Game The Puddletown Mafia (Town victory)

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The first step to balancing this game would have been to change the masons to lovers.

Possibly, but town had far too many options compared to mafia. Mafia played terrible, and it was an unlucky start, but it was fairly off. Bulletproof with potentially no purpose (no kill potential aside from revengeful townie), way too many forms of confirmed townies right off the bat. a lot of definite investigating abilities. There were no indies either which was weird.
Yeah why the fuck was I bulletproof? :nonon

But aww, good call Plat, I tried to channel some desperation but I didn't get mad enough yeah
At least I still got MVP, thanks Nitty :catsalutears

Btw my PR-reading was on point this game
I sussed WAD as cop d1 (that was the reason he was our kill, I'd normally never go for that n1)
I sussed Ava as doc d2 (though to be fair, he made himself very obvious, you should see our convo it's hilarious)
I didn't kill Plat because from the moment he called passive role I felt pretty confident in reading him BP
Possibly, but town had far too many options compared to mafia. Mafia played terrible, and it was an unlucky start, but it was fairly off. Bulletproof with potentially no purpose (no kill potential aside from revengeful townie), way too many forms of confirmed townies right off the bat. a lot of definite investigating abilities. There were no indies either which was weird.
That is why I said it's the first step. Lovers are a liability if mafia knows who they are as it's two birds with one stone.
This game was interesting because it was my first attempt at pushing the competitive angle behind a game. Normally my posting requirements are lower and I look for replacements rather than modkilling. I don't know if I didn't communicate those rules clearly enough or if they just aren't a good fit for NF, but the game was excessively impacted by modkills.

Normally I first modblock people before modkilling them.

You may try to push the competitive angle, but I don't know if you'll get this site to accept it or you'll just get people to leave anr/or stop playing your games. NF is casual to the bone. Never forget that.
Rip, gg. unlucky

Also role revealing being banned but you can kinda hint but not really doesn't work. any monkey could recognize psychic and sin were masons. there are loopholes to those roles that players will always exploit in one way or another.

You can't stop info roles from hinting unless you take it to the next level which is banning all forms of info revealing. Including cop results etc. Basically if someone says "I know X is scum" and doesn't try to look they are scumhunting, you punish them.

But that's a whole new level of claim banning this site isn't used to (Mafia Syndicate peeps do it all the time tho). It nerfs town too, so you need to account for that.

What I would have done is just give town less information roles. They had 6. It's too much. Nevan getting a result wasn't a coincidence, it was a matter of statistics.
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I suspect this game was screwed by the format. Town benefits way more than having a single classic ability than mafia. That's why in role madness mafia has a zillion abilities like super kills and all forms of creative anti-town abilities. And town has a lot of abilities that look cool but are actually less strong than a vanilla cop (mass roleblockers and stuff). In other words, role madness with many abilities may be easier to balance. You give mafia the actual broken stuff, while giving town stuff that looks broken but isn't.

But this was a role madness that was advertised as a generic game. It gave mafia the usual abilities for a vanilla game, but gave town double the number of abilities since there were no vanilla roles. So town ended up being stronger. And since Nitty wanted to stick to the classic roles, he probably ended up using too many classic roles that are actually uber strong in a 16 player game (cop, masons, etc)
On a scale of 1-both Mason's getting modkilled, how much do you regret this quote w?

If we lost this game I was prepared to never play mafia seriously ever again.

Eh, I would say the lynch of ddl and you were pretty horrendous. I knew there was no way scum ddl would go out of his way to tinfoil for scum, and you getting lynched instead of Didi was derp city.

We kinda fell apart at the end... Until I heroically saved the day.

I honestly had Didi dead to rights and could have ISO’d him to push him...but I was out Friday night for a change so I couldn’t force it. :catroll
Not even honorable mention :ippy.

Psychic and sinraven, you're welcome.

Psychic and Sin derping doesn't diminish what we accomplished. DDL got lynched on the coinflio between him and Didi.

If I won I'd have donated the MVP to Psychic and Sin though :nonon

I should get MVP considering I found The Godfather on day freakin one and continue to vote for him 3 days straight after that. Seriously I was the only one genius enough to noticed his slip but couldn’t convince town to see otherwise.
@Didi idk I would hardly call it defensive but my in my half-sleeping ‘woke up to post and then went back to sleep’ iteration of myself clearly instinctually felt that 1 of u 2 is scum so ima trust him

but i am not really keen on trying to coinflip on who dat is since i wouldn’t particularly like either of u 2 to be D1 lynched so im going for the standard ‘fuk inactifags no risk in lynching them :catslam’ angle :thunk

that reminds me
always trust ur subconscious self :dank
also no psychic if anything >I< should get mvp because

>pushed the D1 lynch on mafia’s strongest role
>pushed the D2 Ruffruff lynch while people were derping around
>pushed the lynch on Melodie d3 to make the 3peat happen
>voted Didi/Sussed him out on D4 before i died

my investigations were all bunk but i mean...after D1 I basically had a 1 in 12 chance of getting the right one (Melodie) since Darth was dead, Ruffruff was gonna die, and Didi was immune

was gonna investigate her or plat after the D1 fight they had so i went with plat and since then i was suspicious of her (then i investigated Godfather n2 and Lol rest is history)

also u guys literally almost threw the game after i died, while i was in it we were crazy stomping

so it IS kinda funny i wasn’t ‘the most valuable’ player but oh well

what’s another drop in a bucket full of trophies :kermit
Only the Melodie lynch can be attributed to WAD, Darth was acting like he literally always does when he's scum, any idiot could point that out
ruffruff was a lock, even if certain individuals were fucking around at the start of the day

also no psychic if anything >I< should get mvp because

>pushed the D1 lynch on mafia’s strongest role
>pushed the D2 Ruffruff lynch while people were derping around
>pushed the lynch on Melodie d3 to make the 3peat happen
>voted Didi/Sussed him out on D4 before i died

my investigations were all bunk but i mean...after D1 I basically had a 1 in 12 chance of getting the right one (Melodie) since Darth was dead, Ruffruff was gonna die, and Didi was immune

was gonna investigate her or plat after the D1 fight they had so i went with plat and since then i was suspicious of her (then i investigated Godfather n2 and Lol rest is history)

also u guys literally almost threw the game after i died, while i was in it we were crazy stomping

so it IS kinda funny i wasn’t ‘the most valuable’ player but oh well

what’s another drop in a bucket full of trophies :kermit

>good play
>acts like obvious cop d1

okay :catnoworries
Ruffruff was gonna get lybched anyway, so this isn't really in you.

You should still get MVP this game tho, Darth and Melodie went under my radar until they were obvious.

Ya prolly still why was everyone ignoring him in those first hours :ufdup

That said I’ve decided from this game you’re a good player for sure

At least as town, you probably need to blend your play better as scum now cuz i can prolly meta read u reliably :thunk
Only the Melodie lynch can be attributed to WAD, Darth was acting like he literally always does when he's scum, any idiot could point that out
ruffruff was a lock, even if certain individuals were fucking around at the start of the day

>good play
>acts like obvious cop d1

okay :catnoworries

Just cuz Darth was obvious as scum doesn’t mean im not responsible for driving that lynch :drake

also how did i act like obvious cop D1? I never alluded to my ability at all :ufdup

Is it perhaps that my scumhunting was so good and my confidence in Darth being scum so high you thought I had a day investigation? :yousmart
It was just the air you had around you with several players you sussed, I felt you backed off slightly earlier than you normally did, leading me to believe you might be 'saving them for an investigation'

and I was actually 100% on the money with that because one of the people I most felt with that was your n1 investigation Plat (and felt like you did it with me as well and voila, n2)

but maybe it's not so much you being obvious but me being a god :naruramen
It was just the air you had around you with several players you sussed, I felt you backed off slightly earlier than you normally did, leading me to believe you might be 'saving them for an investigation'

and I was actually 100% on the money with that because one of the people I most felt with that was your n1 investigation Plat (and felt like you did it with me as well)

but maybe it's not so much you being obvious but me being a god :naruramen

not bad and maybe that was it :thunk

i did start leaving breadcrumb trails to my innocent investigations tho starting D2

i sort of randomly decided plat was Town out of nowhere

Think I did the same with u on d3 :thunk
Ladies and gentlemen, here is something for you, because it was bothering me,

I present to you, the pushing of Darth as the lynch (before his wagon became the de facto lynch)


[Vote Lynch Darth]

there’s definitely scum in 1 of sin/didi/ddl and especially so in the first two

tho Waffles brings up an excellent point that DDL might have slipped since he seemed to unconsciously disregard the possibility i rolled scum this game

funnily enough im not very good at pressuring ppl from an OMGUS angle so im just gonna pressure Darth and see if he’s actually keen on playing

hm still think i want to lynch darth tbh

i voted him with the pretext:

“hey, the last time u were town u were pretty interested/invested and somewhat active, why don’t u replicate that behavior?”

so far he’s failed to and has shown his inactifagging meta which is more in line with his propensity to roll scum


how is lynching either

1. apathetic town
2. scum

not a good gamble?

do you dare qualify that as a meme lynch?


So you'd rather have WAD be town if he did indeed get lynched? :ufdup

Alright, sounds fair :yousmart

It sounded kinda knee jerk to me bro tbh :ufdup

Can't you acknowledge it seeming very omgus?

True that, iirc last time you did this with Darth he actually shaped up and became a town GOD so I can only encourage that :ufdup

But yeah
this is also win/win

[Vote Lynch Darth]

Become a great townie again like last time when you got pressured
or get lynched :ufdup

it was fun as a joke

but I actually like playing with wad too much :catfeels

Plus, gotta force Darth to power up again and show us what he's made of when he tries :ufdup

But Darth is still a better lynch because some people are refusing to acknowledge it :ufdup

3 versus 4
Clearly >I< pushed it harder
I had Didi sussed pretty early. I was scurred noone was going to pull the trigger on him once I was gone.

Rip, gg. unlucky

Also role revealing being banned but you can kinda hint but not really doesn't work. any monkey could recognize psychic and sin were masons. there are loopholes to those roles that players will always exploit in one way or another.
The first step to balancing this game would have been to change the masons to lovers.
Yeah, I think the way to stop role revealing is to make more ways that RR can fuck you over, since people are too in the habit of it.
Although the host actually had the balls to kill people for RR this game :lmao

We were pretty fucking tilted about not only Public LD (which is cheap as hell), but used on RuffRuff of all fucking people

but then that into 3? :dead
Ruffruff was clearly trying to duck the LD.

I would rather kill myself then ever protect a staff member.

Well, "Ava outbronzing you by protecting me when Nevan were more obvious and viable targets at that time" would still be valid.
I would also like to point out that, outside day 1, my vote was on scum every single day. Someone praise me :catroll

For melodie, I had her sussed after our spat, but I started thinking she might be town after the failed kill. I was thinking mafia might have tried to off me to push a wagon on her, but after Ava cheated it was pretty obvious.

That was fun btw melodie :maybe

It was, until I saw what happened on the day one lynch write-up.
I would also like to point out that, outside day 1, my vote was on scum every single day. Someone praise me :catroll

For melodie, I had her sussed after our spat, but I started thinking she might be town after the failed kill. I was thinking mafia might have tried to off me to push a wagon on her, but after Ava cheated it was pretty obvious.

That was fun btw melodie :maybe

Ya you played really well and your interaction with Melodie gave me a good baseline

Darth was majority WAD, RuffRuff was Nevan, Melodie should go to Plat for completely demolishing his attempt to throw suspicion his way, I FoS'd Didi the hardest throughout the game.

This was by and large one of the best group victories I have ever seen. Coinflip away from a clean sweep. Let's celebrate that over grasping for MVP, points aren't till next year guys.

we were so close almost to having more mafia casualties than town casualties :blobcry
But aww, good call Plat, I tried to channel some desperation but I didn't get mad enough yeah
At least I still got MVP, thanks Nitty :catsalutears

The emotional appeals are a good way to go with me. Especially the whole 'believe in me bro' thing. If I didn't know your normal desperation, that would have melted my icy heart.

Made me feel like I was George putting down Lenny :catstabbed
Darth was majority WAD, RuffRuff was Nevan, Melodie should go to Plat for completely demolishing his attempt to throw suspicion his way, I FoS'd Didi the hardest throughout the game.

This was by and large one of the best group victories I have ever seen. Coinflip away from a clean sweep. Let's celebrate that over grasping for MVP, points aren't till next year guys.

That's true. The cleansweep being denied to us by a coinflip is pretty lame, but Didi did a good job being saddled with some unfortunate circumstances.
We make the best duo for Team Hope, Plat. Emotional appeals are your weakness, yet they can throw all they want onto that sympathy pile and it won't warm my cold heart one bit:jackal

If scum want to throw themselves on my sword that's their prerogative.

You are the brain of hope, and I am the heart. When united towards a common purpose, its basically gg right from the start :brofist
Dr. White was hella scummy when he started saying ava did bus Darth, felt like scum throwing shade at a newbie :dank

The emotional appeals are a good way to go with me. Especially the whole 'believe in me bro' thing. If I didn't know your normal desperation, that would have melted my icy heart.

Made me feel like I was George putting down Lenny :catstabbed

Only works when it sounds genuine :catnoworries
I'll make a list and PM it to you. If you want in on Majora's Mask, that is my biggest passion. Which is what makes it so hard to make the way I want it, nothing is ever good enough.

Go for it.

Majora's Mask is a good representation of Hope, though we could come across a shared love that fits it better.

Majoras Mask is one of my favorite Nintendo games, but I feel like it would be really hard to do if we are going to implement the time travel mechanics, and it also kinda steps on the toes of the console wars game I am doing with Aries.

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