Game World of Warcraft: The Darkness Over Duskwood (town wins!)

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I don’t know, I’d say he’s too talkative and outspoken to be mafia.
Rookie mistake. Look back at his most recent scum game. The flag bearer one, it should still be up, but anyways, he was literally the town leader in every sense of the word, and had the highest post count, but turned out to be The Godfather. He fooled legitimately everyone.
That’s the reason why I’m not trusting anything he’s saying yet.
None at all sweetie, more so curiosity. If anything, it’s put some of my attention on you. You chose to make your like only post so far about me, iso’ing me and giving weak logic before placing a vote on me and then going ghost.
Did you actually read that post? It was hardly an ISO lol, you weren't the only poster included. You just happened to appear frequently. :kannasip
Rookie mistake. Look back at his most recent scum game. The flag bearer one, it should still be up, but anyways, he was literally the town leader in every sense of the word, and had the highest post count, but turned out to be The Godfather. He fooled legitimately everyone.
That’s the reason why I’m not trusting anything he’s saying yet.
Ok. We should keep this in mind then. :catmako People who can pull off such a role are something else.
Rookie mistake. Look back at his most recent scum game. The flag bearer one, it should still be up, but anyways, he was literally the town leader in every sense of the word, and had the highest post count, but turned out to be The Godfather. He fooled legitimately everyone.
That’s the reason why I’m not trusting anything he’s saying yet.
Cooooooo! (The pain of apparently being such a god tier mafia player you can't ever be trusted again)

I guess you haven't seen one then. By definition, an ISO is a look at your posts "in isolation", away from the noise that is the rest of the thread.
I know the definition. Clearly your reading comprehension is lacking. “That’s pretty close” as in that’s almost an iso. Adding in one more post to comment on apart from the like 9 you had of me seems like an easy excuse to throw something else in the mix to appear like you aren’t just coming for me out of nowhere.
I know the definition. Clearly your reading comprehension is lacking. “That’s pretty close” as in that’s almost an iso. Adding in one more post to comment on apart from the like 9 you had of me seems like an easy excuse to throw something else in the mix to appear like you aren’t just coming for me out of nowhere.
Sigh. I saw exactly how you qualified it. My point was to say it was nothing like an ISO. An ISO deliberately removes all other context. What I did was basically the opposite - I grabbed a selection of posts through the whole of the thread that I felt stood out or otherwise required comment. It just so happened that the majority came from you. Now you can claim I intended to just tunnel you from the start, but you've not really provided anything to support it, other than argue how convienient it would be for me (which does not an argument make). For starters, grabbing a set of posts from only one player (which would be close to an ISO, if not an ISO outright) isn't inherently scummy or even remotely suspicious at all, so perhaps you can explain why I would even feel the need to throw an extra post in there in the first place. This feels like you attempting to ascribe scummy behaviour to a post that, for all intents and purposes, should be read as NAI.
With how much you keep responding to me, you could have literally already responded to my responses from earlier.
I've no intention of doing that until I sleep.
Coooo! (Reading those votes it looks like the only other wagon that exists is a 2 person Juan wagon that Okosan wasn't even a part of? Hardly worth mentioning yet tbh. Like, it's the same type of votes that exist for Kira except there's less focus on Juan and Okosan voted for Kira. Not on the radar at all)

Coo! (Plus you keep pushing that Okosan found the votes "odd" but in reality he just found them "interesting". It may be slightly pedantic, but it's an important pedantic honestly. Odd implies that Okosan thinks there's something malicious behind the votes. Interesting implies that Okosan finds them... well... interesting. It's neutral because Okosan wasn't reading into it at all, but wanted to comment about it because Okosan voted)

Coooooo! (Honestly Okosan doesn't know what you want here. You're insisting there was some master plan or secret reason Okosan brought up the votes, but there's not. And it seems you're not happy with Okosan saying there's not so like :blobshrug)
Yet the Kira Wagon was only 2 votes not counting your vote, yet you found it worth mentioning. No one normally gives two fucks about Day 1 Joke votes, with the exemption of if they become the real leaders late in the day, so why did you now (or rather then)

Odd things are interesting, the only difference between then two is connotation (in common vernacular, not Oxford English, since we are both snorting fairly hefty amounts of Pedantry) . Interesting or Odd, either way it means you thought something about them, and believed it enough to post about.
I want to know what you thought about them. I'm not saying theres a master plan or secret reason, I just want WHY you brought them up. What made them interesting to you? Because they were the biggest lynch, counting your own vote? Purely for that? When the Juan Wagon was the same size until your vote. Purely because they were bigger, early in the phase, and clearly jokes as you and I agree?

I havent been happy in years lol.
What happens if you see...

Why are you so hyperfocused on our pigeon? You know we have other people to read here, right?
I'm bored.

I don’t know, I’d say he’s too talkative and outspoken to be mafia.

Mafia is very rarely all coasters. Normally at least half of the mafia will be regular or top posters.
Rookie mistake. Look back at his most recent scum game. The flag bearer one, it should still be up, but anyways, he was literally the town leader in every sense of the word, and had the highest post count, but turned out to be The Godfather. He fooled legitimately everyone.
That’s the reason why I’m not trusting anything he’s saying yet.

To be fair, it would take some big birdy balls to do that in one game and then follow it up the exact same way a game later.

The way I see it, you avoid day 1 lynching those putting in work. I don't like what Nevan has done-- start the game with a cryptic posturing play, and then disappear. When he comes back he's all like "hmm? What's up guys?" Casually confused guy.

I'll officially add my name to the list of those who don't like that play, and add to the potential info gain.

[Vote Lynch Nevan]
I do find hayumi pretty sus, cant help but feel theyre powerwolfing with all these posts
Anyone can tell you, that in these types of more traditional games I:
1. Am always one of the most active or at least try to be.
2.come out swinging at anyone who I feel like is either sus by nature or coming at me with weak reasoning
3. I’m not good at being a deep wolf in my honest opinion. I’m much better at finding them. Ask Samael, I always read him when others can’t.

4. I couldn’t even give my scum meta because it’s been so damn long since I’ve gotten a scum role. Easy exscuse Ik, but it’s the unfortunate truth. I was hoping for something more exciting.
Yet the Kira Wagon was only 2 votes not counting your vote, yet you found it worth mentioning. No one normally gives two fucks about Day 1 Joke votes, with the exemption of if they become the real leaders late in the day, so why did you now (or rather then)

Odd things are interesting, the only difference between then two is connotation (in common vernacular, not Oxford English, since we are both snorting fairly hefty amounts of Pedantry) . Interesting or Odd, either way it means you thought something about them, and believed it enough to post about.
I want to know what you thought about them. I'm not saying theres a master plan or secret reason, I just want WHY you brought them up. What made them interesting to you? Because they were the biggest lynch, counting your own vote? Purely for that? When the Juan Wagon was the same size until your vote. Purely because they were bigger, early in the phase, and clearly jokes as you and I agree?

I havent been happy in years lol.

I'm bored.

Mafia is very rarely all coasters. Normally at least half of the mafia will be regular or top posters.
Also NGL, a large part of it is also me being an asshole when Okosan said he wanted more non Day 1 usual shit
I just want WHY you brought them up. What made them interesting to you? Because they were the biggest lynch, counting your own vote? Purely for that? When the Juan Wagon was the same size until your vote. Purely because they were bigger, early in the phase, and clearly jokes as you and I agree?
Coooo! (Yep purely because of that. Just felt like commenting about it :blobshrug)
Sigh. I saw exactly how you qualified it. My point was to say it was nothing like an ISO. An ISO deliberately removes all other context. What I did was basically the opposite - I grabbed a selection of posts through the whole of the thread that I felt stood out or otherwise required comment. It just so happened that the majority came from you. Now you can claim I intended to just tunnel you from the start, but you've not really provided anything to support it, other than argue how convienient it would be for me (which does not an argument make). For starters, grabbing a set of posts from only one player (which would be close to an ISO, if not an ISO outright) isn't inherently scummy or even remotely suspicious at all, so perhaps you can explain why I would even feel the need to throw an extra post in there in the first place. This feels like you attempting to ascribe scummy behaviour to a post that, for all intents and purposes, should be read as NAI.

I've no intention of doing that until I sleep.
Everything I just said was my actual thoughts, not just something seemingly pulled out of my ass like your vote on me was. Of course I’m going to argue with you about why you’re wrong on anything you view from me as scummy. Because I’m town, and either which way, you keep coming back at me with similar arguments to what I just said. I think your current approach and tone of your posts are coming across as scummy. If I wanted to “ascribe scummy behavior” that didn’t exist, I would simply vote you and not bother asking you why you took the time to mention almost solely my posts, didn’t really comment on ANYTHING else going on in the game, then went conveniently ghost after placing a vote in my direction. And those were almost your FIRST posts of the game. Very meh to me.

Can you be more specific?

Who would yo go for if I for example flipped town/mafia/wargen.

Same thing for Plat and Kira.

Cooo! (An essay by Okosan)

Spoiler: Worlds
Kira - Starting with the worst flip and going down here. Okosan maintains that with this flip it's actually impossible to tell anything until you actually see the progression of the wagon, and is only honestly a little better than lynching someone random. The only difference is you get a bit of interesting progression in how Okosan/LM(?)/Whoever else is joke voting them stays on them or not or whatever they do. So it's only like a half step above voting someone random tbh

Platinum (Town) - Obviously this immediately gives more credibility to Platinum's push on Nevan as you know it was coming from a town perspective. From here you would definitely want to look more at Nevan (though Okosan doesn't really think it condemns Nevan or anything. Platinum could still be wrong), you'd probably end up questioning Okosan more as Okosan was the one focusing on Plat's push, and others that chimed in (will pull up quotes or relevant people in a minute). Honestly some of the info you get either way with Platinum kind of bleeds into the info you get from Lynching Nevan, so Okosan is going to try to specifically avoid talking about it. But we'll see.

Then you have people like Laix and Lord Melkor who pushed Okosan for pushing Platinum. Honestly Okosan hasn't super read into what every possible flip would mean, but this probably LM would get some null/town credit while Laix gets some null/scum credit. If you read into anything LM's push came early, and doesn't seem like LM pushing Okosan because LM knows Okosan is wrong. It would read more like genuine suspicion and like a town trying to figure out the game.

Laix would get more scum credit if anything because their push only really came after others started pushing Okosan for the same thing. This, if anything, would read a lot more like a, "Let's jump on Okosan because I know that Okosan is going down the wrong path here" and thus just wants an easy wagon and an easy distraction.

There are almost definitely some others, but again, Okosan isn't going to write a 3000 word essay. This is already going to be long enough.

Platinum (Scum) - Going through the same three as before it basically flips everything. Nevan gets more town credit, LM gets more scum credit, and Laix gets more town credit. With Nevan it's actually a little weird tbh. Okosan actually thinks that if Platinum flips town Nevan only should get the smallest amount of a scum push and if Platinum flips scum they get a decent amount of a town push. Okosan doesn't see Platinum calling Nevan out like that if they were partners. It would be just an extremely blatant bus that doesn't really get either of them anywhere. All it really does is put Nevan in the spotlight (as well as Platinum in this case) and then Platinum barely gets any of the actual town cred from it considering Platinum hasn't really done anything since.

Lord Melkor as Okosan mentioned gets some scum credit. Their post pivots to reading a lot like they were defending Platinum. For instance, like Okosan pointed out earlier LM pushed Okosan for "tunneling" on Platinum and yet just kind of ignored Platinum tunneling on Nevan. And sure, LM as town could maybe see one as "correct" tunneling and one as "incorrect" but the point is there was that convenient blindspot in this circumstance.

Laix gets town credit kind of for the reason they got scum credit last time. It still reads similarly in that Laix jumped on after others did to put pressure on Okosan for pushing plat, but it seems more... blatant? Like Okosan can still come to this conclusion so it seems like a scum partner would want to just avoid this overall tbh. You could easily join Platinum with your vote instead or start a fifth wagon and those draw attention away just about the same while looking less like this. To be fair Okosan thinks this read in particular might be a little off though. He'd have to take some time to specifically look into Laix if Olatinum flips scum

Nevan (Town) - This immediately makes Okosan want to confirm his suspicion on Platinum and say that they're scum, but to be fair that might be some confirmation bias. Objectively it does make Plat look worse, though. As we know the thing Platinum exclusively focused on was actually town.

This one's coming out of the blue but Okosan kind of thinks Natalija is more likely town in this world. Natalija specifically said that they didn't you were scummy. Which ehh seems like something scum wouldn't do in that scenario since Okosan feels this thread's opinion on you in leaning towards scum if anything else. Barring some tmi type of situation

Nevan (Scum) - This makes Okosan see Platinum as town. Like Okosan said earlier, Okosan just doesn't see these as scum together because Platinum honestly doesn't get much of the bussing cred with how they've tapered off on the whole Nevan thing. Okosan doesn't really want Nevan to flip scum because it means that Okosan is probably wrong about how he's leaning with Platinum, but oh well Okosan can admit he's wrong.

Following this Okosan thinks you guys would end up looking a lot at Okosan. Which he thinks is both kind of fair and kind of not fair. Because Okosan has very specifically been reading Nevan based on how he reads Platinum. So having Nevan flip scum should only factor in a little ioo. But Okosan can understand some amount of suspicion here

And honestly Okosan can admit he's not really sure where else to go from here. Maybe now with Tiger voting for you their a little bit more town cleared? But eh Okosan legit isn't entirely sure who to scum/town read based off of this flip.

Spoiler: TLDR
Kira - Who Knows Really

Platinum (Town):
Nevan - Null/Scummy
LM - More Town
Laix - More Scum

Platinum (Scum):
Nevan - More Town
LM - More Scum
Laix - More Town

Nevan (Town):
Platinum - More Scum
Natalija - More Town

Platinum - More Town
Tiger - More Town???
Not really sure, haven't evaluated this world fully

Nevan (Scum): Platinum - More Town
Everything I just said was my actual thoughts, not just something seemingly pulled out of my ass like your vote on me was.
I'm not sure what your point is. You saying it was your "actual thoughts" doesn't really mean anything, and what does my vote even have to do with this latest comment?
Of course I’m going to argue with you about why you’re wrong on anything you view from me as scummy.
Okay? Where have I said you shouldn't be arguing with me?
Because I’m town
Oh, well, I guess that's that then. It's not like there is an element to this game, one that completely underpins it in fact, known as "lying", or anything. Oh, wait. There is.
you keep coming back at me with similar arguments to what I just said
What? Just because you say something, doesn't make it true.
I think your current approach and tone of your posts are coming across as scummy
A claim you have, to date, utterly failed to substantiate.
If I wanted to “ascribe scummy behavior” that didn’t exist, I would simply vote you and not bother asking you why you took the time to mention almost solely my posts, didn’t really comment on ANYTHING else going on in the game, then went conveniently ghost after placing a vote in my direction.
Um, no? Do you know what the word "ascribe" means? You'd have a hard time ascribing any sort of behaviour to my posts if you neglected to even engage with them. This is also WIFOM, a logical fallacy. Now in terms of the actual characterisation:

Green - You have completely failed to explain how this is even scummy.
Yellow - I mean, sure, but I felt like I covered most of the pertinent discussions at the time that post was made. Was there something you felt I completely neglected to mention that ought to have deserved my attention?
Pink - Oh no, how dare I not be ever present on the thread during my every waking moment. For context, not that I really need an excuse mind you, but just two days ago I moved house - most of my time has been spent settling in to my new place, so I've dedicated less time to this than I would normally have. At the same time, I don't think I've been horrible activity wise either. If I completely disappeared for the remainder of the day, then sure, you may have a point, but that was hardly the case now.

And those were almost your FIRST posts of the game. Very meh to me.
Forgot to respond to this:
And those were almost your FIRST posts of the game. Very meh to me.
It was my first post in the game. What, exactly, is scummy regarding the timing of the actual post? Would it have been more or less suspicious if it were, say, my second, third, or tenth post in the game? If so, why? There are a lot of half-baked assertions from you so far, and most of it is stating something as if it is fact, and then failing to actually do the work required to prove it so. Given that this behaviour has been prompted due to the result of... one vote, yeah, I'm fairly satisfied where it is right now.
aw thanks but as everyone knows my hosting and player skills are complete opposite ends

I’m just here to have fun and start being serious on day 2
Ok then :cat

The good sis @Elistren is always dragging me on discord and saying how balanced his games are, so there’s no way he’d put a cult in a game this small, right??

If mafia is small then why not

Any reason for this vote?
Well Laix was like post ppl when he was active but ain't doing much

But now after catching up, I have changed my mind on him
first vote against kira because of that scummy post

can't really fault him because first votes are always troll votes but

he's hard defending Nevan here after their weird psuedo-lie detect claim

let's be real here girls, claiming lie detect on day 1 with absolutely no warning is either

1. scummy, brainless attempt at appearing town
2. trying to trap someone

from my own role i can say this game isn't exactly manga mashup levels of role madness but it's far from a generic game, and I wouldn't be surprised if Elistren included such abilities that involve posts or interactions with players even if they are the role's sole ability or a one-shot

now whether that is a town or scum ability is for you to decide. this interaction is worth remembering if either okosan or nevan flip scum


on the contrary, while you may not believe Nevan is scum, you cannot imply they are wrong for pre-judging Nevan's alignment when you have done the exact same. in relation to your later post where you slag us off for not winning day 1, I don't know why you're putting so much emphasis on what happens day 1? the purpose of day 1 is to get a feel of people's posts, challenge any establishd metas and basically lynch whoever seems the fishiest

which, right now is you

people describing the difference in their metas when town/scum is absolute bullshit

i've told people i fluff more when im scum but then intentionally do the opposite to fool said meta

though the idea of me even having a meta is hilarious but c'est la vie


yours included?

you lowkey did the same

i didn't even realise how long you guys spent on this

but... yours also seems just as, if not more agenda driven?

your hard defending of Nevan doesn't seem like devil's advocoate anymore and more like you are completely sure of their alignment

talking about possible indie threats to town isn't important, but in your words we are supposed to solve the game day 1????


her push was a bit messy but at least she's pushing for something

you've so far dumped a vote on kira, bickered over nevan's possible responses to an unanswered question and now proclaimed juan to be town

yeah sorry these posts are just weird


electric chair
I like this

Why plat was susing nevan seemed logical to me and i don't see why oko was picking on it
I have trouble reading okosan posts because the coo is so strong that I don’t read anything after that

[Change vote lynch Okosan]
I think this is the 2nd sheeping vote you made care to share with us anything of value ?
I'm bored.

Oh. Fair enough.

Then let me pick your brain, is there anyone else who sounds fishy to you?
To be fair, it would take some big birdy balls to do that in one game and then follow it up the exact same way a game later.

The way I see it, you avoid day 1 lynching those putting in work. I don't like what Nevan has done-- start the game with a cryptic posturing play, and then disappear. When he comes back he's all like "hmm? What's up guys?" Casually confused guy.

I'll officially add my name to the list of those who don't like that play, and add to the potential info gain.

[Vote Lynch Nevan]
What if he has a wincon to get lynched?
All this over a joke opening post i made :jerrykek
Haha, joking always gets me in trouble, so it’s best to filter it :sauceskully
Why plat was susing nevan seemed logical to me and i don't see why oko was picking on it
Coooo! (So this is basically the last Okosan is going to comment about it unless Okosan keeps getting asked, but the fact that Plat sussed Nevan for it isn't the problem (though personally Okosan doesn't think what Nevan said was Alignment Indicative). The problem is the fact that Plat any response that Nevan could give as suspicious)

Coo! (Basically they said, "Oh look you're 100% mafia for claiming this. Even if you hard claim this in the future you're still suspicious

Bet you're going to retract now huh?"

And no matter what Nevan says there it's bad. Either they retract and it's bad because they're trying to get out of the spotlight, or they hold the claim and they're mafia because we can't trust that)
Coo! (Okosan wasn't doing any of that though? You're literally putting words in Okosan's mouth. He wasn't "shaming newer players" anyone. He was just pointing out the state of the game and how this is a much less active day 1 than normal. Normally by now you'd have interactions you can actually look back on after you get info from a flip. In this game Okosan's pretty sure you could flip just about anyone and not nearly any info from their lynch. The only exceptions basically being like, Platinum/Nevan/Kira maybe?)
Maybe cuz longer days start slow
You do realise it was inferred like most things in a mafia game right?

You saying = your actual behaviour, which leans towards supporting Nevan's town alignment. Whether you're "leaning that way" or "deadset" is just semantics at this point

Which, is what everyone else is doing, and has agreed with, but your dramatic "we're doomed" post was really fishy and I'm sure you can agree with that? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume your point was misconstrued there as I'm of a similiar belief (hence why you're getting pressured right now)


Not saying you shouldn't have done it, I'm just letting others know not to take it at face value

You think... trying to figure out what roles are in the game... won't help solve the game?

Is it crack?


I don't need to imagine it, the receipts are there

True that a Nevan lynch would give information, but you have the most substantial and questionable interaction with Nevan thus far so...

my point was you were criticising joke wagons while... being on a joke wagon. you was "applying pressure" as you say but your vote never actually changed? are you saying you was content keeping your vote on a target that "isn't a great source of info?"

you ended up writing an essay anyway


I never said that, I was just pointing out your hypocrisy

Last time I saw someone complain like oh we gonna lose they ended up flipping as scum
Idk now when someone say it early on it sounds fake
What happens if you see...

Why are you so hyperfocused on our pigeon? You know we have other people to read here, right?
This feel like you are trying to divert the attention away from Oko
I don’t know, I’d say he’s too talkative and outspoken to be mafia.
No no no
Not in okosan case
Coooo! (So this is basically the last Okosan is going to comment about it unless Okosan keeps getting asked, but the fact that Plat sussed Nevan for it isn't the problem (though personally Okosan doesn't think what Nevan said was Alignment Indicative). The problem is the fact that Plat any response that Nevan could give as suspicious)

Coo! (Basically they said, "Oh look you're 100% mafia for claiming this. Even if you hard claim this in the future you're still suspicious

Bet you're going to retract now huh?"

And no matter what Nevan says there it's bad. Either they retract and it's bad because they're trying to get out of the spotlight, or they hold the claim and they're mafia because we can't trust that)
Ok in retrospect this makes the most sense out of any post I’ve seen this whole game.
Oh. Fair enough.

Then let me pick your brain, is there anyone else who sounds fishy to you?

Fishy, sure, WJ's vote onto Okosan without at least everyone else questions, and if there was a rational behind it I missed that post.

No one else has really stuck out tbh. But I probably need to reread the whole Nevan thing, since that seems to be the biggest part of day one
Also, Worm Juice needs to contribute more posts than Nitty, tbh. Newb scum often have a hard time confidently posting substance, and no one should be left to coast.

Where's your vote, Mayor?
Idk anymore :catprone

I find oko fishy , him going for plat and some of his posts feels off for me

Also nevan basically made a big thing with his lie detect thing yet cameback and like shrugged it off

LG ain't active posting and then disappearing

I looked at his posts he made some non related to game posts at start
Also said something that made sense about 3rd party then went mia
Fishy, sure, WJ's vote onto Okosan without at least everyone else questions, and if there was a rational behind it I missed that post.

No one else has really stuck out tbh. But I probably need to reread the whole Nevan thing, since that seems to be the biggest part of day one

Worm added his vote to the bird because of his posting style. Was probably a joke...but he provided no non-joke explanation and has disappeared.
Fishy, sure, WJ's vote onto Okosan without at least everyone else questions, and if there was a rational behind it I missed that post.

No one else has really stuck out tbh. But I probably need to reread the whole Nevan thing, since that seems to be the biggest part of day one
Tbh, the Nevan thing became a huge deal because everyone started talking about it and then some people who were focused on his “implied” lie detector claim, got called out for putting TOO much focus on it. At least that’s what I got from it.
Before I start, I want to offer full disclosure so as not to be accused of skipping points afterwards. I have removed Point #2, because it referred to clarifying a typo that was addressed, and Point #4, because it was essentially harmless fluff. Hayumi responded to a total of 6 points, but there were actually 7 in there:

What an awkward, round about way of phrasing this.

I will note, Hayumi saw fit to respond to clear fluff, so the idea that they determined it simply wasn't worth responding to doesn't really hold up.

They (he/she?) had ignored this one, for some reason. Ironic, really, given their complaints that I had ignored their response.

1. It definitely wasn’t redundant when I brought it up. When I posted that comment, I was only caught up to where Nevan had made those weird remarks, and didn’t read platinum’s questioning yet. Either way, nobody else at that point had said much about it yet from what I saw, and there was literally nothing else to really go off of yet.
The content your post provided had already been satisfactorily provided in this post. This post came amost 4 hours before yours, and was on Page 2 - if you had done even a cursory reading of the thread, you'd have seen it. However, even if we take your word for it, that you hadn't read past Nevan's post containing this, what exactly is so interesting about it that you were compelled to comment on it? All Nevan did was aim to get someone to make a statement that would work for a Lie Detector. Nevan, immediately afterwards, in this post, followed the same. Even at a stretch, the best you can say here is Nevan is attempting to look Pro-Town by forcing players to make Lie-Detector friendly statements when there is no guarantee of one even being present, as a substitute for actually scum hunting. And that isn't really an argument, because it's just as likely he is Town doing his due diligence (technically more likely, due to probability, but I digress). Yet apparently I'm to believe out of the entire thread, you read that post and felt you absolutely had to respond to it. It feels like a stretch to me.
3. “Wishy washy“ the whole point of my post was that “this is rehearsed” is a sucky argument to make because literally anything could be speculated to be rehearsed, and that I don’t get what the point was to make an off handed comment like that with absolutely no basis just to seemingly throw suspicion in a certain direction. I think it’s often scummy, but do I think he’s scum at this point? No.
You seem to have missed my point entirely. You discredit the idea of looking for what feels like staged interactions, because you say it's an easy thing to fabricate, you've annecdotally seen scum use it in every game you've played (really?) and that it is "potentially opportunistic". You even then demand that they just move away from that point of argument. My point here is to say that you attempting to discredit this avenue of scum hunting is also easy, and potentially opportunistic. This is because you attempt to shade the very notion of using this avenue as scummy, or at least something you would expect of scum, and if you were successful it would give the hypothetical Scum!Hayumi one less way to get caught. I also then said that you really were saying they were displaying scummy behaviour. I will note, there is a distinction between acknowledging that someone is displaying scummy behaviour, and thinking that someone is actually scum. You have blurred the lines around this distinction here. Lastly, I said it was "wishy washy" because you use rather vague language - "potentially opportunistic" rather than just accusing them of displaying opportunistic behaviour. In other words, you make an accusation, but never really actually stick to it, giving you wiggle room if you are later called out on it. Wishy washy is scummy behaviour.
5. You literally just restated my post for me. The read was at the start of the day, so why would LG have given you vibes either way if nothing in the game had actually happened yet. He literally just made fluff posts. Not much to go off of.
No, I did not. My issue was I felt you were overly critical of an early read, which in context with the rest of your behaviour to that point, felt like it was justifiable to me to read it as you looking to clamp down on potential town reads so as not to shrink your mislynch pool. I felt like the read itself was fairly weak, but I also felt it wasn't really presented as anything different from that either. As such, I had no problems with it.
6. Not really
This is not, in any way, shape, or form, a rebuttal of my point here. I'm going to take this as a concession of the point at hand, unless you want to actually try to respond to it this time.

And that's it. Not a particularly impressive defence, especially given how important it was to Hayumi I respond to it, and Point #6 is just all-around terrible. I assume this is elaborate and in-depth enough for you, Hayumi?
Coooo! (So this is basically the last Okosan is going to comment about it unless Okosan keeps getting asked, but the fact that Plat sussed Nevan for it isn't the problem (though personally Okosan doesn't think what Nevan said was Alignment Indicative). The problem is the fact that Plat any response that Nevan could give as suspicious)

Coo! (Basically they said, "Oh look you're 100% mafia for claiming this. Even if you hard claim this in the future you're still suspicious

Bet you're going to retract now huh?"

And no matter what Nevan says there it's bad. Either they retract and it's bad because they're trying to get out of the spotlight, or they hold the claim and they're mafia because we can't trust that)
I understand what you are saying

That Plat is setting Nevan up to look like a confirmed scum and not leaving much possibilities regarding him

But it didn't feel much intentional to me

Also i do think Nevan looks bad too
And some of your posts could be understood like you are soft defending Nevan
I am. Hyperfocusing on one person you’re all afraid of will make town lose sight of others.
Um this isn't hyperfocusing there were only 2 ppl who actually were making case on Oko

And no ppl aint pushing him cuz they are afraid of him

What have you been reading pls :becel

What do you think of oko ?
I mean unless a sudden wagon forms then you can keep voting for me all you want and I won’t care at this point. I’ve already given my argument either way. When I’m town I’m defensive, shouldn’t be hard to understand.
This is not the point at all. Actually, it's nonsensical. You can't claim to be defensive, while refusing to actually defend your position.
To be fair, it would take some big birdy balls to do that in one game and then follow it up the exact same way a game later.

The way I see it, you avoid day 1 lynching those putting in work. I don't like what Nevan has done-- start the game with a cryptic posturing play, and then disappear. When he comes back he's all like "hmm? What's up guys?" Casually confused guy.

I'll officially add my name to the list of those who don't like that play, and add to the potential info gain.

[Vote Lynch Nevan]
I didn't disappear, I'm here for any interaction you want to have, instead of a bandwagon vote.

Why do you not like my play?

What info do you exactly expect to gain and what would you do with that info?

And most important of all.

Do you actually think I'm scum?
I didn't disappear, I'm here for any interaction you want to have, instead of a bandwagon vote.

Why do you not like my play?

What info do you exactly expect to gain and what would you do with that info?

And most important of all.

Do you actually think I'm scum?

The information I mentioned was if you are lynched, depending on your flip it gives info on those who pressure you.

You started in by making sure people were saying 'I am Town' properly, and then said it yourself. That's weird, but you then stopped posting as if you were only feigning interest in this line of questioning.

So yeah, I think you're probably scum.
The information I mentioned was if you are lynched, depending on your flip it gives info on those who pressure you.
No, be more specific on the info.

On who does it give info?

What does it say about them?

Where would that info lead you, who would you persue?

You started in by making sure people were saying 'I am Town' properly, and then said it yourself. That's weird, but you then stopped posting as if you were only feigning interest in this line of questioning.
No, I just wasn't here.

So yeah, I think you're probably scum.
Am I your top scum read?
The information I mentioned was if you are lynched, depending on your flip it gives info on those who pressure you.

You started in by making sure people were saying 'I am Town' properly, and then said it yourself. That's weird, but you then stopped posting as if you were only feigning interest in this line of questioning.

So yeah, I think you're probably scum.
Is he the person you’d want to vote over anyone else atm?
What a shitty fucking question.
You haven’t answered it yet though. If you would just give an explanation then nobody would be this focused on it still.


I don’t think it’s alignment indicative, but did you purposely ask Natalija to “Say “I’m not town” or is there some other reason. Were you not aware that if you actually are a lie detector role, this paints a big target on your back?
So, before I answer it, I'm going to ask, what do you exactly expect from the question?

What benefit town gains from me answering it.
For your own sake, I hope you just worded your question to Natalija back then in a dumb way for no reason, or simply wasn’t thinking about it, otherwise you screwed yourself over if your potential hint was legitimate and actual role hinting to begin with.
Are you not going to answer my question @Platinum ?

For your own sake, I hope you just worded your question to Natalija back then in a dumb way for no reason, or simply wasn’t thinking about it, otherwise you screwed yourself over if your potential hint was legitimate and actual role hinting to begin with.
See, those are your thoughts on the matter, but it doesn't actually answer the question on what would town gain from me stating either way.
anyway, some cliff notes

- Hayumi is behaving differently from last game. Way less bubbly and more argumentative, unlike last game where she tried to seem helpful and get advice and comments from other players.

- lolokosan. pls let's lynch him, the coo shtick got old 3 years ago :tiredpepe if you want an actual reason, the fact that he's answering and asking what plat wants from nevan looks bad, almost like he's trying to get an answer plat will like so nevan knows what to come up with.

- me like ratchet

- inactive lg means scum lg which means lynch lg

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