Game The Puddletown Mafia (Town victory)

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01. Dr. White
02. Darth - Ava
03. WPK - Dr. White
04. Shiny
05. Mr. Waffles - Darth
06. Ava - WAD > Darth > No Lynch > Darth
07. SinRaven - WAD
08. Nevan
09. Reznor - Ava > Darth
10. RuffRuff
11. Platinum - Psychic
12. Didi - WAD > Darth > Ava
13. Psychic - Didi
14. Melodie
15. WAD - Darth
16. DDL - WAD > Ava


[Vote lynch Darth]

Not gonna try saving your scumbuddy this time ? :maybe
Seemed lateish
"cant lose if teh game never ends"

Day 3 - Melodie is lynched
Vote count

W - Psychic > Melodie > Shiny > Melodie
Melodie - DDL > Shiny
Platinum - Psychic > Mr. Waffles > Melodie
DDL - WPK > Dr. White > Melodie
SinRaven - DDL > Melodie
Didi - DDL > Dr. White > Melodie
Psychic - Didi > Platinum
Nevan - Dr. White
Mr. Waffles - DDL
Reznor - Dr. White > Melodie
WPK - Dr. White
Dr. White - WPK > Melodie

Melodie - 7
Dr. White - 2
Platinum - 1
Shiny - 1

Self votes


Melodie (Coco Larrson) has been lynched.

Coco Larrson

[Passive - Secret Agent] - Coco was trained by a foreign adversary to infiltrate the village. Coco can fool the lie detector, and once per game she can upgrade the faction kill to a superkill.

Dr. White (Leona Braxton) has been modkilled for role hinting.

Leona Braxton
wincon: eliminate the mafia

[Passive - Heretic] - Leona was disowned by her friends and family when she became an atheist. She scans guilty to investigations.

The purpose behind rule #4 was to prevent people from defending themselves through role hints.

If you try to defend yourself through role hinting or revealing, I will modkill you.

It became clear that Dr. White had managed to do exactly that, so unfortunately I have to remove him from the game.

Spoiler: Relevant posts

Wow you guys are on some other shit lmao. You look at everyones play and you think I'm the best lynch? You STILL don't know who i am?

Lmao at tinfoiling me being gf when strict no role revealing exist, there was a reason I answered that way :lmao

No, did you hint it day 1 or day 2?

Day 1, not sure how much I can point out cause of the rules but you quoted the post

I do not have an active ability

So, basically Dr. White is indirectly claiming Miller.

I mean, could very easily be a scum ploy hoping there’s no Miller, and it’s not a risky lynch since at worst...we lose the Miller...

But I definitely feel a Melodie lynch is the better choice. :hm

So I have a response to this but I'm not sure If I'm allowed to expressly post as if I'm the miller now lest I get modkilled (I may even be dead already depending on how Shizune views it), so I'm really confused with how to go on from here talking about this.

Oh I see he claimed


[vote lynch MeloDIE]

Night 3 begins. No more posts, no exceptions.
Day 4 start
The Puddletown Mafia killed Reznor (Alastair Remington) and Nevan (Charles Newbury).

Alastair Remington
wincon: eliminate the mafia

[Passive - Chancellor] - As leader of the village's governing council, Alastair's identity is revealed by the moderator at the beginning of the game.

Charles Newbury
wincon: eliminate the mafia

[One Shot Active - The Polygraph Test] - Charles can lie detect one post. The local police department is distrustful of this new technology, and will only let him use it once.

Day 4 start. You may now post.
Sin are Psychic are for sure good.

WPK is good.

Plat is probably good.

I think Didi is good.

That means it’s between DDL, Mr. Waffles, and Shiny.

Siding towards the latter two. But I don’t think Shiny would have The Godfather role? And I feel as if Town has a roleblocker? But maybe I’m wrong.

[Vote Lynch Mr. Waffles]

His vote tracking on D1 was good but...he doesn’t really care about voting his teammates or not.

Pending an ISO, other info coming to light, and some good night’s rest...this is where I leave my vote for now.

Good night.


As for the others:
-WAD is cop apparently, and even if not he was confirmed by Ava
-Sin and psychic are confirmed barring any extreme tinfoilery (like them being maf/town-lovers with a last 2 standing wincon)
-WPK and DDL have good things and bad things going for them, could both still be
-Waffles is >waffles, has been very uninvolved (which coincides with their team doing horrible maybe?) and I think he should be the lynch if he doesn't claim a town role today oh wait no claiming RIP nevermind

I'd say Waffles > WPK > DDL > Plat > Shiny

[Vote Lynch Waffles]
Ok guys

With a seemingly 8-1 town/scum ratio, expect some mislynches. It's statistics.

I'm saying this because in Disney Mafia, town thought they had the game in the bag after they took down 5 scum, but I was the only one who knew it was a long term game , and it kind of hurt town's morale to have a bunch of consecutive mislynches. They only won because they managed to recover that morale in the last day.

Sit tight, and let's look for the last scum one day at a time. We should have at least 4 chances to find it.
One thing that calls my attention is that, right after Wad makes his TL;DR and deduces we have to pick one of Melodie or Dr. Scum, this happens:




When faced with a 2-way street, a wagon quickly formed on the town side of it.

So Didi and WPK looks the worst here. Especially Didi since he jumped on a DDL wagon early. Though WPK looks worse in Day 1 than Didi.

Platinum doesn't look exactly good either since he abstained. But I guess at this point a scum would be interested in trying to save Melodie so he is a step above Didi and WPK.

It's not like anyone looks good either, except Sin and Wad. I took a long time to vote Melodie, though I have the excuse that I was already on Dr. Scum so I simply didn't want to change it. Waffles came to my wagon and disappeared. And don't even get me started on Shiny and his missing of the vote in both of the disputed scum lynches (this and day 1).

Psychic looks kind of bad too but Psychic is basically confirmed.

[vote lynch Didi]
I think we should try to analyze the kills a bit. Reznor and Nevan were basically confirmed roles, but they had no power to speak of (well, maf may not have known ld was a one-shot). Someone that would go after confirmed townies instead of fishing for power roles.

At this point I don't know if mafia can afford to fish for power roles. Last night half of the townies were confirmed. If they fish for power roles they risk getting PoE'd.

Here’s the thing though. I was practically as confirmed as those two (perhaps arguably even more so than Nevan) and I went about lamenting my imminent demise with the double kill rewards saying that ‘if mafia was smart they should kill reznor and Nevan’. So the last scum wasn’t wily enough to realize I was misleading them.

The thing about Nevan was...he was no longer a threat. With the lie detector being expended.

However, what does concern me is...perhaps you’re right. Perhaps the last scum has nothing to fear from any other roles because they’re The Godfather.

Boy, wouldn’t that be fun.

Besides I haven't seen a single vanilla townie flip. I think this game is role madness.

Almost certainly

So both of you have abilities.

Both passive?
That said, it would be really strange if Shiny was their choice of Godfather...but the points against him are he really hasn’t done a damn thing and I felt like Melodie trying to lynch him at the end was last minute buddying.

We have to consider if we believe the last role on mafia to be Godfather or not, as it opens up a completely different set of players to be suspects.

I don’t think Melodie and Platinum were distancing at all. That argument looked very legitimate. Who was it that suggested otherwise, Didi? :hm
Our margins of error, assuming all mafia faction kills succeed.

8v1, Mislynch, Kill.

6v1, Mislynch, Kill,

4v1, Mislynch, Kill,


Those first three kills mafia will perform will undoubtedly be on myself, SinRaven, and Psychic.

I'm worried about our odds at all (for instance, while he's not considered as confirmed as the other 3, in a 2v1 LyLo situation the townie should 100% side with Platinum.)

But I would like a perfect lynch record this game. (And for me to not die and have to spectate the rest of the game :catprone)
But I don’t think Shiny would have The Godfather role?

Why would you think I do though ?
> Nitty lets them decide among themselves

And you think I'd go for Godfather ?
What you smokin' ?

he doesn’t really care about voting his teammates or not.

I actually do care, I just wouldn't make any effort to help them not get lynched.

We have to consider if we believe the last role on mafia to be Godfather or not

Personally, I'm going nah on this.
But maybe I'm overthinking things/overlooking something. :hm
No chance.

Why not though ?
I'm getting the feeling that my original thought about this game is more right than I thought.
As in that there are no generics in this game.
Which in turn makes mafia feel underwhelming from the 3 dead ones we have. :hm
So, either the last one is really OP or there are still 2.

But maybe I'm just overthinking things. :derpko

What about my stance on Didi and Shiny, exactly though?

That they're really unlikely to be mafia. :hm
Why not though ?
I'm getting the feeling that my original thought about this game is more right than I thought.
As in that there are no generics in this game.
Which in turn makes mafia feel underwhelming from the 3 dead ones we have. :hm
So, either the last one is really OP or there are still 2.

But maybe I'm just overthinking things. :derpko

That they're really unlikely to be mafia. :hm

The thing is...4v12 makes a whole lot more sense (a nice even 1:3 ratio) than 5v11.

If there’s two more mafia, who would you suspect that to be?

Ava Didi Shiny.

In that order.

Im guessing that your ability is not...necessarily hostile or friendly, if you catch my drift?

Why just me and Shiny and not Platinum as well?

I wholly believe Platinum’s interaction with Melodie is genuine and there’s no way that’s two scummates staging an argument with each other, to be honest.
The thing is...4v12 makes a whole lot more sense (a nice even 1:3 ratio) than 5v11.

If there’s two more mafia, who would you suspect that to be?

How much sense does it make to have a "vanilla" game with no generics ?

Well.. assuming certain things to be true (you, Sin and Psychic) then the only options would be DDL and WPK. :hm

Im guessing that your ability is not...necessarily hostile or friendly, if you catch my drift?

It falls in the same category as yours I think. :hm
How much sense does it make to have a "vanilla" game with no generics ?

Well.. assuming certain things to be true (you, Sin and Psychic) then the only options would be DDL and WPK. :hm

It falls in the same category as yours I think. :hm

I think that was just a misnomer on Shizune’s part. The game does appear to be original content, but of course any roles being named gives them flavor, which is by definition not a Vanilla game.

Also, I understand. But if I’m correct in assuming what I believe your ability is, it should clear Shiny but I don’t see how Didi is on that same level as clearance considering that there was more than one mafia alive on Night 2. :hm
I think that was just a misnomer on Shizune’s part. The game does appear to be original content, but of course any roles being named gives them flavor, which is by definition not a Vanilla game.

I'm not talking about him calling it vanilla.
I'm talking about what you normally expect in such a game.
Generics, or vanilla townies if you will.
Normally you'd have a whole bunch of those, but so far there's been none.

Also, I understand. But if I’m correct in assuming what I believe your ability is, it should clear Shiny but I don’t see how Didi is on that same level as clearance considering that there was more than one mafia alive on Night 2. :hm

I'm just grouping them together out of pure simplicity.
You're right that they don't have the same clearance, but, from my point of view, they have more than the rest.
Hence grouped together.
I mean, is town really OP?

The lie detector had one usage, and there was a role that counters it on mafia.

For whomever our cop is, there was a Miller, and possibly Godfather.

For our doctor and possibly a bulletproof, mafia had the ability to upgrade to super kill, which would bypass it.

Roleblocker to stop roles like doctor, tracker, cop etc...and can also be paired with their faction kill to bypass passives (so that would kill BP, for example).

Plus this a closed setup game, which favors mafia. And no role revealing/hinting (:dank) which also favors mafia.

5 mafia in a 16 Player game would just be way too broken and the morale Melodie exhibited is one of someone who lost half her team from the events of D1, and not someone who had just one more partner left.

Nah there’s only one scum left. :hm
So if we trust Mr. Waffles (imo I’m thinking yes) then:

Shiny is pretty much entirely off the table.

Didi is not an optimal lynch to pursue.

Mr. Waffles appears to be trustworthy.

I’m pretty much confirmed.

Psychic and Sin, as useless as they are, are pretty much confirmed.

So that effectively leaves us with Platinum, DDL, and WPK.

Platinum only being so if Godfather, and WPK probably only so if not.

Are we gonna have to finally lynch DDL today? :dead

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