Game League of Legends 2 (mafia wins!)

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Certain people here would respect Pou's uh scum hunting ability more than others.

We should look at who pou voted for and what her reads were with a fine comb.

I'm certain there must be something there.

people who know her well.

experienced people like Didi, waffles ,etc.

they would make a call like that.

Skimmed her posts.

  1. Spoiler:

    [*]Game League of Legends 2
    He started first :grr
    Post by: poutanko, Thursday at 10:49 AM in forum: Mafia
    Game League of Legends 2
    And you cut your bullshit "taking into account other things" when you in the end said there's no other explanation.
    Post by: poutanko, Thursday at 10:12 AM in forum: Mafia
    Game League of Legends 2
    and I'm Town @novaselinenever
    Post by: poutanko, Thursday at 10:01 AM in forum: Mafia
    Game League of Legends 2
    If there are no other explanation then what the fuck is your point by questioning my thought of her? And I've explained to Lewd why Ahri could be...
    Post by: poutanko, Thursday at 10:01 AM in forum: Mafia
    Game League of Legends 2
    Post by: poutanko, Thursday at 9:49 AM in forum: Mafia
    Game League of Legends 2
    Okay, so in the end your opinion is the same as me. You said it's lame, but you didn't provide other explanation why she did what she did....
    Post by: poutanko, Thursday at 9:46 AM in forum: Mafia
    Game League of Legends 2
    So your opinion is actually the same as me? Or you don't see her as possible Jester at all?
    Post by: poutanko, Thursday at 9:39 AM in forum: Mafia
    Game League of Legends 2
    I ask you again, what other explanation might exist here? What other possibilities that you have in mind? Explain it.
    Post by: poutanko, Thursday at 9:30 AM in forum: Mafia
    Game League of Legends 2
    If it doesn't make sense then what other explanation might exist then? Her claim made her more than likely getting lynched. Period. I answered...
    Post by: poutanko, Thursday at 9:21 AM in forum: Mafia
    Game League of Legends 2
    ...Broki, are you scum again? :dank
    Post by: poutanko, Thursday at 9:01 AM in forum: Mafia
    Game League of Legends 2
    Bolded: so you yourself thinking the same yet you question me wat :catdude It can be proven if we're willing to spend our resources on her (I'd...
    Post by: poutanko, Thursday at 9:01 AM in forum: Mafia
    Game League of Legends 2
    Post by: poutanko, Thursday at 8:30 AM in forum: Mafia
    Game League of Legends 2
    Don't disturb me now, I need to catch some pokemon(s) :ufdup
    Post by: poutanko, Thursday at 8:28 AM in forum: Mafia
    Game League of Legends 2
    If she's hostile aka scum, it makes more sense to not counterclaim like that (especially with shady character like Ahri) which more likely get her...
    Post by: poutanko, Thursday at 8:23 AM in forum: Mafia
    Game League of Legends 2
    ...not Xiammes again :catdefeat @Remchu @Mr. Waffles (old) @Underworld Broker I can't believe you 3 visited that thread :tiredpepe
    Post by: poutanko, Thursday at 6:34 AM in forum: Mafia
    Game League of Legends 2
    @Lewd ...can you make the no name players get their names back, it's weird seeing no names here and there :dank
    Post by: poutanko, Thursday at 6:29 AM in forum: Mafia
    Game League of Legends 2
    I trust Mel's indie claim. She got like 12 votes or so real fast. Idk if she's really Survivor or not tho, but most likely Indie as she claimed to...
    Post by: poutanko, Thursday at 6:23 AM in forum: Mafia
    Game League of Legends 2
    I don't play LoL (or vid game in general) :lmao Could be a fake claim if Mel is a Jester (aka Mel's real role is not Ahri). If there really is...
    Post by: poutanko, Thursday at 5:01 AM in forum: Mafia
    Game League of Legends 2
    It's true that it's weird if you're scum to counterclaim like that (with a questionable character too that people will find you to be more sus...
    Post by: poutanko, Thursday at 3:53 AM in forum: Mafia
    Game League of Legends 2
    You scum, aren't you?
    Post by: poutanko, Wednesday at 6:41 PM in forum: Mafia
    Game League of Legends 2
    Is he even a Town with that kind of abilities? :huh >Odd claimed he couldn't be killed >Claimed that he can kill A bit too OP for a Town role no?...
    Post by: poutanko, Wednesday at 6:32 PM in forum: Mafia
    Game League of Legends 2
    Post by: poutanko, Wednesday at 1:00 AM in forum: Mafia
    Game League of Legends 2
    Both have tons of posts and need ISO. I'm also at work. I can go whereever I want
    Post by: poutanko, Wednesday at 12:57 AM in forum: Mafia
    Game League of Legends 2
    I'm not inactive, what are you trying to say here?
    Post by: poutanko, Wednesday at 12:53 AM in forum: Mafia
    Game League of Legends 2
    Bye for now. I'm currently in 2 other games (1 is WAD's, 1 is Aries') all in DP. Tag or quote me if you need something by: poutanko, Wednesday at 12:49 AM in forum: Mafia
    Game League of Legends 2
    Odd's scum meta ^
    Post by: poutanko, Wednesday at 12:38 AM in forum: Mafia
    Game League of Legends 2
    [Vote lynch Oddjutsu]
    Post by: poutanko, Wednesday at 12:34 AM in forum: Mafia

Here talking to novase about whether Ahri is indie or not. She says he is just parroting her thoughts.
She puts a "you scum this game at the end?"

[Vote Lynch novaselinenever]
That argument with pou was so inane, they basically agreed but nova was hounding her over a nitpick. Combined with my dislike of how far they went with their ability fishing and roundabout argument with Kira, I'd be up for lynching him.

Can someone give me meta info on Chaos? :catthinks
Why? If you have reason to suspect them then just state what it is, don't come looking for others to justify your reasonings.

It's rude to talk about people when they're in the room, you know.

You could just ask me what you want to know
Why would someone ask the person they suspect about their own meta?

Does it have to be on the same person? Or will it be 100% the next time you use it regardless?

Kinda convenient this imo. Gives you a good excuse if UB flips town - just blame it on the ability.
Remchu didn't even press the matter of UB's lynch, was just communicating the info for us to make us of/UB to respond to. Your response here indicates you know UB will town and want to set up suspicion on Rem for it.

[Underworld Broker]

I'll go with this for now, UB has been coasting so far and I'll trust Remchu for now.
Are you serious? You go from trying to implicate that Rem is trying to give himself an out by the % chance of his ability if UB flips town, to voting alongside and "trusting him for now".

[Vote Lynch Cooler]

It would be of scums best interest to get rid of me since I can find out who got converted or what character poutanko had :catnoworries
Yes, with your convenient private results. Nice blanket accusation of those suspecting you.

This phase will result in reveals. Good info for town, with broker more than likely being lynched. If mafia good one Remchu and good shit town, if she flips town, rems going to be questioned heavily. I do agree with coolers claim that the whole 2 investigation things could be an excuse if underworld broker is town.

But then again I have cooler on my scum list because of his play as I've been stating for some pages.
What is this post? Just reiterating the game stat/what the game state will be if things stick to the current course, which seems to be Ishmael's desire. Backing up Cooler's terrible take, then talking about how you scumread him as well. I'm pretty convinced one of you or Cooler are scum, potentially both with you setting up a bus on him.

I like how Ishmael and UB agree with this post.

You guys are dumb.
Pretty sure they're just scum.
What is this post? Just reiterating the game stat/what the game state will be if things stick to the current course, which seems to be Ishmael's desire.

You picked this post out of all my post. What exactly is my desire? I want this game solved and figured out just as much as the next person, so keeping a game in one state isn't in that desires list. I do desire more activity from not only you but the other low count posters. Who btw aren't making an effort to even let us know they're paying attention to this game.

Backing up Cooler's terrible take

So you don't see Remchu using the multiple investigations and their accuracy as a potential cop out if underworld broker flips town? Heh. Can't help it but that is an option and is something mafia would do.

then talking about how you scumread him as well.

Been vocal on him this whole game, one of the first to do that and also vote him, it's mafia no one's cleared and no one is for certain mafia until proven. If someone makes a post I agree to, I'll give it the rating, no matter what I think of them it's a post that contained something I agreed to.

I'm pretty convinced one of you or Cooler are scum, potentially both with you setting up a bus on him

Cute. But my scum read on him is a gut feeling and is because of his play not matching up with his recent town play.

Pretty sure they're just scum.

Again cute little wolf, kc seems to like this.
@MAD turn RemChu into a virgin tonight or I will vote you up tomorrow

what are the benefits of me turning someone into a Virgin rather than just super-protecting them or turning them into a mirror or something?


if i agree to this dont i help make it easier for mafia on their target selection

i feel like this blackmail isnt optimal for you, much less for me
what are the benefits of me turning someone into a Virgin rather than just super-protecting them or turning them into a mirror or something?


if i agree to this dont i help make it easier for mafia on their target selection

i feel like this blackmail isnt optimal for you, much less for me
It's extortion not blackmail but I just want RemChu protected so he can do many more lie detects

Coo Cooo??? (Like really what information do you get out of Okosan's death?)
They probably know who you are and what you can do
It's extortion not blackmail but I just want RemChu protected so he can do many more lie detects

They probably know who you are and what you can do

maybe i will maybe i won’t

it’s not beneficial for anyone but the purpose im claiming to protect for me to state that intent truthfully because killers can just avoid my target and if i don’t successfully thwart a kill i get nowhere towards my win con
Can you please give us some reads and insights, anything you think might be useful. I don't think you were targeted for no reason
COOOO COO? (Yeah sure. Personally for reads, though he thinks he's mentioned at least some of these already, he's on the side that UB and probably cooler are both scum. Okosan believes Rem about their abilities and doesn't really think they would come out with that information so early if they were mafia. Besides that he personally kind of wants to look at the less active side of the roster. People like LG, WPK, Shiny, all those kind of peeps. In particular he has his eyes set on LG out of those for the moment.)

Coo! (And for his weird/paranoid read he kiiiiinda believes Ishmael could be mafia? Just because of the ability of his. But again Okosan's not uber convinced of that or anything atm. Plus we have other targets to look at for the moment.)

Coooooo! (And something that Okosan's been thinking about (not that we should be super focused on the indy hunting right now most likely) but Okosan is kind of suspicious of MAD's indy claim. Because it seems weird that an indy whose only goal is to try to stop people from dying has access to all these weird abilities that don't further that at all. )
Completely Caught up from page 1.

Welcome back from the dead Okosan

WAD can you clarify your survivor win-con? So you need to save 3 people and then survive?

Yes. From either a lynch or a kill.

Coooooo! (And something that Okosan's been thinking about (not that we should be super focused on the indy hunting right now most likely) but Okosan is kind of suspicious of MAD's indy claim. Because it seems weird that an indy whose only goal is to try to stop people from dying has access to all these weird abilities that don't further that at all. )

I guess it’s mostly for flavor purposes. I think some manipulations make sense (like mirrors, immunity to all actions, etc) but generally yeah I have no real need to turn people into Innocent Childs or Millers or having 1000 vote power (I can fucking do this apparently).
Great reasoning, solid alternative offered, thanks for your contribution.

It's my birthday weekend, not had time the last couple of days to do much at all. I've not read the last few pages aside from a few of the votes on me.

From what I've seen the reasoning for my lynch is pretty thin. Basically my activity and my vote for UB?

Seems BS to me, for one I'm not always active as town and this weekend I have a legit reason. Two unless you scum read Remchu a vote informed by an action is a better bet than your meta read.

My role gets nerfed if I lynch or kill anyone innocent, so I'm being more cautious this game with my vote. I raised a legit concern with Remchu but I don't have time to properly scum hunt so left a vote on UB as I do town read Remchu and hoped his lie detect is accurate.
That's the second time you've switched off someone pretty sharpish, first with Franky and now with me.

Are you seriously complaining I'm getting off your case?

Don't worry, I still want to lynch you. I also want to lynch UB though and that one seems to have a lot more traction. I gain from participating in successful lynches on scum/indie targets, so I have zero reason to stick with a lynch that isn't happening.
Also tbh tbf this character looks cool af :blobspaz


@Underworld Broker unless odd goes off and lynches someone else like, you're more than likely going to be lynched.

Do you have any thoughts? Read? That could potentially help us along the way?

Eh, don't mind since i'm going to be busy + not much energy left since the Alley game

Got not many reads since i didn't interact with many people whatsoever. But liked Novas posts, reminded me a bit of Favorites playstyle. WPK replied way earlier than i expected him to , idk kinda good imo LOL. Don't like how waffles and Lewd are playing though, Lewd probably shook newbie scum (don't remember much of him). Also feel like Didi would be more active as scum :catthinks I like your posts btw, so yah doubt you're scum

pretty much this

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