Game Warcraft III: The Scourge of Lordaeron (Alliance wins!)

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The Deceiver

faction: The Burning Legion
wincon: eliminate the Alliance

"The end has come! Let the unraveling of this world commence!""

[Passive – Illusion Master] – Kil'Jaeden starts the game assuming the identity of Archmage Modera. The following is your list of abilities under this guise:
  • [Passive – Council Of Six] – Modera helps govern the Kirin Tor. During the day she may be called upon to vote for who the Council should investigate.​
  • [Passive – Slow] – Modera slows the passage of time around her. Actions targeting her are delayed by one phase and she will learn their effect.​
  • [One Shot Active – Time Warp] – Modera pulls the game back through time, returning to the start of the previous day phase and undoing all actions since then.​
You will assume this identity until you are killed or lynched for the first time, temporarily banishing you from Azeroth. Your role will be janitored and the rest of the day phase will be skipped and there will be no write-up that night. After two cycles, you return back from the Twisting Nether.

[Passive – Commander of the Burning Legion] – Kil'Jaeden knows the identities of his servants, Tichondrius, Mal'ganis, Jubei’Thos and Ner’zhul.

[Passive – Eredar Demon Lord] – Kil'Jaeden has a vote power of +5 and can only be lynched by a majority from the Alliance.

[One Shot Active – Corruption] – Kil'Jaeden uses his dark influence on a player, allowing him to control their actions for the remainder of the game.

[Conditional One Shot Active – Lord of Flame] – ???

[Conditional One Shot Active – Velen] – ???

[??? – ???] – ???

also nitty that doesnt break this rule:

4. This is a closed setup role madness game. Role revealing is allowed, but not recommended. Do not screenshot or quote your PMs. References to your PMs must be paraphrased.

because i redacted the last 3 abilities :ufdup

Do that in any of my games where you post anything from pm even 1 line and you are mod killed. One isn't allowed to post anything from his pm anything
>DDL at the beginning of the game
>"Trying to get someone modkilled is scummy, plat. Townies don't wanna do that"
>everyone else
>"yeah plat real town doesn't try to modkill people!"
>"m-modkill wad :stfu"


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