Game World of Warcraft: The Darkness Over Duskwood (town wins!)

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Yeah, I'm happy with my vote.
Feel free to drop your opinion on either of these.

No, be more specific on the info.

On who does it give info?

What does it say about them?

Where would that info lead you, who would you persue?

No, I just wasn't here.

Am I your top scum read?
So, before I answer it, I'm going to ask, what do you exactly expect from the question?

What benefit town gains from me answering it.
anyway, some cliff notes

- if you want an actual reason, the fact that he's answering and asking what plat wants from nevan looks bad, almost like he's trying to get an answer plat will like so nevan knows what to come up with.
Cooooo! COO! (Okay yeah so you don't have to answer this until Nevan answers your question (because Okosan can understand having a theory and wanting answers for it) but Okosan's really curious what a "good" response here would be for you?)

COO! (It seems like you would sus Juan's Lie Detect claim as fake if they actually claimed, and that you think Juan backtracking is going to look bad too. At least from Okosan's perspective)
Cooo! (Lmao good try)
anyway, some cliff notes

- Hayumi is behaving differently from last game. Way less bubbly and more argumentative, unlike last game where she tried to seem helpful and get advice and comments from other players.

- lolokosan. pls let's lynch him, the coo shtick got old 3 years ago :tiredpepe if you want an actual reason, the fact that he's answering and asking what plat wants from nevan looks bad, almost like he's trying to get an answer plat will like so nevan knows what to come up with.

- me like ratchet

- inactive lg means scum lg which means lynch lg
There’s also a huge different in setup, the type of mafia game this is, as well as the number of players, with a shit ton of people like in mashup, I was of course taking the back burner and letting other people take command of the town’s direction with a few contributions of my own here and there but we had way more chances to risk a mislynch, as well as the fact that at a certain point there wasn’t much more for me to say, my worth was more in the actions I chose to take during the night. But here, it’s a smaller setup with less information to go off of, and confirmed fake claims prepared for all the scum. I’m always the same bubbly person, but serious hayumi is trying to win, and in this case that’s the only thing on my mind. Anyways, as far as I can tell from a quick reassessment of myself, the only person I was being “argumentative” with at any point this dp is ratchet, and I’m already over that situation as you probably already read.

Laix: Platinum > Okosan

Tiger: Juan

LG: Laix

Hayumi: Juan

WJ: Kira Yagami > Okosan

Platinum: Nevan

LM: Kira Yagami > Sigismund

Okosan: Kira Yagami

Cooler: LM

Ratchet: Hayumi

Nana: Laix

Natalija: John Wayne

Sigismund: Okosan

John Wayne: Laix

Total Votes:

Okosan: 3
Laix: 3
Juan: 2
Nevan: 1
Sigismund: 1
Kira Yagami: 1
Lord Melkor: 1
Hayumi: 1
John Wayne: 1

List is valid up to post [HASHTAG]#408[/HASHTAG]
fixed it


Laix: Platinum > Okosan

Tiger: Juan > Nevan

LG: Laix

Hayumi: Juan

WJ: Kira Yagami > Okosan

Platinum: Nevan

LM: Kira Yagami > Sigismund

Okosan: Kira Yagami

Cooler: LM

Ratchet: Hayumi

Nana: Laix

Natalija: John Wayne

Sigismund: Okosan

John Wayne: Laix

Total Votes:

Okosan: 3
Laix: 3
Nevan: 2
Juan: 1
Sigismund: 1
Kira Yagami: 1
Lord Melkor: 1
Hayumi: 1
John Wayne: 1

List is valid up to post [HASHTAG]#412[/HASHTAG]
Nevan's motivations are incredibly blatant and obvious. He is trying to be like 'oh look guys i'm town' without having to do anything that entails actual town work.
No, I wanted a clear answer from Natalia.

Nevan's motivations are incredibly blatant and obvious. He is trying to be like 'oh look guys i'm town' without having to do anything that entails actual town work. If he actually is a lie detector, he is being an incredibly poor one blowing his shot so early in the game. If he's not, then acting as one is scummy as hell. Remember Elistren clearly states the mafia all have fake town roles.

Kira's statement can be whatever you want to read into it. Personally I think he's both capable of being a tard and saying that as scum while thinking its so obvious that it loops around to seeming to be town behavior, or also just being a townie and being stupid. It's worth pressuring at the least, I suppose.
Nice pressumptions BTW.

See above, regardless of what my role is, or what you think it is, I do not think what I did is bad play.

Laix: Platinum > Okosan

Tiger: Juan > Nevan

LG: Laix

Hayumi: Juan

WJ: Kira Yagami > Okosan

Platinum: Nevan

LM: Kira Yagami > Sigismund

Okosan: Kira Yagami

Cooler: LM

Ratchet: Hayumi

Nana: Laix > Lord Genome

Natalija: John Wayne

Sigismund: Okosan

John Wayne: Laix

Self Voting (2 votes on self): Kira Yagami, Nevan, Juan

Total Votes:

Nevan: 4
Okosan: 3
Juan: 3
Kira Yagami: 3
Laix: 2
Sigismund: 1
Lord Melkor: 1
Hayumi: 1
John Wayne: 1

This should be more correct

Laix: Platinum > Okosan

Tiger: Juan > Nevan

LG: Laix

Hayumi: Juan

WJ: Kira Yagami > Okosan

Platinum: Nevan

LM: Kira Yagami > Sigismund

Okosan: Kira Yagami

Cooler: LM

Ratchet: Hayumi

Nana: Laix > Lord Genome

Natalija: John Wayne

Sigismund: Okosan

John Wayne: Laix

Self Voting (2 votes on self): Kira Yagami, Nevan, Juan

Total Votes:

Nevan: 4
Okosan: 3
Juan: 3
Kira Yagami: 3
Laix: 2
Sigismund: 1
Lord Melkor: 1
Hayumi: 1
John Wayne: 1
Lord Genome: 1

Laix: Platinum > Okosan

Tiger: Juan > Nevan

LG: Laix

Hayumi: Juan

WJ: Kira Yagami > Okosan

Platinum: Nevan

LM: Kira Yagami > Sigismund

Okosan: Kira Yagami

Cooler: LM

Ratchet: Hayumi

Nana: Laix > Lord Genome

Natalija: John Wayne

Sigismund: Okosan

John Wayne: Laix

Kira Yagami: Hayumi

Self Voting (2 votes on self): Nevan, Juan

Total Votes:

Nevan: 4
Okosan: 3
Juan: 3
Laix: 2
Hayumi: 2
Kira Yagami: 1
Sigismund: 1
Lord Melkor: 1
John Wayne: 1
Lord Genome: 1
[Change Vote Lynch Laix]

I just now realized her vote was on LG and I’m not feeling Juan rn so I’m moving my vote. Nevan’s acting really poorly if town, but I think he either:
1. Fucked up or made a way too obvious play from the role hint and now doesn’t want to expose himself if he truly is a lie detector role.
2. While I’m doubtful on this, he’s not doing much to convince us to stop his lynching or vote elsewhere, almost as if he WANTS or doesn’t care if he gets lynched. Could be reverse psychology or he’s simply nub scum butttt on the chance he’s telling the truth I’d rather not risk it yet.
Cooo! (So Okosan's going to be honest. Okosan still thinks Platinum is very sus from what Okosan already said in the past. But that response from Nevan is one of the scummiest options they could've actually gone with for how to respond. Can Okosan just vote both of them and see how either of them flip?)

Why would you want both dead at the same time? The faster people drop off, the worse it gets for town.
2. While I’m doubtful on this, he’s not doing much to convince us to stop his lynching or vote elsewhere, almost as if he WANTS or doesn’t care if he gets lynched. Could be reverse psychology or he’s simply nub scum butttt on the chance he’s telling the truth I’d rather not risk it yet.
Coo!! (Okosan means, who really cares if he's trying to get lynched? Town shouldn't be doing that, and if he's a Jester or something honestly who cares. Like if that ended the game (there's literally 0 chance that ever happens) Okosan would feel no guilt about it. Anti town is still anti town)
I think I'll go for this

[Vote lynch Lord Genome]

I agree with what someone mentioned earlier about town LG being more active.

Other scum reads I have would be
Coooooo! (LG after an entire day worth of people's discussion seems kind of meh. What's your own reasoning for voting them? Do you actually think LG is the most scum out of everyone?)
[Vote Lynch Laix]

Any reason you changed your vote after a vote count was done showing I was one vote away from Okosan who was in the lead?


Laix: Platinum > Okosan

Tiger: Juan > Nevan

LG: Laix

Hayumi: Juan > Laix > Okosan

WJ: Kira Yagami > Okosan

Platinum: Nevan

LM: Kira Yagami > Sigismund

Okosan: Kira Yagami

Cooler: LM

Ratchet: Hayumi

Nana: Laix > Lord Genome

Natalija: John Wayne

Sigismund: Okosan

John Wayne: Laix

Kira Yagami: Hayumi

Nevan: Lord Genome

Self Voting (2 votes on self): Juan

Total Votes:

Okosan: 4
Nevan: 2
Juan: 2
Laix: 2
Hayumi: 2
Lord Genome: 2
Kira Yagami: 1
Sigismund: 1
Lord Melkor: 1
John Wayne: 1

Valid up to post [HASHTAG]#441[/HASHTAG]
Coooo! (Okosan can see people's point on Hayumi here too tbh. Because Hayumi literally even said this)

Ok in retrospect this makes the most sense out of any post I’ve seen this whole game.

Coo! (In response to Okosan's shorter explanation of Okosan's entire push on Platinum. Which coincidentally is the main thing people are scum reading Okosan for in the first place.)

Coooo! (So Hayumi simultaneously thinks that Okosan makes amazing sense with his explanation, and also thinks Okosan is scummy / is influenced by one person not voting Okosan)

COO! COO! (Nice)
Coooo! (Okosan can see people's point on Hayumi here too tbh. Because Hayumi literally even said this)

Coo! (In response to Okosan's shorter explanation of Okosan's entire push on Platinum. Which coincidentally is the main thing people are scum reading Okosan for in the first place.)

Coooo! (So Hayumi simultaneously thinks that Okosan makes amazing sense with his explanation, and also thinks Okosan is scummy / is influenced by one person not voting Okosan)

COO! COO! (Nice)
I mean, in a game where not voting anyone has big consequences, I kind of just have to go with my gut here. And last game (where you were THE GODFATHER) you also made perfect sense to me at one point or another. But there’s also been some things you’ve said already pointed out by others that I don’t like very much either.
I mean, in a game where not voting anyone has big consequences, I kind of just have to go with my gut here. And last game (where you were THE GODFATHER) you also made perfect sense to me at one point or another. But there’s also been some things you’ve said already pointed out by others that I don’t like very much either.
Coooooo! (So your gut is telling you to vote for the person who you said has made the most sense in the entire game? That's an odd gut feeling you got there. Can you point out the exact things you didn't like? Because like Okosan said, the majority of people's arguments that Okosan is scum is based off people not liking the logic/reasoning behind the post you said made sense)

COO! (You also shouldn't judge this game based on previous games tbh. Unless it's like, an overarching meta read (which is still meh) they're different games)
Coooooo! (So your gut is telling you to vote for the person who you said has made the most sense in the entire game? That's an odd gut feeling you got there. Can you point out the exact things you didn't like? Because like Okosan said, the majority of people's arguments that Okosan is scum is based off people not liking the logic/reasoning behind the post you said made sense)

COO! (You also shouldn't judge this game based on previous games tbh. Unless it's like, an overarching meta read (which is still meh) they're different games)
Tbh the thing I don’t like is your push on platinum. But again, you reasoning DOES make a lot of sense, as far as why you read into it, this is just me being a little paranoid. Again, I never said my vote was staying on you. But there’s a lot of unknowns right now, and while I really hope Nevan is scum, and agree that if he IS town, he could potentially just be a detriment to us, I’m just finding it hard to believe scum would be that freaking obvious.
It's entirely possible, I've seen scum be way more obvious than that
Yah I’m not denying I’ve seen obvious scum plays, but WHY word a question in such an obvious way as to imply you’re a supposed lie detector when he could have gone about that SOO many other ways. Either way, I guess this will be a really telling for now

[Change Vote Lynch Nevan]
It's been bothering me for a while but every time I've expressed an opinion you've rated it with Agree, this is starting to feel like an attempt at buddying

If that’s what you think idrc. I’ve given plenty of other agree ratings across the board, but if that’s considered sus I’ll stop it all together. I openly had an initial town lean on you since early on, and most of what you’ve been saying makes sense. I give agree ratings to posts I actually agree with, there’s no ulterior motive.
If that’s what you think idrc. I’ve given plenty of other agree ratings across the board, but if that’s considered sus I’ll stop it all together. I openly had an initial town lean on you since early on, and most of what you’ve been saying makes sense. I give agree ratings to posts I actually agree with, there’s no ulterior motive.

I see.... Just be mindful that you agreeing with so many different posts might make it seem like you have no opinions of your own.

Laix: Platinum > Okosan

Tiger: Juan > Nevan

LG: Laix

Hayumi: Juan > Laix > Okosan > Nevan

WJ: Kira Yagami > Okosan

Platinum: Nevan

LM: Kira Yagami > Sigismund

Okosan: Kira Yagami > Nevan

Cooler: LM

Ratchet: Hayumi

Nana: Laix > Lord Genome

Natalija: John Wayne

Sigismund: Okosan

John Wayne: Laix

Kira Yagami: Hayumi

Nevan: Lord Genome

Self Voting (2 votes on self): Juan

Total Votes:

Nevan: 4
Okosan: 3
Juan: 2
Laix: 2
Hayumi: 2
Lord Genome: 2
Kira Yagami: 1
Sigismund: 1
Lord Melkor: 1
John Wayne: 1
And before anyone point is out, yes I know Kira Yagami doesn't have any votes on him I'll fix it next time I post the list.

Also for future reference, LG, LM, and Sigi are pretty much coasting rn, so that’s something to note for next dp. I haven’t rlly payed any of them much attention at all until they crossed my mind. Very lowkey.

You forgot Worm Juice who only has 2 posts
I think I'll go for this

[Vote lynch Lord Genome]

I agree with what someone mentioned earlier about town LG being more active.

Other scum reads I have would be

Guy going for low hanging fruit and taking advantage of the momentum of the late LG wagon.

"I agree with what someone said about LG" lol

Your posts have been so shitty since you popped back up lol.

[Change Vote Lynch Nevan]
I don’t know, I’d say he’s too talkative and outspoken to be mafia.

Oh he is always like this. Do you really think someone outspoken cannot be Mafia?

It's almost guaranteed that at least one of the top posters is Mafia.

Agreed, but stating obvious stuff like this is easy thing to do when you are coasting, isnt' it? I did similar stuff as scum to feign contributions.

Also, Worm Juice needs to contribute more posts than Nitty, tbh. Newb scum often have a hard time confidently posting substance, and no one should be left to coast.

Where's your vote, Mayor?

Worm Juice looks bad, but she acted in very similar way and was town in two recent games. Of course it does not mean w

I mean unless a sudden wagon forms then you can keep voting for me all you want and I won’t care at this point. I’ve already given my argument either way. When I’m town I’m defensive, shouldn’t be hard to understand.

I do not like this argument "when I am town I am defensive". Using meta to defend.
[Vote Lynch Laix]

Why so sudden change of vote? Trying to divert attention? Care to give any reasons?

[Change Vote Lynch Laix]

I just now realized her vote was on LG and I’m not feeling Juan rn so I’m moving my vote. Nevan’s acting really poorly if town, but I think he either:
1. Fucked up or made a way too obvious play from the role hint and now doesn’t want to expose himself if he truly is a lie detector role.
2. While I’m doubtful on this, he’s not doing much to convince us to stop his lynching or vote elsewhere, almost as if he WANTS or doesn’t care if he gets lynched. Could be reverse psychology or he’s simply nub scum butttt on the chance he’s telling the truth I’d rather not risk it yet.

What do you find scummy about Laix? I liked his points on Okosan.

I am liking John Wayne less and less. But the choice seems to be between Okosan and Nevan. I have a bad feeling about both of them, but willing to wait with Okosan since he is more active and Nevan's defense was indeed very weak.

[Change Vote Lynch Nevan]
On the fence about Okosan, feel like there's a lot of volume with his posts but he's made like zero pushes. Mostly been giving town reads from what I've seen which is an easy thing for scum to do.
Cooo! (Really? Okosan feels like he's mostly given scum reads. He's pushed Nevan/Plat as both scummy. He had a random gut read of you being scum (admittedly not based on anything hence why he hasn't pushed it), said Okosan agreed with what people were saying about Hayumi sounding odd, etc. He's only really explicitly given town reads to John Wayne and Juan unless Okosan's forgetting something)
Also for future reference, LG, LM, and Sigi are pretty much coasting rn, so that’s something to note for next dp. I haven’t rlly payed any of them much attention at all until they crossed my mind. Very lowkey.

You have a point, but I currently do not have 24 hours per day to spend on this game and quote everyone.

And yes, disappointed that LG disappeared.
Cooo! (Really? Okosan feels like he's mostly given scum reads. He's pushed Nevan/Plat as both scummy. He had a random gut read of you being scum (admittedly not based on anything hence why he hasn't pushed it), said Okosan agreed with what people were saying about Hayumi sounding odd, etc. He's only really explicitly given town reads to John Wayne and Juan unless Okosan's forgetting something)

Calling Hayumi odd isn't really a proper scum read imo but ok. Didn't see you scum read me either :dead

Your confidence with the Juan and JW reads stood out. Don't get the sense that you're very sure of your scum reads, like you've given enough to vote them up (Nevan in this case) but mentioning soft pings with nothing substantive behind them doesn't fill me with confidence.

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