Game Warcraft III: The Scourge of Lordaeron (Alliance wins!)

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Day 3 - The Death of Uther
Satsuki asked to be replaced, but I've run through my entire list of replacements (and then some) and we're too far into the game for me to spend time looking for another replacement. Considering the circumstances, I would normally modkill Satsuki. However, in this case it requires further clarification because Satsuki already died and lives on a ghost.

In short, I am removing Satsuki from the game entirely and there will be no replacement.

Lord Uther Lightbringer
The First Paladin
faction: The Silver Hand
wincon: eliminate all threats to the Alliance

“We are inherently unworthy, simply because we're human, and all human beings--aye, and elves, and dwarves, and all the other races--are flawed. But the Light loves us anyway. It loves us for what we sometimes can rise to in rare moments. It loves us for what we can do to help others.”

[Passive – Knight Of The Silver Hand] – The paladins know each other’s identities and can communicate outside the thread.

[Passive – Lord Commander] – As leader of the Silver Hand, Uther has a voting power of 3. If an innocent player is lynched, Uther must pursue justice for them. The following day he can only vote for the people that voted for them.

[Passive – Light’s Grace] – Uther has 10 lives. Using an ability costs Uther 2 lives. If Uther is voting for a guilty player when they are lynched, he will gain a life. If Uther dies his spirit will persist in saving humanity, allowing him to continue posting. When less than half the Alliance is alive, Uther’s spirit can resurrect 2 people.

[Passive – Devotion Aura] – If one of Uther’s Knights is targeted with a regular kill, Uther will redirect it to himself losing a total of 3 lives. Uther cannot redirect superkills.

[Active – Seal Of Truth] – Uther calls upon the Light to lie detect 1 post each day.

With that said...
Vote count

Lord Genome - Evil C.C.
WAD - Platinum > Santi > Alwaysmind > Santi
Platinum - Evil C.C. > Santi
Nighty - Evil C.C. > Santi
Franky - Evil C.C.
Cooler - Evil C.C.
Evil C.C. - Franky > Nighty
Nello - Santi
Superman - Santi > Platinum > SinRaven
Santi - Legend
Katsuargi - Santi
SinRaven - Nighty
Mr. Waffles - Santi
Alwaysmind - Nello
Legend - Santi
Dr. White - Santi
Dragon D. Luffy - Santi
Ultimate Deathsaurer - Santi
Melodie - Santi
Franky - Santi

Santi - 12
Evil C.C. - 3
Nighty - 2
SinRaven - 1
Nello - 1
Legend - 1

Self votes

Shark Skin

Phase ends in 1 hour 20 minutes.
Day 3 - Santi [Ner'Zhul] was lynched!
Santi (Ner'zhul) was lynched!

The Lich King
faction: The Scourge
wincon: eliminate everyone outside of the Scourge and the Cult

"Let this be your first lesson. I have no love for you or your people. On the contrary, I intend to scour humanity from this planet, and make no mistake: I have the power to do it."


[Passive – Omnipotence] – Ner’zhul knows the identity of his cultists and learns the name of anyone who targets them.

[Passive – Telekinesis] – Actions targeting Ner’zhul are redirected to another player.

[Passive – Influence] – Ner’zhul’s ideas are whispered among the townfolk. He appears to them in dreams and in passing thoughts. He has a voting power of 3.

[One Shot Active – Winter’s Bite] – Ner’zhul covers the village in a snowstorm, preventing the Alliance from leaving their homes. The next day votes must be sent privately, masons cannot communicate outside the thread, and Ner’zhul may send a message to the Cult.

[One Shot Active – Possession] – Ner’zhul temporarily gains control over another player. If that player is innocent, the moderator will announce that you have their role.

With the fall the Lich King, the Scourge has been driven from Azeroth. However the necromancers in the Cult Of The Damned continue his conquest, praying for the day their master's voice returns to them.

Night 3 start. No more posts, no exceptions.
Day 4 - Night Actions
Fearing betrayal from within, Prince Arthas Menethil, heir to Lordaeron has launched a murderous crusade to purge cultists and demon worshipers from the land.

The Order of the Silver Hand has condemned Arthas's actions and withdrawn their knights from his service. In response Arthas has disbanded the Silver Hand, shaming their name among the townsfolk.

Stormcaller Mylra struck Alwaysmind (Halduron Brightwing) with lightning, killing him!

Halduron Brightwing
Champion of the Unseen Path
faction: The Farstriders
wincon: eliminate all threats to the Alliance

"Did you think we could not sense you befouling our forest? You are not welcome here, creature, and you will not be suffered to live."

[Active - Ranger] – Halduron follows another player, learning who they target that night.

[Active – Frost Shot] – Halduron fires a magical arrow at another player, chilling them. That night they are vulnerable to kills and cannot perform any kills.

Jubei'Thos ambushed Katsuargi (Saidan Dathrohan), superkilling him!

Nitty Scott said:
Saidan Dathrohan
The Grand Crusader
faction: The Silver Hand
wincon: eliminate all threats to the Alliance

"He could understand why the man had turned to faith as an answer, or at least part of an answer. And he had no doubt Uther would be a powerful force on the battlefield. But something about the man's zeal unnerved him. He suspected Uther was too focused upon honor and faith to use less noble methods of success, and that would not hold well here."

[Passive – Knight Of The Silver Hand] – The paladins know each other’s identities and can communicate outside the thread.

[One Shot Passive – Miracle] – If Saidan is superkilled, the Light will respond in equal force to resurrect him.

[Passive – Conviction] – Saidan begins with a voting power of 1. Whenever a paladin dies, Saidan will gain 1 voting power. If Saidan is voting for a guilty player when they are lynched, he will gain 1 voting power. If Saidan reaches a voting power of 5, he can superkill another player.

Katsuargi (Saidan Dathrohan) has been revived!

The Council Of Six concluded its investigation.

Day 4 start
Last edited:
2. Legend (Forsaken)
5. Shiny (Claimed Wildhammer)
7. SinRaven
8. Platinum
9. Nighty

10. Katsuargi (Saidan Dathrohan)
13. Dr. White (Innocent undetermined role)
14. Franky (Silver Hand...forgot role name)
15. WAD (Archmage Modera)
16. Evil C.C. - Cleared by Alwaysmind (HELLA GRAIN OF SALT)
17. Superman
18. Ultimate Deathsaurer
19. Mr. Waffles

21. Nello - Innocent by investigation
22. Shark Skin - Claimed Town
23. Lord Genome (Sylvanas Windrunner)
24. Melodie (Kel'Thuzad)
25. Cooler
26. Dragon D. Luffy - Kirin Tor

correct me if im wrong about any of this or if anyone has any other info to fill in
2. Legend (Forsaken)
5. Shiny (Claimed Wildhammer)
7. SinRaven
8. Platinum
9. Nighty

10. Katsuargi (Saidan Dathrohan)
13. Dr. White (Innocent undetermined role)
14. Franky (Silver Hand...forgot role name)
15. WAD (Archmage Modera)
16. Evil C.C. - Cleared by Alwaysmind (HELLA GRAIN OF SALT)
17. Superman
18. Ultimate Deathsaurer
19. Mr. Waffles

21. Nello - Innocent by investigation
22. Shark Skin - Claimed Town
23. Lord Genome (Sylvanas Windrunner)
24. Melodie (Kel'Thuzad)
25. Cooler
26. Dragon D. Luffy - Kirin Tor

correct me if im wrong about any of this or if anyone has any other info to fill in

in that list is:

1-5. Five other Kirin Tor members, including Jaina. (The Council has Six, Jaina took my spot when I was temporarily dead)

6. Falstad Wildhammer

7. Thadius Grimshade

8. Arthas.

9. Mograine.

10. Jubei'Thos

11. Mal'Ganis

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