Game League of Legends 3 (town+indie win!)

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The quote is "the 7 vote power we have to work with", this would imply it's the entire team, and that is still a scary amount of vote power for an entire team. Just one member having that would be ludicrous.
Coooo? (Okosan means he would have to look at the role again from the previous lol game, but Okosan's fairly sure there was a role that could get that much vote power under very similar conditions in that one)
"[Passive - Living Vengeance] - When another player casts a vote against someone in Varus's faction, he permanently gains an extra voting power when voting against them. If another player uses an ability to negatively tamper with Varus's vote, he will learn their identity and reflect the ability back at them."

Cooo? (Modify it to like a one shot or something instead and it doesn't seem insane)
Okay so there are 14 players left atm. Currently we don't know if Sin is actually unlynchable/untargetable and it's obviously in their best interest to make us think so. However the lynch could have went onto Ratchet for any number of reasons including but not limited to: a lynch redirect, extra vote power on those voting Ratchet, votes on Sin getting nullified somehow, etc.

My exact proposal is this : we pile 9 votes onto SinRaven. We then carefully choose four players to vote someone else like Okosan or Oddjutsu, I shall be one of these and the other three should be people that seem the most townie. Sin will obviously vote wherever they want.

We give a big lead to SinRaven, and my vote only counts for one. We would have to royally be fucking up for the other three chosen with me for them all to be scum with extra vote power, enough for a four person wagon to beat out a nine person wagon, and if any townie with extra vote power is chosen they should speak up about it.

This is how we go about testing SinRaven's invulnerability.
IIRC though precedent would be that lynch redirects are announced though, since I remember a lynch redirect being in a write-up in an earlier LoL game by Shizune.

quote from the update dm a couple weeks ago

Thank you for signing up for my mafia game. My goal was to start the game today, May 21st, but I'm running a little behind schedule so the game will be delayed by a few days. I don't know the exact new start date yet, but it will be within the next week, meaning it will start by May 28th at the latest. In the meantime, you can see which characters your fellow players declined in this post.

Although I can't announce the start date yet, I can fill you all in on some new game mechanics I'm doing that will be different from my previous games. To begin with, I'm taking a break from using post quoting mechanics and death millers. You can safely quote each others' posts without worrying about being affected by an ability, and you can trust that the slain roles I post in the thread are legitimate. Also, instead of the traditional 24 hour day and night phases, day phases will last 36 hours and night phases will last 12 hours. Finally, the information I put into writeups is changing. Instead of showing who is responsible for kills, I will simply show who died and what their role was (unless it's hidden by an ability), leaving it to you all to figure out whether someone was killed by the mafia or a town/indie player. I believe all of these changes are improvements on the game. If you have any questions, please ask so that I can answer them.

i know nitty wanted out of conversation but this isnt a role pm and it has a rules in it that arent 9in the op so should be fine

going byt this a redirect would be shown
"[Passive - Living Vengeance] - When another player casts a vote against someone in Varus's faction, he permanently gains an extra voting power when voting against them. If another player uses an ability to negatively tamper with Varus's vote, he will learn their identity and reflect the ability back at them."

Cooo? (Modify it to like a one shot or something instead and it doesn't seem insane)
Could be that something like that is in play, but it would have to be different to explain Ratchet's power.

Another explanation I thought of is that mafia could have frozen people's votes after a point in the phase, locking them in place which would be a good counter to Shyvana. How many votes at once did Ratchet have yesterday? How many came from the same ones voting them at phase end?
ill vote for sin then i guess

[change vote lynch sinraven]
Would prefer you to be on Okosan or Odd with me. I think I prefer Oddjutsu because Okosan is at least workable with and is potentially fairly harmless.

@Okosan I am taking you onto this since as either a survivor or an SK, I'm pretty sure you are the indie between you and Sin. You shall vote for Oddjutsu with me today.

If another kill happens that can't be explained by a town vig, and it's not on mafia, then off Okosan immediately.

[Change Vote Lynch Oddjutsu]

I think Nessos is another option because they looked to be forcing a push onto SinRaven in a way that is teammate distancing compatible and if they flip scum we nab two with one stone.
Would prefer you to be on Okosan or Odd with me. I think I prefer Oddjutsu because Okosan is at least workable with and is potentially fairly harmless.

@Okosan I am taking you onto this since as either a survivor or an SK, I'm pretty sure you are the indie between you and Sin. You shall vote for Oddjutsu with me today.

If another kill happens that can't be explained by a town vig, and it's not on mafia, then off Okosan immediately.

[Change Vote Lynch Oddjutsu]

I think Nessos is another option because they looked to be forcing a push onto SinRaven in a way that is teammate distancing compatible and if they flip scum we nab two with one stone.

i didnt want to say it but its used so whatever

i popped my one shot that gives everyone that voters with me double vote power

so yea
Assuming that Mafia is four or five people
Quote 1 seems obviously intended to make Ratchet look like scum so I'm 95% sure that's the false one. Night 2 is harder, 7 vote power at one time should be at most something temporary when it's only a 20 player game. The talk about claims being false could apply to many claims made d2. The other one is boring and is probable to be said, so it could be false just because it is so lacking in spice that people will think it's one of the real ones and conclude one of the other two are false.

This is all assuming LM is telling the truth here.

7 vote power does not sound that hard to get to me with 4 or 5 mafia - one doublevoter and someone who can have 3 votes once a game is enough to make it happen....
A serial killer is a threat to both mafia and town, but a caught out one has to at least play ball with town. Okosan could be SK, but that isn't for certain. What I do know is that someone attacked me n1, and no one has claimed that kill so it was likely from anti-town. This could have been an SK kill or an extra kill mafia had. If there was a second kill on n2 it got blocked, there might not have been one though.

Okosan said they had a kill, so we point in onto someone tonight.
A serial killer is a threat to both mafia and town, but a caught out one has to at least play ball with town. Okosan could be SK, but that isn't for certain. What I do know is that someone attacked me n1, and no one has claimed that kill so it was likely from anti-town. This could have been an SK kill or an extra kill mafia had. If there was a second kill on n2 it got blocked, there might not have been one though.

Okosan said they had a kill, so we point in onto someone tonight.
Cooo! (The kill is conditional. It can't just go on anybirdie)

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