Game Warcraft III: The Scourge of Lordaeron (Alliance wins!)

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Rules and Gameplay


1. Don't discuss the game outside of the thread or quicktopics under any circumstances. Warcraft characters are infamous for returning from the grave. Dead players cannot post in the thread, in quicktopics or discuss the game.

2. Day and night phases each last 24 hours. Collectively, a 48 hour day+night is referred to as a cycle. Players must post at least twice every day phase. Players who go 2 days without posting will be replaced. At the end of the day phase, whoever has the most votes will be lynched. Posting is not allowed at night.

3. Votes must be phrased [vote lynch X] or [change vote lynch X] or I will not count them.

4. This is a closed setup role madness game. Role revealing is allowed, but not recommended. Do not screenshot or quote your PMs. References to your PMs must be paraphrased.

5. Do not edit or delete your posts.


1. Failing to vote for another player will count as two votes toward yourself. You cannot vote for no lynch.

2. There are two levels of kills: regular and super. Regular kills can be stopped by roleblocking the killer or protecting the victim, and consume one life from roles with multiple lives. Superkills bypass all defenses, roleblocks and bonus lives.

3. "Doctors," or roles with protective abilities, cannot protect themselves. Roleblocks disable passive defenses ie bulletproof abilities.

4. Actions are processed at the end of the night, with priority given to roleblocks. During the day actions are processed immediately.

5. Faction and alignment are separate. The factions are listed below and determine a role's color. Every character has both a faction and an alignment of either innocent or guilty.

6. Kills that are protected against will appear in writeups as failed. Players who are roleblocked will learn that they were blocked. If an ability is used on a character that is untargetable, the user will be asked to select a different target.

7. Abilities with limited use are not expended until they succeed. For example, a one shot can be used a second time if it's roleblocked.

8. Faction kills are performed by a specific member of that mafia, and can be tracked or roleblocked by targeting that person. Faction kills appear in writeups under the faction's name and not the user's.

9. This game includes bastard mechanics such as death millers. The moderator will lie to you.
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Player List

Player List
1. Stelios (Lachlan MacGraff) (Generic Forsaken) (The Undead Abomination)
2. Legend (Nathanos Blightcaller)
3. WolfPrinceKiba (Archmage Arugal)
4. Santi (Ner'zhul)
5. Shiny (Kurdran Wildhammer) (The Undead Abomination)
6. White Wolf (Tichondrius)
7. SinRaven (Jaina Proudmoore)
8. Platinum (Arthas Menethil)
9. Nighty (Jubei'Thos)
10. Katsuargi (Saidan Dathrohan)
11. Alwaysmind (Halduron Brightwing) (The Undead Abomination)
12. Hyperion101 (Renthar Hawkspear)
13. Dr. White (Deathlord Mograine)
14. Franky (Mal'Ganis)
15. WAD (Archmage Modera) (The Undead Abomination)
16. Evil C.C. (Lor'themar Theron)
17. Superman (Morgan Ladimore)
18. Ultimate Deathsaurer (Ansirem Runeweaver)
19. Mr. Waffles (Falstad Wildhammer)
20. Satsuki (Uther Lightbringer)
21. Nello (Stormcaller Mylra)
22. Shark Skin (Dar'Khan Drathir)
23. Lord Genome (Sylvanas Windrunner)
24. Melodie (Kel'Thuzad)
25. Cooler (Thadius Grimshade)
26. Dragon D. Luffy (Archmage Antonidas)
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Faction List


The Alliance

The Kirin Tor
The Wildhammer Clan
The Farstriders

The Burning Crusade

The Burning Legion


The Alliance wields four legendary artifacts against the forces of evil. If you have an artifact ability, that means you're carrying one of them. When an artifact carrier dies, their faction will recover its coveted item and the ability will transfer to someone else within the faction. The artifacts are as follows:

The purified swords Archeus and The Ashbringer
The venerated gryphon Sky'ree
The forbidden tome The Book Of Ur
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Game begins on Thursday, Sept 7 at midnight CST (central standard time). The first day phase will run for 48 hours instead of the usual 24, meaning day 1 ends Saturday, Sept 9 at midnight.

Please let me know if you cannot play anymore.

@Stelios @Legend @WolfPrinceKiba @God @hammer @White Wolf @SinRaven @Platinum @Maybe Trinity @Katsuargi @Alwaysmind @Hyperion1O1 @Dr. White @Franky @WADsworth the Wise @Evil C.C. @Superman @Babby @Mr. Waffles @Satsuki @Nello @Shark Skin @Lord Genome @Melodie @Hero @Dragon D. Luffy
The game will start roughly 11.5 hours from now, at midnight CST.

The first day phase will last 48 hours, which its double its regular length.

The first night phase will begin on Saturday at midnight CST. Night 1 is an activity check and will continue until I have received all actions. If you fail to submit an action within the first 24 hours of night 1, I will replace you so that we can move into day 2 with a fully active roster as quickly as possible.

From day 2 onwards, phases will last their normal 24 hours and activity rules will be slightly more lenient.

@Stelios @Legend @WolfPrinceKiba @God @hammer @SinRaven @White Wolf @Platinum @Nighty the Mighty @Katsuargi @Alwaysmind @Hyperion1O1 @Dr. White @Franky @WADsworth the Wise @Evil C.C. @Superman @Savage @Mr. Waffles @Satsuki @Nello @Shark Skin @Lord Genome @Melodie @Hero @Dragon D. Luffy

This will be a highly involved game. There are no easy roles. Please let me know if you cannot participate and I will be happy to swap you out for one of our replacements.

In the meantime, those of you who will be playing should read my posts about the rules, game mechanics, factions and artifact weapons. I tried to be as specific as possible, so those posts should contain useful information.
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alright so someone help me out in figuring out how many anti-town they are

im decently familiar with Warcraft lore so let's do some guesstimation

burning legion: Sargeras(prolly strongest character in game), archimonde, kil'jaeden

The blackrock clan: blackhand? doomhammer?

The scourge: the lich King/arthas...maybe makes zombies?

cult of the damned: kel'thuzad i think

iirc gul'dan was shadow council, where would he fit :thunk
So to consolidate on named characters along with their factions (?)

1. Arthas (Silver Hand that can be converted to Scourge if he gets Frostmourne item, thinking this is Lich King shenanigans)
2. Uther Lightbringer (Silver Hand)
3. Muradin Bronzebeard (Wildhammers)
4. Jaina Proudmoore (Kirin Tor)
5. That scrub Archmage that Arthas rekt (Kirin Tor)
6. Sylvanas Windrunner (Farstriders that can be converted to Scourge)
7. Mal'Ganis (Scourge)
8. Kel'Thuzad (Scourge/CotD)
9. Lich King (Scourge, indestructible probably)
10. That scrub Blademaster Arthas kills (Blackrock Clan)

Idk the rest

Still Smorcs bruva, Burning Legion is probably Fel Orcs or the fuckers from Outland
TOS is highly based on skills I have yet to see a proper conversation or wifom there. So this argument here holds no value.

As someone who has hosted and played tons of TOS. TOS is something that is usually easy to crack up if you do forum style, if you do it though in their official site then because of the small time yeah you need some skills there, but still not so hard to crack usually.

Never used it as argument for this game to hold me any value :shrug

I mean saying i am scum or i am town holds no value whatever everyone is scum till proven otherwise :cat

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