Game World of Warcraft: The Darkness Over Duskwood (town wins!)

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Rules & mechanics

Darkshire, formerly known as the Grand Hamlet, is a once-quaint woodland village located in the cursed Duskwood. The surrounding forests have been filled with an evil malaise that cloaks the land in constant darkness. The walking dead choke the graveyards, and foul creatures known as worgen have overrun many of the outlying farmsteads. Even worse, Stormwind City has all but abandoned the village, leaving the people of Darkshire no choice but to defend themselves.

Hello, and welcome to the fourth installment in my series of story-based Warcraft games.

Part I: The Scourge of Lordaeron
Part II: Eternity's End
Part III: The Eastern Kingdoms

Please review the following rules and mechanical guidelines before we begin, even if you feel like you don't need to. Some things are different from my previous games.

Spoiler: Rules
1. Do not discuss the game outside the thread or moderator-designated private chats.

2. Day phases last for 36 hours, and night phases for 12 hours. Collectively, a 48 hour day+night is called a cycle. During the day, players can post and cast lynch votes. Failing to vote for another player will count as 2 votes toward yourself, and you cannot vote for no lynch. Players cannot post during the night.

3. Votes must be phrased [vote lynch X] or [change vote lynch X] or I may overlook them.

4. Role revealing is allowed, but not recommended. All non-town players have been equipped with fake claims.

5. Do not edit or delete your posts.

6. Do not screenshot or quote your private messages from the moderator.

7. If the game ends in an RNG lynch, then it will be declared a draw with no victor.

Spoiler: Mechanics
1. "Doctors," or roles with protective abilities, cannot protect themselves. Roleblocks disable passive defenses ie bulletproof abilities. Players who are roleblocked will learn that they were blocked.

2. One shot abilities may be used again if they fail or if they are blocked.

3. Faction kills are performed by a specific member of that mafia, and can be tracked or roleblocked by targeting that person. The mafia will decide among themselves who receives which role.

4. In ability descriptions, "murder" refers to one player killing another with an ability or the mafia faction kill, as opposed to dying by lynching.

5. When a player is murdered during the night, the writeup will only say that they died and what their role was, not which faction killed them. Failed kills will not appear in the writeup.

6. A superkill is a kill that bypasses roleblocks and defensive abilities. A role crush strips a player of all their abilities, turning them generic.

Spoiler: Action processing
This is the order in which different types of night actions are processed. Mafia and indies will have priority on most ability interactions. If players of equal priority attempt to roleblock each other, then the roleblocks will cancel each other out and neither will have an effect.

1. Role crushes
2. Roleblocks
3. Redirects
4. Mafia & indie kills
5. Town kills
6. All other types of abilities

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Factions & Player list


wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

Spoiler: Madame Eva
Madame Eva
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

[Passive - The Eva Family Matriarch] - Madame Eva knows the identity of her granddaughter, Alyssa Eva. If Alyssa dies, then Madame Eva will go mad with grief, causing her to leave the game as well.

[Two Shot Active - Tarot Cards] - Madame Eva can use her astral magic to investigate another player and learn their alignment. This ability has a 3/5 chance to give Madame Eva the correct result, and a 2/5 chance to give her the opposite result. If Madame Eva investigates the same player twice, then the second investigation will give her the correct result.

Spoiler: Elaine Carevin
Elaine Carevin
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

[One Shot Active - Desperate Prayer] - Elaine is a devoutly spiritual woman who has dedicated her life to the Holy Light. During the night Elaine can pray to the Light for guidance, enabling her to privately ask a dead player 1 question through the moderator. The moderator will send Elaine their response, if they give her one.

Spoiler: Ello Ebonlocke
Ello Ebonlocke
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

[Passive - Mayor of Darkshire] - As Darkshire's leader, Ello has a voting power of 2, and the moderator will announce his identity to the thread.

Spoiler: Viktori Prism'Antras
Viktori Prism'Antras
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

[Active - Look To The Stars] - Viktori owns a powerful telescope through which he can watch another player each night, learning who targets them.

Spoiler: Councilman Millstipe
Councilman Millstipe
wincon: eliminate all threads to the town

[Passive - Crime and Punishment] - Councilman Millstipe once committed treason against Stormwind City by hiring an assassin to carry out vigilante justice against a necromancer who was imprisoned there and awaiting trial. If Millstipe's alignment is investigated, he will appear to be guilty.
Spoiler: Malissa

wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

[Active - Dust of Decay] - Each night Malissa can poison another player with a substance that will temporarily weaken their bones and muscles, roleblocking them.

Spoiler: Althea Ebonlocke
Althea Ebonlocke
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

[Active - Commander of the Night Watch] - Althea is tasked with the safety of Darkshire and its citizens. Each night Althea can send Darkshire's guards to defend another player, protecting them against kills.

Spoiler: Jitters
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

[Active - Running From The Past] - Jitters narrowly escaped when the worgen attacked his home and murdered his family. Now Jitters spends his life in hiding, fearful of sharing their gruesome fate. Each night Jitters can hide behind another player, redirecting abilities used on Jitters to his target. Players are told when they are redirected and who their new target is.

Spoiler: Alyssa Eva
Alyssa Eva
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

[Passive - Innocent Child] - Alyssa is still a child, causing her to require 1 extra vote to be lynched.

Spoiler: Abercrombie
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

[Passive - Necromancer] - Abercrombie was once an alchemist who helped Darkshire fight against the undead, but then the death of his wife Eliza drove him mad, and now Abercrombie secretly studies necromancy in hopes of raising her from the dead. If the mafia attempts to kill Abercrombie, he will join them instead.

Spoiler: Role Dreuger
Role Dreuger
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

[Passive - Deputy Mayor of Darkshire] - Role is the assistant to Lord Ello Ebonlocke, the mayor of Darkshire. If Ello dies, then Role will assume leadership over Darkshire in his stead, permanently granting Role +1 voting power.

Spoiler: Calor
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

[Active - Worgen in the Woods] - Calor is a warrior who is taking matters into his own hands by hunting the foul beasts that lurk around Darkshire. During the night, Calor can attempt to kill another player. If Calor murders an innocent player, then he will be arrested and imprisoned, permanently role crushing and vote silencing him, as well as causing him to appear guilty to alignment investigations.

Spoiler: Blind Mary
Blind Mary
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

[Passive - Ghost] - Blind Mary was murdered by a necromancer who then raised her as a banshee, though unlike most of her fellow undead, Mary retained her sentience. Mary has no voting power, but if she is killed or lynched, then she can continue posting in the thread.


The Undead
wincon: eliminate everyone outside your faction

Spoiler: Morbent Fel
Morbent Fel
wincon: eliminate everyone outside your faction

[Passive - Necromancy] - Morbent raised his skeletal subordinates Stalvan Mistmantle and Morgan Ladimore from the grave, and his magic sustains them through any attacks. If Morbent's teammates are murdered, their role will be hidden from the thread and their death will be delayed until Morbent also dies.

[Passive - Touch of Death] - If Morbent performs the faction kill then he will cast a spell to siphon the life out of his victim, protecting Morbent against kills for that night.

[One Shot Active - Presence of Undeath] - During the night Morbent can put a curse on another player, role crushing them for that night and the following cycle.

Spoiler: Stalvan Mistmantle
Stalvan Mistmantle
wincon: eliminate everyone outside your faction

[Passive - Cannibalize] - If Stalvan Mistmantle performs the faction kill then he will eat his victim's body, hiding their role from the thread.

[Active - Stalker in the Night] - Stalvan creeps around the outskirts of Darkshire, watching the townspeople. Each night Stalvan can stalk another player to learn their role and abilities.

Spoiler: Morgan Ladimore
Morgan Ladimore
wincon: eliminate everyone outside your faction

[Passive - The Blessed Blade] - Morgan Ladimore wields the enchanted sword Archeus. If Morgan peforms the faction kill, then his kill will be upgraded to a superkill.


The Worgen
wincon: curse all other players

Spoiler: Nefaru
wincon: curse all other players

[One Shot Passive - Thick Skin] - The eldritch power that transformed Nefaru makes her particularly difficult to slay. Nefaru will survive the first regular kill or the first role crush attempted against her.

[Passive - Tendon Rip] - If another player roleblocks Nefaru then she will strike back at them, learning their name and afflicting them with her curse.

[Active - The Den Mother] - Each night, Nefaru can use the magical Scythe of Elune to afflict another player with a curse that will slowly transform them into a worgen like herself. Nefaru wins the game if only 1 or fewer of the other living players haven't been cursed yet. If Nefaru dies, her curse will be broken and she will lose the game.
Spoiler: Player list
1. Laix (Morgan Ladimore)
2. Platinum (Councilman Millstipe)
3. Kira Yagami (Malissa)
4. Natalija (Althea Ebonlocke)
5. WolfPrinceKiba (Ello Ebonlocke)
6. Tiger (Stalvan Mistmantle)
7. Lord Genome (Nefaru)
8. Hayumi (Elaine Carevin)
9. Worm Juice (Jitters)
10. John Wayne (Alyssa Eva)
11. Nevan (Madame Eva)
12. Sigismund (Abercrombie)
13. Juan (Role Dreuger)
14. Ratchet (Viktori Prism'Antras)
15. Cooler (Morbent Fel)
16. Lord Melkor (Calor)
17. Okosan (Blind Mary)

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Wishful thinking, scumjuan
Leave the flattering for after dinner, Tiger-kun. :hoho

I swear you nearly made me quit mafia.
Don't worry, I'll cross out that "nearly" soon enough. :devilavapepe

kidding, keep playing. mafia's only fun if there are new chumps to pull the wool over and interact with.

plus i'm eventually hosting and i need a playerbase that isn't entirely dead.
Hello again, guys!

Oh Nana already is a spoiled role, cool.

Question for you amazing experienced mafia players: if you're not sure who to lynch in a game, as in town isn't sure in general, who is the best candidate? A less active player? A player who doesn't scum hunt? :psyduck

Trying to butter people up already.

Someone usually does something silly or out of character. Or the things you said. But that feels somewhat obvious, no?
You kidding? My hearing is at its peak right now. I have a baby in the house-- I have to...y'know, listen for coyotes or something.

@Natalija is active, but @Nana @Worm Juice and @Hayumi not yet. When did you guys start playing? Do you play elsewhere?
This is my third game here, we just finished nine circles of hell in Laix's game.

I've played six in total. Never won though :')
Oop forgot this game started my bad everyone, was at work pretty much all day.

You kidding? My hearing is at its peak right now. I have a baby in the house-- I have to...y'know, listen for coyotes or something.

@Natalija is active, but @Nana @Worm Juice and @Hayumi not yet. When did you guys start playing? Do you play elsewhere?
My very first online mafia game was on this forum, but I’ve played irl before. I mainly play on thriller bark and here now as well. I have a total of about 20-ish online games underneath my belt I’d say. Although spread out over a decent amount of time.

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