Game League of Legends 2 (mafia wins!)

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Ok, ill believe u for now.

But u still gotta explain to me how that innocent ability of urs works. Does it not affect mafia or smth?

Guh. I feel like I’ve explained this a lot. I can specifically ‘modify’ anyone’s role that night without even editing their passive necessarily.

I can turn people into Innocent Childs, Bombs, Nexuses, Lightning Rods, Millers, Bulletproofs, Super Bulletproofs, Lynchproofs, Generic. And so on.

On Night 1 to prove my very wide range of potential, I turned Ratchet into an Innocent Child. I have zero idea if he’s mafia or not (well, untrue, I have a read on him but I don’t think I want to give my reads much this game because I’m not inclined to help either mafia or town particularly. I am only trying to save individuals who I think are in danger). Therefore he could easily be Mafia and I gave him the Innocent Child ability, which by description, is a role that announces to the thread they are Town.
This lack of activity is basically gg at this point.

Praise the sun.


>I post a vote on WPK without anything else
>nobody questions it


Well I scum read him so...

But go ahead, explain yourself lol.

Thoughts on Nova and Chaos?
Town is getting rekt and im nowhere near achieving my wincon yet :tiredpepe
We need to lynch a scum today lads

Mofos who have to go:

Coooo? (What do you mean you're nowhere near your wincon yet? Because according to you earlier it's just: )

I dont want to reveal everything day 1 just because one person susses me a bit but alright if itll get you off my dick :
My wincon: someone of my choosing surviving till end of game,they must be innocent.

COO! (Nothing to work towards according to that.)
Cooooooo! (But if you haven't had any luck wouldn't that mean that all of the people you chose weren't "innocent"?)
Not exactly,there can also be other factors that play in to my ability not working but shizune doesnt want to answer that for me
My thing didnt work on mystic tho,i believe ive already mentioned that theres a chance hes scum which is why im down to lynch mystic
I targeted Ishmael with my ability and well he's dead so my roleblock doesn't matter.

I can confirm that Kayle's kill was a Super Kill and someone else targeted him with a "Controlling" Ability, whatever the fuck that means...
Just remembered that Nova started hardpushing Ish yesterday after Legend got heat so could be a connection there

[Vote Lynch Mystic]

would prefer Legend lynch tbh but this works too
WPK needs a bullet

Yeah I mean I do have a bit of suss on Nova for the way Ish flipped but he did make compelling points. Nova has been too quiet really.

Right now my scum reads are;

One of Chaos or Nova possibly both

Praise the fucking sun.

List of living players:

Franky - Blitzcrank, Taric
2. MAD - Karma, Taric
3. Didi - Ornn, Kled
4. Degaforce - Illaoi, Gangplank
5. Novaselinenever - Jinx, Miss Fortune
6. Ratchet - Malzahar, Zyra
7. Mr. Waffles - Yorick, Kalista
10. WolfPrinceKouga - Tryndamere, Fiora
12. Chaos - Taliyah, Vi
13. Kira Yagami - Malphite, Fiddlesticks
14. Luck - Leona, Zilean
15. Cooler - Nocturne, Ivern
16. Okosan - Galio, Amumu
18. Mysti - Quinn, Graves
22. Legend - Cho'Gath, Akali
23. Avito - Ivern, Zac

@Avito get in here or get lynched,why would you sub in if you're just gonna inactifag yourself :drake
Cooooo! (So these are probably his biggest three right now: )

-Avito (Low post count and refuses to actually participate in the game)
-Legend (A decent number of posts, but none of them really mean anything. Almost feels liks he' just trying to blend enough to not get noticed. On that note that's kind of why Okosan also suspects Waffles.)
-WPK (Extremely low post count except for yesterday for some reason, where they tripled their number of posts. Maybe they were scared of the vote stacking? Also just kind of feeling this one)
So basically the top lynch candidates last phase both flipped town? Or did the vote stacking by Rem put Franky in the mix?

At first I thought the late swing to Lewd was to save Ishmael but he flipped town too...

There's clearly some mafia hidden in the low activity posters...

@Chaos and @novaselinenever what are your reads on each other?
Scum. His vote late last phase is the icing on the cake. It's really bad. At that point, the lynch was going strong between Lewd/Ishmael and the wagon on you had pretty much died. Felt like he was distancing himself from both wagon, and just throwing his vote so he isn't held accountable. It's weird also since he allegedly had a scum read on Lewd earlier, but decided to throw his vote when it may have decided who gets the axe. Yeah, no

Now your turn. Why specifically us, and why on each other?
@Kira Yagami I could explain to you why your ability may have failed on me but it would also explain my defensive passive. :catprone
Aight Explain
And Are you implying you know what kind of ability i used on u?
Rem night 1.
Oko night 2.
Mad night 3.

Apprently mad's active was reflected back onto me.
Mad says it had nothing to do with him tho
Just remembered that Nova started hardpushing Ish yesterday after Legend got heat so could be a connection there

[Vote Lynch Mystic]

would prefer Legend lynch tbh but this works too
WPK needs a bullet
What? I started that Ish wagon when Cooler was taking heat. Made a pretty post about it to stop his wagon 'cause that shit was dumb.

What is up with Mystic?

I want to lynch either WPK or Chaos today, so if you say WPK needs a bullet. Hope on. Tired of his bullshit essay posts, fence-sitting and throwing light shade everywhere trying to stir the conversation where he wants it. His push on me D1 was horse-shit. Like he knew that wagon was'n't going anywhere and he didn't even attempt to push it. I shut him down and he never came back to me. Just like a fake push to give the impression that he's going after scum and avoiding the Indie talk that where happening at the moment. Tried to buddy Remchu D2 when Rem suspected me with some "I can be down to lynch Nova today". Since then nothing.

[Vote Lynch WPK]
Aight Explain
And Are you implying you know what kind of ability i used on u?

I was assuming your ability to pick someone that must survive til the end but my passive defense can affect a large range of abilities. Basically when I'm targeted by an ability the reverse happens to me. Though the extent and implications of this are basically up to Shizune decide, for example I was just told something like if I was targeted by a kill I'd be protected instead, etc and I imagine if someone protected me I'd die perhaps?

Basically actions do weird things to me. Also why I had to play things close to the chest, didn't want to bait protects on me :caticon
I was assuming your ability to pick someone that must survive til the end but my passive defense can affect a large range of abilities. Basically when I'm targeted by an ability the reverse happens to me. Though the extent and implications of this are basically up to Shizune decide, for example I was just told something like if I was targeted by a kill I'd be protected instead, etc and I imagine if someone protected me I'd die perhaps?

Basically actions do weird things to me. Also why I had to play things close to the chest, didn't want to bait protects on me :caticon
So basically you can survive any regular kill/superkill to hit you? Pretty OP :thunk
Is that all?

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