Game Warcraft III: The Scourge of Lordaeron (Alliance wins!)

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Pretty sure my math checks out those are all the roles.

nah theres 12 players who we dont have a name to, so theres one more role in there :hm

There's gotta be more than one red mafia. Also i'm afraid of what Arthas might do :catsweat

i dont think there is

it looks like the setup was

White Wolf/Tichondrius + Mal'Ganis, who were aware of the identity of their underlings: Jubei'Thos and Ner'zhul.

Jubei'Thos once he sacrificed the 3 people including me then gained communication with WW + Mal'Ganis. Santi never had a connection to them, I think.

The best thing to do retroactively would be to go back and see if theres anyone who seemed to show any hesitation on lynching White Wolf D2 and Santi D3, because Mal'Ganis would have known both their identities.

Since you can just go back in thread and see me lmao, I'll do you a quickie... I'm Barean Westwind.

rite ty

Though now that we know AM was a farstrider, doesn't that mean his clear of CC is legit?

did he vouch for him because he was his mason or through his tracking ability :hm

because if its the latter...i dont exactly trust alwaysmind's conclusions, at all
who's even dead and alive at this point? :catghost

reference these lists babe

2. Legend (Forsaken)
5. Shiny (Claimed Wildhammer)
7. SinRaven
8. Platinum
9. Nighty

10. Katsuargi (Saidan Dathrohan)
13. Dr. White (Innocent undetermined role)
14. Franky (Silver Hand...forgot role name)
15. WAD (Archmage Modera)
16. Evil C.C. - Cleared by Alwaysmind (HELLA GRAIN OF SALT)
17. Superman
18. Ultimate Deathsaurer
19. Mr. Waffles

21. Nello - Innocent by investigation
22. Shark Skin - Claimed Town
23. Lord Genome (Sylvanas Windrunner)
24. Melodie (Kel'Thuzad)
25. Cooler
26. Dragon D. Luffy - Kirin Tor

correct me if im wrong about any of this or if anyone has any other info to fill in

in that list is:

1-5. Five other Kirin Tor members, including Jaina. (The Council has Six, Jaina took my spot when I was temporarily dead)

6. Falstad Wildhammer

7. Thadius Grimshade

8. Arthas.

9. Mograine.

10. Jubei'Thos

11. Mal'Ganis
We should lynch her to be safe waddo


I got handsomer in death:suave


yeah i was just thinking that

Melodie might be a "needs to be killed or lynched twice" deal

or else she would have to be especially killed or removed from the game in another way, either by a certain character or after a certain condition is met

but right now im at a loss so

[Change Vote Lynch Melodie]
The best thing to do retroactively would be to go back and see if theres anyone who seemed to show any hesitation on lynching White Wolf D2 and Santi D3, because Mal'Ganis would have known both their identities.

Okay so Santi is probably indi. He's not giving any reason to believe he's town but at the same time I've never seen a Mafia nexus. His I can be helpful thing is entirely shades of Favorites 6 where he did make a deal to kill targets for town for several days. He can be trusted to work with us up to a point. My question for @Santi is how long until you don't feel like being cooperative anymore? Your deal in Favorites 6 had a time table attached and what exactly do you have to offer?

Not interested in a repeat of Favorites 6 I take it WAD. Alright then [VOTE LYNCH Santi]
white wolf was 95% faking an argument when he was getting lynched with either mal'ganis or jubei'thos

the details are hazy but the people he went back and forward with is: Superman, Dr white, mr waffles, and sin

I might be wrong

Spoiler: vasto
......against my better iudgement....until something else comes up....I will change my vote.

[Change vote lynch Platinum]

Process of elimination now.

Cc evil

Are my uncounted for...

^hops off santi

Well the lie detect was done by one of the silver hand that is why some people pulled from it.

supes himself never hopped off the lynch as far as I can tell but he's retroactively excusing anyone who did on this basis

[Change vote lynch Sin Raven]

Tired of his do nothing bullshit.

^hopes to sin, finishes the day here


this is hella confirmation bias tho

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