Game The Puddletown Mafia (Town victory)

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I think the roleblocker should hit the same target it did last nightphase, it might have hit an indie due to the lack of other actions in the write-up.

Disagree, particularly if Ruffruff does flip scum as all expect.

Changing targets would allow us to verify if there even is an independent, like a Cultist or serial killer in the game. Should they suddenly pop up then the roleblocker hit them the first time and we should be subtly alerted to who our next lynch target will be.

And by doing so we also run the possibility of roleblocking the mafia faction kill. If there is no indies, then 1 of the 2 mafia will have to choose who among them must carry out the task. If there is an indie, then I don’t think there was more than 3 mafia, thus the lone remaining mafia has no choice but to carry out the kill themselves.

If there is an indie threat, I would rather find out now than keep our roleblocker locked up targeting the same target cycle after cycle.
Disagree, particularly if Ruffruff does flip scum as all expect.

Changing targets would allow us to verify if there even is an independent, like a Cultist or serial killer in the game. Should they suddenly pop up then the roleblocker hit them the first time and we should be subtly alerted to who our next lynch target will be.

And by doing so we also run the possibility of roleblocking the mafia faction kill. If there is no indies, then 1 of the 2 mafia will have to choose who among them must carry out the task. If there is an indie, then I don’t think there was more than 3 mafia, thus the lone remaining mafia has no choice but to carry out the kill themselves.

If there is an indie threat, I would rather find out now than keep our roleblocker locked up targeting the same target cycle after cycle.
Even if we find out there is an indie, we should ficus more on mafia, a neutralized indie and a dying mafia is better than the posibility we roleblock town.

Anyway I ser your point, but I rather focus on mafia.

The decision is up to the RBer.
Day 2 - Ruffruff is lynched
Vote count

Nevan - Darth > Ruffruff
Reznor - DDL > Ruffruff
WPK - Didi > Ruffruff
W - Ruffruff
Didi - Ruffruff
A - Ruffruff > Didi > Shiny
DDL - Ruffruff
Platinum - Ruffruff
SinRaven - W > Ruffruff
Dr. White - Ruffruff
Shiny - Ruffruff
Melodie - Ruffruff
Psychic - Didi
Mr. Waffles - Ruffruff

Ruffruff - 12
Shiny - 1
Didi - 1

Self votes


Ruffruff (James Rowe) has been lynched.

James Rowe

[Active - Crimelord] - Each night James can pay the village thugs to knock someone unconscious, roleblocking them.

Night 2 begins. No more posts, no exceptions.
Day 3 start
i just want to say hi, and I will post later.

The classic trash scum 'oh hey, can't partcipate or do anything contributive, but I want you to remember i posted' opening gambit.

Oh hi again. You guys cannot lynch me.....I’m too beautiful to die. :blobaww

I’m having somewhat of a townread on Sin and Wad.
My first post was created to bait mafia btw. Get baited Platinum.

But I want to focus on Didi. So far just about everyone, including me, scumread DDL. But Didi’s response is a safe “null” read on DDL, meaning he knows DDL true alignment.
Also his response on how he thinks councilman are evil is interesting considering Reznor is town and a councilman. Which means he somehow has knowledge that there are councilman that can be evil, and he could only get that knowledge from being part of a mafia team with an evil councilman.

The one post where Psychic actually attempted to do something.... yet is a whole lot of extrapolating bullshit and 4th dimensional chess that really isn't much of anything. Psychic then uses this too...

And I forgot to
[Vote lynch Didi]

Vote for Didi. I mean Didi has been kinda sus, so hard to care on day one. But we will get to why it is interesting later.

Why Wad though?

Nothing post.

Um....I just like to say that Didi is tryharding on day 1, another scumtell.

A lot of tunneling on Didi.

Wad, whats your real reason for voting ruffruff?

Psychic shows she is either not reading the game, or trying to throw some lowkey suspicion on w to maybe take some heat off of ruff ruff

trash post

Who is A?

trash post

Maybe I should change my name to L

trash post

I like a didi lynch

[vote lynch didi]

Didi again. What a surprise. So not only does Psychic continue to tunnel on Didi with no added justification why, when we have a scum caught with a lie detector, she ignores all real discussion and chooses a neutral option for the lynch instead of the actual candidate. Just like she did day 1.

I wonder what those two days had in common?

@Shizune, can you add threadmarks....easier to read the game.

Nothing contributive again, and that is all we have. So Psychic basically made 1-2 contributive posts, and has filled her activity requirements up with useless comments and useless tunneling on Didi, instead of engaging with anyone else. She has provided nothing of real value to the discussion.
No. Psychic is 110% town. :smoke

Unless this is an incredibly dumb hint at you being the cop (and even then 50% chance that psychic would be GF and immune to investigations if true), I don't really trust your read on that Sin - no offense. Psychic has done nothing to show she is town, or even actively engaged in the game.

Even if Psychic is town, she has been about a kelvin above absolute zero on the townie contribution meter.
Unless this is an incredibly dumb hint at you being the cop (and even then 50% chance that psychic would be GF and immune to investigations if true), I don't really trust your read on that Sin - no offense. Psychic has done nothing to show she is town, or even actively engaged in the game.

Even if Psychic is town, she has been about a kelvin above absolute zero on the townie contribution meter.
It's not a read it's a fact.
Unless this is an incredibly dumb hint at you being the cop (and even then 50% chance that psychic would be GF and immune to investigations if true), I don't really trust your read on that Sin - no offense. Psychic has done nothing to show she is town, or even actively engaged in the game.

Even if Psychic is town, she has been about a kelvin above absolute zero on the townie contribution meter.
Platinum pushing for Sin to reveal as cop. Please note. Plat's just mad I baited him day 1.

I recall town Psychic having more rage.

This version of her looks almost harmless.

It does seem Sin is hinting masons though...
I like to change my playstyle often.

So, @Didi why do you think councilman are evil?

[Vote lynch Didi]
A bunch of people were on me last phase, what happened? It seems im proven town now :cantrustleme

Hell no you’re not but I am finding it less likely that two members of mafia (Ruffruff and you in this instance) would have been so careless to not vote at all on D1 (which is super scummy).

And at this point lynching you doesn’t reveal a whole lot of information thanks to your general lack of interactions this game, but you would still be a safe lynch. But there’s other persons of interest.

I need to reread the game methinks. :hm

Because on D2 ava was suddenly very convinced of WAD's town status
I think I even asked about it and why he was so 100% following WAD and he just replied something like 'I will always vote along with my brother WAD'
just look at all his d2 posts about WAD, he seems very sure about him and I don't recall that from d1

And now it's revealed he was the doctor

add that together with the fact that there was no n1 kill and imo it looks like Ava saved WAD n1 and thus knew WAD wasn't mafia

Of course it's not 100%, maybe the kill was stopped by something else like a roleblock or something

but I think it's a good theory (especially cuz WAD is not an uncommon n1 mafia target) and I'll subscribe to it for now, thus I read WAD town
Because on D2 ava was suddenly very convinced of WAD's town status
I think I even asked about it and why he was so 100% following WAD and he just replied something like 'I will always vote along with my brother WAD'
just look at all his d2 posts about WAD, he seems very sure about him and I don't recall that from d1

And now it's revealed he was the doctor

add that together with the fact that there was no n1 kill and imo it looks like Ava saved WAD n1 and thus knew WAD wasn't mafia

Of course it's not 100%, maybe the kill was stopped by something else like a roleblock or something

but I think it's a good theory (especially cuz WAD is not an uncommon n1 mafia target) and I'll subscribe to it for now, thus I read WAD town
So you killed Ava because you thought he was cop. :lmao

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