Game League of Legends 3 (town+indie win!)

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Sad what you’ve fallen too
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Fine, but only one out of three is true:

Night 1

"... activate it on night 2. Just don't vote for me again tomorrow, and we are fine..."

"... they are town reading all of us right now..."

"... wait for end of this phase to switch or you may look scummy..."

Night 2

"... they don't know your claim is a lie yet, so you should be safe today..."

"... if he doesn't vote for anyone then it's a self vote for 2, add the 7 vote power we have to work with and we're looking at 9..."

"... the game will end soon as long as that doesn't happen..."

Also, I know which character @is a is in terms of flavour. Based on Wiki sounds like someone on the good side.

But like
[Change Vote Lynch Kvothe Kingkiller]

Vote count

Nessos - SinRaven > Melkor > Samael > SinRaven > Samael > WPK
LG - Sin > Oddjutsu > Sin
Sin - Sin > Kvothe > Samael > WPK > Oddjutsu > Okosan > Kvothe
Oddjutsu - Samael
Samael - Mysti > Nessos > SinRaven > Oddjutsu
WPK - Okosan > Oddjutsu > Nessos > Oddjutsu
Melodie - Sin
Melkor - Sin > Okosan > Oddjutsu
Kvothe - Okosan > NoYou > Sin
is a - is a > Sin
Okosan - Oddjutsu > Nessos > Oddjutsu
Go D. Usopp - Oddjutsu
NoYou - Samael > Oddjutsu > Okosan

Oddjutsu - 5
SinRaven - 4
Samael - 1
Okosan - 1
Kvothe - 1
WPK - 1

Votes lock in ~2 hours and 45 minutes, at 8:15 PM central time.
Why des a mafia player randomly restore shots of townies? Just to make a gambit and try to gain cred?

In a role madness game like this it's risky as fuck.

Imo if you want to lynch WPK at least exhaust other more likely options first.
I played with a bunch of player who do that to get Towncreds. I am one of them.
Just look at this convinient claim of WPK...

Okosan as Indie reveal after Okosan claimed survivor.
And SinRaven as Scum reveal, but somehow SinRaven lynch got redirected.
[Change vote lynch WPK]

We should get rid of the miseading fake Indie.

I am effectively town and share town's wincon. I was indie at start of game only in the sense that I wasn't aligned with anyone, but now I am. All my info checks out, yet I'm supposedly doing some major gambit? I have never done gambits out of nowhere like that in my entire seven years playing this game.

Like it or not but we need to lynch a mafia today, they're all too happy to see me go down
You do realize we're putting SinRaven as the #1 right? We prefer them, and have to test out their powers. Your best bet to live is to vote them.

i just think it’s funny how 3 days in a row people have driven discussion about mexikorn onto another conversation and all the other tap dancing scumlords dare not utter his name

but oh well
I was trying to go for Nessos/Mexicorn but LG and others I needed to have support my plan were not complying+Okosan is aimed at NoYou tonight, at the least we get a mafia resource expended to save them, ideally they die and are scum like we think.
[Change Vote Lynch SinRaven]

Like I'm the only guy with actual evidence against a player but of course nobody believes me because I'm a baddie
I mean, whether we believe you or not is kind of irrelevant to you being a lynch candidate. We lynch you, if your role shows powers that would support the knowledge you say you have then we use it to our advantage. Scum vs scum action goes down a lot in role madness games, and once one flips you can bet the other will likely be taken down soon after.
I mean, whether we believe you or not is kind of irrelevant to you being a lynch candidate. We lynch you, if your role shows powers that would support the knowledge you say you have then we use it to our advantage. Scum vs scum action goes down a lot in role madness games, and once one flips you can bet the other will likely be taken down soon after.
The problem with that is I lose the game and so do you
I expected resistance to the plan but this is just a total failure on multiple levels, with whichever are bad townies among the extra odd voters/off wagon voters just gamethrowing at this point.

actually looking at the votes its not awful, sin shouls still lead with 1 and if mafia tries to make a last minute shenanigan vote clump i can switch to odd last second
actually looking at the votes its not awful, sin shouls still lead with 1 and if mafia tries to make a last minute shenanigan vote clump i can switch to odd last second
The plan is designed around not allowing extra vote power/other vote fuckery to control the lynch, so we can have a clearer idea of the limits of Sin's abilities and if they aren't so invulnerable, get them lynched today.
The only thing that is plain is that at least half your posts in this game are trolling.

You led us to a mislynch on day 1 then tried to justify by saying the hjost lied in the sign-up thread. Your word isn't worth anything here.
I thought he was going to flip maf and I would have gotten hella town cred, don't act like the whole town wasn't complicit in that lynch
Wait, everyone's lynching Oddjutsu, not Okosan?
I've got to step up my reading comprehension, how hard can it be to not confuse two names with O
[Vote Lynch Okosan]
We're primarily trying to lynch SinRaven, with Oddjutsu as our fail safe if what happened yesterday happens again, with the lynch going onto the person with the second most votes.

Your vote should be on SinRaven. Oddjutsu is for trusted and/or not particularly suspicious individuals only.

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