Game World of Warcraft: The Darkness Over Duskwood (town wins!)

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Cool beans, have fun juggling Faves and a medium role madness game

Vote count

Laix - Natalija
Melkor - John Wayne
Worm Juice - Natalija
Natalija - John Wayne
Kira - Laix
Sigismund - Laix
John Wayne - Laix
Platinum - Laix
Okosan - Laix
Self votes - @Juan

Laix: 5
John Wayne: 2
Natalija: 2
Juan: 2

We are now past the 24 hour mark in this phase, so I'm going to relax the requirements to end the phase early since Favorites starts soon.

If everyone has voted, and a majority of players vote to end early (so 6 of the remaining 10 players), then I will end the phase immediately (or as soon as I'm able).

Otherwise, the phase will last for its normal 36 hour duration, ending 9.5 hours from now at 10:30 PM central time.

Votes to end early

John Wayne
Vote count

Laix - Natalija
Melkor - John Wayne
Worm Juice - Natalija
Natalija - John Wayne
Kira - Laix
Sigismund - Laix
John Wayne - Laix
Platinum - Laix
Okosan - Laix
Self votes - @Juan

Laix: 5
John Wayne: 2
Natalija: 2
Juan: 2

We are now past the 24 hour mark in this phase, so I'm going to relax the requirements to end the phase early since Favorites starts soon.

If everyone has voted, and a majority of players vote to end early (so 6 of the remaining 10 players), then I will end the phase immediately (or as soon as I'm able).

Otherwise, the phase will last for its normal 36 hour duration, ending 9.5 hours from now at 10:30 PM central time.

Votes to end early

John Wayne


Vote count

Melkor - John Wayne > Okosan > Tiger > Platinum
Kira - Hayumi
Tiger - Hayumi > Genome
Hayumi - Tiger > Platinum
Natalija - Platinum
Laix - Genome
Worm Juice - Juan
Okosan - Platinum
Ratchet - Hayumi
Juan - Hayumi
Platinum - Genome
Genome - Cooler > Hayumi
Cooler - Genome
John Wayne - Platinum
Sigismund - Genome

Self votes - WPK

Platinum - 5
Genome - 5
Hayumi - 4
WPK - 2
Juan- 1

Lord Genome (Nefaru) was lynched. With their denmother slain, the Worgen have been defeated.

Night 2 will end 12 hours from this post, at 8:30 AM central time on Tuesday, July 7th.

Night 2 start

i literally told you all my entire faction got him lynched :lul

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