Game League of Legends 3 (town+indie win!)

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I’m trying like hell to figure out Ratchet’s character
If they had ADC I would guess Draven, for jungle I could see like Kayn collecting souls? But that makes more sense as an ability for him if he has the ability to make kills. Karthus wanting to be targeted for after-death shenanigans maybe hmm

This is actually a good guess.

dem thats alot of posts and drama

its just an RNG game take it easy m9s :teach
The point of this "drama" as you put it is so town has a better than randomized chance to lynch scum. It's how town's win games. I could see why that wouldn't interest scum such as yourself though.

You shouldn't doubt yourself like that, I certainly don't and I catch buckets full of cum

Your scumdar is not terrible, tbh. It's more like average.

Scumdars are overrated as fuck.
Wad, I'm not really sure yet, I'll give an answer next phase regarding DDL's alignment . I don't really the interaction with Sin they had, one of them seems like they're inting.

[Vote Lynch NoYouCant]

Not a fan of their posts so far but I'm unsure whether they're new to mafia or not. other people on the Ratchet train like Oddjutsu and Neesos are also questionable. But it has to be only one of them that decided to jump on that train. since several mafia jumping on that is extremely unlikely.
So what makes me questionable?
These are my pings

But if you had to spite vote...

Who would it be?
This straight up reminds me of the "gun to your head" manipulation, it creates a false dilemma and is a perfect tactic for scum

i was raised in the flame you cannot harm me
This feels wrong, like hidden meaning wrong. Raised in the flame - you cannot harm me

[Vote lynch Melodie]

For justice
I'm not convinced this is for justice, I think this is for distancing

Lowkey there's no point in questioning it because no answer would be satisfactory.
Emphatically wrong, there's going to be a satsfactory but maybe it's one you don't people to know about

I just see it more likely that an indie would draw attention to themselves than mafia and i dont see why a townie would need people to vote for him. Thats just my conjecture. Also and therefore, why should we assume indie is pro town
Asking the wrong question here, realistically nobody is assuming indie is pro town. He has this whole thing backwards

That's uh... how you play mafia?
Samael knows how to play mafia and DDL knows it

Ratchet vs Nessos looks like town/town
TMI was brought up first by DDL earlier in the day, he says it looks like town/town but hasn't gone so far as to say why it looks that way

Santi is barely even playing the game, dunno how you can actually extract alignment from his posts.
Right after I post my initial sus list he immediately tries to deflect, most of you in this game have seen me extract alignment from a couple posts. Downplaying me doesn't work in this situation
Ok so I'm going to bed soon, will try to give my reads tomorrow morning if day phase is still going or barring that the dayphase after. Regarding Ratchet. I think it's a reasonable assumption to make that most people read him as indie rn so watching how people react to him may give insights into the alignments of those players. I was kinda hoping there'd be more of a lynchtrain on him, reasoning being that even more insights could thus be gleamed, but his outing himself with his weird ability caused enough of a ruckus. I may change my vote later but I have no candidate yet as I didn't yet actively scumhunt. So far just taking in impressions and watching the situation from afar so to speak.

And yeah I'm Mexikorn. I just renamed myself cause someone on the ally asked "You can change your names on NF???" to which I replied with "What are you talking about?"
[Vote Lynch NoYou]

Coooo! (Got one)
Coooooooo? (Also reading through the thread, Okosan honestly thinks that all the people really contributing in this game so far are town. Like the top 6 posters kind of thing. There might be a scum between like, Odd/Sin or something, but honestly Okosan is willing to give everyone there a day pass at least)
COOOO! (And before these change and people don't know who this is in the future, Okosan's talking about Nessos, Cooler, Sin, DDL, Odd, and Ratchet (who may be indie or whatever who cares right now) )
your whole focus and interactions fall back to one person. Ratchet.

Every post involving these guys fall back to another which is Ratchet. I’m not acting like anything I’m speaking on what I’ve noticed.
Not really.
Sure I mentioned that Drago might have brought back the Ratchet topic to deflect, but my main point against Drago is sth which is not related to Ratchet.

Are you trying to discredit me to protect your scumbuddy Drago? Or what are you doing right now?
My point is you can't keep your story straight. You're grasping at just about everything just to save face. It's perfectly fine to be wary,but it's not fine to create some ridiculous theory and use that to add weight to your beliefs and make them seem like they're more strongly founded than they really are. And at this point, I think I've had enough of prodding you to actually start mapping out your logical process. I can only assume you haven't done so because it simply doesn't exist.

[Vote Lynch Nessos]

You know I do not like you being so defensive here after such a bold play.....
Is Cooler rolling mafia a lot as of late something we should all know here? I certainly didn't.
COOO? (Okosan didn't claim you should all know that? Okosan was commenting purely on the fact that LM claimed it was different from how Cooler was acting normal, indicating that LM knows what Cooler has been rolling there. Now if there are other games not here that Okosan's unaware of it makes more sense, but based purely on the games in this section it didn't make a whole lot of sense)
I have seen a lot games with Cooler.... also he was town in last one I played (it was on Allley).

Do you have any read on him yourself?
COOOO! (Yeah like Okosan stated Okosan just town reads him. Along with honestly all the high posters in this game so far. There's at most 1 mafia in that group Okosan listed, and then also maybe some weird indy stuff we don't need to worry about today)
COOO? (Okosan didn't claim you should all know that? Okosan was commenting purely on the fact that LM claimed it was different from how Cooler was acting normal, indicating that LM knows what Cooler has been rolling there. Now if there are other games not here that Okosan's unaware of it makes more sense, but based purely on the games in this section it didn't make a whole lot of sense)
Oh, alright. I see what you mean.
Pick who that mafia might be.
Coooooooo? (Also reading through the thread, Okosan honestly thinks that all the people really contributing in this game so far are town. Like the top 6 posters kind of thing. There might be a scum between like, Odd/Sin or something, but honestly Okosan is willing to give everyone there a day pass at least)

Cooooo! (All of Cooler, DDL, and Nessos just feel town to Okosan. Ratchet Okosan just doesn't want to talk about. So if there's a scum Okosan could see it being between Odd (honestly just a gut feeling Okosan could see) and Sin (Felt like Sin's contributions were a little lacking) )
This straight up reminds me of the "gun to your head" manipulation, it creates a false dilemma and is a perfect tactic for scum

lol no, asking who someone would they spite lynch is different to the "gun to your head" stuff because it's not trying to associate the answer with any reads.

I've asked people the gun to the head question as town before as well...

Weak sauce.
I'm on page 13 right now, trying to piece a picture together from everything thats happened.
Will update on complete picture if I still find the time today, but here's the TLDR and my strongest scumread.

[Change Vote Lynch Dragomir]
Is unfazed by Ratchet yet votes, unvotes him
Calls Cooler a paranoid townie
Is mostly sheeping, not scumhunting, and called out by it by DDL
Interestingly he's being defended for his playstyle by Samael right afterwards (interesting)
Votes for SinRaven then says he wasn't serious SMH

Other than him I have a few weak scum/scum team hunches but nothing substantial enough to make a case
Only strong town read imo is cooler. I'd like to have some input from Drago cause rn he's skating to hard for my taste.
Also this:
Cooler - Cockologist UNVOTE
SinRaven - Melodie UNVOTE
DDL - Melodie UNVOTE
Dragomir - VOTE UNVOTE Ratchet
Oddjutus - VOTE UNVOTE Ratchet
Santi - Melodie
Kvothe - VOTE UNVOTE Ratchet
Go.D. - Oddjutsu
Dragomir - SinRaven
Lord Melkor - Ratchet UNVOTE
Oddjutsu - Santi
Samael - DDL
Is A - Mexikorn
SinRaven - Kvothe
Cooler - Kvothe
Lord Melkor - DDL
DDL - Dragomir UNVOTE
Nessos - Dragomir

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