Game League of Legends 3 (town+indie win!)

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And this:

Nessos Yorick, Lissandra
Is A Ornn, Illaoi
Santi Zac, Tahm Kench
DDL Trundle, Cho'Gath


WPK Evelynn, Zac
Ratchet Qiyana, Kha'Zix
Dragomir Amumu, Evelynn


Go D. Usopp Karma, Neeko
Kvothe King Zyra, Qiyana


Mexikorn Kai'Sa, Miss Fortune
Oddjutsu Swain, Kalista
Melodie Kindred, Cassiopeia
Lord Genome Miss Fortune, Neeko


SinRaven Fiddlesticks, Zyra
Hayumi/Okosan Neeko, Leona


Lord Melkor Anivia, Pantheon
Cockologist Evelynn, Anivia
Cooler Twisted Fate, Galio
Mysti Qiyana, Twisted Fate
Samael Kha'Zix, Kai'Sa

I don't think Ratchet is teemo cause he's not a viable jungler
Also the above post only counts lynches till day 13, mind you
Oh yeah and one more thing. Regarding my attitude towards ratchet. I tried basically assessing what everyone's attitude to bussing him would be. That turned out rather as not working at all but I'm still gonna take in everyone's reaction to that, and by proxy their reactions to me trying to do that. I tried a similar thing in another game here:
I'm on page 13 right now, trying to piece a picture together from everything thats happened.
Will update on complete picture if I still find the time today, but here's the TLDR and my strongest scumread.

[Change Vote Lynch Dragomir]
Is unfazed by Ratchet yet votes, unvotes him
Calls Cooler a paranoid townie
Is mostly sheeping, not scumhunting, and called out by it by DDL
Interestingly he's being defended for his playstyle by Samael right afterwards (interesting)
Votes for SinRaven then says he wasn't serious SMH

Other than him I have a few weak scum/scum team hunches but nothing substantial enough to make a case
Only strong town read imo is cooler. I'd like to have some input from Drago cause rn he's skating to hard for my taste.
I called Nessos a paranoid townie, not Cooler. Why is this a bad thing?

I didn't do any sheeping mate. Literally none. Where are you guys coming up with this sheep stuff from bro?

I literally do not understand how my vote on SinRaven being a joke is a scummy thing. You gotta explain this to me.
I called Nessos a paranoid townie, not Cooler. Why is this a bad thing?

I didn't do any sheeping mate. Literally none. Where are you guys coming up with this sheep stuff from bro?

I literally do not understand how my vote on SinRaven being a joke is a scummy thing. You gotta explain this to me.
Coo?? (Yeah basically all of this. None of those seem like real reasons to be sussing/vote Dragomir)

@NoYouCantChangeNamesOnNF Cooooo! (What are your strongest reads in this game right now?)
You wouldn't do that intentionally but I know someone took a look at this mafia game and decided there were a couple unsavoury words about, my usertitle 12 inch clit got forcibly removed at about the same time cockologist got banned.

This just fits in nicely with my scum read on you

Wait so your case against Santi is you being salty that he removed your user title?

I'm on page 13 right now, trying to piece a picture together from everything thats happened.
Will update on complete picture if I still find the time today, but here's the TLDR and my strongest scumread.

[Change Vote Lynch Dragomir]
Is unfazed by Ratchet yet votes, unvotes him
Calls Cooler a paranoid townie
Is mostly sheeping, not scumhunting, and called out by it by DDL
Interestingly he's being defended for his playstyle by Samael right afterwards (interesting)
Votes for SinRaven then says he wasn't serious SMH

Other than him I have a few weak scum/scum team hunches but nothing substantial enough to make a case
Only strong town read imo is cooler. I'd like to have some input from Drago cause rn he's skating to hard for my taste.

Not sure how I feel about you following me on this wagon, tbh.

But thanks for the vote count, anyway!
Yeah sorry Mexikorn your vote tally is full of mistakes.

For instance it's missing all the votes on you :doge

This should be the right one.

Sin - Melodie Kvothe
DDL - Melodie Sin Dragomir Unvote Dragomir
Cooler - Cockologist Sin Unvote Kvothe
Nessos - Odd Dragomir
Dragomir - Ratchet Unvote Sin Unvote
Odd - Ratchet Unvote Santi
Santi - Melodie
Kvothe - Ratchet Unvote
Usopp - Odd
Mexikorn - Ratchet Dragomir
Melkor - Ratchet DDL Santi
WPK - Mexikorn
Samael - DDL
Wad - Mexikorn Unvote
Ratchet - Nessos
Melodie - Mexikorn
Okosan - Mexikorn

Mexikorn - 3
Dragomir - 3
Santi - 2
Kvothe - 2
DDL - 1
Nessos - 1
Melodie - 1
Odd - 1

Not voting: @Dragomir , @Kvothe Kingkiller , @is a , @Lord Genome , @COCKOLOGIST , @~Mystic Serenade~
Oh yeah and one more thing. Regarding my attitude towards ratchet. I tried basically assessing what everyone's attitude to bussing him would be. That turned out rather as not working at all but I'm still gonna take in everyone's reaction to that, and by proxy their reactions to me trying to do that. I tried a similar thing in another game here:

I haven't looked at the link yet cause I'm mostly waking up and on mobile but do you think ratchet is scum because the word bus implies it (i think).
I also think Ratchet's character is not teemo but someone else based on the ability he claims and the hints. I am waiting to see if the character will show up on write ups or not.

If I get it right Odd Made a conspiracy theory. He was afraid of Dr. Cock thats why he banned him.

That would be an odd use of mod powers.. Though it does feel like Santi is under the radar a bit.
I'm doing it for info.

Don't trust Odd, so want to see how his push flips.
This is gross :

[Change Vote Lynch Cooler]

Don't have a strong feeling on Odd or anyone really. Which is why I want to lynch Santi for info.

I also figured my attitude would bait a vote or two. Congrats for biting.
1. Why is it worthwhile to establish if Odd in particular has a good read?
2. Why not vote for someone that you actually have a fair amount of suspicion on rather than info lynching which are historically bad? By placing this as an info lynch to give you a better idea about Odd's alignment you also can try to easily redirect blame for a town Santi flip as well.
3. As for the last sentence of your post here, got to love "I behaved in a scummy manner, and you bit on calling me out for my scummy behavior! Man I'm so smart!
This is gross :

[Change Vote Lynch Cooler]

1. Why is it worthwhile to establish if Odd in particular has a good read?
2. Why not vote for someone that you actually have a fair amount of suspicion on rather than info lynching which are historically bad? By placing this as an info lynch to give you a better idea about Odd's alignment you also can try to easily redirect blame for a town Santi flip as well.
3. As for the last sentence of your post here, got to love "I behaved in a scummy manner, and you bit on calling me out for my scummy behavior! Man I'm so smart!

I'm literally exhausted right now man so forgive me for not putting max effort in.

I don't have much suspicion on anyone. Of the three bigger wagons I didn't want to lynch Dragomir and I'm more interested in the parties surrounding Santi than Mexi. Hence I went for Santi.

If Santi flips town and I use that as the sole basis of hanging Odd then feel free to lynch me. But guessing my future actions and using the basis for lynching me is hardly townie...

And yes I knew that if I didn't put much reasoning behind my vote that some would be opportunistic with it. I'm too lazy too scum hunt so I'm going for reactions.

I doubt you can find a game as scum where I was so careless with voting and my reasoning.

Lol nvm. This guy is full of shit.

There's no info from a D1 inactive.

According to Odd you've woven a tapestry all over this game.
If Santi flips town and I use that as the sole basis of hanging Odd then feel free to lynch me. But guessing my future actions and using the basis for lynching me is hardly townie...

I am confused you blame people thinking that you plan ti build a case on Odd if Santi flips town. Especiay after you posted this.

Don't have a strong feeling on Odd or anyone really. Which is why I want to lynch Santi for info.

Imagine game ended after Mystic votes with Santi lynch with Santi flipping town what kind of conclusion would you have bitten out of it.

Thats just a "what if", I don't see Santi as confirmed Town. Just wanna see a potential conclusion. We have still more than 2h left.
I am confused you blame people thinking that you plan ti build a case on Odd if Santi flips town. Especiay after you posted this.

Sorry I don't follow. Maybe I wrote that down poorly.

I'm saying that I don't like WPK claiming that I plan to use a Santi mislynch to go after Odd, can't blame me for something I haven't done right? And info lynches are a common thing, why are peeps acting like it's so scummy of me to opt for that in the absence of strong reads...

Almost feels like TMI from WPK as well, talking about a Santi town flip. He might flip scum too...

Imagine game ended after Mystic votes with Santi lynch with Santi flipping town what kind of conclusion would you have bitten out of it.

Thats just a "what if", I don't see Santi as confirmed Town. Just wanna see a potential conclusion. We have still more than 2h left.

I've already said that I don't have a good feeling about Mystic - no one seems interested in lynching them though. If that vote broke the tie or whatever I'd probably suspect that Mystic and one of the other big wagons were scum buddies.
I don't undertand the importance of getting a read on Odd of all people.

Who would be a good choice for wanting to get info on?

There was also LM who just seemed to fall onto the Santi wagon, Samael who had just popped his vote on without any explanation etc...

I could still lynch Dragomir but don't feel super strongly about it. Cooler lynch is juicier.

Juicer? Is that you saying I'd provide more info :torilol

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