Game League of Legends 2 (mafia wins!)

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I scumread him, all his limited activity so far this game has been pointing fingers at people who turned out to be townies iirc
and I could see the scumkills coming from him

Nova - townlean but unsure
Chaos - neutral
I suspect Ish and to a lesser extent Lewd. Other suspects like Cooler and formerly nova are still alive.

The kills that have been made are pretty bog standard for anyone with sense.

Cooooo! (So these are probably his biggest three right now: )

-Avito (Low post count and refuses to actually participate in the game)
-Legend (A decent number of posts, but none of them really mean anything. Almost feels liks he' just trying to blend enough to not get noticed. On that note that's kind of why Okosan also suspects Waffles.)
-WPK (Extremely low post count except for yesterday for some reason, where they tripled their number of posts. Maybe they were scared of the vote stacking? Also just kind of feeling this one)
My activity historically goes up starting d3.

What? I started that Ish wagon when Cooler was taking heat. Made a pretty post about it to stop his wagon 'cause that shit was dumb.

What is up with Mystic?

I want to lynch either WPK or Chaos today, so if you say WPK needs a bullet. Hope on. Tired of his bullshit essay posts, fence-sitting and throwing light shade everywhere trying to stir the conversation where he wants it. His push on me D1 was horse-shit. Like he knew that wagon was'n't going anywhere and he didn't even attempt to push it. I shut him down and he never came back to me. Just like a fake push to give the impression that he's going after scum and avoiding the Indie talk that where happening at the moment. Tried to buddy Remchu D2 when Rem suspected me with some "I can be down to lynch Nova today". Since then nothing.

[Vote Lynch WPK]
I don't care to go around in circles with people as I'll never convince them of their scumminess, if people agree and care they'll vote with me. The kill on pou and your interaction with them combined with what I found scummy about your d1 made you a good suspect but others were more blatantly scummy that phase. I've generally liked your posting since then.

I was assuming your ability to pick someone that must survive til the end but my passive defense can affect a large range of abilities. Basically when I'm targeted by an ability the reverse happens to me. Though the extent and implications of this are basically up to Shizune decide, for example I was just told something like if I was targeted by a kill I'd be protected instead, etc and I imagine if someone protected me I'd die perhaps?

Basically actions do weird things to me. Also why I had to play things close to the chest, didn't want to bait protects on me :caticon
Why didn't you just say "don't use protects on me"?

why are you sussing me again? I assume its something i did this phase so what is it,huh?
Because it really is Interesting how you sus me all of a sudden,the pro-town indie who been doing nothing but trying to drive activity and convo this do

Also i find it pretty funny how i who has given plenty of info about my role bar my name am being suspected while you turn a blind eye to Mad who has recieved a guilty result today and whose name hasnt appeared in any of the write ups so far but sure im the indie who looks sus here :meh

>why u need my role name is none of my concern,lol
i do not have to explain anything to you of all people,i have reasons i can not say my role name and that is that

How about you cut the crap and stop trying to distract town from your scummates by indie hunting,mate? :zaru
Your name hasn't appeared in a write-up either, at least MAD has shown off an ability of his in a write-up. The way your ability works is questionable given how much easier it is to just wait till later then pick someone, even though Ahri had it rather easy with her ability set so that's not a given. You've said you can prove yourself so best to wait on that but to act as if the questioning is ridiculous when you're a claim indie and there is a cultist is folly.

Also there were definitely some outside shenanigans at play that affected my ability. :catdankv1:
In what way?

Okay, I have the whole day to myself so let's turn this game upside down :villa

Here is the agenda:

Thoughts on Jinx's alignment?
Her abilities that we know about are pretty clear cut anti-town, unlike UB's which could be pro-town.

Thoughts on Okosan being a Godfather (bulletproof, scans innocent) as opposed to a regular good-old Town bulletproof?
Near zero, Okosan's ability has redirected actions from others to them which is the opposite of what a GF normally has.

Thoughts on WPK being Kayle?
I'm not Kayle. I do shit on Kayle's when they come top lane against me.

Going by sign-up list, Kayle should be Legend or Avito. Oddjutsu discard Kayle and they're the only two after them alive on the list.

Thoughts on Franky being alive this long when his role has DOCTOR/PROTECTOR tattooed on his glorious mustache?
If not mafia, probably getting roleblock'd by them since he has revealed.

Thoughts on Ratched being scum AF?

Haven't gotten scum vibes from their few appearances, they have had too much of a Chaos focus.

D1: Didi (Felt sketchy about his gonna be inactive cause other game play so like why not. Also memes.) <Effect bounced back to me on N3 but I shouldn't be randomized cause of my passive>

N1: Ratchet (Uncharacteristically inactive, used to seeing more out of him.)

D2: Legend (Coasting nibba.) <He declined>

N2: Chaos (Weird reads, etc)

D3: Avito (Another inactive nibba.) <Apparently this was redirected to Okosan who declined the invite.>
Legend declined a chance to become more powerful? He is almost definitely some kind of scum then.

[Vote Lynch ~Mystic Serenade~]

People got on Melodie and UB for abilities that weren't that out of place for their stated alignments yet someone comes in with a blatantly anti-town mass misfire ability alongside reversing any abilities on them and barely anyone blinks an eye. It's suspect as fuck, especially with Chaos being so nonchalant about it given his prior stances.
Going by sign-up list, Kayle should be Legend or Avito. Oddjutsu discard Kayle and they're the only two after them alive on the list.
Wait, that huge. BRB.
I'm neither mafia, nor SK, so you might want to rethink that one.
If what WPK said above is true, I might have fucked up Kayle.
I had it as Top when she is classified here as Support. Give me 5.
I mean logically NO ONE should take the deal regardless of alignment imo. And if this was an actual mafia ability I'd argue it shouldn't have been announced in thread that my targets would be bamboozled.

As is, my role is just a giant meme and my ability just serves to stir up randomness and for me to gauge reactions. I suspected Melodie and UB cause I initially thought there couldn't be so many memes besides me but it would seem it's more like the rule in this game rather than the exception.

The mentality that x was wrong in so many cases so it finally must correct in this case is flawed imo.

Kill this nibba.

[Vote Lynch WolfPrinceKiba]
To keep Okosan and the other non League savvy up to speed:
Franky - Support
MAD - Support
Didi - Top
Degaforce - Top
Novaselinenever - ADC
Ratchet - Mid
Mr. Waffles - Top
WolfPrinceKouga - Top
Chaos - Top
Kira Yagami - Jungle
Luck - Support
Cooler - Jungle
Okosan - Top
Mysti - ADC
Legend - Top
Avito - Jungle

@WolfPrinceKouga Opinions?

Why am I listed as top ? :hm
To be clear, I have 0 knowledge about positions for LoL champs, so I have no clue if you're even correct about mine. >_>
Yeah, that's why I had her as Top. But if if you lump Zilean, Lux and Kayle together what's the common factor there?

Do not say Mid, plz :geg
Oddjutsu's set was for support but for champions that can play multiple roles, it's possible Nitty offered them for multiple roles. Don't think it fits a support Kayle choice to be an SK/vig.

To keep Okosan and the other non League savvy up to speed:
Franky - Support
MAD - Support
Didi - Top
Degaforce - Top
Novaselinenever - ADC
Ratchet - Mid
Mr. Waffles - Top
WolfPrinceKouga - Top
Chaos - Top
Kira Yagami - Jungle
Luck - Support
Cooler - Jungle
Okosan - Top
Mysti - ADC
Legend - Top
Avito - Jungle

@WolfPrinceKouga Opinions?
Chaos chose jungle in the sign-up thread. Kira was fill but Malph/Fiddle can be jg or support. Okosan also pretty sure was fill and don't think those two fit top, would think Galio jg more viable than Amumu top. For fill players they might have gotten mixed sets. Waffles doesn't make sense as Kalista isn't a top laner, he is also fill.
Fair 'nuff, I guess.

Yo, Didi

What are the odds of you being a mafia assassin that can kill every other phase instead of a town Vig?

Asking for a friend.

I'm also not quite kill every other phase
just if I target someone again the next night my ability becomes a kill, like how Camille can re-cast her leg poke ability and it then has true damage (think it's her Q? haven't really played her but it's her main dmg, that's usually Q)

so only if I always commit to same targets then I kill every other phase
Like if Luck is Kayle, which he isn't denying, then if the discard order in the sign-up is correct then Kayle was offered again after Luck selected it. I'm not sure it matters as I doubt this game has an SK considering it has a cultist and multiple other indies. We also haven't seen anyone other than Kayle that seems to qualify for a town vig. That it's always been a superkill is rather suspect though for a town role.
Just catching up, but wanted to get some info down quickly in case it was pertinent to someone
Lulu attempted to convert [???], but it failed.
This is interesting to me, because I was told Remchu was converted through my ability, yet he's flipped Town here. That tells me there is a chance LuLu's targets don't flip as converted, or maybe they're simply not aware they were converted. Assuming the conversion applied to Remchu came from LuLu, that is. Not sure if it's useful, but maybe.

Event was a negative for me, btw, if anyone was wondering.
Indie hunting at a time like this...
Poor reaction Cooler. Why not wait for MAD and Luck to finish their dialogue first?
Reading OP too hard ?

Sad to see you be one of those people. :blobcry
I'm curious because neither are right for me. So I'm wondering what the basis is, and whether it was something he can correct and redo to get more accurate conclusions, or if he's just making it up entirely. Because if it's wrong for me, I'm going to guess it's wrong for a number of others, too.
I'm curious because neither are right for me. So I'm wondering what the basis is, and whether it was something he can correct and redo to get more accurate conclusions, or if he's just making it up entirely. Because if it's wrong for me, I'm going to guess it's wrong for a number of others, too.

It's the discarded list for everyone listed in the OP by the host.

But bastard game, so lol.
To keep Okosan and the other non League savvy up to speed:
Franky - Support
MAD - Support
Didi - Top
Degaforce - Top
Novaselinenever - ADC
Ratchet - Mid
Mr. Waffles - Top
WolfPrinceKouga - Top
Chaos - Top
Kira Yagami - Jungle
Luck - Support
Cooler - Jungle
Okosan - Top
Mysti - ADC
Legend - Top
Avito - Jungle

@WolfPrinceKouga Opinions?
Talk me through this list please. What are you using to conclude it?
Speed reading the worst.

I just picked the one that I knew lol.
Only champions I can remember after playing it 4 years ago were Ashe and Teemo

And yeah yeah. It's kinda hurt my reads so I'm mostly winging it honestly.


I've been on chaos all game but his defence over the vote gives me pause for thought. It feels genuine enough. So I'm kinda at a loss.
COOOOO! (Are you talking about Ishmael's spy result on Okosan?)
Yeah, that. Apparently I just associated someone surviving a kill with you being able to survive kills and just made the assumption hastily. Are you sure you didn't say you got attacked at some point? I mean besides Evelynn.
Talk me through this list please. What are you using to conclude it?
The front page, really. I admit I'm more of a DotA player, but I dabbled in League for a bit (League DOES have the better redheads :maybe) so I just went over the discarded roles and made the connections to give each player a role.
If my math is right, which I doubt, you are the last Mid player alive. And If we go with the theory that the mafia team is a balanced 5 man team, you HAVE to be part of it :distracted

That's all I really have on you, really :geg

@Franky You have more than one skill, right? Because I know you either targeted or got targeted by Mystic. And seeing as Mystic didn't target you, it has to be the other way around. What else are you hiding? :hmm
Yeah, that. Apparently I just associated someone surviving a kill with you being able to survive kills and just made the assumption hastily. Are you sure you didn't say you got attacked at some point? I mean besides Evelynn.

The front page, really. I admit I'm more of a DotA player, but I dabbled in League for a bit (League DOES have the better redheads :maybe) so I just went over the discarded roles and made the connections to give each player a role.
If my math is right, which I doubt, you are the last Mid player alive. And If we go with the theory that the mafia team is a balanced 5 man team, you HAVE to be part of it :distracted

That's all I really have on you, really :geg

@Franky You have more than one skill, right? Because I know you either targeted or got targeted by Mystic. And seeing as Mystic didn't target you, it has to be the other way around. What else are you hiding? :hmm

This is a blatant lie. I only have one skill and never targeted Mystic with it.

[Vote Lynch Degacorce]
Yeah, that. Apparently I just associated someone surviving a kill with you being able to survive kills and just made the assumption hastily. Are you sure you didn't say you got attacked at some point? I mean besides Evelynn.

The front page, really. I admit I'm more of a DotA player, but I dabbled in League for a bit (League DOES have the better redheads :maybe) so I just went over the discarded roles and made the connections to give each player a role.
If my math is right, which I doubt, you are the last Mid player alive. And If we go with the theory that the mafia team is a balanced 5 man team, you HAVE to be part of it :distracted

That's all I really have on you, really :geg

@Franky You have more than one skill, right? Because I know you either targeted or got targeted by Mystic. And seeing as Mystic didn't target you, it has to be the other way around. What else are you hiding? :hmm
COOOO! COO! (Okoan doesn't think he said he'd been attacked besides that. And regardless Okosan hasn't been as far as he knows.)
And If we go with the theory that the mafia team is a balanced 5 man team, you HAVE to be part of it :distracted

That's all I really have on you, really :geg

Cooooo (Also we probably shouldn't be pursuing anyone based off of this theory Dega. Because while it hasn't been unproven it would be a waste of resources to go after someone solely off of it. Better to just go after scummy people and see what's up.)
[Vote lynch Legend]

Think he was Ish's main suspect last phase.
No I was not.
Cooooo! (So these are probably his biggest three right now: )

-Avito (Low post count and refuses to actually participate in the game)
-Legend (A decent number of posts, but none of them really mean anything. Almost feels liks he' just trying to blend enough to not get noticed. On that note that's kind of why Okosan also suspects Waffles.)
-WPK (Extremely low post count except for yesterday for some reason, where they tripled their number of posts. Maybe they were scared of the vote stacking? Also just kind of feeling this one)
Im always here in the ether
So get off me nuts, we should do this instead.

[Vote Lynch Legend]

No you should not
For me, the current scum team is looking like

I doubt scum would have that many people if we are to assume we have 3 indies.
D1: Didi (Felt sketchy about his gonna be inactive cause other game play so like why not. Also memes.) <Effect bounced back to me on N3 but I shouldn't be randomized cause of my passive>

N1: Ratchet (Uncharacteristically inactive, used to seeing more out of him.)

D2: Legend (Coasting nibba.) <He declined>

N2: Chaos (Weird reads, etc)

D3: Avito (Another inactive nibba.) <Apparently this was redirected to Okosan who declined the invite.>
Lies. I would never turn down a power up
Legend declined a chance to become more powerful? He is almost definitely some kind of scum then.

[Vote Lynch ~Mystic Serenade~]
Exactly I would accept it and spite kill you or something

[Vote Lynch ~Mystic Serenade~]
I guess I will [Vote lynch Legend] for now, going to bed
Thats not fishy at all
Why Avito over the other two?
Cooooooo! (Yeah so WPK is at the very least posting reads of some sort. While it might not be much, it's better than what the other two are doing. Legend is kind of in the same spot but just a lot worse. They haven't posted really anything super helpful, but sadly it's still been more than Avito. Who's just been dodging helping out all over the place.)

COOO? (Like they seem very hesitant to talk.)
COO! (Yeah but to be fair, UB's didn't either so he's unsure what to think now :psyduck)
How are the two comparable? The only thing weird about UB's ability was the blood mechanic. That was more a flavor thing and kind of nerf since Observer and deciphering w-u is op. Hindsight is 20/20 though lol.

I don't see a point for Mystic's ability though, except screwing with town. Too mysterious which would make sense as scum. Like luring people in who don't know what is up, and then hitting them with the redirect thing
Cooooooo! (Yeah so WPK is at the very least posting reads of some sort. While it might not be much, it's better than what the other two are doing. Legend is kind of in the same spot but just a lot worse. They haven't posted really anything super helpful, but sadly it's still been more than Avito. Who's just been dodging helping out all over the place.)

COOO? (Like they seem very hesitant to talk.)
Ill talk i just dont have much to say as we have no solid leads to base anything off of. We keep missing and then shooting in the dark.

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