Game Warcraft III: The Scourge of Lordaeron (Alliance wins!)

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Vote count

WAD - Melodie > Katsuargi > Melodie > Superman > Melodie
Nighty - Sin > Hyperion > Evil C.C.
Hyperion - Katsuargi
Sin - Melodie > WAD > Melodie > Nello
Legend - Superman > Melodie
Stelios - Waffles > WAD > Franky
Alwaysmind - Melodie
Dr. White - Nello > Legend > Melodie
Katsuargi - Hyperion
hammer - God
Evil C.C. - White Wolf > WAD > God
Nello - Waffles > Melodie > unvote > Waffles > God
Melodie - Sin > Nello
Platinum - Alwaysmind
Franky - Alwaysmind
Superman - Nello > Shark Skin > Santi
DDL - WAD > unvote > Cubey > Stelios
Shark Skin - Evil C.C.
White Wolf - Melodie
Waffles - Alwaysmind
Genome - Superman > Melodie
WPK - Nello > Legend > Dr. White
Santi - Melodie

Melodie - 6
Alwaysmind - 3
Evil C.C. - 2
Nello - 2
Katsuargi - 1
Franky - 1
Hyperion - 1
Santi - 1
Stelios - 1
Dr. White - 1

Self votes

Night 1 (pre-reset) - Night Actions
Archmage Arugal read from the Book Of Ur, unleashing a pack of worgen to role crush [???].

The Cult Of The Damned attempted to faction kill [???], but it was redirected to [???]. They struck against the worgen instead, freeing [???] of their role crush.

The Blackrock Clan managed to track down [???] and [???], and has taken them captive.

Falstad Wildhammer sought a worthy opponent, but did not find one. He attempted to superkill [???], but it failed.

Lachlan MacGraff attuned his body with the restorative energy of nature magic, gaining a life.

The Council Of Six has concluded its investigation.

Day 2 start. You may post.
Day 2 (pre-reset) - Time Warp
Archmage Antonidas animated an aquatic guardian, gaining a life. However, it was for naught because...

Archmage Modera used Time Warp to pull the game back through time!

All actions and deaths since the beginning of the game have been undone. Limited use abilities have been refunded.

Day 1 start
Anyways, now we have a Day 1 with a lot more info, don't we?

And maybe this time people can choose other targets to infect, curse, track, and redirect. Because you. Are. Wasting. My. Time.

You're saying i said I was able to post because game restarted. All I said is that I'm alive. I was successfully lynched but I still had the ability to post and (and vote)

Okay we are FINALLY getting somewhere.

Now onto this:

Everything is in question marks don't ask me :dank nitty shenanigans

So you mean to tell me you don't know why your lynch was janitored, at all?
He survived my killshot and roleblocked me in turn
You're a retarded cunt I swear. You can't kill me cos I gave you the power up. Fucks sake. You were supposed to be useful with it not waste it cos of your stupid hateboner.
Also, the lynch this time will be White Wolf.

As we, the Council of Six have determined him to be guilty.
I'm not guilty I'm afraid so I've been framed rip.
is there an easy way to iso on xenforo like there was with vb or nah?

Yes, click the search function:

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Implausible since WAD says his role has a direct ability that janitors his lynch specifically

so either Melodie has a similar ability OR someone else in the game has the ability to janitor lynches passively

maybe they have to be on the wagon? :hm

My death entirely*
Not just lynch
And there's a very specific reason why it does

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