Game Warcraft III: The Scourge of Lordaeron (Alliance wins!)

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If you don't believe they are neutral independent to the point you want to lynch them, then you must believe they are inclined towards the mafia. I provided evidence for why that is absurd. Don't be pedantic.

Your justification of 'lg used a kill on someone they are bad get them' is pretty flawed, and I know you know better than that. So what? Do you believe they are a serial killer/cult faction?

There is something called INDIES oh wait they are indies who have HURT town oh wait that is prolly Town action and i should be ashamed? Oh yeah guess what i am not.

I believe they have to kill Arthas and get 2-3 people in their faction something along the lines
No this is the logic of doing a stupid action on killing someone that town had no reason to go for and i would call any Vig who does that stupid shit.

Why was it a stupid action? Your whole argument makes no sense. Are people only supposed to launch kill shots at confirmed scum?

>voting a town cause he is going against us
Muh logic

This argument is also dumb.
How do you know it was random? People are allowed to go off their own internal scum reads.

Again, very poor argument.

And why did you blame me for going for WAD then? I went for my own internal scum read yet people were like MUH almost confirmed townie when he wasn't?

A ""vig" going and randomly shooting early in the game is the worst possible thing so i don't buy that "We are just survivors" shit.

so you're one of the people that:

cursed, tracked(2x), redirected(2x) me?

Yeah i am and there is person who already vouched for me here last phase too cause he knows i can do that.

Also Legend or Lord Genome before their transformation should have been able to send me a letter with who should i target were i to accept it, though i never got one so i act on my own.
I just want to bring this post back up before I forget.

Off the top of my head from last DP, Shark Skin just voted and dipped with nothing added. Nighty also keeps voting without contributing much

You did the same :dank though I haven't played enough with you to really know how scummy of a bastard you usually are :hm

I forgot Satsuki's even in the game :hm

So I asked White Wolf for his picks of better lynch targets before he knew for sure he was getting axed.

@WADsworth the Wise

What are the odds you think WW was wise enough to throw in one or so of his team in his selections to mask his own scumness?
Who is talking about alignment here we are talking about the actions you had revealed earlier in the game being on target on you.

yeah but...

unless u wanna admit to cursing me, there's 2 people who tracked me and 2 people who redirected me

i think i remember someone mentioning something about u tracking

but i don't see how that indicates who u are, as a character/role, as u seem to want to believe it should?
I just want to bring this post back up before I forget.

So I asked White Wolf for his picks of better lynch targets before he knew for sure he was getting axed.

@WADsworth the Wise

What are the odds you think WW was wise enough to throw in one or so of his team in his selections to mask his own scumness?

it's pretty standard play

definitely not shark skin
and i do think ur town
so either Nighty or skotty if true
i don't WANT to believe it's Nighty
so skotty?
And why did you blame me for going for WAD then? I went for my own internal scum read yet people were like MUH almost confirmed townie when he wasn't?

He told us town actions before they occurred :dank. Closest thing to a confirmed townie there could be, unless you thought he was a traitor... but we know you didn't.

A ""vig" going and randomly shooting early in the game is the worst possible thing so i don't buy that "We are just survivors" shit.[/quote]

If you have limited kills, probably. We don't know if that's the case, and again he is allowed to go on his own reads. He was an outed role and it wasn't like he was going for town play. If anything, the restraint he showed in not attacking town after they fucked him repeatedly was a sign that he was telling the truth.

You also know the lore. Please tell me how the forsaken don't read as classic mafia survivor roles?
You also know the lore. Please tell me how the forsaken don't read as classic mafia survivor roles?

Cause we are supposed to win with the alliance this game and guess what the Forsaken are? They are horde who go against the Alliance.

So i have all the reasons to believe they aren;t there to help the Alliance which is the town faction here.

So i can see them as indipendant who don't care for both parties and they clearly hurt town so that was enough reason for me to go after them.
Point 1:

evil c.c. is hella hypocritical, why? Because he's sussing LG/the forsaken faction for killing town despite also trying to excuse his sus on borderline confirmed town in d1. This is not especially problematic normally but the argument being used paints him/her/it very poorly. Basically the argument on the one hand is:

a) It doesn't matter that I sussed and tried to lynch hard hinted town WAD in day 1 because town doesn't have the info to know one way or another who anyone is until they flip.
b) It does matter that LG tried and succeeded at killing stelios who flipped town even though LG also had no real way of knowing that stelios was town

it can't be both ways, either LG is anti-town for going after town, in which case you're also anti-town or LG is not anti-town for going after town and you're also not anti-town

tl;dr the defence makes no sense

note: this isn't to say the forsaken/LG are pro-town, I happen to believe they're town-neutral at best, the point is that Evil C.C's logic is faulty and suspect - Generally speaking I find this to be a mafia thing to do because unless you're god tier mafia you almost sort of have to bend logic at some point while defending yourself. the trick is bending it in ways that don't get noticed. :hm

@WADsworth the Wise did u check vote tracking yet?
Short except of vote tracking:


[Change Vote Lynch Nello]

The light has shown the truth of the white wolf.
[vote lynch Legend]
[Vote Lynch Legend]
[vote Lynch melodie]
[change vote lynch Evil C.C.]
[vote lynch Nello]
[Vote Lynch Melodie]
(wpk made thispost almost immediately after lg noticing hyperions passive, one would argue that he hadn't read it yet as he was typing up his tl;dr)
[Vote Lynch Melodie]
[vote lynch WW]
[vote lynch White Wolf]
[vote lynch WW]
[Vote lynch White Wolf]
[Vote Lynch Whitewolf]

1. Evil C.C was never on White Wolf the whole day, yet also did not vote for legend until AFTER the lie detect went off
2. Nello was on white wolf but swapped off quite quickly after the LD, also seemed reluctant to vote for WW again after the "wait did u claim farstrider when the farstriders are in a QT?" argument
3. Superman seemed frustrated having to lynch white wolf :ufdup

also nello and evil c.c. both voted for Legend at the same time - might be relevant
Point 1:

evil c.c. is hella hypocritical, why? Because he's sussing LG/the forsaken faction for killing town despite also trying to excuse his sus on borderline confirmed town in d1. This is not especially problematic normally but the argument being used paints him/her/it very poorly. Basically the argument on the one hand is:

Being sus on someone and talking to them is different from just shooting at them. See i had a talk with WAD and he was able to defend himself and try to explain me why i am wrong and there was a talk with information going while we have LG just shooting without even debating with town whether stelios is scummy or scum.

Basically in my case i alone can't do shit aka lynch while he can just shoot and kill which doesn't sound all townie when you just do it without 2nd thought.

a) It doesn't matter that I sussed and tried to lynch hard hinted town WAD in day 1 because town doesn't have the info to know one way or another who anyone is until they flip.
b) It does matter that LG tried and succeeded at killing stelios who flipped town even though LG also had no real way of knowing that stelios was town

Wolf bypassed Lie detect what makes you think that WAD is town? Especially when it was said by the host that there are bastard roles and people shouldn't trust completely the write ups? I had my reasons to suspect doesn't mean i would shoot when most people were against it were i to have a kill. I just pushed a lynch and were giving my reasons for why i suspect him.

Killing != Suspecting people and having convo with them in the game

These 2 things are far different.

If yo ugive irl exmaples is this:

I am the court where i just suspect people cause i have my reasons for it but they can defend themself and go out of it.

While LG doings are he is someone who kill people cause he wanted to do it without giving them reason to explain themself.

It's clearly easy to see that this is 2 completely different things.

Throwing shades on me doesn't do anything.
Being sus on someone and talking to them is different from just shooting at them. See i had a talk with WAD and he was able to defend himself and try to explain me why i am wrong and there was a talk with information going while we have LG just shooting without even debating with town whether stelios is scummy or scum.

dude ur literally STILL on this tho

and that also doesn't matter at all for the point I'm making

Basically in my case i alone can't do shit aka lynch while he can just shoot and kill which doesn't sound all townie when you just do it without 2nd thought.

so you say :catdankv4:

Wolf bypassed Lie detect what makes you think that WAD is town?

Killing != Suspecting people and having convo with them in the game

These 2 things are far different.

If yo ugive irl exmaples is this:

I am the court where i just suspect people cause i have my reasons for it but they can defend themself and go out of it.

While LG doings are he is someone who kill people cause he wanted to do it without giving them reason to explain themself.

It's clearly easy to see that this is 2 completely different things.

Throwing shades on me doesn't do anything.

meaningless fluff to disguise the point

1. you suspected wad and tried to kill him (with the lynch obv) - you are now attempting to excuse your behaviour with the idea that you had no way to tell since I'm town
2. LG suspected stelios and tried to kill him (with his kill) - you are now attempting to say that LG is anti-town because he should have known stelios was town

the actual circumstances don't matter - what matters is your perception of

1a. your own knowledge
1b. your own thought process
2a. LG's knowledge
2b. LG's thought process

ultimately the point is this: you're excusing yourself for the exact same 'logic mistake' you're shading LG with

you can argue that LG and you made different MAGNITUDES of said mistake (i.e. you failed to act on your mistake, while he did) but regardless of this you both made the mistake

I mean maybe I'm wrong here but imo you can't sus someone as scum for playing like yourself unless you're also scum

1. you suspected wad and tried to kill him (with the lynch obv) - you are now attempting to excuse your behaviour with the idea that you had no way to tell since I'm town
2. LG suspected stelios and tried to kill him (with his kill) - you are now attempting to say that LG is anti-town because he should have known stelios was town

I never tried to excuse myself for WAD though? Since i still don't believe him on 100%? Show me where i tried to excuse myself for going after WAD?

I stand by my words when i went for WAD we had a good convo it was nice don't see why i should excuse myself of doing it?

No, don't put words in my mouth i never sai dhe should know he is Town. He shouldn't randomly shoot without seeing what other people think about a person before shooting if he is town friendly. Even if he killed Scum it would be same shit he is randomly shooting which is never good for town.

You sure try to bend my words you know. As i said if i am playing as a court then LG is playing as the vigilante that doesn;t care about whether the person is inno or not and just shoots him without needing to see his reasons. That's 2 different things and not the smae kind of play.
I never tried to excuse myself for WAD though? Since i still don't believe him on 100%? Show me where i tried to excuse myself for going after WAD?


>Going after someone who tried to fish for info is clearly scummy

Didn't know going for someone and having discussion with his and saying my reasons for thinking he is scummy is discrediting or sowing discord among townies when there was barely 1 or 2 people who had agreed with me and one of them was townie

And why did you blame me for going for WAD then? I went for my own internal scum read yet people were like MUH almost confirmed townie when he wasn't?

No, don't put words in my mouth i never sai dhe should know he is Town. He shouldn't randomly shoot without seeing what other people think about a person before shooting if he is town friendly. Even if he killed Scum it would be same shit he is randomly shooting which is never good for town.

wtf :trinny

"nobody should launch any kills without asking me first"

so any potential town vigs should out themselves and ask town (implicitly you) who they should shoot first?

[Vote Lynch Evil C.C.]
oh and platinum also never swapped back to white wolf after the lie detect


Thought he was guilty, believed the lie detector until LG explained why it was bullshit, never bothered switching back because the lynch was guaranteed. If I was scum, it would actually be dumb of me to not switch back, because he had such a massive majority.

Good detective work though.
wtf :trinny

"nobody should launch any kills without asking me first"

so any potential town vigs should out themselves and ask town (implicitly you) who they should shoot first?

[Vote Lynch Evil C.C.]

Please show me where i said people should ASK ME before killing people?

I said people should try to talk more with one they think is scummy before deciding to shoot him. Why would you shoot someone who most people think ain't scum yet only cause you think so without even asking said person anything or discussin gwith him?

You are having a nice try to divert the attention to me in this phase you know. So tell me are you from WW faction and the two of you wanted to distract town by making them go after me?
Please show me where i said people should ASK ME before killing people?

I said people should try to talk more with one they think is scummy before deciding to shoot him. Why would you shoot someone who most people think ain't scum yet only cause you think so without even asking said person anything or discussin gwith him?

You are having a nice try to divert the attention to me in this phase you know. So tell me are you from WW faction and the two of you wanted to distract town by making them go after me?

He shouldn't randomly shoot without seeing what other people think about a person before shooting if he is town friendly.



I'm the third (?) person to talk to you on this subject today even :hm

also how am I distracting town from ww when

a) part of my read on you is based on his flip so I'm literally drawing more attention to his flip and
b) he's already dead


i know

[vote lynch Nighty The Mighty]
Short except of vote tracking:


(wpk made thispost almost immediately after lg noticing hyperions passive, one would argue that he hadn't read it yet as he was typing up his tl;dr)


1. Evil C.C was never on White Wolf the whole day, yet also did not vote for legend until AFTER the lie detect went off
2. Nello was on white wolf but swapped off quite quickly after the LD, also seemed reluctant to vote for WW again after the "wait did u claim farstrider when the farstriders are in a QT?" argument
3. Superman seemed frustrated having to lynch white wolf :ufdup

also nello and evil c.c. both voted for Legend at the same time - might be relevant

You would find me sus no matter what I did. If I flipped my vote too soon you would find that suspicious. Yesterday you said we should lynch me if WW flipped town. Now he flipped scum and THAT has become grounds for lynching me :catshrug Also the CC vote timing is pretty far fetched but you do you
Just 67 more messages left :catsweat
I just want to point out a pattern here:


WOLF Prince Kiba = Archmage Arugal...a scandalous mage who had a bunch of worgen(WEREWOLF) companions

Me being one of the longest standing elders of the Kirin Tor. :dank
How come I don't get a cool matching name :catprone
@Platinum @SinRaven @Santi @Lord Genome

Either of you were visited at night? :jackal
I prodded Santi during D2 with a harmless ability and it got redirected to Dr. White :hm
He will redirect it into someone else :dank
This is actually true :dank

Gets himself lynched to become the lynch king and then we can't do shit to him unless we do other stuff first :dank
IIRC Arthas never died, he just became corrupted.
@Evil C.C. You can act like our votes are baseless but it's based one arguments already posted in thread. As I said, if a better reason other than "ouch he voted me I'll just vote him back!" Comes forward I'll switch. Or if I missed something you'd like to point out I'll switch. Voting for me doesn't make me switch.

Or, of course, if you have a better candidate and have worthwhile reason to vote that candidate I'll switch.

But right now you are the best candidate in my eyes. That means that, yes, you are my scum read for now.
@Evil C.C. You can act like our votes are baseless but it's based one arguments already posted in thread. As I said, if a better reason other than "ouch he voted me I'll just vote him back!" Comes forward I'll switch. Or if I missed something you'd like to point out I'll switch. Voting for me doesn't make me switch.

Or, of course, if you have a better candidate and have worthwhile reason to vote that candidate I'll switch.

But right now you are the best candidate in my eyes. That means that, yes, you are my scum read for now.

And what exactly is that argument do tell me :cat

I don't have time to read thousands of replies man. I read the recent exchange and I believe you're suspect enough for me to put a vote on you. If you have something better then present it.

>I believe you are suspect
>But i didn't read the game

Is that what your QT told you :cat
OK lore time

Kel'Thuzad was a human who was in the council of six. Then he secretly became a necromancer serving Ner'Zhul (master of the scourge). Arthas finds out and kills him. Arthas later becomes a DK and retrieves the ashes of Kel'Thuzad, and brings them to what is called the sunwell. There he does magic shenanigans to ressurect Kel'Thuzad into a powerful undead Lich. Kel'Thuzad later summons Archimonde, a VERY powerful leader of the Burning Legion.

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