Game Warcraft III: The Scourge of Lordaeron (Alliance wins!)

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Name some names.

Personally, i'm wondering if Satsuki is feigning inactivity this phase as a mask, but I want your reads.

Off the top of my head from last DP, Shark Skin just voted and dipped with nothing added. Nighty also keeps voting without contributing much

You did the same :dank though I haven't played enough with you to really know how scummy of a bastard you usually are :hm

I forgot Satsuki's even in the game :hm
So I write up this big ass game, spend hours every night resolving the actions, I help contribute to the very lifeblood of this section and I get nothing

You increase the saturation and brightness on some fanart in Photoshop and get a big ass avi

@Reznor explain it sis
We've talked about points for mafia games. Some concerns over jeopardizing the integrity of the game.
Uh, that's kind of ignoring all the posts I've been talking with you for beforehand now isn't it?
Didn't read any :hm

I just saw empty hollow posts voting for me and dipping, and you weren't even the first name on my list so don't get antsy with me. :dank

We've talked about points for mafia games. Some concerns over jeopardizing the integrity of the game.
There's a few ways it could be done that come to mind
> hosting a round (completed) = couple pts
> Host MVP
> majority voted MVP

there's a lot more as well but //tired// :dank
Also, you are in the position that has to justify itself, not those other people. The burden of proof is not on them... though I do not condone their inacti-^ (not the meaning of the word "respect".) tendencies.

You are the one that was on the receiving end of a very public investigation.
> Public
You know what happens with public info?


Don't struggle, WW. Accept the inevitable.
Shouldn't you be gone until next DP?

It's my town duty to struggle.
Didn't read any :hm

I just saw empty hollow posts voting for me and dipping, and you weren't even the first name on my list so don't get antsy with me. :dank

4/10 dodge. You can do better.

> Public
You know what happens with public info?


Except no one knew who was being investigated until WAD told us it was you. It was only public after the fact that it actually occured.
These games start so late for me.

Anywho WAD got murked cause he was pretty much confirmed council member and a very active townie. Could also be some frame set up shiz going on there. Legend and LG got killed cause of that link, that's really the only thing that stood out for them. Who was pressing Legend again?

WW is iffy for me. He offered me abilities (a kill, and investigation) in turn for scanning as guilty. In the flavor it said he was some celestial force that is also an alien and he gave me darkness. So doesn't sound to town tbh. Anyone know what character that would be?
And you accepted this offer? Why should I not believe you're corrupted scum right now? :hm
Half of my posts against wad were for fun
Name some names.

Personally, i'm wondering if Satsuki is feigning inactivity this phase as a mask, but I want your reads.
He/she better make up for it. Nothing makes me saltier than scum who win because they made an excuse to gtfo :ippy
If you had to guess would you not pick the person who coasts by the longest? I know I'd pick me too.

I'd probably pick WPK :dank.

But this is your defense? Everyone knows I am a coaster?

WAD never even hinted at you being the target, and the fact that it was six people voting separately probably means it was an action independent of all of them, and unlikely to be corrupted. Unless there was a canon traitor in the kirin tor, I don't see that.

The odds of them framing you that early are pretty low. Being generous, it's about 10ish percent.
I'd probably pick WPK :dank.

But this is your defense? Everyone knows I am a coaster?

WAD never even hinted at you being the target, and the fact that it was six people voting separately probably means it was an action independent of all of them, and unlikely to be corrupted. Unless there was a canon traitor in the kirin tor, I don't see that.

The odds of them framing you that early are pretty low. Being generous, it's about 10ish percent.
I think you're underestimating the impact I've had on people while I've been playing. :hm
I'm the Anti-Superman I don't spite list, I get spite listed.
I don't think I'm following this argument correctly, let's start over

sequence of events

1. Someone in the Kirin Tor (not wad's character) calls a meeting and suggests a player
2. all six vote yes or no on investigating that player (I think wad said he voted yes but no quoterino plserino)
3. if the motion passes then the investigation happens
4. the investigation returns a result to at least wad's character but presumably every member of the kirin tor (idk the lore, someone can step in here)
5. wad makes that result public - white wolf is guilty
6. white wolf claims to be town but isn't a miller

okay so at some point in this sequence (if white wolf is telling the truth :dank) someone interfered with the investigation

this means either

a) white wolf has a bastard role and is an unknown miller or
b) someone redirected the investigation and hit scum, in which case we still theoretically can finger scum today if the person who did the redirect speaks up about said redirection (assuming this is the case, don't speak up yet obviously) or
c) the kirin tor have bastard roles and get incorrect investigation results (why? lore reasons anyone?) or
d) wad was lying for some reason (seems highly unlikely)

I'm more than fine sitting on this lynch with these odds :dank
I don't think I'm following this argument correctly, let's start over

sequence of events

1. Someone in the Kirin Tor (not wad's character) calls a meeting and suggests a player
2. all six vote yes or no on investigating that player (I think wad said he voted yes but no quoterino plserino)
3. if the motion passes then the investigation happens
4. the investigation returns a result to at least wad's character but presumably every member of the kirin tor (idk the lore, someone can step in here)
5. wad makes that result public - white wolf is guilty
6. white wolf claims to be town but isn't a miller

okay so at some point in this sequence (if white wolf is telling the truth :dank) someone interfered with the investigation

this means either

a) white wolf has a bastard role and is an unknown miller or
b) someone redirected the investigation and hit scum, in which case we still theoretically can finger scum today if the person who did the redirect speaks up about said redirection (assuming this is the case, don't speak up yet obviously) or
c) the kirin tor have bastard roles and get incorrect investigation results (why? lore reasons anyone?) or
d) wad was lying for some reason (seems highly unlikely)

I'm more than fine sitting on this lynch with these odds :dank
You're a bastard role :catippy

You didn't even add 1) I was framed by a framer who framed me just in time to corrupt the investigation.
You're a bastard role :catippy

You didn't even add 1) I was framed by a framer who framed me just in time to corrupt the investigation.
Let's go [vote lynch WW]

b) someone redirected the investigation and hit scum, in which case we still theoretically can finger scum today if the person who did the redirect speaks up about said redirection (assuming this is the case, don't speak up yet obviously) or

Seeing as how some/all Alliance actions seem to have been redirected because of whatever the fuck that thing that happened night 2 is, this is possible.

My action got redirected to fight... some rampaging demon.

Not sure if this would apply to the investigation though.
Not if you have a hateboner for me :dank

Your wagon is not scum driven WW. It's due to evidence from a dead town. If your argument is that "you are dangerous to them" that's why you were framed , you may as well be dead yesterday.

How is that in any way comparable ? :hm

It's that his assessment of why he was framed is very poor and makes no sense.
Scum like White Wolf because he clutters the thread. He says he was framed but that is high unlikely.
Lex Parsimoniae :cat
Your wagon is not scum driven WW. It's due to evidence from a dead town. If your argument is that "you are dangerous to them" that's why you were framed , you may as well be dead yesterday.

It's that his assessment of why he was framed is very poor and makes no sense.
Scum like White Wolf because he clutters the thread. He says he was framed but that is high unlikely.
Lex Parsimoniae :cat
I've been killed by scum plenty of times :drake
Your quote was in response to

I interpreted that as you saying he couldn't have been framed during the day

no I was just quoting it cause I've never come across the framer role before so I googled it to see how it worked

roles can be adjusted to work during either phase by changing some words around so that's not a problem (well it's still a problem but not insurmountable)
Not since I started to play again, you were not.
You were active, littering almost every game I played for the last 3 months.
But the basis of your lynch here is not what I say. It's evidence that were presented by a town.
You argue there was a frame job on you and personally I don't believe this to be the case.
You haven't been paying attention then :yousmart
You don't control every scum team or every faction there's
> 4
fucking factions in anti-town
It just takes 1 ability to muddy the water.

You say this doesn't help scum but do you see ANYBODY scumhunting? Do you see 26 people posting and leaving hints and slips and shit?

No you're wasting the whole fucking day on someone that is at least to me undoubtedly 1000% town. You have vote hoppers, you have wagoners, you have so many options to have a productive day yet you're gonna waste it on me and give the actual scum a complete free pass for a cycle.


And you're telling me shit?

Doesn't matter who presented the evidence if the evidence is false. Do you see me saying WADs at fault? Do you see me saying he's a traitor/scum? Nahhh fam.

I'm sure they did pick me to investigate, picking out high profile players is a lot more reasonable than picking an inactive trash that'll get modkilled, and I'm sure someone else had the same idea and probably got lucky af to hit the right person but shit happens.

"Not believing it to be the case" =/= Not the case
@Platinum let me just point out that the Farstriders are not druids they do not follow Cenarious lmao

The Farstriders are the Blood Elf Rangers of Silvermoon and Quel'thelas

That being said, still doesn't explain the buff.

Unless it has something to do with the corruption of the Sunwell, but Kiljaeden did that, however, the deceiver did not reach out himself, he used the hierarchy in the Blood Elven kingdom to summon himself to Azeroth.

So maybe a higher member in Farstriders? Perhaps Kael'thas (not a Farstrider but still defacto leader of all Blood Elves at the time)?


That's not Warcraft, that's Burning Legion.


[Vote Lynch White Wolf]

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