Game The Puddletown Mafia (Town victory)

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1. Don't discuss the game outside of the thread or quicktopics under any circumstances.

2. Day and night phases each last 24 hours. Collectively, a 48 hour day+night is referred to as a cycle. Players must post at least three times every day phase. If you fail to meet this requirement, you will be immediately removed from the game without exception.

3. Votes must be phrased [vote lynch X] or [change vote lynch X] or I will not count them.

4. Role revealing is strictly forbidden. Do not discuss your PM or your abilities. If you try to defend yourself through role hinting or revealing, I will modkill you. The exception to this is that you are allowed to claim investigation results, but not the nature of your investigation. For example a watcher who discovered the murderer could claim a guilty scan on that player, but could not claim that they are the watcher.

5. Do not edit or delete your posts.


1. Failing to vote for another player will count as two votes toward yourself. You cannot vote for no lynch.

3. "Doctors," or roles with protective abilities, cannot protect themselves. Roleblocks disable passive defenses ie bulletproof abilities.

4. Actions are processed at the end of the night, with priority given to roleblocks.

6. Kills that are protected against will appear in writeups as failed. Players who are roleblocked will learn that they were blocked.

7. If a one shot ability is roleblocked, its use its refunded.

8. Faction kills are performed by a specific member of that mafia, and can be tracked or roleblocked by targeting that person. Faction kills appear in writeups under the faction's name and not the user's. The mafia will decide among themselves who receives which role.

1. Dr. White (Leona Braxton)
2. Darth (Bartholomew Clearwater)
3. WPK (Saint Adella)
4. Shiny (Tybalt Reed)
5. Mr. Waffles (Nash Notley)
6. A (Silas Curnow)
7. SinRaven (Diane Windsor)
8. Nevan (Charles Newbury)
9. Reznor (Alastair Remington)
10. RuffRuff (James Rowe)
11. Platinum (Giles Ravenswood)
12. Didi (Valentine Sutcliffe)
13. Psychic (Lawson Vanderbilt)
14. Melodie (Coco Larsson)
15. WAD (Poppy Hamilton)
16. DDL (Leighton Winfield)

Do not post yet
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Day 1 start
Puddletown was a respectably ordinary village with respectably ordinary villagers; its governing council made sure of that. Life in Puddletown was a quiet routine of waking early for church services and then returning home before the strict 9 PM curfew. When the townsfolk first started disappearing, the other villagers responded in prayer. When the prayers went unanswered, the church proclaimed that their faith was attempting to teach them self-reliance.

The council has taken matters into their own hands. Alastair Remington (Reznor) has called a village meeting in the town hall, decreeing that the murderers will hang for their crimes.

Day 1 start. You may now post.

@Dr. White @Darth @WolfPrinceKouga @Shiny @Mr. Waffles @A. Waltz @SinRaven @Nevan @Reznor @RuffRuff @Platinum @Didi @Psychic @Melodie @W @Dragon D. Luffy

Day 1 will last 48 hours, ending this time on Saturday.

This is your final reminder that I require 3 posts every day phase, and role revealing/ hinting is strictly forbidden. Breaking either of these rules will result in an immediate modkill. Please ask for clarification on what qualifies as a role hint/reveal if you're uncertain, and please let me know if you'd like to be replaced.
My initial tinfoil is going to be that he is probably a mayor role that can flip and go off the deep end if a certain other townie gets killed off (like if he has a wife or a son in this game).

I'm just spitballing though, and not like Reznor can clarify or hint one way or the other (doubt he would even know with Shizune, who keeps these things hidden from the players... at least judging by warcraft).

Also, would you really announce a person's role right at the start?

I'm not sure I trust that Reznor is actually that role.

Oh snap he is. That's pretty cray, there is def something up with his role.

The flavor sets him up as some sort of mayor role, but the flavor also suggests religious fervor, and that probably suggests a corrupt church.

Yeah small religious town, there are bound to be some bad apples high up in the church.

My initial tinfoil is going to be that he is probably a mayor role that can flip and go off the deep end if a certain other townie gets killed off (like if he has a wife or a son in this game).

I'm just spitballing though, and not like Reznor can clarify or hint one way or the other (doubt he would even know with Shizune, who keeps these things hidden from the players... at least judging by warcraft).

Puddletown was a respectably ordinary village with respectably ordinary villagers; its governing council made sure of that. Life in Puddletown was a quiet routine of waking early for church services and then returning home before the strict 9 PM curfew. When the townsfolk first started disappearing, the other villagers responded in prayer. When the prayers went unanswered, the church proclaimed that their faith was attempting to teach them self-reliance.

The council has taken matters into their own hands. Alastair Remington (Reznor) has called a village meeting in the town hall, decreeing that the murderers will hang for their crimes.

Getting serious Hot Fuzz vibes from this flavour
which would probably make the governing council the bad guys who are killing each villager that's stepping out of line, not being 'ordinary' enough
Reason #2

One of you is scum and I am not :jackal

It's sin :smoke

The immediate tinfoil regarding a very basic flavored role is unsettling to be honest.

I'd like to clarify that I do think that Reznor is probably just an innocent child type role and nothing more

But the flavour itself just sounds so much like Hot Fuzz that I can't help but think that most of the scum roles will be council members

Though probably that won't help us much to know

[Vote Lynch Darth]

there’s definitely scum in 1 of sin/didi/ddl and especially so in the first two

tho Waffles brings up an excellent point that DDL might have slipped since he seemed to unconsciously disregard the possibility i rolled scum this game

funnily enough im not very good at pressuring ppl from an OMGUS angle so im just gonna pressure Darth and see if he’s actually keen on playing
also can i just say this game tilts me

>’’’’’VANILLA’’’’’ GAME



Why aren't you voting Melodie? :ufdup

Early thoughts? :ufdup

Investigate me night 1.

Also was rez in the sign ups?

@Dr. White
You godfather? :ufdup

First page :catpole

Gonna fluff all game? :ufdup

Reason #2

One of you is scum and I am not :jackal

Why you immediately getting so defensive/omgus over a joke vote that overflowed from the convo thread? :ufdup

I usually don't spite lynch but this time it's for a good cause.

[vote lynch W]

This individual claims to have never been lynched as town. We have to fix that.

@Dragon D. Luffy
The win/win was that otherwise he's scum, but you only talk about the town possibility, why is that? :ufdup
@Didi idk I would hardly call it defensive but my in my half-sleeping ‘woke up to post and then went back to sleep’ iteration of myself clearly instinctually felt that 1 of u 2 is scum so ima trust him

but i am not really keen on trying to coinflip on who dat is since i wouldn’t particularly like either of u 2 to be D1 lynched so im going for the standard ‘fuk inactifags no risk in lynching them :catslam’ angle :thunk
Why do I need to spell it out fully when it was done in the previous page?

Besides Wad being town is the more epic result since it ends his streak.

So you'd rather have WAD be town if he did indeed get lynched? :ufdup

I don't always vote Melodie day one anymore and W is a much more fun lynch regardless of his alignment.

Alright, sounds fair :yousmart

@Didi idk I would hardly call it defensive but my in my half-sleeping ‘woke up to post and then went back to sleep’ iteration of myself clearly instinctually felt that 1 of u 2 is scum so ima trust him

but i am not really keen on trying to coinflip on who dat is since i wouldn’t particularly like either of u 2 to be D1 lynched so im going for the standard ‘fuk inactifags no risk in lynching them :catslam’ angle :thunk

It sounded kinda knee jerk to me bro tbh :ufdup

Can't you acknowledge it seeming very omgus?

True that, iirc last time you did this with Darth he actually shaped up and became a town GOD so I can only encourage that :ufdup
It sounded kinda knee jerk to me bro tbh :ufdup

Can't you acknowledge it seeming very omgus?

True that, iirc last time you did this with Darth he actually shaped up and became a town GOD so I can only encourage that :ufdup

maybe it is but definitely not ‘very’ since i feel like i would have to actively vote or at least relentlessly pursue 1 of you 2 as options today

but if i do get lynched today then my response to whichever of u 2 is town would be: “oh my suck” :nonon

who else are u wary of being inactive?

Spiting Wad is more important than winning.

absolutely but if u could do both oh baby :kermit

It's a survival streak. You have like 298573945679386798567 consecutive town games where you escaped being lynched.

wouldn’t call it survival considering most of the time

Clearly I generated the activity, and you provided it :ufdup

BOOM semanticsdsded :kibashades


not sure if i can argue with that
yet :ufdup
I get the win/win logic, but you completely invalid one of those wins by hiding behind the win/win nature.

Like, if he's town and you lynch him for this reason, then it's not because he failed to convince anyone. Pointing out that it is a win/win ahead of time doesn't actually help the cause, it's preemptive PR.

The possible failure to consider scumWad and the OMGUS threats only exacerbates that point.

DDL looking kinda scummy... But I don't know if he's an overly defensive townie though. Anyone know DDLs style well?
I get the win/win logic, but you completely invalid one of those wins by hiding behind the win/win nature.

Like, if he's town and you lynch him for this reason, then it's not because he failed to convince anyone. Pointing out that it is a win/win ahead of time doesn't actually help the cause, it's preemptive PR.

The possible failure to consider scumWad and the OMGUS threats only exacerbates that point.

DDL looking kinda scummy... But I don't know if he's an overly defensive townie though. Anyone know DDLs style well?

i think he used to be overly defensive as town, then got mislynched a lot, then became apathetic and got mislynched more (Check the last 2 times in plat’s game/my game where he was mislynched as town)

so his reversion here is interesting at least

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