Game Warcraft III: The Scourge of Lordaeron (Alliance wins!)

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I will not confirm nor deny so I don't get my body riddled with holes from mafia/town

Very vague *shitty hand gestures

this doesn't leave me brimming with confidence and is actually a very poor excuse

if you're not mafia then you're already a mafia target (because that's their win con surely) so should have no trouble confirming to us that you're town as it won't put you in any kind of undue risk as long as you don't role reveal.

whereas if you're mafia then you might be reluctant to say that you're town in case there's some sort of lie detector mechanic or some other way such a statement could come back to bite you later.

inb4 "I'm indie"

[Change Vote Lynch Hyperion1O1]

this doesn't leave me brimming with confidence and is actually a very poor excuse

if you're not mafia then you're already a mafia target (because that's their win con surely) so should have no trouble confirming to us that you're town as it won't put you in any kind of undue risk as long as you don't role reveal.

whereas if you're mafia then you might be reluctant to say that you're town in case there's some sort of lie detector mechanic or some other way such a statement could come back to bite you later.

inb4 "I'm indie"

[Change Vote Lynch Hyperion1O1]


I don't think there are indies in this game.

I mean, how could you have indies in this game, the factions won't allow it. And no, I'm not indie.

Someone can investigate or lie detect this statement right now then:

So either this means that someone among the scum faction are actually good guys, or there's lie detection in the game, right?
There's miller's/death miller's and probably more :hm hence you can be a good guy or a bad guy but show up as a bad guy or a good guy. Though that's pretty common either way where investigations can be muddied.

Like last game I was town but showed as guilty cos lolrogue but I still dominated :dank
Pun of my name :dank

[Vote lynch White Wolf]


I'm not sleep deprived. :hm
I could use some sleep, sure, but that's me all day every day.

I was planning on going to bed early to be awake for WAD's game, but this game started, so that plan went poof.

So many words

*goes to sleep*
[vote lynch Katsuargi]

Because you're the only one I know here :maybe


gotta get back into the swing of actual mafia and not cb mafia :dank

Instead of focusing on on being a god damn nerd like you were in the Rick and Morty game.:pek

Interesting that you drop that name :thunk

Also who do you take me for

I'm gonna solo Kil'jaeden

Gul'dan is more likely in this game and you have been known to play hero ball.
I'm assuming you're referring to the list in the OP. :hm
What makes you think scum will only be in specific factions ?
I mean, it might make sense lore wise (no idea, I've never played), but wouldn't that be too easy ? :hm

I mean, as others said it's very likely that we will have some defectors/traitors, but I think that makes it even more viable of a strategy to be honest.

If enough people do it, we can start figuring out who is NOT in the faction they claim to belong to by PoE, or have an easier time of figuring out who the potential turncoats are. :jackal
I mean, as others said it's very likely that we will have some defectors/traitors, but I think that makes it even more viable of a strategy to be honest.

If enough people do it, we can start figuring out who is NOT in the faction they claim to belong to by PoE, or have an easier time of figuring out who the potential turncoats are. :jackal

I'll just assume you know better in this case. :hm
I mean, as others said it's very likely that we will have some defectors/traitors, but I think that makes it even more viable of a strategy to be honest.

If enough people do it, we can start figuring out who is NOT in the faction they claim to belong to by PoE, or have an easier time of figuring out who the potential turncoats are. :jackal
Interesting :hm

Can you repeat that but this time i'm 5 years old :hm
Well I am saying what if each town faction knows the other members of said faction and can just all mass back each other? Why would they not?

this worries me a bit because

im town and i know i don't know the other members in my faction

but the way YOU word is...suspicious, you see

because if you were town, and you thought that was a possibility, it means that you are Masons with those in your faction

but your curiosity had a cadence of cautiousness to it :thunk
Fairly good but far from accurate and how do turncoats help here :catthinks

To me it sounds like an easy opportunity for scum to confuse and misdirect but you're the veteran :hm

oh i understand that's a reasonable concern, and honestly it might not even be the most viable fact it could still very well work against us

but while apprehensiveness towards me is warranted don't get too paranoid

in time, it'll be revealed who I am :naruramen
okay having done a google search I (think I) see what wad is implying now

that sort of works but also sort of doesn't work

for one thing I can't be the only player in the game who doesn't know jackshit about the lore outside of super basic stuff so if we're all faction revealing it's still ultimately up to a select few who DO know enough to either safeguard that for themselves or explain it to everyone else, neither of which I'm exactly fond of because it places the onus on a few people to lead town just because they have out of game knowledge which is statistically more easily abusable by a scum faction (because they can collude there's a X/26 chance of having a lore nerd instead of a 1/26 for everyone else).

on top of this, having googled some other faction names, none of the rest of them appear to have as obvious of a group limit, so I'm not sure how useful that actually is outside of narrowing people down unnecessarily. For example, let's assume there's some OP town role in one of the factions that you would know about if you had lore knowledge (I have no idea). Normally mafia has to pick out of like 20 people to hit that role but if we start faction revealing that becomes a much easier gamble to make.

discuss :thunk
stop lording lore knowledge

i probably am not even in the top 5 in this game of having lore knowledge tbh :catroll

for one i didnt play wc3, i only played WoW for a bit

So why did you propose it when you can't even explain yourself :juubisquint

This is a fairly good point. I now feel like this was a feeling out process for scum.

because i wanted to see what other people had to say about it

okay having done a google search I (think I) see what wad is implying now

that sort of works but also sort of doesn't work

for one thing I can't be the only player in the game who doesn't know jackshit about the lore outside of super basic stuff so if we're all faction revealing it's still ultimately up to a select few who DO know enough to either safeguard that for themselves or explain it to everyone else, neither of which I'm exactly fond of because it places the onus on a few people to lead town just because they have out of game knowledge which is statistically more easily abusable by a scum faction (because they can collude there's a X/26 chance of having a lore nerd instead of a 1/26 for everyone else).

on top of this, having googled some other faction names, none of the rest of them appear to have as obvious of a group limit, so I'm not sure how useful that actually is outside of narrowing people down unnecessarily. For example, let's assume there's some OP town role in one of the factions that you would know about if you had lore knowledge (I have no idea). Normally mafia has to pick out of like 20 people to hit that role but if we start faction revealing that becomes a much easier gamble to make.

discuss :thunk



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