Game Warcraft III: The Scourge of Lordaeron (Alliance wins!)

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Why do you mean by indexed? Where can I see the indexed posts?

Also what's the advantage to doing this rather than just linking actions in the journal post?
It's the same but effectively less work for you cos you just gotta type w/e title to the Threadmark/or click the button for posts you already made. It's less work for us also since when you make threadmarks the button is always on page at the top and bottom and you can just click on it and go to posts directly instead of switching over to front page and getting links from there.

It's not a big deal but it's just... easier by a fraction for both parties.
This has been my play lately period.

Which you have mostly been scum. You are scum now.

@Superman also you STILL haven't explained why you doubt literally everything in every writeup. We're not gonna figure anything out by just waving every piece of information we have with a "meh it's probably just fake"

Stop making things up. I have not doubted every write up. You are creating a false narrative. You are starting to turn into a liar now.
So far farstrider and wildhammer roles have been revealed on death. Why was Mel's not? And then why was she not then raised up up death?

As for you, you have done nothing but hop on wagons and question everything. You think I do the same, but I always stress caution. People must not have seen that final sentence under the rules where it says the mod can lie to you. And now I am also giving you multiple people to look into and why.

Now what say you?

Everyone on D1 was janitored, not just Mel.

Did you see me jump on the WAD wagon even though I questioned him the hardest? Again you're full of shit. On D1 I pressured inactives. And you better think real hard before you call my vote on Legend mindlessly jumping on a bandwagon.

Yes, you've given me two people to look into, one of which is myself :nonon And the other one you've barely made any case for at all except "this person is very mysterious you guys" which is HELLA IRONIC considering all this caution you keep going on about.
It's the same but effectively less work for you cos you just gotta type w/e title to the Threadmark/or click the button for posts you already made. It's less work for us also since when you make threadmarks the button is always on page at the top and bottom and you can just click on it and go to posts directly instead of switching over to front page and getting links from there.

It's not a big deal but it's just... easier by a fraction for both parties.

Yeah but then I don't get to write in my cute journal post with the cute picture of a gnome.

Besides, this is how it's always been done and I'm a sucker for tradition.

The journal entries stay.
Yeah but then I don't get to write in my cute journal post with the cute picture of a gnome.

Besides, this is how it's always been done and I'm a sucker for tradition.

The journal entries stay.

Why not both
That's Warcraft story for you pretty much. People too righteous get corrupted by the bad guys thinking that will help them to defeat the evil and they themself turn evil and that goes in a cycle pretty much.

Corruption is probably the single most prominent theme in the entire Warcraft universe. The entire story has been written around corruption.

The universe's "prime evil" are "void lords" from another dimension that will devour our universe if they gain access to it. In an attempt to open a path for themselves the void lords afflicted our universe with Old Gods, which operate primarily by driving mortals insane and gaining their servitude in exchange for bestowing the power of the void.

To further complicate things one of the universe's prime shapers, the titan Sargeras, lost all hope of defeating the void and decided instead to scour the universe of life to eradicate the Old Gods. That is why he formed the Burning Legion, to fight the void and consequentially eliminate all life in our universe.

Countless mortals have been corrupted by the Old Gods or the Burning Legion. The entire Scourge was created by the Burning Legion as well, so anybody who was corrupted by the Lich king and joined the Cult Of The Damned can be attributed to the Legion.
One detail I particularly enjoy about corruption in Warcraft is that many people are not corrupted in the traditional evil sense, but rather are so deeply convinced they cannot win that they defect to the other side either out of rational pragmatism or irrational fear.

For example Sargeras convinced one of the most advanced civilizations in the universe, the Eredar, to join him by giving their leaders false visions of a future where they stand victorious alongside him. The Eredar then took it largely upon themselves to assimilate into Sargeras's army and eradicate any Eredar who disagreed, without Sargeras needing to do anything beyond cast a few illusions.
Aight ya thanks for making this hard(tho I fked up but whatever)

I'm not lying about my wincon, I just thought stelios was scum

Here's the thing tho when people die they turn to scourge zombies(I got my role changed)

If I kill them they just lose abilities and don't become evil zombies

Just good zombies


Everyone on D1 was janitored, not just Mel.

Did you see me jump on the WAD wagon even though I questioned him the hardest? Again you're full of shit. On D1 I pressured inactives. And you better think real hard before you call my vote on Legend mindlessly jumping on a bandwagon.

Yes, you've given me two people to look into, one of which is myself :nonon And the other one you've barely made any case for at all except "this person is very mysterious you guys" which is HELLA IRONIC considering all this caution you keep going on about.

So going after inactives....even though we have multiple people ready to replace them in this not scummy? And of course you did not jump on that were to busy riding the safer melodie one.

You chose Legend awfully quickly because you thought it would be an easy sell and no one would blame you....and get town cred. Everything you have done has been slimy.

And not just you and mel, I pointed out santi's behavior.
So going after inactives....even though we have multiple people ready to replace them in this not scummy? And of course you did not jump on that were to busy riding the safer melodie one.

You chose Legend awfully quickly because you thought it would be an easy sell and no one would blame you....and get town cred. Everything you have done has been slimy.

And not just you and mel, I pointed out santi's behavior.
You say i'm going after people who are getting replaced and then in the very next sentence you say i'm going after Mel who was definitely not getting replaced. This makes no sense. IIRC I voted for Waffles, Mel and God. God was at risk of getting replaced but that was only a temporary vote as i'm sure you're well aware of since you seem to have checked my voting pattern.

I made a case against Legend that has been far more elaborate than any you've made and yet my vote is scummier than yours. This makes no sense.

Yes, you pointed out the fact that someone has been suspiciously inactive this game. Which is something you criticize me for doing in the very same post. This makes no sense.
I too am down with a Santi or Melodie lynch. Not even quite sure what's goodd with Mel atm so I don't think letting her coast to later will be a good idea. We all know what Santi is gonna do and how he is gonna play, and more often than not he is scum, so if he won't play ball then fuck em.

Pretty much the same for savage and Hero.

I feel like Sin is an indie, or townie just not trying to appear to town since he's been harping about how he's too high profile to last long in games as of late.

Nello seems to be a bit more focused this game than past ones, so I'm not sure if he's town actually trying or just not finna play his dumb ass "out myself" and look like overt scum tactics. This meta also differs from the last warcraft game where he was scumlord.

WW should be clear for now...since we don't really know how the council shit works and he has a lie detect in his favor.

WPK finna play us all? Null read for now but I am not gonna let him slip to the back of my mind.

Also can someone let me know some lore of Sylv chick?
Read the role of Hyperion guys and read the actiosn the

[Passive - Quel'Lithien Lodge] - If Sylvanas Windrunner dies, Renthar will unite the surviving high elves at Quel'Lithien Lodge where they can communicate outside the thread.

This was activated earlier in the game which we had:

What does this mean? Legend or Lord Genome is Sylvanas i would have been okay with letting her live as she is one of my fav chars in the game, but that random shooting she did welp sorry.

[Vote Lynch Legend]

Well Sylvanas fucked up with that early kill tbh she could live longed if i am not guessing wrong imo she could have 2 possible win coins 1 is just to be the last faction alive the other is to find Arthas and kill him with finding arthas and killing him sounding more reasonable hence the random shoot too

Are we just going to ignore the fact that indie hunting is one of the scummiest things you can do, especially in the early phase with no mafia dead?

[change vote lynch Evil C.C.]

The Blackrock Clan captured WAD, Lord Genome and Legend.

With 3 captives, Jubei'Thos has enough bodies to complete a sacrificial ritual to The Burning Legion. Jubei'Thos has reestablished contact with his demon masters.

Jubei'Thos has killed WAD [???], Lord Genome [???] and Legend [???].

Renthar Hawkspear has united the high elves at Quel'Lithien Lodge.

The timeline has become unstable. The rest of today is skipped and night 1 will begin immediately. Day 2 will begin at midnight, when night 1 would normally have begun.

Night 1 start. No more posts, no exceptions.
Wait a second

Farstriders are high elves and they don't make pacts with dark powers/darkness. Its literally the opposite (Cenarius is their god that opposes that bitch punk Mannoroth)

[votelynch White Wolf]

Well I don't know what to tell you :dank
I'm farstriders and that's my ability :dank

Renthar Hawkspear
The Ranger-Lord
faction: The Farstriders
wincon: eliminate all threats to the Alliance


[Passive - Quel'Lithien Lodge] - If Sylvanas Windrunner dies, Renthar will unite the surviving high elves at Quel'Lithien Lodge where they can communicate outside the thread.

The Farstriders are an elite group of blood elfrangersactive in Quel'Thalas.
why these three is another question

WAD is obvious. He was being his WAD self and was a major town voice. Killing him harms our activity, and makes it easier to blend. As for LG and Legend, they might have been chosen for a reason, or it might just have been random. They could have been chosen for being lowkey targets.
You were both pretty active last phase. Why WAD, LG and Legend got offed was obvious the moment it happened and was something that didn't really surprise me with how open they were with info on their roles.

Faking ignorance:hm

These games start so late for me.

Anywho WAD got murked cause he was pretty much confirmed council member and a very active townie. Could also be some frame set up shiz going on there. Legend and LG got killed cause of that link, that's really the only thing that stood out for them. Who was pressing Legend again?

WW is iffy for me. He offered me abilities (a kill, and investigation) in turn for scanning as guilty. In the flavor it said he was some celestial force that is also an alien and he gave me darkness. So doesn't sound to town tbh. Anyone know what character that would be?
It straight up said that White Wolf offered you these abilities, not the name of his role or just [???]? That is very odd:hm

And you accepted this offer? Why should I not believe you're corrupted scum right now? :hm


He/she better make up for it. Nothing makes me saltier than scum who win because they made an excuse to gtfo :ippy
Not entirely impossible for such an offer to convert someone but unlikely. Higher chance of WW and him being teammates, with this being a lie and a convenient way to draw investigations away by claiming miller via an ability used on him.

Would it be a good idea to have WW to tell us his abilities? :hm
His abilities rather than his role...

if ww flips town we lynch nello :hm
These lynch chains...what exactly connects Nello's alignment to WW's flip?

This will be a good defense when I flip.
These kind of threats are usually made by mafia to scare away lynches on them.

Favorites fucked me up.
You run troll games that while not that bad are quite trollish. Hell OG Dahlia alone is almost as bad as anything in Favorites. Most of the players here were in Favorites and got trolled worse, no excuse.

Even dead I do not trust wad's judgement. He openly said he was investiagting. The traitor would know who it was a relay it to their master.

And I knew LG and Legend were farstrider. But how do we know Sylvanas was the one to raise them? What if it is Arthas and Sylvanas has not actually formed the indy faction.

And it is obvious that someone has a passive that janitors roles like I had in nitty's other WoW game. But it may look like this time they are not town, otherwise they would have confirmed Wad.

I can not join this wagon unless someone can 100% confirm WW as scum or Wad as kirin tor non traitor. know quite well there is no such thing as 100% confirmation in even mid level RM games. Even death is not 100% confirmation in RM and it has been outright stated by Nitty that death millers could be around.

You seem so certain that there is a traitor and that said traitor could be affecting the council's investigation in the first cycle. I do believe that anti-town will have counters to investigations, maybe even the council specifically but not that much that early.

Ight bitches I'm here
See you next phase.

32 Messages ago. Still not a single post talking about it :hm
You're small time.

This has been my play lately period.
You're not playing when all your posts would fit right into the convo thread.

Are we just going to ignore the fact that indie hunting is one of the scummiest things you can do, especially in the early phase with no mafia dead?

[change vote lynch Evil C.C.]
Is it hunting when they're out in the open and a potential major threat? If a Cult Leader was exposed like this, would lynching them not be optimal over trying to find mafia? I haven't looked into WoW lore and doubt wikis will give me the info to properly judge the threat in this situation but it seems like something we certainly need to take care of ASAP.

So, why are we lynching Melodie again?
Being totally non-contributive when they have been around. The action timing thing WAD brought up isn't fullproof but combined with the non-contributions which Melodie does tend towards as scum, it is enough of a basis for a good lynch.

I once caught out @Legend as a strong role to then possess with an ability in the War of the Realms based on action timings:LOS

[Vote Lynch Melodie]

As for White Wolf, why are people so willing to accept a lie detect on WW not being tampered with yet so skeptical of the council's investigations being tampered with? The chances of an anti-town player having/being given immunity to lie detection or a write-up being tampered with is higher then a group investigation used D1 being tampered with when the target wasn't known nor one of the major suspects at the time. I don't get much in the way of scum vibes from WW and that is the only thing staying my hand. Would prefer not to get burned by action fuckery and go by gut for now.

So either this means that someone among the scum faction are actually good guys, or there's lie detection in the game, right?
Or there are people who pretend to be good guys but are actually bad guys :wth
Going to scum being good as the first thought, the opposite only mentioned in a second post. Don't see how the lie detection thing even comes up here in regards to alignments being Guilty or Innocent. That is only proof that there are likely some kind of investigators, not which kinds. Investigators are to be expected.
You would think that you would have brought up this as another proof on your side, considering how strongly you have fought against claims against you this phase.

If you actually have said link now then having someone from the group confirm you should be pretty simple.
Well there's one tiny problem with that, it was just Hyperion and me in Farstrider faction after LG/Legend died hence why I didn't say anything since it wasn't pertinent after the LD already cleared me.
He doesn't know who they are by default the fuck are you on :drake

[Passive - Quel'Lithien Lodge] - If Sylvanas Windrunner dies, Renthar will unite the surviving high elves at Quel'Lithien Lodge where they can communicate outside the thread.

This literally happened at the end of day 1

The convo gets made

Even if your weren't linked it which is super dubious he would see your a member

Unless nitty didn't add you conveniently
Why is WPK quoting ancient posts? Is this your best effort at feigning contribution?
I was looking through WW's post history to ISO him. Came across one of his posts talking about lie detectors and looked into it, saw your posts and found them interesting from a general standpoint and in relation to the current situation with WW.

Ancient posts? It's D2, those are posts from D1:lmao

The time the evidence was posted is irrelevant. There is no time limit on the stank of scum coming from a post:jackal
[Passive - Quel'Lithien Lodge] - If Sylvanas Windrunner dies, Renthar will unite the surviving high elves at Quel'Lithien Lodge where they can communicate outside the thread.

This literally happened at the end of day 1

The convo gets made

Even if your weren't linked it which is super dubious he would see your a member

Unless nitty didn't add you conveniently
You can't add other people to a QT you just post :drake

I mean you're thinking of a PM conversation then yeah fair, but Nitty's going old school with shitty ass QTs

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