Game The Puddletown Mafia (Town victory)

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I mean, is town really OP?

The lie detector had one usage, and there was a role that counters it on mafia.

For whomever our cop is, there was a Miller, and possibly Godfather.

For our doctor and possibly a bulletproof, mafia had the ability to upgrade to super kill, which would bypass it.

Roleblocker to stop roles like doctor, tracker, cop etc...and can also be paired with their faction kill to bypass passives (so that would kill BP, for example).

Plus this a closed setup game, which favors mafia. And no role revealing/hinting (:dank) which also favors mafia.

5 mafia in a 16 Player game would just be way too broken and the morale Melodie exhibited is one of someone who lost half her team from the events of D1, and not someone who had just one more partner left.

Nah there’s only one scum left. :hm

Well.. I'm not an expert on balance and whatnot, but if I look at what we have, look at the 3 dead mafia, then my first response is :drake.
But maybe that's just me.
We'll find out sooner or later.
Well roleblocker/ability interference is standard fare on any scumteam. (Ruffruff).

Doublevoter doesn’t appear immediately strong especially at first but as the game drags on it becomes really strong.

A role that fool lie detectors isn’t strong on its own particularly with the LD being one-shot, but it does inform the scumteam that there is one in play...which explain’s RR’s anxiety with the question. But the superkill upgrade is strong.

So, so far the mafia abilities are fairly decent. If the last role is just a Godfather role then eh, they might not be that strong...but I’m struggling to think that’s the last role, honestly.
Hold up. How is Wad confirmed? Just because A protected him doesn’t mean that perhaps mafia was roleblock. Wad busted all of his teammates. How he know which ones are mafia in a row like that? Never seen him done that b4 and not like he psychic.

[vote lynch wad]
How you know Plat, Didi and Shiny are innocent? Unless you cop.

I just know.

Hold up. How is Wad confirmed? Just because A protected him doesn’t mean that perhaps mafia was roleblock. Wad busted all of his teammates. How he know which ones are mafia in a row like that? Never seen him done that b4 and not like he psychic.

[vote lynch wad]

Whoever the last mafia is the is the type to play it safe. The bold move would be to try and remove PRs that still can help with PoE. Run the risk of hitting potential BP but when your team is getting swept you have to make those LCS big plays.

I did consider a world in which WAD is mafia yet that would mean both that town has no cop and mafia hit BP n1. WAD would have to guess that town had no cop else he gets counterclaimed. Not worth with the town cred he already had.
Whoever the last mafia is the is the type to play it safe. The bold move would be to try and remove PRs that still can help with PoE. Run the risk of hitting potential BP but when your team is getting swept you have to make those LCS big plays.

I did consider a world in which WAD is mafia yet that would mean both that town has no cop and mafia hit BP n1. WAD would have to guess that town had no cop else he gets counterclaimed. Not worth with the town cred he already had.

Who are your leading suspects? Top 3 from most likely to least likely?
Wait, that’s it. Maybe?

Neighbors, not masons.

One is town, one is mafia...

@SinRaven, without hinting or revealing your role, how confident are you in Psychic's alignment?
Says he is not omgusing me, is totally omgusing me.

Your scum is showing wad.

Whoever the last mafia is the is the type to play it safe. The bold move would be to try and remove PRs that still can help with PoE. Run the risk of hitting potential BP but when your team is getting swept you have to make those LCS big plays.

I did consider a world in which WAD is mafia yet that would mean both that town has no cop and mafia hit BP n1. WAD would have to guess that town had no cop else he gets counterclaimed. Not worth with the town cred he already had.

Wad never claimed cop.
Who are your leading suspects? Top 3 from most likely to least likely?

PoE leaves it to really these three, with the very minute chance of Sin being the mafia in the scenario where it's neighbors instead of masons. Platinum is mafia only if him and Melodie put on a great acting show to play the long con. You and Waffles are claimed investigative roles. Shiny got investigated by Waffles.

I suppose instead of GF they could have a ninja leaving Shiny on the board:hm
Perhaps but there would be no incentive to use any role except the ninja to perform the faction kill which would largely reduce the usefulness of the Tracker.
Could be the case. Usually when I have seen a ninja, there is another role with a FK buff like janitor or strongman.

This only makes sense if there’s another town PR in play that can make monopoly of faction kill performance less appealing, like a town roleblocker.
Town having a RBer is probable.

Also what is the nature of your role: Passive or Active? :hm
Right now, if all claims/hints are true, this is the setup :


Innocent Child
One-Shot Lie Detector

Four unknown, with one very likely to be BP


Double voter/silencer
One-shot strongman/lie detect fooler
Unknown, likely GF, Role Cop or Lawyer

Either this is a badly balanced game or there is some other twist. Masons, innocent child, lie detect one-shot, two info roles, doctor+possible BP is just too much even with hinting/revealing mostly banned. Neighbors would be a big enough twist to not be a stomp in town's favor, yet would still favor town.

Could be the GF has extra power. I thought it might be a slip earlier when Plat talked about the mafia having a cop like it was a known thing and role cop in this set-up would even things out a good deal.
But why do you have to wait to see how things develop?...


I wanted to see who made a better defense between ddl and didi.

I lean slightly towards Didi, but DDL's early day guilt tripping still sits with me.

Personally, I want to throw Psychic into the sun for being horrifically awful at the game, but since that is not the optimal play, I will go with the one who has read more scum to me.
I wanted to see who made a better defense between ddl and didi.

I lean slightly towards Didi, but DDL's early day guilt tripping still sits with me.

Personally, I want to throw Psychic into the sun for being horrifically awful at the game, but since that is not the optimal play, I will go with the one who has read more scum to me.


Not sure yet to be honest. :hm

Fair enough, but I think it would be best if you did announce your target before the night phase. :hm

If you disagree, feel free to explain why.
Could be the GF has extra power. I thought it might be a slip earlier when Plat talked about the mafia having a cop like it was a known thing and role cop in this set-up would even things out a good deal.

I know i've tinfoiled a lot in this game, but is it really so out of left-field to assume a mafia has a cop on it? I can't even think of a game where town has information gatherers and the mafia doesn't.

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