Game Warcraft III: The Scourge of Lordaeron (Alliance wins!)

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That sounds Kil'jaeden (Burning Legion) tbh

Or a WoW Dragon. But Scourge of Lordaeron has no dragons apart from that useless Black Dragon you kill with Arthas.

Farstriders are high elves and they don't make pacts with dark powers/darkness. Its literally the opposite (Cenarius is their god that opposes that bitch punk Mannoroth)

[votelynch White Wolf]
If this lore is correct then WW is lying. Idk how you can taint someone with darkness yet not be darkness itself
Have you even read this phase? Not gonna defend myself after 18hrs of horse shit and a LD that's been vouched for :drake

Like jesus fuck. You've got so many better targets and you're going for me :drake
- Guily scan counters the lie detect being true.
- Darkness giving counters/being a cosmic alien (which doesn't even sound like a high elf) being on a faction exclusively known for not making pacts with anything dark related.
- Saying you were supposed to be in a qt you didn't get access to despite Nitty being pretty on top of things.
- Making implications that me and you are somehow connected anymore than you offering me darkness.

Yeah, how could anybody even be slightly suspicious of you.
anyway ww even without my deduction with hyperion you played way to hyper defensive

reminds me of a role that is trying to live an extra day to use a one shot or something strong at night :dank

would be a shame for u to get lynched :dank
Who wouldn't be defensive at a mislynch :drake

Should I pull a Santi and stop posting?
Day 2 (post-reset) - Finger of Pain
Tichondrious use Finger Of Pain to superkill WolfPrinceKiba (Archmage Arugal)!

Nitty Scott said:
Archmage Arugal
Lord of Shadowfang Keep
Faction: The Kirin Tor
wincon: eliminate all threats to the Alliance

"I wish someday to retire to my own tidy little estate, with a bunch of pet dogs to keep me company."

[Artifact – The Book Of Ur] – An infamous grimoire whose magic was outlawed by the Kirin Tor. The owner can read it each night to summon feral beasts known as the worgen. The worgen will capture another player, role crushing them. If that player is killed, the worgen will die instead and the role crush will end. Worgen only answer the call of their summoner, and if the summoner dies their role crushes will end.

[One Shot Passive – Son Of Arugal] – Arugal is a vindictive man who studies dark magic in secret. Arugal scans guilty to investigations and if he is killed he will curse his murderer to become a worgen by moonlight, randomizing their night actions.

[Passive – Duke Of Gilneas] – Arugal was bequeathed a castle by the human kingdom Gilneas and must earn favor with his subjects. Arugal has a voting power of 0. If Arugal is voting for a guilty player when they are lynched, he will gain 1 voting power. If Arugal is voting for an innocent player when they are lynched, he will lose 1 voting power. If Arugal reaches 3 voting power the nearby human village of Pyrewood will swear fealty to him, locking his voting power at 3 and making him bulletproof.

Tichondrious was afflicted by the Worgen Curse. He has lost control over his night actions.

Another member of the Kirin Tor recovered the Book Of Ur.

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