Game World of Warcraft: The Darkness Over Duskwood (town wins!)

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Interesting isn't the word I would have used.

But if it was going in the last game, I don't suppose my theory will catch any flies either.

36 hour days in a small game where we're still on page 2 at the seven hour mark have me wanting conversation of any kind. Especially the accusatory type.
Fair enough lols but there’s still more then enough time for everyone to contribute to the conversation, scum included

Heya, losers.


Hello again, guys!

Oh Nana already is a spoiled role, cool.

Question for you amazing experienced mafia players: if you're not sure who to lynch in a game, as in town isn't sure in general, who is the best candidate? A less active player? A player who doesn't scum hunt? :psyduck

That is a great question to which there is no obvious answer. You should follow your instincts, like you correctly sussed me last game, for example. But both things you said are valid reason to look closely at someone.

damn was hoping for a mafia role :blobcry

Really? [Vote Lynch Kira Yagami] for now.

I'm town. Why?

Hmm.... who you were last game? You are playing newbie card a bit too much IMO, you have played several games already.

I didn't see Nana on the sign-ups.

I am also unfamiliar with Natalija, Ryan, Hayumi, or Worm Juice, please assist.

Natalija is rather new but seems to improve with each game. Hayumi is good, active player. Worm Juice so far seemed very scummy to me in games we played together (I think there were two of them) but actually were town.

This was weird and obvious af. Lie detector role?


Are you fishing for power roles?

Soft-claiming lie detector is pretty retarded day 1. I wouldn't necessarily be shocked if Nevan was scum, that is his fake-claim role Shizune gave him.

I await the 'just a prank bro' retraction.

Interesting - we should note this interaction for later.
Melkor please. Nevan was doing the most obvious cliche in the world. There is no fishing necessary to get the intent of what he was doing.

Yes, I got it, but Hayumi (experience player) than followed with obvious question to him which Nevan cannot answer in good faith without revealing his motivations....

Only two meaningul things so far seem to be interaction between you, Hayumi and Nevan and Kira starting the game with "I wish I had a Mafia role". What do you think of the second?

Have town vibes from Lord Genome so far, seems relaxed and I remember him coasting in games where he was Mafia.
Melkor please. Nevan was doing the most obvious cliche in the world. There is no fishing necessary to get the intent of what he was doing.
This pretty much sums up what I was going to say, so no real need for me to even to respond to that ridiculous reach. Although, I just read back through, and it was already pointed out before I mentioned it anyways. Something as obviously worded like that is bound to be put under scrutiny considering there isn’t much else to really speculate on atm.
Yes, I got it, but Hayumi (experience player) than followed with obvious question to him which Nevan cannot answer in good faith without revealing his motivations....

Only two meaningul things so far seem to be interaction between you, Hayumi and Nevan and Kira starting the game with "I wish I had a Mafia role". What do you think of the second?

Have town vibes from Lord Genome so far, seems relaxed and I remember him coasting in games where he was Mafia.

Nevan's motivations are incredibly blatant and obvious. He is trying to be like 'oh look guys i'm town' without having to do anything that entails actual town work. If he actually is a lie detector, he is being an incredibly poor one blowing his shot so early in the game. If he's not, then acting as one is scummy as hell. Remember Elistren clearly states the mafia all have fake town roles.

Kira's statement can be whatever you want to read into it. Personally I think he's both capable of being a tard and saying that as scum while thinking its so obvious that it loops around to seeming to be town behavior, or also just being a townie and being stupid. It's worth pressuring at the least, I suppose.
Soft-claiming lie detector is pretty retarded day 1. I wouldn't necessarily be shocked if Nevan was scum, that is his fake-claim role Shizune gave him.

I await the 'just a prank bro' retraction.
Cooo!! COO! (Doesn't this post set Nevan up where you can scum read them based on anything they do? You say you wouldn't be shocked if Nevan was scum based on if that's their actual claim, and throw sus on it as the fake claim possibility. Then you preemptively bring up the option of Nevan retracting it as well. Which, and maybe Okosan is reading this poorly, feels like you could say is Nevan quickly backtracking from it and the attention it brought)

Cooooo! (Will see if you read Nevan at all after this post while Okosan is catching up)
[vote lynch Nevan]

Lets get this show on the road. I'll have your excuse now about posturing lie detector hours into a game.
Cooooo! COO! (Okay yeah so you don't have to answer this until Nevan answers your question (because Okosan can understand having a theory and wanting answers for it) but Okosan's really curious what a "good" response here would be for you?)

COO! (It seems like you would sus Juan's Lie Detect claim as fake if they actually claimed, and that you think Juan backtracking is going to look bad too. At least from Okosan's perspective)
Cooooo! COO! (Okay yeah so you don't have to answer this until Nevan answers your question (because Okosan can understand having a theory and wanting answers for it) but Okosan's really curious what a "good" response here would be for you?)

COO! (It seems like you would sus Juan's Lie Detect claim as fake if they actually claimed, and that you think Juan backtracking is going to look bad too. At least from Okosan's perspective)
juan's what now :dank
Nevan's motivations are incredibly blatant and obvious. He is trying to be like 'oh look guys i'm town' without having to do anything that entails actual town work. If he actually is a lie detector, he is being an incredibly poor one blowing his shot so early in the game. If he's not, then acting as one is scummy as hell. Remember Elistren clearly states the mafia all have fake town roles.

Kira's statement can be whatever you want to read into it. Personally I think he's both capable of being a tard and saying that as scum while thinking its so obvious that it loops around to seeming to be town behavior, or also just being a townie and being stupid. It's worth pressuring at the least, I suppose.

Cooo? (It just seems like Plat is already convinced of Nevan being scum for whatever reason. And half of their defense, as bolded above, is preemptively throwing shade. "If he is lie detector" :mafia all have fake roles" both read like, "even if Nevan claims lie detector I'm (Platinum) going to vote Nevan regardless")

COOO! (But maybe Okosan's wrong about that)
Yes, I got it, but Hayumi (experience player) than followed with obvious question to him which Nevan cannot answer in good faith without revealing his motivations....

Only two meaningul things so far seem to be interaction between you, Hayumi and Nevan and Kira starting the game with "I wish I had a Mafia role". What do you think of the second?

Have town vibes from Lord Genome so far, seems relaxed and I remember him coasting in games where he was Mafia.
The bolded is meh for an initial read imo. He hasn’t said anything game relevant yet. Of course everyone should be relaxed at this point, especially when he last posted, it was just the very beginning stage of d1 (and still is)
Cooooo! COO! (Okay yeah so you don't have to answer this until Nevan answers your question (because Okosan can understand having a theory and wanting answers for it) but Okosan's really curious what a "good" response here would be for you?)

COO! (It seems like you would sus Juan's Lie Detect claim as fake if they actually claimed, and that you think Juan backtracking is going to look bad too. At least from Okosan's perspective)

I want his justification for what is by all means an incredibly poor play in my opinion. He's either lying about his role, or outing himself incredibly early as a means to prove his town status unnecessarily early, and putting a big bullseye on his back all the while and nerfing his roles potential benefit.
I want his justification for what is by all means an incredibly poor play in my opinion. He's either lying about his role, or outing himself incredibly early as a means to prove his town status unnecessarily early, and putting a big bullseye on his back all the while and nerfing his roles potential benefit.
Coo! (Okosan just doesn't see the reason for the questioning though. You obviously are going to think he has scum equity no matter what Nevan says. So what if that's his actual role and some bad play, or it he's mafia trying to get some credit? Just seems agenda-y to Okosan)
I want his justification for what is by all means an incredibly poor play in my opinion. He's either lying about his role, or outing himself incredibly early as a means to prove his town status unnecessarily early, and putting a big bullseye on his back all the while and nerfing his roles potential benefit.
I mean this in no offensive way, but I don’t think he’d be tactical enough for the first choice. Lying or at least fake hinting at his role this early in the game? If he’s lying then he knows he won’t be killed since that isn’t his actual role anyways. No telling how believable these fake claims will be, although I’m sure they will be as equally sound as the real ones. Also from an outsider standpoint not that familiar with his gameplay, he gave some weird and short responses in mashup as well. So it’s possible he was just fishing for information, and wanting to see how people react, but the way he worded his question was super sus and obvious.
Coo! (Okosan just doesn't see the reason for the questioning though. You obviously are going to think he has scum equity no matter what Nevan says. So what if that's his actual role and some bad play, or it he's mafia trying to get some credit? Just seems agenda-y to Okosan)

How do you know what i'm going to think no matter what he says? Asking for justification for what you see as scummy play is kinda a thing you are supposed to do you know? And being skeptical about role claiming off the bat when the host tells you 'hey every scum has a fake role' is also not abnormal my guy.
:pepethunk @Okosan would you say your scum and town gameplay is usually close to identical? Because your approach right now is giving me flashback vibes from your godfather game. I know you’re really articulate and all that, but this reminds me a lot of when you came out swinging and then stayed stuck on shizune for the whole start of the game. Just going off of what I saw from you back then. When you’re scum, you like to lead conversations and although talk about a lot of things, you would hone in on certain situations/people to push that agenda over the others, while simultaneously getting town credit. I’m extremely weary of you.
How do you know what i'm going to think no matter what he says? Asking for justification for what you see as scummy play is kinda a thing you are supposed to do you know? And being skeptical about role claiming off the bat when the host tells you 'hey every scum has a fake role' is also not abnormal my guy.
Coooo! (First off, nice for choosing this post in particular to quote about Okosan reading into your posts and not the multiple ones where Okosan said he might be wrong. Felt no need to correct those ones apparently)

Coo!! (Second, like Okosan said it seems like you already covered both angles for what Nevan could even reply in your previous posts, and implied he would still be bad either way. Let's look at this post for example)

Nevan's motivations are incredibly blatant and obvious. He is trying to be like 'oh look guys i'm town' without having to do anything that entails actual town work. If he actually is a lie detector, he is being an incredibly poor one blowing his shot so early in the game. If he's not, then acting as one is scummy as hell. Remember Elistren clearly states the mafia all have fake town roles.

COOO! (The bold portions covers for if Nevan actually claims Lie Detector. If Nevan claims you can say, "ehh we can't really believe what Nevan claims there. It's still extremely sus. Let's lynch him anyways." Then if you lynch him and Nevan flips town you can fall back on just saying it was extremely poor play from Nevan)

Coo! (The italicized portion covers if Nevan claims they aren't a lie detector. Now it can be funneled to same result as above, only now it's sus because Nevan decided to do that in the first place)

Cooo! COOO! (It just really feels like no matter what's said it's all funneling down to the same path of "let's lynch Nevan" when Okosan has no real reason to think Nevan is scum right now)
Cooooooo! (Here's a fixed version of Okosan's previous post. Okosan didn't realize it automatically italicized everything)


How do you know what i'm going to think no matter what he says? Asking for justification for what you see as scummy play is kinda a thing you are supposed to do you know? And being skeptical about role claiming off the bat when the host tells you 'hey every scum has a fake role' is also not abnormal my guy.

Coooo! (First off, nice for choosing this post in particular to quote about Okosan reading into your posts and not the multiple ones where Okosan said he might be wrong. Felt no need to correct those ones apparently)

Coo!! (Second, like Okosan said it seems like you already covered both angles for what Nevan could even reply in your previous posts, and implied he would still be bad either way. Let's look at this post for example)

Nevan's motivations are incredibly blatant and obvious. He is trying to be like 'oh look guys i'm town' without having to do anything that entails actual town work. If he actually is a lie detector, he is being an incredibly poor one blowing his shot so early in the game. If he's not, then acting as one is scummy as hell. Remember Elistren clearly states the mafia all have fake town roles

COOO! (The bold portions covers for if Nevan actually claims Lie Detector. If Nevan claims you can say, "ehh we can't really believe what Nevan claims there. It's still extremely sus. Let's lynch him anyways." Then if you lynch him and Nevan flips town you can fall back on just saying it was extremely poor play from Nevan)

Coo! (The underlined portion covers if Nevan claims they aren't a lie detector. Now it can be funneled to same result as above, only now it's sus because Nevan decided to do that in the first place)

Cooo! COOO! (It just really feels like no matter what's said it's all funneling down to the same path of "let's lynch Nevan" when Okosan has no real reason to think Nevan is scum right now)
:pepethunk @Okosan would you say your scum and town gameplay is usually close to identical? Because your approach right now is giving me flashback vibes from your godfather game. I know you’re really articulate and all that, but this reminds me a lot of when you came out swinging and then stayed stuck on shizune for the whole start of the game. Just going off of what I saw from you back then. When you’re scum, you like to lead conversations and although talk about a lot of things, you would hone in on certain situations/people to push that agenda over the others, while simultaneously getting town credit. I’m extremely weary of you.
Cooo! (So people can correct Okosan if he's wrong, but Okosan honestly feels he plays very similarly most games. With any fluctuations coming in a lot from just how he's feeling on a particular day. Okosan would probably say a big difference is as Mafia you might find him talking about things that don't matter a lot more often. In particular in that flagbearer game Okosan was purposefully trying to fuel people talking about random dice rolls and how they were bad, without actually being part of the conversation. Therefore wasting a solid portion of the day)

COO! (Okosan is also probably very slightly less talkative as scum sometimes. Because maybe he's trying to discuss the best way to go at something with teammates or is distracted by being the top poster in scum chat)
Cooo! (So people can correct Okosan if he's wrong, but Okosan honestly feels he plays very similarly most games. With any fluctuations coming in a lot from just how he's feeling on a particular day. Okosan would probably say a big difference is as Mafia you might find him talking about things that don't matter a lot more often. In particular in that flagbearer game Okosan was purposefully trying to fuel people talking about random dice rolls and how they were bad, without actually being part of the conversation. Therefore wasting a solid portion of the day)

COO! (Okosan is also probably very slightly less talkative as scum sometimes. Because maybe he's trying to discuss the best way to go at something with teammates or is distracted by being the top poster in scum chat)
Thanks, I can definitely see the possibility of your explanation being accurate.
COOO! (The bold portions covers for if Nevan actually claims Lie Detector. If Nevan claims you can say, "ehh we can't really believe what Nevan claims there. It's still extremely sus. Let's lynch him anyways." Then if you lynch him and Nevan flips town you can fall back on just saying it was extremely poor play from Nevan)

Again, you are acting like you know my thought process and how I'll react. You are basically putting words in my mouth. If he gave a good enough justification or explained his thought process It's liable to sway anyone. I'm not a moron dead set on something day 1. You gotta start somewhere though, and I see this as good of a place as any. I'll take my vote off him if I like what he says.

Coo! (The underlined portion covers if Nevan claims they aren't a lie detector. Now it can be funneled to same result as above, only now it's sus because Nevan decided to do that in the first place)


How is this bad :lmao?

Yeah it's bad to lie about your role as a townie as a general rule. If its a 300IQ play you have no one to blame but yourself for it blowing up in your face. How would I be in any way bad in my thinking in this scenario?

Cooo! COOO! (It just really feels like no matter what's said it's all funneling down to the same path of "let's lynch Nevan" when Okosan has no real reason to think Nevan is scum right now)

Good for you. I don't need you to have reason to think he's scum. But its day 1, no one else is saying much, and you gotta start somewhere. I feel like this is a good lead to pursue and you are free to comment on it, ignore it, or pursue someone else. Do I need to stop because you don't think the same I do?[/quote]
Again, you are acting like you know my thought process and how I'll react. You are basically putting words in my mouth. If he gave a good enough justification or explained his thought process It's liable to sway anyone. I'm not a moron dead set on something day 1. You gotta start somewhere though, and I see this as good of a place as any. I'll take my vote off him if I like what he says.

Coo! (Okay. Why do you feel the need to defend against it in the one post where Okosan didn't say that he could be wrong about your thought process instead of the multiple ones where he was approaching it as if he could? Furthermore if you notice, Okosan hasn't voted you or anything yet either because Okosan isn't just full on assuming that is what's going to happen. He's waiting to see more of your interaction with Nevan before making any final conclusions. Just posting how your posts are reading to Okosan)

How is this bad :lmao?

Yeah it's bad to lie about your role as a townie as a general rule. If its a 300IQ play you have no one to blame but yourself for it blowing up in your face. How would I be in any way bad in my thinking in this scenario?
COOOO? (It's not the fact that you would be thinking this way that's the bad part. It's the fact that it seems both paths lead down the same road)

Good for you. I don't need you to have reason to think he's scum. But its day 1, no one else is saying much, and you gotta start somewhere. I feel like this is a good lead to pursue and you are free to comment on it, ignore it, or pursue someone else. Do I need to stop because you don't think the same I do?
Coo! Coooo! (Again not telling you stop or anything, in fact Okosan wants to see how it goes)
Coo! (Okay. Why do you feel the need to defend against it in the one post where Okosan didn't say that he could be wrong about your thought process instead of the multiple ones where he was approaching it as if he could? Furthermore if you notice, Okosan hasn't voted you or anything yet either because Okosan isn't just full on assuming that is what's going to happen. He's waiting to see more of your interaction with Nevan before making any final conclusions. Just posting how your posts are reading to Okosan)

I don't exactly see why I need to address the fact that you said you could be wrong. Its day 1; everything is vague guesses at best. This is pedantic.

You are assuming. You are assuming that i'm trying to railroad a lynch and that nothing Nevan says could possibly sway me. Basically painting me as a kangaroo court holder to color my pressuring in a bad light. Not exactly impartial behavior.

All I said is that it would not surprise me if he did have a lie detector fake role if he is scum. Its completely possible he is a town lie detector that for some reason thought revealing this on the second page of the thread was a smart move. It's completely possible its a 300IQ bluff he was trying to do that backfired. I already gave good reasons why I thought it was a poor move, and I would not buy a role claim as blanket immunity in a game like this.
I don't exactly see why I need to address the fact that you said you could be wrong. Its day 1; everything is vague guesses at best. This is pedantic.

You are assuming. You are assuming that i'm trying to railroad a lynch and that nothing Nevan says could possibly sway me. Basically painting me as a kangaroo court holder to color my pressuring in a bad light. Not exactly impartial behavior.

All I said is that it would not surprise me if he did have a lie detector fake role if he is scum. Its completely possible he is a town lie detector that for some reason thought revealing this on the second page of the thread was a smart move. It's completely possible its a 300IQ bluff he was trying to do that backfired. I already gave good reasons why I thought it was a poor move, and I would not buy a role claim as blanket immunity in a game like this.
Cooo! (Literally not assuming, just posting what Okosan though when he read the posts like he said repeatedly)

COO? (Hence why one of the first things Okosan posted was "what would be a good response" and told you that you could response after Nevan did. Because Okosan was curious how it would go down)

Cooooo! (And the reason you need to address the fact that Okosan said he could be wrong is because you're addressing the fact that Okosan is assuming he's right)
You kidding? My hearing is at its peak right now. I have a baby in the house-- I have to...y'know, listen for coyotes or something.

@Natalija is active, but @Nana @Worm Juice and @Hayumi not yet. When did you guys start playing? Do you play elsewhere?
I started playing like 3 years ago
I played here and there also here on NF participated in some games
Soft-claiming lie detector is pretty retarded day 1. I wouldn't necessarily be shocked if Nevan was scum, that is his fake-claim role Shizune gave him.

I await the 'just a prank bro' retraction.
Yea lie detector won't be that obvious :catstalk
Coooo! (First off, nice for choosing this post in particular to quote about Okosan reading into your posts and not the multiple ones where Okosan said he might be wrong. Felt no need to correct those ones apparently)

Coo!! (Second, like Okosan said it seems like you already covered both angles for what Nevan could even reply in your previous posts, and implied he would still be bad either way. Let's look at this post for example)

COOO! (The bold portions covers for if Nevan actually claims Lie Detector. If Nevan claims you can say, "ehh we can't really believe what Nevan claims there. It's still extremely sus. Let's lynch him anyways." Then if you lynch him and Nevan flips town you can fall back on just saying it was extremely poor play from Nevan)

Coo! (The italicized portion covers if Nevan claims they aren't a lie detector. Now it can be funneled to same result as above, only now it's sus because Nevan decided to do that in the first place)

Cooo! COOO! (It just really feels like no matter what's said it's all funneling down to the same path of "let's lynch Nevan" when Okosan has no real reason to think Nevan is scum right now)

damn that is one sassy bird

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