lewd - Caitlyn, Vayne
12. Chaos - Taliyah, Vi
13. Kira Yagami - Malphite, Fiddlesticks
14. Luck - Leona, Zilean
15. Cooler - Nocturne, Ivern
16. Okosan - Galio, Amumu
17. Remchu - Karthus, Karma
18. Mysti - Quinn, Graves
19. Oddjutsu - Lux, Kayle
20. Lord Genome - Twisted Fate, Anivia
21. Ishmael - Elise, Amumu
22. Legend - Cho'Gath, Akali
23. Shiny - Ivern, Zac
24. Melodie - Zoe, Malzahar

1. robot-dunno, fabulous gem dude - good or neutralish?
2. ionia I think, see above
3. forgegod-neutral, unstable war veteran
4. tentacle goddess, evil pirate
5. evil crazy mayhem bitch, piratehuntress who wants revenge on evil pirate
6. Void-aligned so pretty evil, crazy plant bitch (think poison ivy) so hostile indie probably
7. both from the shadow isles which is basically an evil island of ghosts and shit
8. Evil ice queen, neutral cosmic trickster
9. see above, evil dude made of fire
10. Freljord leader and raging warrior, uh idk but I think from Noxus which are generally bad guys
11. Sheriff of Piltover, basically batwoman with a crossbow
12. Earthbender-neutral, also a police character in piltover but more chaotic good
13. neutral mountain dude, evil scarecrow
14. badass sun worpshiping woman in armor, time wizard (good I think?)
15. Literally nightmares come alive, crazy forest hippy massacring everyone that isn't a tree
16. Giant Defender gargoyle from Demacia (good guy place), sad mummy who just wants friends
17. Shadow isles death singer, see 2
18. lady with a bird - good I think, outlaw with a shotgun
19. Light sorceress from Demacia, Angelic figure with a flaming sword
20. Outlaw who scams people, Good Ice bird goddess
21. Shadow isles spider lady, see 16
22. Evil Void monster that wants to devour the entire world, goodish ninja lady
23. see 15, blob experiment come to life - neutral?
24. see 8, see 6
oh I think I know your character then
survivor but i also have an additional wincon of needing to save three people from death
Expand on the additional wincon hombre. Is it just use your ability to save 3 random people? So you'll have to guess the night-kills or make someone lynchproof, stuff like that?
i have an ability that could protect people, make them lynchproof, immune, etc. :naruramen
Nice. How does the abilities work? Protect is just a normal night protect? Also the lynchproof.

Immune to what? Investigations?

Expand on that etc :mjpls:
oh I think I know your character then

meep meep

Expand on the additional wincon hombre. Is it just use your ability to save 3 random people? So you'll have to guess the night-kills or make someone lynchproof, stuff like that?

Nice. How does the abilities work? Protect is just a normal night protect? Also the lynchproof.

Immune to what? Investigations?

Expand on that etc :mjpls:

someone has to be about to die from a NK or a lynch but be saved as a direct result of my intervention

if i dont save 3 people i dont win regardless of me surviving til the end of the game

the ability is...rather loosely worded, but i put people under 'effects'; lynchproof was an example listed in the description

there is one major stipulation: i can only target a player once in the entire game

I call mad bullshit on Survivor; I'm a survivor.

why didnt u claim right away then tbh

i didnt cuz i recently played a game on OJ where i claimed survivor d1 and got lynched anyways so i am fucking furious about the role and was gonna spite it for all eternity but i decided that i will probably end up getting shot if i dont claim it since im obviously not mafia and im super knowledgeable about the flavor

so im hoping here that mafia leaves me alone :catslam

that said, i dont think its impossible theres 2 survivors but im wary that u dont have any extra stipulation to it (as well as not claiming flavor and w/e)

meanwhile i can prove my role tonight on someone so eh
someone has to be about to die from a NK or a lynch but be saved as a direct result of my intervention

if i dont save 3 people i dont win regardless of me surviving til the end of the game

the ability is...rather loosely worded, but i put people under 'effects'; lynchproof was an example listed in the description

there is one major stipulation: i can only target a player once in the entire game

Cool beans. I assume each effect is modified by an X-shot? Otherwise you can easily make 3 dudes lynchproof the moments they're about to get axed.

Was the correct addressed to invest immune effect I assumed?
why didnt u claim right away then tbh

i didnt cuz i recently played a game on OJ where i claimed survivor d1 and got lynched anyways so i am fucking furious about the role and was gonna spite it for all eternity but i decided that i will probably end up getting shot if i dont claim it since im obviously not mafia and im super knowledgeable about the flavor

so im hoping here that mafia leaves me alone :catslam

that said, i dont think its impossible theres 2 survivors but im wary that u dont have any extra stipulation to it (as well as not claiming flavor and w/e)

meanwhile i can prove my role tonight on someone so eh
I didn't claim immediately because when I did so in your game I got d1 lynched for it. I saw you claim my wincon and if I remained silent about it until much later on it would seem like a mafia desperate wit NONHOSTILEINDIEBTW so I'd rather get the record straight and call out if someone is announcing my role or a role similar to mine. 2 survivor indies sounds hella unlikely. I was intending to approach this game without claiming at all regardless of pressure but if someone is claiming a role that is identical to mine.... :drake
Cool beans. I assume each effect is modified by an X-shot? Otherwise you can easily make 3 dudes lynchproof the moments they're about to get axed.

Was the correct addressed to invest immune effect I assumed?

the ability is night: in the ability description the lynchproof flavor was "create a portal for the player to escape the lynch the next day" paraphrased etc

im still waiting for clarification on the ability from the host, im sure someone else has tried reaching him to no avail :dead
I didn't claim immediately because when I did so in your game I got d1 lynched for it. I saw you claim my wincon and if I remained silent about it until much later on it would seem like a mafia desperate wit NONHOSTILEINDIEBTW so I'd rather get the record straight and call out if someone is announcing my role or a role similar to mine. 2 survivor indies sounds hella unlikely. I was intending to approach this game without claiming at all regardless of pressure but if someone is claiming a role that is identical to mine.... :drake

doesnt sound identical at all given i have objectives to accomplish

and i sure you're not you should know who im claiming - the flavor fits literally better than anyone elses

so it concerns ME quite a bit you still havent claimed yours :kanyeshru
but back to @novaselinenever

even awaiting ability clarification (i actually asked him to be as specific as possible because theres other things he mentioned when he assigned my role that was within my capacities, i am afterall a fucking cosmic superman)

i see very little value in doing anything but anticipating a NK with a super protect or anticipating the next lynch with a lynchproofer so i am not sure i would do anything except those 2 abilities atm especially given i can only target one player once
but back to @novaselinenever

even awaiting ability clarification (i actually asked him to be as specific as possible because theres other things he mentioned when he assigned my role that was within my capacities, i am afterall a fucking cosmic superman)

i see very little value in doing anything but anticipating a NK with a super protect or anticipating the next lynch with a lynchproofer so i am not sure i would do anything except those 2 abilities atm especially given i can only target one player once
All right cool. The lynchproof being night and all is neat, so yeah you'll have to bookie like crazy to get that secondary wincon

Nothing is x-shots?

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