Game Women In Fiction (mafia+indie win!)

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The guy always wanted to do the best, but ended up messing up :lmao
ngl back then even I lost my shit and snapped, still sorry if it added to him burning out. he is kindhearted, nice to have around in the thread.
yeah, that was like his first game iirc, so i definitely imagine the entire thread hounding him like a pack of dogs turned him away

i feel sorry too, but i couldn't exactly break kayfabe for him, i was too deep by that point :lmao
The guy always wanted to do the best, but ended up messing up :lmao
ngl back then even I lost my shit and snapped, still sorry if it added to him burning out. he is kindhearted, nice to have around in the thread.

yeah, that was like his first game iirc, so i definitely imagine the entire thread hounding him like a pack of dogs turned him away

i feel sorry too, but i couldn't exactly break kayfabe for him, i was too deep by that point :lmao
I still feel bad of how that went down even though I had a talk with him about it after.
I'm getting PTSD from the HST game :dank

What are the chances that WPK is town? I find it too much of a coincidence that both Juan and Kue targeted WPK and they both end up dead though
You should get PTSD from HST for more reasons than just that, dear Kvothe :tomaflirt

I don't know if anybody else mentioned, but the HST dream team players are all in the game.

@Go D. Usopp @John Wayne @Juan

Usopp looks awful but that's nothing new. Worth pointing out he was pushing me and doubting that there would be three millers earlier but he's completely dropped me from any scum lists.
ur scum reading my scum reads so im getting a bit conflicted here

also the goddess writeup says guilty sinners. it seems there r more than one guilty player there so the millers getting tossed in there makes sense

JW/WPk flips will clear u for me
kill them both and let god sort them out :pepesmoke

in this scenario though lynch wpk and roleblock jw or viceversa and vig usopp

then the following day you can lynch the other one

etc etc

anyway usopp and wpk and jw are all scum and if usopp did do something to hayumi he might be compromised too

anyway start dropping them fuckers :smoke
hayumi is fine lol

You’ve alrdy outed a lot tbh, and a lot more then some other’s iffy claims. I’ve scum read dunya since the start of d1, and nothings changed, especially not with how she’s been in not only the thread but also police chat.
we need ur voice more hayumi, ur like 99.99% confirmed town u should have the same power as these ningens to vouch for ppl and yeet ppl

use it!

remchu dunya WPK

who u go for if u had the choice? they r offered for us today in a yeet list
btw did we ever study the possibility of cata being scum that flips town?

her role looked like a scum role tbh, like those abilities r scummy as heck and shes just trolling rn
"Heads up in case this gets overlooked in the writeup:


Dude stfu. Read and think. You've played like dog shit all game long.
Inconsistency regarding voting JW - who likes like scum, general tone and meta, also one of the potential guilty parties as per the Goddess.
Oh ye the JW thing. He was going with LM even though it was revealed JW had targeted Kue. JW would have been the clear candidate to pressure.

I think he was suspecting LM before:

Scum tend to be overly verbose when saying they're not scum, and this definitely fits the bill. A guilty mind cares about putting forward how statistically improbable it is for them to be scum.

[Vote Lynch Lord Melkor]
Votes from the police group.

I was just following. Didn't put much thought behind. But I saw today usopp tries to use that investigation as a means to cast shade on people?

Dunya - familyparka
RemChu - familyparka
Usopp - familyparka > John Wayne > familyparka
Hayumi - John Wayne
Hayumi told us in the knight chat that Usopp dropped investing JW pretty soon in favor of family afair
If his "going on a date" ability is reversed, it might not be treated as an invest.

Start at the beginning, were his abilities even reversed in the first place as he's claiming they were.
A bodyguard+tracker should become a kill+watcher.

So it doesn‘t add up because he got the result Your target visited Go D. Usopp which already confirms his track went through and thus a reverse did not take place.
Votes from the police group.

I was just following. Didn't put much thought behind. But I saw today usopp tries to use that investigation as a means to cast shade on people?

Dunya - familyparka
RemChu - familyparka
Usopp - familyparka > John Wayne > familyparka
Hayumi - John Wayne
ya i work efficiently man
we can get reactions off ppl by claiming we fake invested them
dont even pretend that this is a bad strat now


I'm neutral. I'm an indie. I have no abilities. How can i be guilty?
why r u in the list then? u obviously scan guilty, its no use lying lol
usopp trying to derail is not a reason cypher chan
i want them both dead
i think dunya goes first is better
and even better if she goes and kills JW or WPK with her ability
we hit both with 1 stone, but shes not willing to do that
u know why? cuz scum af
She was perfectly willing to when I was about to execute her. She just doesn‘t follow you.

You have yet to explain the inconsistency with your claim.
Sigis I have trouble trusting.
You had trouble trusting me when I was mod confirmed town.
@Sigismund who interacted with Dunya?

@Sigismund do you have info on who interacted with dunya and who targeted cooler?
The random result I got for Dunya was actually you visiting her Kvothe.

Thr two people who visited Cooler were Hayumi, and Usopp. Usopp claimed he was guarding Odd eariler, so what was he doing there?
@Sigismund do you trust the player that you think might have roleblocked dunya?
I dont think Kvothe is scum, but this is Kvothe she might be. I have trouble reading Scum Kvothe because to me that is standard Kvothe lmao
K I was off work I went to bed. Wasnt really involved or anything.

Yeah vig should have offed usopp night 1. Save us all this grief and bs.
it was a tie remchu, and we wont get a result if its a tie. u know this

tho tbh looking back it wuda been better to go with JW, but u and dunya had votes on parka and the night was ending so i did a CFD invest

if anything this looks god aweful for dunya cuz she refuses to change

if the vote remain 2-2 no invest would happen u know
You had trouble trusting me when I was mod confirmed town.

The random result I got for Dunya was actually you visiting her Kvothe.

Thr two people who visited Cooler were Hayumi, and Usopp. Usopp claimed he was guarding Odd eariler, so what was he doing there?

I dont think Kvothe is scum, but this is Kvothe she might be. I have trouble reading Scum Kvothe because to me that is standard Kvothe lmao
You blame me after Horror game?

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