Game World of Warcraft: The Darkness Over Duskwood (town wins!)

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Calling Hayumi odd isn't really a proper scum read imo but ok. Didn't see you scum read me either :dead

Your confidence with the Juan and JW reads stood out. Don't get the sense that you're very sure of your scum reads, like you've given enough to vote them up (Nevan in this case) but mentioning soft pings with nothing substantive behind them doesn't fill me with confidence.
Cooo! (Okosan's probably written full essay's worth of content about Platinum, and to a lesser extent Nevan since that once came later. The rest are indeed soft pings yeah. Don't know why that's necessarily a bad thing. Obviously not all reads are going to be the strongest they can be)

Coo! Cooo! (As for the town reads, first off Okosan actually did mean to add more over the course of the day, but never really got around to expanding that. And yeah why not be confident about those two? Okosan has a town read and is going to stick by it. At least for today where Okosan is mostly using it to narrow the field and get discussion)
Cooo! (Okosan's probably written full essay's worth of content about Platinum, and to a lesser extent Nevan since that once came later. The rest are indeed soft pings yeah. Don't know why that's necessarily a bad thing. Obviously not all reads are going to be the strongest they can be)

Coo! Cooo! (As for the town reads, first off Okosan actually did mean to add more over the course of the day, but never really got around to expanding that. And yeah why not be confident about those two? Okosan has a town read and is going to stick by it. At least for today where Okosan is mostly using it to narrow the field and get discussion)

You indeed wrote a lot about Plat but you never voted for him or tried to push a wagon, so your "I'm voting for Nevan because a Plat lynch ain't happening" is kinda weird to me as well. I get that you wanted to wait and see how Nevan responded but the fact you're still sussing Plat the most but are essentially following his wagon doesn't feel good to me.

Nothing wrong with soft pings I'm just wary of people being so sure about town reads on day one.

Who else is on the town pile?
Day 1 - Nevan (Madame Eva) is lynched
Laix - Platinum > Okosan
Tiger - Juan > Nevan
Genome - Laix
Hayumi - Juan > Laix > Okosan > Nevan
Worm Juice - Kira > Okosan
Platinum - Nevan
Melkor - Kira > Sigismund > Nevan
Okosan - Kira > Nevan
Cooler - Melkor > Nevan
Ratchet - Hayumi
Nana - Laix > Genome
Natalija - John Wayne
Sigismund - Okosan
John Wayne - Laix
Kira - Hayumi
Nevan - Genome

Self votes - Juan

Nevan - 6
Okosan - 3
Laix - 2
Hayumi - 2
Genome - 2
Juan - 2
John Wayne - 1

Nevan (Madame Eva) was lynched!

Madame Eva
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

[Passive - The Eva Family Matriarch] - Madame Eva knows the identity of her granddaughter, Alyssa Eva. If Alyssa dies, then Madame Eva will go mad with grief, causing her to leave the game as well.

[Two Shot Active - Tarot Cards] - Madame Eva can use her astral magic to investigate another player and learn their alignment. This ability has a 3/5 chance to give Madame Eva the correct result, and a 2/5 chance to give her the opposite result. If Madame Eva investigates the same player twice, then the second investigation will give her the correct result.

Night 1 start.
I am going to sleep as it is almost 2 am in my timezone but I was appatently infected tonight, not sure what that means, Worgen perhaps? If someone can cure it, i would appreciate the help.

Not sure if Nevan flipping town makea Okosan look better, since if he were scum he would know about his innocence and could be even more confident in pushing Platinum for pushing Nevan....

As mentioned i really do not like John Wayne for his posts that seemed to me like feigning contributions, as well as for his sudden vote for Laix with no explanation.

[Vote lynch John Wayne]
So me, Hayumi, Platinum, Melkor, Okosan, and Cooler all voted for Nevan. There's scum on this list for sure.

My money is on Hayumi, Okosan, and/or Cooler.

@Ratchet and @John Wayne I'm especially interested in what you guys think.
Hayumi should have been the Day 1 lynch honestly, they apparently read me as scummy going by their interactions with me yet never once even suggested my lynch. I'll probably be voting there again today.
So me, Hayumi, Platinum, Melkor, Okosan, and Cooler all voted for Nevan. There's scum on this list for sure.

My money is on Hayumi, Okosan, and/or Cooler.

@Ratchet and @John Wayne I'm especially interested in what you guys think.
So here’s the thing. I was the most iffy on Nevan out of arguably the whole wagon? And it wasn’t just for any reason, nor was it to attempt to grab any semblance of town credit, because all the points I made last dp about the push on him being odd, and him probably just fucking up or making a noob mistake still stand. I was going to go with either Oko or Laix, but I let myself get convinced otherwise, not that I’m blaming anyone, as I understood why Nevan would be under suspicion from other actual townies as well. But I can assure you I’m not scum here.
I didn't even warrent a mention despite this supposed scummy behaviour I'd shown? If you're town, you're doing a really poor job of conveying that lol.
Why would I mention you after I was
1. Already done with our conversation and only mentioned being sus of you in ONE post out of like my one hundred and
2. CLEARLY gave my current options before the lynching and where I was currently focused on. I didn’t want to Lynch you last dp, and I don’t want to Lynch you at the moment right now either.

My reads aren’t based off of being petty or sussing anyone who simply susses me, of course I didn’t like some of your posts and about me, but I never said I was focused on you. You were towards the bottom of my radar as far as who I viewed as important to Lynch.
So here’s the thing. I was the most iffy on Nevan out of arguably the whole wagon? And it wasn’t just for any reason, nor was it to attempt to grab any semblance of town credit, because all the points I made last dp about the push on him being odd, and him probably just fucking up or making a noob mistake still stand. I was going to go with either Oko or Laix, but I let myself get convinced otherwise, not that I’m blaming anyone, as I understood why Nevan would be under suspicion from other actual townies as well. But I can assure you I’m not scum here.
Coo! (Lmao Okosan just finds it funny that you keep suspecting Okosan even though your case on Okosan is based off of something you've said makes sense and you understand multiple times)
Coo! (Lmao Okosan just finds it funny that you keep suspecting Okosan even though your case on Okosan is based off of something you've said makes sense and you understand multiple times)
I was referring to towards the end of last dp. I already defended the point you just made. Right now I don’t know who I want to Lynch. And as far as I remember, I only said one specific post of yours actually makes sense when you explained your reasoning, why would that make you lock town? Of course I’m weary of you. You also would have been the one lynched if me and you hadn’t switched our votes to Nevan, but the way you’ve been posting has been super townie and convincing, that I felt like voting you off would be a WORSE mistake, since there was actual reason for Nevan being sus, despite me saying in multiple posts before the end of the dp, that I was NOT LIKING the wagon on him, and gave specific reasons as to why I disliked it and wasn’t one hundred percent sold. Wouldn’t town WANT to take time and really think before they make a decision. Yes I was very openly conflicted, sorry for not wanting a mislynch. (this is directed to everyone on me rn)
So here’s the thing. I was the most iffy on Nevan out of arguably the whole wagon? And it wasn’t just for any reason, nor was it to attempt to grab any semblance of town credit, because all the points I made last dp about the push on him being odd, and him probably just fucking up or making a noob mistake still stand. I was going to go with either Oko or Laix, but I let myself get convinced otherwise, not that I’m blaming anyone, as I understood why Nevan would be under suspicion from other actual townies as well. But I can assure you I’m not scum here.

Convinced how? The moment Okosan moved their vote onto Nevan you moved your own.
You also would have been the one lynched if me and you hadn’t switched our votes to Nevan, but the way you’ve been posting has been super townie and convincing, that I felt like voting you off would be a WORSE mistake, since there was actual reason for Nevan being sus, despite me saying in multiple posts before the end of the dp, that I was NOT LIKING the wagon on him, and gave specific reasons as to why I disliked it and wasn’t one hundred percent sold.

straight up rambling at this point

Convinced how? The moment Okosan moved their vote onto Nevan you moved your own.
I stated my vote was never once locked on anyone, thus why I originally had my vote on Laix before either of them. I was trying to really think about who the best candidate would be, despite what they flip, based on if any real info would be gained, but of course I was trying to think who out of them would most likely be scum.
straight up rambling at this point

Would you rather I just not respond like Nevan and willingly fuck over his own townies by getting mislynched? Lol, I know I’m one of if not THE top candidate to get lynched, and I’m trying to explain my thought process (or lack of one at some points) as best as I can. I don’t want to lose this game, and I can assure you with me gone, town’s chances lessen, but scum obviously know that, and will be more then happy to watch me go.
Well... Nevan was a royal fuck up.
In our defence it's really rare for a lie detector to make it that obvious so soon. :puppers
I am going to sleep as it is almost 2 am in my timezone but I was appatently infected tonight, not sure what that means, Worgen perhaps? If someone can cure it, i would appreciate the help.

Not sure if Nevan flipping town makea Okosan look better, since if he were scum he would know about his innocence and could be even more confident in pushing Platinum for pushing Nevan....

As mentioned i really do not like John Wayne for his posts that seemed to me like feigning contributions, as well as for his sudden vote for Laix with no explanation.

[Vote lynch John Wayne]

Lol then you might turn into one of them or something? Tell me, was there any other info, like a deadline?

Haha, NOW you like the John Wayne idea.

I did have a vote on you at one point for a good 3 minutes but changed it pretty quickly. Anyone looking back at the vote count and conversation knows that you, Oko, and Nevan were the main 3 up for lynching at the time. I don’t think I was ever “on your back” or hardcore pushing for your Lynch, if at all.

except nobody, including yourself, actually presented a valid reason for my lynch or even attempted to isolate my posts, that's why I'm suspicious of both you and JW for bunny hopping on my lynch given the circumstances and the fact the original vote was just an LG spite vote (who btw is way too quiet for my liking)

meanwhile Nevan, while a bit fishy with the last second bandwagon changes, at least had some grounds behind it and I made a fair case against Okosan who is still not in my town pile

as I've said before, I believe JW to be a misguided townie so that leaves you my dear

except nobody, including yourself, actually presented a valid reason for my lynch or even attempted to isolate my posts, that's why I'm suspicious of both you and JW for bunny hopping on my lynch given the circumstances and the fact the original vote was just an LG spite vote (who btw is way too quiet for my liking)

meanwhile Nevan, while a bit fishy with the last second bandwagon changes, at least had some grounds behind it and I made a fair case against Okosan who is still not in my town pile

as I've said before, I believe JW to be a misguided townie so that leaves you my dear

I already gave my reasoning. It was a mistake on my end because I misread JW’s vote count and thought that you voted for LG, which would have been really sus considering your push on Oko, when he’s the one who actually voted for YOU. Lol, that’s why I changed my vote off you so quick, because I got corrected.
I already gave my reasoning. It was a mistake on my end because I misread JW’s vote count and thought that you voted for LG, which would have been really sus considering your push on Oko, when he’s the one who actually voted for YOU. Lol, that’s why I changed my vote off you so quick, because I got corrected.

It's always embarrassing when your scummates have to tell you that you made a mistake when trying to vote a low-hanging fruit that isn't likely to be lynched anyway.
So with Lord Melkor's admission and the supreme lack of deaths overnight (Even if a protector or busser got the target right, or they targeted a BP, it's unlikely to happen twice), we can safely assume the Worgen is infecting players to achieve their win-condition, and at least doesn't have a repeatable kill. This also means that Lord Melkor is a liability to us in the long run if he can not be cured, unfortunately. That said, I do not believe he should be the focus for now. Just not forgotten.

I want to hear from a few more players about these Hayumi v Okosan, Hayumi v Ratchet exchanges before making up my mind. But for now:

[Vote Lynch Hayumi]

I got red flags yesterday from the way you were chatting with Juan. I now understand you two banter away...but it still felt off to me. This is where I want the pressure to remain to see what squeezes out.
So with Lord Melkor's admission and the supreme lack of deaths overnight (Even if a protector or busser got the target right, or they targeted a BP, it's unlikely to happen twice), we can safely assume the Worgen is infecting players to achieve their win-condition, and at least doesn't have a repeatable kill. This also means that Lord Melkor is a liability to us in the long run if he can not be cured, unfortunately. That said, I do not believe he should be the focus for now. Just not forgotten.

I want to hear from a few more players about these Hayumi v Okosan, Hayumi v Ratchet exchanges before making up my mind. But for now:

[Vote Lynch Hayumi]

I got red flags yesterday from the way you were chatting with Juan. I now understand you two banter away...but it still felt off to me. This is where I want the pressure to remain to see what squeezes out.
So you think I’m a scum partner with both Juan and JW? The two people I’ve arguably interacted with more then anyone else? If I was scum, I can promise you I’d be less obvious.

So here’s the thing. I was the most iffy on Nevan out of arguably the whole wagon? And it wasn’t just for any reason, nor was it to attempt to grab any semblance of town credit, because all the points I made last dp about the push on him being odd, and him probably just fucking up or making a noob mistake still stand. I was going to go with either Oko or Laix, but I let myself get convinced otherwise, not that I’m blaming anyone, as I understood why Nevan would be under suspicion from other actual townies as well. But I can assure you I’m not scum here.

Hmm... have I ever played with you as scum, I do not recall. Your defense here sounds a bit desperate for getting or two votes, though on the other hand you are at risk at getting lynched if this goes on.

I did have a vote on you at one point for a good 3 minutes but changed it pretty quickly. Anyone looking back at the vote count and conversation knows that you, Oko, and Nevan were the main 3 up for lynching at the time. I don’t think I was ever “on your back” or hardcore pushing for your Lynch, if at all.

I did not like you giving no justification for Laix lynch. Laix was one of people I liked day 1.

Who would be your lynch candidate?

im gone the second half of day 1 a day where historically i literally do nothing(unless i scan a godfather day 1 :samuraicat) and im suddenly coasting

ill have you know i wont accept these lies and slanders

I would aprreciate your opinions on Hayumi, Laix and Okosan.

I already gave my reasoning. It was a mistake on my end because I misread JW’s vote count and thought that you voted for LG, which would have been really sus considering your push on Oko, when he’s the one who actually voted for YOU. Lol, that’s why I changed my vote off you so quick, because I got corrected.

Ok, though I do not remember you stating this reasoning clearly.

Not sold on John Wayne being obvious town, but let put him aside from now. I also see that all pressure on Okosan from last day phase has disappeared......

What's your read on me, go.
A town lean. Scum probably wouldn’t want to push and tinfoil so hard on someone they know without a doubt is town, since they know it could lead to my potential mislynching and make themselves look really bad by default.

Still feel like okosan and hayumi are scummates
Not sure where you got that idea from, especially since I’m the one who’s been telling the town not to trust him even if he says convincing things, because how good they are at deep wolfing. At the same time, I recognize some of what he’s been saying is logical and makes sense, thus why I ended up voting Nevan last dp despite my own judgement.
For an over arch of my neutral to could be scum reads here they are:

Platinum seriously slipped under the radar after being one of, if not the MAIN person pushing Nevan for answers and leading his wagon to begin with, my vote may go there but I’m not sure yet. There’s a lot of question marks for me.

I also don’t like Kira. His only posts that I can remember consist of one liners. He voted me last dp, and this dp without explaining himself at all, and then left just so he would have a vote on someone. Would I Lynch him this dp? Probably not. Do I think he could possibly be scum? Yes.

Still haven’t heard much from LG.

Worm juice jumping on my wagon super conveniently but hasn’t voted me yet unless I missed it.

Oko for reasons already stated

Tiger immediately jumped to the conclusion that nevan’s wagon is where all the focus should be, not mentioning any of the coasters or people who didn’t say much of anything about Nevan at all, which is arguably more sus.
Not sure where you got that idea from, especially since I’m the one who’s been telling the town not to trust him even if he says convincing things, because how good they are at deep wolfing. At the same time, I recognize some of what he’s been saying is logical and makes sense, thus why I ended up voting Nevan last dp despite my own judgement.

Sounds like you're saying Okosan convinced you to lynch Nevan?
Seems opportunistic AF, especially since they are no dumby, and obviously knew there was already a small push on me towards the very end of last dp out of nowhere (apart from ratchet) but Kira was random, worm juice jumped on my “wagon” if you can call it that, just as of recently, and despite Tiger originally throwing focus on all of Nevan’s wagon at the start of the dp (which still isn’t even that great of an idea considering all the other scummy coasters and people who voted elsewhere without good explanations) , he’s now chosen to seemingly put most of his focus my way, since that seems to be the trendy thing to do atm. If people want to vote me, they have every right, but I know for a fact that not all the people “sussing me” or wanting to make my posts come across scummy or odd when there was nothing even there to base off of, are just innocent townies trying to scum hunt like I am, but that just going off of numbers right now, at least one is probably scum.
I already gave my reasoning. It was a mistake on my end because I misread JW’s vote count and thought that you voted for LG, which would have been really sus considering your push on Oko, when he’s the one who actually voted for YOU. Lol, that’s why I changed my vote off you so quick, because I got corrected.

Perhaps I missed it but you never mentioned this in your original vote, you just switched as did JW
Another thing I forgot to mention in my list above about Tiger: he’s basing a big part of his vote placement off of flirting that me and Juan literally ALWAYS do, because it seemed “rehearsed”. That’s literally so stupid, because other players can attest it’s just how we joke with each other.

That is something I mentioned as a red flag I felt yesterday. It caused me to pay close attention to your posts, and I didn't like what I read over night for the hours I was asleep to end the phase. But to say I'm voting you because you were flirting is an erasure.

And let's calm down on "this lynch is too easy"-- no one is being lynched right now. We've barely started the day, and there's very few votes cast. Pressure and votes are good. If you get near the end of a day without any pushback, then you've got a problem.

Though, it does seem interesting that as soon as Ratchet mentions it's been easy to push Hayumi, multiple people go "yeah it HAS been! Let's look elsewhere."
@Okosan why so quiet this phase?

@Tiger @Lord Melkor can you give me your reads?

Aside from Nana, I read Lord Melkor, John Wayne, Natalija, Ratchet, and Platinum town. Platinum because he and I were of like mind about Nevan, and I believe the case we had was valid against him. Others that followed us did so despite misgivings.

I read Hayumi as shady. Followed with LG, Okosan, yourself, Juan, and Cooler. I do not believe both Hayumi and the bird could be mafia together.

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