Game World of Warcraft: The Darkness Over Duskwood (town wins!)

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Adding my thoughts. if Hayumi is scum I'd read Ratchet and Tiger as town, probably Juan too as I don't think their interaction felt rehearsed. If Hayumi flips town I'll probably lean scum on Tiger but will need to look in depth at the other votes - neutral on Ratchet who seems more genuine pushing the wagon.
If she flips some kind of zombie, they can easily be mafia. Don’t write it off so nonchalantly.
I think also there's a couple things to think of

first of all, why did they target LM? perhaps there's some D1 interactions that may lead the worgen to go for him. it also begs the question of whether the undead mafia are immune to the effects of the Worgen, and does the Worgen know this? if so, they would want to avoid targeting players they believe to be scum

there's also the chance that perhaps the worgen can't infect undead, but if he targets undead he kills them instead?

we also have to consider how scum would react to this. i want to figure out the worgen's role and how it works with scum so we can use those interactions to sus who the scum is
this is a bad analogy to live by as some indies CAN be pro-town

however in the circumstances of this game I have a reason to believe the Worgen is anti-town and anti-mafia
Never seen an indie play or have a pro-town wincon. In my experience they always fucked town over, don’t care for risking that to happen.

But yeah, this other faction surely has to be against the mafia as well.
I think also there's a couple things to think of

first of all, why did they target LM? perhaps there's some D1 interactions that may lead the worgen to go for him. it also begs the question of whether the undead mafia are immune to the effects of the Worgen, and does the Worgen know this? if so, they would want to avoid targeting players they believe to be scum

there's also the chance that perhaps the worgen can't infect undead, but if he targets undead he kills them instead?

we also have to consider how scum would react to this. i want to figure out the worgen's role and how it works with scum so we can use those interactions to sus who the scum is

Don't see how we work out the Worgen's role without a role cop or something?

Lynch the people that are acting scummy, speculating about roles will drain our time and get us nowhere.
How does a Hayumi flip inform your other reads?

A Hayumi flip would provide a plethora of information-- I think that is pretty clear.

You trying to hint something? Are you a cute zombie? :catpole

Nah, I don’t give a darn, non-town = mafia. They all need to be removed.

I mean...sort of. In this game, that stance will probably work for you. It's better to say "all non-town are scum" not mafia. A mafia is a very distinct group.

Never seen an indie play or have a pro-town wincon. In my experience they always fucked town over, don’t care for risking that to happen.

But yeah, this other faction surely has to be against the mafia as well.

If you signed up for Favorites, you may be in for a treat. Pro-town Indies happen. But I would never think a Worgen would be one of them.

My reads:

Townie-- Melkor, John Wayne, Ratchet, Platinum, Natalija, Laix, Sigismund
Mafia-- Hayumi, LG, Okosan, Kira, Cooler, Juan, Worm Juice

In varying degrees.
There's been a lot of back and forth with Hayumi. A lot voted for them, and a few pushed away from the vote. Hayumi is the most active player in the game. I don't think I have to explain further why there would be a ton of information on their flip. I've stated a number of times who I think looks good and who doesn't. I shall leave it at that.

@WolfPrinceKiba had time to catch up, old man? What do you think of my town and scum piles at this point?
There's been a lot of back and forth with Hayumi. A lot voted for them, and a few pushed away from the vote. Hayumi is the most active player in the game. I don't think I have to explain further why there would be a ton of information on their flip. I've stated a number of times who I think looks good and who doesn't. I shall leave it at that.

@WolfPrinceKiba had time to catch up, old man? What do you think of my town and scum piles at this point?

So you don't want to give specifics? Good to know.

Also it's very disingenuous to point to your town and scum piles as if that answers my question.

I'll make it easy. If Hayumi flips scum who looks worst to you? If Hayumi flips town who looks worst to you?
If Hayumi flips town, I think I might be more interested in those who refused to vote for her and kept pressuring others for their thoughts on "what happens if" than those who voted. Or at least those who engaged Hayumi in long debates attached with a vote, rather than added on with little explanation. I'd have to go through the pattern of each person that led to the lynch, as well as those who refused to do so.

You won't be getting that from me today, and I'm also not voting Hayumi today any longer.
If Hayumi flips town, I think I might be more interested in those who refused to vote for her and kept pressuring others for their thoughts on "what happens if" than those who voted. Or at least those who engaged Hayumi in long debates attached with a vote, rather than added on with little explanation. I'd have to go through the pattern of each person that led to the lynch, as well as those who refused to do so.

You won't be getting that from me today, and I'm also not voting Hayumi today any longer.

I mean, this just feels like waffling to avoid giving a read. You worried that if you name someone you'll be committed? :hm
Let's just say this-- I don't like the idea of announcing before a lynch that players shall be condemned for voting for someone that ends up being innocent. If the conviction of a few of us is strong enough to get a person lynched-- it makes more sense to analyze the patterns after the flip than before it. But if you want me to admit that Ratchet, Okosan, and I will look poorly upon an innocent flip of Hayumi after a long day of back and forth, sure I'll wear that.

But don't act coy that there's a lot of information to sift through on that result.
Let's just say this-- I don't like the idea of announcing before a lynch that players shall be condemned for voting for someone that ends up being innocent. If the conviction of a few of us is strong enough to get a person lynched-- it makes more sense to analyze the patterns after the flip than before it. But if you want me to admit that Ratchet, Okosan, and I will look poorly upon an innocent flip of Hayumi after a long day of back and forth, sure I'll wear that.

But don't act coy that there's a lot of information to sift through on that result.

Is there a reason you're responding to me without quoting me BTW? Or is that a thing you do with everyone?

I mean, it's a read I'm asking for. Not asking for you to set it stone. I feel like a townie wouldn't be so hesitant to actually name someone.

And I'm not acting coy, I just wanted to know your number one picks I'm not implying you can only get information on one or two people from Hayumi's flip.

Melkor - John Wayne > Okosan > Tiger

Kira Yagami - Hayumi

- Hayumi > Genome

Hayumi - Tiger > Platinum

Natalija - Platinum

Laix - Genome

Worm Juice -

Okosan - Platinum

Ratchet - Hayumi

Juan - Hayumi

Genome - Cooler

Cooler - Genome

John Wayne - Platinum

Sigismund - Genome

Self Votes - Platinum, Nana (WPK)

Total Votes:

Platinum - 6
Genome - 4
Hayumi - 3
Nana - 2
Cooler - 1
Tiger - 1
Juan - 1
I'm not feeling the Platinum lynch and I think LG is Worgen - or possibly mafia, but leaning towards Worgen.
So out of the people that were on MY sus list, you feel like tiger is more likely scum then plat? I’m having a difficult time reading you rn, but just from your posts that’s what I’m guessing. Since he doesn’t seem to be priority for you.

Also, what specifically about LG makes you want us to vote for him over plat?
So out of the people that were on MY sus list, you feel like tiger is more likely scum then plat? I’m having a difficult time reading you rn, but just from your posts that’s what I’m guessing. Since he doesn’t seem to be priority for you.

Also, what specifically about LG makes you want us to vote for him over plat?

Already said why I want to lynch LG.

Why you bolding the my? No one else allowed to suss those people without giving you credit or something? lol

Plat just isn't pinging me where as Tiger is.
Bruh no scum has died yet, how can you be sure which faction someone belongs to?


The way LG has zero'd in on the infection mechanic makes me think he's got some info we don't in that respect. I think it's more likely to be a Worgen mechanic than mafia - but the way he was pushing the idea that it might be a mafia thing could be a bit of TMI.

Didn’t mean to use uppercase lol, typo. And if LG flips town, who becomes scummy to you?

Would need to look at the wagon. Feel like the initial votes on him might have been people going for low hanging fruit.

Maybe the Laix vote stands out? Lynching him for coasting is a pretty bland reason.
D1 read through :

Hello again, guys!

Oh Nana already is a spoiled role, cool.

Question for you amazing experienced mafia players: if you're not sure who to lynch in a game, as in town isn't sure in general, who is the best candidate? A less active player? A player who doesn't scum hunt? :psyduck
Why is your entry in this game asking who you can get away with pushing for reasoning that's not your own?

This was weird and obvious af. Lie detector role?

It's far from weird for anyone with experience playing around lie detectors, and it's not a good look to throw immediate shade at a possible lie detector or one giving them posts to scan.

Probably faking it.
Same as above, scummy af to immediately assume it's both a lie detector claim and a fake one off of what had been posted.

Soft-claiming lie detector is pretty retarded day 1. I wouldn't necessarily be shocked if Nevan was scum, that is his fake-claim role Shizune gave him.

I await the 'just a prank bro' retraction.
Putting it solely in the box of being a soft-claim is retarded, and boxing people into being scum with your presumptions on their reaction is scummy.

“That exchange seemed rehearsed” is something I’ve heard scum use just about every game I’ve ever played. An easy potentially opportunistic comment to make no doubt. Not saying that makes you scummy but move on from that line of thought lmao. Me and Juan simply have an interesting dynamic.
Are you really trying to intimidate Tiger here of all people with this?:lmao

"Not saying you're scummy, but if you don't back down I'll push that angle!"

[vote lynch Nevan]

Lets get this show on the road. I'll have your excuse now about posturing lie detector hours into a game.
I'll have your excuse for acting like you've never played in games where people were pressured into straight answers about alignment early by multiple people, not only because there could be a lie detector, but also due to scum in multiple games getting spooked with their responses and outing themselves without the need for an actual lie detector to exist/be used.

Interesting - we should note this interaction for later.
Translation: I won't offer any opinion on this in the moment, but when Nevan flips town, I'll push Plat for this.

Nevan's motivations are incredibly blatant and obvious. He is trying to be like 'oh look guys i'm town' without having to do anything that entails actual town work. If he actually is a lie detector, he is being an incredibly poor one blowing his shot so early in the game. If he's not, then acting as one is scummy as hell. Remember Elistren clearly states the mafia all have fake town roles.
Or he was just trying to pressure people into clear statements playing the game, and you're putting unwarranted shade on a few early posts.

:pepethunk @Okosan would you say your scum and town gameplay is usually close to identical? Because your approach right now is giving me flashback vibes from your godfather game. I know you’re really articulate and all that, but this reminds me a lot of when you came out swinging and then stayed stuck on shizune for the whole start of the game. Just going off of what I saw from you back then. When you’re scum, you like to lead conversations and although talk about a lot of things, you would hone in on certain situations/people to push that agenda over the others, while simultaneously getting town credit. I’m extremely weary of you.
This is just trying to spread strong player paranoia, and one that's unwarranted. Okosan's play here is not like Flag Bearer, where their tunnel on Shizune was completely unwarranted and they were being very hostile and condescending when pressured themselves. The actual good scumhunters on that roster(myself and Cooler) both hard suspected Okosan all throughout d1 and the rest of the game in my case(Cooler got NK'd n1).

Willing to bet Nevan is a jester

like do you think anyone would genuinely do that

even a new player

Laix you have seen many players make actual bad plays, and your past games had proper lie detector pressure applied to people. It's not bad play, and to suggest it's jester tier bad play is sheer hyperbole.

It's harmful though for Town, pretending to be a role you're not is typically scummy scummy behavior and doesn't really help other than in very rare instances where Scum gets tilted and reveals themselves.
They never pretended to be any role, you just labeled it as that when anyone can put pressure on people to make lie detectable statements, and most of town should be applying such pressure to give cover for any actual lie detector that might exist.

I do not like this post from Okosan, feels like he is stretching too much to push Platinum. This is logical - he finds Nevan's behaviour suspicious and waits for his explanation. He is not a mind reader so cannot predict his response.

I agree with Hayumi about how dangerous Okosan is.

Nevan's post was a bit weird, hinting role that early, neutral on Platinum's reaction, this is something i can see both scum and cautious townie follow. Would like to see more from Nevan. As mentioned above i did not like Okosan tunnelling on Platinum.
Melkor like Hayumi spreading strong player paranoia, and having a ridiculous double standard between how he's regarding Plat's tunnel and Okosan's.

Before I answer your question, Nevan, I need to ask you, what are questions? Who am i, who are you? What is a town?

Anyways, the dictionary defines the term 'question' as...
This is just malicious, in the most clownfest way one can be malicious.

Guy going for low hanging fruit and taking advantage of the momentum of the late LG wagon.

"I agree with what someone said about LG" lol

Your posts have been so shitty since you popped back up lol.

[Change Vote Lynch Nevan]
For a late vote on the wagon goes a bit hard in when it's unnecessary to do so, leans me town on Cooler from this.

To be fair, it would take some big birdy balls to do that in one game and then follow it up the exact same way a game later.

The way I see it, you avoid day 1 lynching those putting in work. I don't like what Nevan has done-- start the game with a cryptic posturing play, and then disappear. When he comes back he's all like "hmm? What's up guys?" Casually confused guy.

I'll officially add my name to the list of those who don't like that play, and add to the potential info gain.

[Vote Lynch Nevan]
Law you very much stayed on the sideline of all this, offering little to the overall discussion of whether Nevan was actually hinting, if it mattered if he did or how loe detectors should be played around, then when Nevan doesn't go about bowing down to the unreasonable wagon on him you pile on. Currently I'm not feeling great about you.

Coming off d1 my preferred lynch order would be :

Lord Melkor
John Wayne

I would feel little regret offing all of them in one swoop.
Oh please. What was a clownfest was Nevan's retarded refusal to answer any question to the point of comedy. "That's a dumb question. It's a really dumb question. Hey i'll answer that question but here's a question for you first! Hey Tiger, what do you think about this question?"

Indeed, his defence was poor.... have you voted Lord Genome out of scum read or is this saving yourself as he is biggest counterwagon to you?
Good thing Nitty doing his own vote count, I guess.

@WolfPrinceKiba Nah, Nevan was downright shite on toast with how he acted last phase. I regret nothing.
He didn't handle it as best as one could, but it was downright shite on toast it even got to that point. A mix of people being scummy af and going full retard like they don't understand how it's not the actual lie detectors job to force clear claims, it's everyone's.
I explained in detail why you should never do what Nevan did just in case the newer players were curious. I have zero issue voting someone for that weird ass behavior. And on top of that-- we literally lost nothing of value, and gained information on others piling onto a wagon to lynch him. We could have done much worse. I'll not be shamed by you.
It's only shaming if you're town, if you're scum then you got away with a mislynch with very little suspicion your way:zaru
He didn't handle it as best as one could, but it was downright shite on toast it even got to that point. A mix of people being scummy af and going full retard like they don't understand how it's not the actual lie detectors job to force clear claims, it's everyone's.
Cooo! (Yeah that's why Okoan waited until Nevan responded to vote for either them or Platinum. Legit if Nevan had responded with literally anything to clear the situation, either a hard lie detector claim, them explaining they were reaction checking, or literally anything Okosan probably would've pushed somewhere else. But with them essentially avoiding the question Nevan shot up as a suspect)

Melkor - John Wayne > Okosan > Tiger > Platinum

Kira Yagami - Hayumi

- Hayumi > Genome

Hayumi - Tiger > Platinum

Natalija - Platinum

Laix - Genome

Worm Juice -

Okosan - Platinum

Ratchet - Hayumi

Juan - Hayumi

Genome - Cooler

Cooler - Genome

John Wayne - Platinum

Sigismund - Genome

Platinum - Genome

Self Votes - Nana (WPK)

Total Votes:

Platinum - 5
Genome - 5
Hayumi - 3
Nana - 2
Cooler - 1
Juan - 1
Ok, I really don't think Platinum should be lynched today.

LG or Hayumi are better options.
Coo! (Yeah Okosan will say this about the Platinum wagon. As much as people were saying Hayumi was getting piled on earlier with no resistance it's actually worse with Platinum. Okosan hasn't even heard anything super against a Platinum lynch honestly)

Cooo! COO! (And while Okosan could get behind a Hayumi lynch, Okosan doesn't really have a read on LG so he can't in good conscience agree to that)
I'd rather Lynch hayumi than plat or myself for obvious reasons

Kindly cause I don't see anything actually scummy about plat andtand seems more like his town game and cooler isn't gonna get lynched apparently so ya

[Change vote Lynch hayumi]
Hahaha but if you want to survive, isn’t it smarter to switch your vote to Platinum because that would put him in the lead?
Day 2 - Lord Genome (Nefaru) is lynched
Vote count

Melkor - John Wayne > Okosan > Tiger > Platinum
Kira - Hayumi
Tiger - Hayumi > Genome
Hayumi - Tiger > Platinum
Natalija - Platinum
Laix - Genome
Worm Juice - Juan
Okosan - Platinum
Ratchet - Hayumi
Juan - Hayumi
Platinum - Genome
Genome - Cooler > Hayumi
Cooler - Genome
John Wayne - Platinum
Sigismund - Genome

Self votes - WPK

Platinum - 5
Genome - 5
Hayumi - 4
WPK - 2
Juan- 1

Lord Genome (Nefaru) was lynched. With their denmother slain, the Worgen have been defeated.

wincon: curse all other players

[One Shot Passive - Thick Skin] - The eldritch power that transformed Nefaru makes her particularly difficult to slay. Nefaru will survive the first regular kill or the first role crush attempted against her.

[Passive - Tendon Rip] - If another player roleblocks Nefaru then she will strike back at them, learning their name and afflicting them with her curse.

[Active - The Den Mother] - Each night, Nefaru can use the magical Scythe of Elune to afflict another player with a curse that will slowly transform them into a worgen like herself. Nefaru wins the game if only 1 or fewer of the other living players haven't been cursed yet. If Nefaru dies, her curse will be broken and she will lose the game.

Night 2 will end 12 hours from this post, at 8:30 AM central time on Tuesday, July 7th.

Night 2 start
Day 3 start (Hayumi and WPK are killed)
Hayumi (Elaine Carevin) and WolfPrinceKiba (Ello Ebonlocke) died last night.

Elaine Carevin
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

[One Shot Active - Desperate Prayer] - Elaine is a devoutly spiritual woman who has dedicated her life to the Holy Light. During the night Elaine can pray to the Light for guidance, enabling her to privately ask a dead player 1 question through the moderator. The moderator will send Elaine their response, if they give her one.

Ello Ebonlocke
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

[Passive - Mayor of Darkshire] - As Darkshire's leader, Ello has a voting power of 2, and the moderator will announce his identity to the thread.

Day 3 start.
Coooooo! (Actually you know what that's a really interesting kill. Because sure WPK was confirmed and all, but they barely met the post minimum for the day and even self voted. And normally inno children have nothing or barely anything in terms of abilities, so they're choosing to leave potentially strong prs alive. Like whatever caused there to be no kill on N1)

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