Game Warcraft III: The Scourge of Lordaeron (Alliance wins!)

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[VOTE LYNCH Nighty] You got a better defense than trying to shift the suspicion onto 2 townies?

And since everyone else is doing it I may as well do the same so people stop wasting time on me. I am also on the Council. CC was indeed investigated last night and scanned innocent just as Sin and Dragon D Luffy said. I will be more than happy to reveal the outcome of the next investigation when it happens for them to confirm. Kthxbai
I have like 79972 ways to prove myself.

One of them is sharing that I'm in the council.

Day two they were all like 'let's investigate SinRaven' and I was like 'Nah bitch let's go for the dumb bitch Nello'. That was partly what my 'yall don't even know' rant was about, because I was mad someone thought investigating me was a good idea really fagg0t.

How could anyone possibly think i'm scum :catslam
[VOTE LYNCH Nighty] You got a better defense than trying to shift the suspicion onto 2 townies?

And since everyone else is doing it I may as well do the same so people stop wasting time on me. I am also on the Council. CC was indeed investigated last night and scanned innocent just as Sin and Dragon D Luffy said. I will be more than happy to reveal the outcome of the next investigation when it happens for them to confirm. Kthxbai
Claiming to be in the council is getting really popular these days and this seems kinda unwarranted :hm I forgot, do the council members know each others' identities?
[VOTE LYNCH Nighty] You got a better defense than trying to shift the suspicion onto 2 townies?

And since everyone else is doing it I may as well do the same so people stop wasting time on me. I am also on the Council. CC was indeed investigated last night and scanned innocent just as Sin and Dragon D Luffy said. I will be more than happy to reveal the outcome of the next investigation when it happens for them to confirm. Kthxbai

Do you have a way of confirming yourself other than that?

How could anyone possibly think i'm scum :catslam

Claiming to be in the council is getting really popular these days and this seems kinda unwarranted :hm I forgot, do the council members know each others' identities?


but it becomes easy to vouch for each other when they become privy to information that only the council knows

I.e on day 1 when I first pointed out that the council writeup was an investigation
it would also be incredibly bold to claim a councils investigation result if ur not council since any of the others could verify ur claim

DDL claimed inno on CC, and sin has substantiated that claim

if either was lying 1 of the other council ppl would be like nah fuck off

UD is saying he can nominate the next target so if he says who he does in thread and it doesn't match up with what my former colleagues see in their PM prompt he would be outed as a liar
Claiming to be in the council is getting really popular these days and this seems kinda unwarranted :hm I forgot, do the council members know each others' identities?

No we don't but we do know who gets nominated and ultimately who is investigated which we can use as a means to confirm our identity.

Do you have a way of confirming yourself other than that?
Not currently. The ability I used on Santi which reduces vote power by 1 for 2 turns doesn't appear in the write up.
That said i'm still not sure how you guys caught her. How do we know she's not mcgruff or whatever that cowbow name was :hm

i mean

evil CC who is for now vouched for as town claims an action check on her

Nighty was around for the Jubei'Thos sacrifice nonsense

she's claiming a character frankly an extremely minor one

and hasn't even imo provided enough abilities for a genuine roleclaim since i think everyone should have, passive included, about 4
UD is saying he can nominate the next target so if he says who he does in thread and it doesn't match up with what my former colleagues see in their PM prompt he would be outed as a liar

What if the archmage already sent the action priorly to UD nominating it?

It's easier if UD can just reveal the results when they are received.
UD is saying he can nominate the next target so if he says who he does in thread and it doesn't match up with what my former colleagues see in their PM prompt he would be outed as a liar

I am currently checking if I can directly nominated or if I have to wait for the would you like to confirm or nominate someone else phase. Either way Vasto should pop up
Are there any oher council members left?

with u, sin, and UD there should be 3 more since Arugal wasn't with us and jaina took my seat

but i would like for the rest to not out themselves for now

Because jaina is one of them and she seems to be a priority target for mafia

in the event of her death this could probably trigger some game changing event

same with arthas
Did we lynch or vig Mel when we killed her?

Day 1 she got straight up lynched, flipped ???, but she seemed to still be playing early Day 2 version 1 before I reset the timeline to Day 1 version 2

Then she was straight up killed on Day 3, superkilled actually, flipped ??? Once again and is still playing

So she's possibly a "must be lynched or killed twice deal" role or there has to be some fuckin weird condition met for her to actually perish

Day 1 she got straight up lynched, flipped ???, but she seemed to still be playing early Day 2 version 1 before I reset the timeline to Day 1 version 2

Then she was straight up killed on Day 3, superkilled actually, flipped ??? Once again and is still playing

So she's possibly a "must be lynched or killed twice deal" role or there has to be some fuckin weird condition met for her to actually perish

We can roleblock her and vig her. Should work, right?
It killed our Mason ability, yeah. Not that our group was particularly good about taking advantage of it beyond being able to confirm each other's actions and alignment.

its cool

the arthas event was probably triggered as a result of nerzhul dying btw

We can roleblock her and vig her. Should work, right?

i dunno i kinda dont want to vig her again and im sure mograine will just :catflip if he tries to kill her again only to get ??? has died and she continues posting again

but thats the ashbringer's prerogative

imo we should just kill nighty and then take it from there :catshrug
Isn't the difference between rolecrush and roleblock that the former lasts forever and roleblock is temporary?

some hosts interpret the roleblock+kill combo to be that a roleblock serves as a temporary rolecrush on passives in addition to impeding actives in order for the kill to go through

ive never liked the idea, especially if youre gonna include a straight up rolecrush mechanic in the game anyways

but it might be a thing in this game
i mean its possible but i dont think its too plausible?

the day 1 writeup clearly indicated she was hella lynched, it didnt fail or anything

it remains somewhat consistent with her getting later killed, also flipping as ???, but still being in the game :thunk

I'm just spitballing or whatever it's called.

> it didn't fail
> she lived

Doesn't that mean it did fail lol.
It just wasn't mentioned as failing. :hm

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