Game Warcraft III: The Scourge of Lordaeron (Alliance wins!)

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I was looking through WW's post history to ISO him. Came across one of his posts talking about lie detectors and looked into it, saw your posts and found them interesting from a general standpoint and in relation to the current situation with WW.

Ancient posts? It's D2, those are posts from D1:lmao

The time the evidence was posted is irrelevant. There is no time limit on the stank of scum coming from a post:jackal
Alright gimme a sec :lbj
You would think that you would have brought up this as another proof on your side, considering how strongly you have fought against claims against you this phase.

If you actually have said link now then having someone from the group confirm you should be pretty simple.
Well he claimed to be a Farstrider. If Legend is Sylvanas, then wouldn't he have been a Farstrider too [as well as LG]? My knowledge of WoW lore isn't strong, but Sylvanas was a party of the Farstrider at one point, right?
What yes you can

There's nothing you need to add you just link the qt and that it's

And if you were the only one left you think nitty would have said in the qt

Hey white wolf is the only one left
Who the hell posts a QT with roles publicly :dank


If you're really pro-town you're doing a piss poor job of it :dank
His abilities rather than his role...
I said "would it be a good idea to..."
I did not say "I think we should..."
There's a big difference between asking for feedback and urging someone to do something.
These kind of threats are usually made by mafia to scare away lynches on them.
Or they are made by people who know they will flip town and want to bring attention to people who vote for bad or nonexistant reasons.
Going to scum being good as the first thought, the opposite only mentioned in a second post. Don't see how the lie detection thing even comes up here in regards to alignments being Guilty or Innocent. That is only proof that there are likely some kind of investigators, not which kinds. Investigators are to be expected.
Don't know what I was asking here tbh :hm I think I was just confused about something.
@White Wolf : Did Nitty not make an opening post in the QT saying who all is a part of it?
No first post said the the elf thingy was activated Hype posted a few times and put down his role later I got my stuff and posted but he was already gone/stopped posting/died soon after so I was all alone before anything could be done so I tried vehemently countering everything that was thrown at me.

If LGs right that there's more Farstriders maybe that's why he didn't post anything as they weren't invited to the party? Idfk... or maybe they're also not online yet and will join in afterwards but atm it's just me and a dead Hype that posted roles
Tell those hosts it's bad game design. Goes against the very spirit of mafia.
Well I've seen it in pretty limited circumstances which I could definitely attribute to a similar scenario as with the Melodie lynch being janitor'd and her being revived after.

I mean in my BnHA round there was a role that had a DP of no post requirements because they silenced themselves as a penalty of using their ultimate.
Full on silencers are bad. Vote silencing and restrictive silences(like them only being able to post 3 times a day) are fine/not too bad but having it so people don't have to post/can't post defeats the purpose of the game.
I think it's fine if it's a choice the player makes on their own, aka self-silences.
I agree I don't like silencing other people either in my games, but there are times when roles can do it to themselves as a price to pay for achieving something greater.
I can say that the Truth investigation was legit.

Can't guarantee that it wasn't fucked with but can guarantee it's source was legit.
That is...a confusing way of saying it and irrelevant to the argument. No one is really doubting that an actual lie detect action was made even though it could potentially be faked. The matter of discussion is if WW had immunity or that the write-up was tampered with.
I think it's fine if it's a choice the player makes on their own, aka self-silences.
I agree I don't like silencing other people either in my games, but there are times when roles can do it to themselves as a price to pay for achieving something greater.
That is where you employ a restriction on how many times they can post, instead of outright full silencing them.

I say this as a person who made abilities that were full on silences in my first two games hosted. I learned from my mistakes.
That is where you employ a restriction on how many times they can post, instead of outright full silencing them.

I say this as a person who made abilities that were full on silences in my first two games hosted. I learned from my mistakes.

It's relevant in so far as it wasn't a false write up (though possibly a tampered one, *shrugs*) which are prevalent in a lot of games.
Wait a second

Renthar Hawkspear
The Ranger-Lord

faction: The Farstriders
wincon: eliminate all threats to the Alliance


[Passive - Quel'Lithien Lodge] - If Sylvanas Windrunner dies, Renthar will unite the surviving high elves at Quel'Lithien Lodge where they can communicate outside the thread.

The Farstriders are an elite group of blood elfrangersactive in Quel'Thalas.

Can you people stop assuming everybody has played Warcraft and explain your lore theories?

Explain your theory.

I'm not gonna play guessing game to see what you are implying. Enough with the cagey bullshit. If you have a lead, there is no reason to force people to play a puzzle to follow it.
I understood it and I haven't played any of the Warcraft games or WoW.

Basically, when that Windrunner role died a QT was supposed to form of those left within that faction. WW claimed he was part of that faction, along with Hyperion who is dead. Said that no one else has been in the QT, though LG claims that there are more members of that faction around. It is strange that WW didn't mention it till LG brought it up, despite it happening at the end of D1. WW claims that he didn't get a QT link until recently so couldn't have Hyperion confirm him.
It straight up said that White Wolf offered you these abilities, not the name of his role or just [???]? That is very odd:hm
yeah I got uber targetted. I got a seperate pm of an "eventful night"
- Feral beast came and rolecrushed me
- someone tried to murk me
- A "cosmic being" sent me a vision in order to offer me the power of darkness, and if I accepted (which I did) his "dark power would taint me".

That all the flavor.
Where the fuck did you get Stelios from :drake
Too much stuff open. In any case, it doesn't make sense even with just you and Hyperion. Large mason groups are generally a bad thing, so it might be just that you, Hyperion and one other were meant to be in there, that other being Legend/LG. I have my doubts there.

Fact remains, the mason ability went off at the of D1. You telling me that Nitty didn't give you a QT all of N1 into D2, with you only coming forward with this info after being called out and Hyperion dead?

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