why these three is another question
WAD is obvious. He was being his WAD self and was a major town voice. Killing him harms our activity, and makes it easier to blend. As for LG and Legend, they might have been chosen for a reason, or it might just have been random. They could have been chosen for being lowkey targets.
You were both pretty active last phase. Why WAD, LG and Legend got offed was obvious the moment it happened and was something that didn't really surprise me with how open they were with info on their roles.
Faking ignorance
These games start so late for me.
Anywho WAD got murked cause he was pretty much confirmed council member and a very active townie. Could also be some frame set up shiz going on there. Legend and LG got killed cause of that link, that's really the only thing that stood out for them. Who was pressing Legend again?
WW is iffy for me. He offered me abilities (a kill, and investigation) in turn for scanning as guilty. In the flavor it said he was some celestial force that is also an alien and he gave me darkness. So doesn't sound to town tbh. Anyone know what character that would be?
It straight up said that White Wolf offered you these abilities, not the name of his role or just [???]? That is very odd
Not entirely impossible for such an offer to convert someone but unlikely. Higher chance of WW and him being teammates, with this being a lie and a convenient way to draw investigations away by claiming miller via an ability used on him.
Would it be a good idea to have WW to tell us his abilities?
His abilities rather than his role...
if ww flips town we lynch nello
These lynch chains...what exactly connects Nello's alignment to WW's flip?
This will be a good defense when I flip.
These kind of threats are usually made by mafia to scare away lynches on them.
You run troll games that while not that bad are quite trollish. Hell OG Dahlia alone is almost as bad as anything in Favorites. Most of the players here were in Favorites and got trolled worse, no excuse.
Even dead I do not trust wad's judgement. He openly said he was investiagting. The traitor would know who it was a relay it to their master.
And I knew LG and Legend were farstrider. But how do we know Sylvanas was the one to raise them? What if it is Arthas and Sylvanas has not actually formed the indy faction.
And it is obvious that someone has a passive that janitors roles like I had in nitty's other WoW game. But it may look like this time they are not town, otherwise they would have confirmed Wad.
I can not join this wagon unless someone can 100% confirm WW as scum or Wad as kirin tor non traitor.
Vasto...you know quite well there is no such thing as 100% confirmation in even mid level RM games. Even death is not 100% confirmation in RM and it has been outright stated by Nitty that death millers could be around.
You seem so certain that there is a traitor and that said traitor could be affecting the council's investigation in the first cycle. I do believe that anti-town will have counters to investigations, maybe even the council specifically but not that much that early.
See you next phase.
32 Messages ago. Still not a single post talking about it
You're small time.
This has been my play lately period.
You're not playing when all your posts would fit right into the convo thread.
Are we just going to ignore the fact that indie hunting is one of the scummiest things you can do, especially in the early phase with no mafia dead?
[change vote lynch Evil C.C.]
Is it hunting when they're out in the open and a potential major threat? If a Cult Leader was exposed like this, would lynching them not be optimal over trying to find mafia? I haven't looked into WoW lore and doubt wikis will give me the info to properly judge the threat in this situation but it seems like something we certainly need to take care of ASAP.
So, why are we lynching Melodie again?
Being totally non-contributive when they have been around. The action timing thing WAD brought up isn't fullproof but combined with the non-contributions which Melodie does tend towards as scum, it is enough of a basis for a good lynch.
I once caught out
@Legend as a strong role to then possess with an ability in the War of the Realms based on action timings
[Vote Lynch Melodie]
As for White Wolf, why are people so willing to accept a lie detect on WW not being tampered with yet so skeptical of the council's investigations being tampered with? The chances of an anti-town player having/being given immunity to lie detection or a write-up being tampered with is higher then a group investigation used D1 being tampered with when the target wasn't known nor one of the major suspects at the time. I don't get much in the way of scum vibes from WW and that is the only thing staying my hand. Would prefer not to get burned by action fuckery and go by gut for now.
So either this means that someone among the scum faction are actually good guys, or there's lie detection in the game, right?
Or there are people who pretend to be good guys but are actually bad guys
Going to scum being good as the first thought, the opposite only mentioned in a second post. Don't see how the lie detection thing even comes up here in regards to alignments being Guilty or Innocent. That is only proof that there are likely some kind of investigators, not which kinds. Investigators are to be expected.