Game League of Legends 3 (town+indie win!)

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Can someone rate this optimistic? :optimisticat
nitty likes to make mafia have lesser numbers but increase their power by a lot, there’s typically a lot of lynchpins like the kaguya role in the naruto game

i actually don’t doubt that sin might legit be untargettable and unlynchable because it fits the flavor of that stupid cancer cat to a tea, but once she has no teammates to attach to she’s useless (gone? generic?)

Don’t recommend lynching sin
nitty likes to make mafia have lesser numbers but increase their power by a lot, there’s typically a lot of lynchpins like the kaguya role in the naruto game

i actually don’t doubt that sin might legit be untargettable and unlynchable because it fits the flavor of that stupid cancer cat to a tea, but once she has no teammates to attach to she’s useless (gone? generic?)

Don’t recommend lynching sin
I survive till endgame regardless of what I'm targeted with/how many times I'm lynched.

So it's true, you can waste your time on me but it wont get you anywhere.

I'm not mafia tho :catshrug
granted im not the most trustworthy bloke around now but p sure teeters (kvothe) has to feel a lot better about me and generally speaking ive not had any tangible interactions with the posters writ large (which is what deducts town points from me, i know) but it also doesn’t make pursuing my angle a particularly viable one atm

but if it were up to me id hang mexikorn (assuming he’s the noyou dude), Okosan (cuz lol indie claims), and god usopp by their necks until they were dead (sin notwithstanding)

only i have no real agency in deciding who gets lynched for mechanical reasons and maybe i soft trolled early by RPing my role xd
granted im not the most trustworthy bloke around now but p sure teeters (kvothe) has to feel a lot better about me and generally speaking ive not had any tangible interactions with the posters writ large (which is what deducts town points from me, i know) but it also doesn’t make pursuing my angle a particularly viable one atm

but if it were up to me id hang mexikorn (assuming he’s the noyou dude), Okosan (cuz lol indie claims), and god usopp by their necks until they were dead (sin notwithstanding)

only i have no real agency in deciding who gets lynched for mechanical reasons and maybe i soft trolled early by RPing my role xd

i can say for certain that wad is town.

anyways we can go for mexi or maybe mystic since it seems he didnt get vigged or modkilled
nitty likes to make mafia have lesser numbers but increase their power by a lot, there’s typically a lot of lynchpins like the kaguya role in the naruto game

i actually don’t doubt that sin might legit be untargettable and unlynchable because it fits the flavor of that stupid cancer cat to a tea, but once she has no teammates to attach to she’s useless (gone? generic?)

Don’t recommend lynching sin
You doubt that Sin not getting lynched was just a one shot?!?

Would you rate rate as mafia or Indie ability?
ive literally been unlynchable and unkillable myself as mafia in a role made by the host in one of his games so i know it’s not outside his power scaling

Yuumi is the literal definition of co-dependence so 0.0000000000% she is anything but mafia scum
In that Case it wouldn't make much sense for Melkor trying to let SinRaven look like Town, If they are scumbuddies.

1. WolfPrinceKouga
2. Nessos
3. SinRaven
4. Go D. Usopp
5. Oddjutsu
7. Okosan
8. Melodie
9. is a
11. Kvothe Kingkiller
12. Lord Genome
6. NoYouCantChangeNamesOnNF
17. Lord Melkor
18. ~Mystic Serenade~

remaining player list

if i had to guess

a normal 20 player game is usually 15 town 5 mafia? definitly some indies apparently and i would guess one sk type

13 players and i would guess 4 mafia 2 indies max

so that means 7 town, 4 mafia, 2 indies in a worst case scenario which means today is a potential lylo day

we so far have

wpk/kvothe/is a/samuel as soft confirmed i think(im town of course)

so that leaves a pool of

sin(mafia or indie confirmed)
okosan(mafia or indie confirmed)

for mafia/town suspects, assuming the soft confirmed towns are town

i want to say nessos and mexicorn are both town but i might be tunneling on that too hard tbh and the pool is getting pretty small for it

sin(mafia or indie confirmed)
okosan(mafia or indie confirmed)

melodie didnt target anyone last night so theres that i guess
1. WolfPrinceKouga
2. Nessos
3. SinRaven
4. Go D. Usopp
5. Oddjutsu
7. Okosan
8. Melodie
9. is a
11. Kvothe Kingkiller
12. Lord Genome
6. NoYouCantChangeNamesOnNF
17. Lord Melkor
18. ~Mystic Serenade~

remaining player list

if i had to guess

a normal 20 player game is usually 15 town 5 mafia? definitly some indies apparently and i would guess one sk type

13 players and i would guess 4 mafia 2 indies max

so that means 7 town, 4 mafia, 2 indies in a worst case scenario which means today is a potential lylo day

we so far have

wpk/kvothe/is a/samuel as soft confirmed i think(im town of course)

so that leaves a pool of

sin(mafia or indie confirmed)
okosan(mafia or indie confirmed)

for mafia/town suspects, assuming the soft confirmed towns are town

i want to say nessos and mexicorn are both town but i might be tunneling on that too hard tbh and the pool is getting pretty small for it

sin(mafia or indie confirmed)
okosan(mafia or indie confirmed)

melodie didnt target anyone last night so theres that i guess
I forgot all about Usopp, he goes on my list
1. WolfPrinceKouga
2. Nessos
3. SinRaven
4. Go D. Usopp
5. Oddjutsu
7. Okosan
8. Melodie
9. is a
11. Kvothe Kingkiller
12. Lord Genome
6. NoYouCantChangeNamesOnNF
17. Lord Melkor
18. ~Mystic Serenade~

remaining player list

if i had to guess

a normal 20 player game is usually 15 town 5 mafia? definitly some indies apparently and i would guess one sk type

13 players and i would guess 4 mafia 2 indies max

so that means 7 town, 4 mafia, 2 indies in a worst case scenario which means today is a potential lylo day

we so far have

wpk/kvothe/is a/samuel as soft confirmed i think(im town of course)

so that leaves a pool of

sin(mafia or indie confirmed)
okosan(mafia or indie confirmed)
Lord Melkor

for mafia/town suspects, assuming the soft confirmed towns are town

i want to say nessos and mexicorn are both town but i might be tunneling on that too hard tbh and the pool is getting pretty small for it

sin(mafia or indie confirmed)
okosan(mafia or indie confirmed)
Lord Melkor

melodie didnt target anyone last night so theres that i guess

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