Game World of Warcraft: The Darkness Over Duskwood (town wins!)

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Don't worry, I'll be.... gentler, next time. Pinky promise. :smugmonika


i said that's why i am playing

keep up fellas
I can't tell if you're trying to reverse Psychology people into not voting for you, or if you really think that people still won't spite you in Favorites if we spite you now, considering this is only 17 people of last games 30+.

But I'm down for trapping you here as long as possible, then letting what happens in favorites happens

Inb4 Juan gets a power role and spites me in F9
I can't tell if you're trying to reverse Psychology people into not voting for you, or if you really think that people still won't spite you in Favorites if we spite you now, considering this is only 17 people of last games 30+.

But I'm down for trapping you here as long as possible, then letting what happens in favorites happens

Inb4 Juan gets a power role and spites me in F9
That’s facts. Watch him get a fucking op ass scum role in favorites.

I can't tell if you're trying to reverse Psychology people into not voting for you, or if you really think that people still won't spite you in Favorites if we spite you now, considering this is only 17 people of last games 30+.

But I'm down for trapping you here as long as possible, then letting what happens in favorites happens

Inb4 Juan gets a power role and spites me in F9
Coooooo! COOO! (The real spite is dragging Juan to a final 3 so they have to keep paying attention to this game)
I agree natalija’s being unnecessarily pushy but aren’t you the one who initially brought up the idea of a jester?


i literally made an off hand comment cause I didn’t read, then people who also didn’t read are assuming everyone is gossiping about a jester


the point is while yes it is host courtesy to mention a jester, this is

1. NF
2. a game where the win conditions aren’t all clear. I’ve looked at the OP and see that wolf thing has no listed wincon? not saying that’s a jester but we don’t have all the info especially since it’s a closed setup
Coooo! Coo! (Also fyi if the game continues with the way it's going Okosan is pretty sure this is a town loss. No one has even been trying to solve the game since Okosan's been on)
Its day 1, fluff, bullshiting, and complaining about the games set up despite having signed up to be apart of the game, are all traditional day 1 activities
If it was day 2, youd be entirely correct
Yah there isn’t much to solve at this point in the game dear. Nevan hasn’t even responded to any earlier questioning yet, and nothing has really happened apart from a few trash votes on Kira, Natalija “pushing” for a Nevan vote, and then people jumping on that. That basically sums the day phase up so far. Some people need to start getting active soon. It’s hard to move conversations forward when half the players have like 3 posts.
Coooo! Coo! (Also fyi if the game continues with the way it's going Okosan is pretty sure this is a town loss. No one has even been trying to solve the game since Okosan's been on)

Nah, not even 19 hours in and attempting to shame newer players for not solving the game (newer players being the only ones who would feel admonished). Shady. Getting people to chat freely is playing the game. Discouraging them for not being more successful is preventing it.
vote lynch Laix


Any reason for this vote?

Cooooo! COO! (Also lmao at LM accusing Okosan of tunneling on Platinum when he explicitly said he was waiting to see how the interaction goes before he pushes it more or doesn't. Double lmao at LM not then also classifying Platinum as tunneling on Nevan)

Hmm... you may have a point here, but Platinum's so called "tunelling" seemed more natural to me that you jumping on him for being suspicious of suspicious play.

Let’s hope not (but if there is and you’re out here watching, please convert me, k thanks)



I mean Nana isnt wrong there. Town Oko ime never survives past about midway point

So if you are scum and Okosan is town you are going to use this argument against him? Interesting...

Coo! (It's a small, developing pile. Right now it;s just you and Juan)

I do not see the town vibe in John Wayne much. It is quite easy it seems to get into your townie list so early this game. Maybe this is paranoia but I have a bad feeling about this game so far. But maybe not enough to vote your lynch yet.

If we can get mafia and cult to not kill anyone, we can drag this out until favorites starts, and maybe a fair bit in

What are you saying here? Anyway, I have not seen anything worthwile from your rather than meta talk and jokes. Granted, it is not easy to scumhunt on day 1, but we should at least try. If I have to vote someone you seem the best candidate at this point, pue coasting.

[Change Vote Lynch Sigismund]
Cooo! (It's a good thing you got one then :blobcry)

[Vote Lynch Kira]

first vote against kira because of that scummy post

can't really fault him because first votes are always troll votes but

Cooo!! COO! (Doesn't this post set Nevan up where you can scum read them based on anything they do? You say you wouldn't be shocked if Nevan was scum based on if that's their actual claim, and throw sus on it as the fake claim possibility. Then you preemptively bring up the option of Nevan retracting it as well. Which, and maybe Okosan is reading this poorly, feels like you could say is Nevan quickly backtracking from it and the attention it brought)

Cooooo! (Will see if you read Nevan at all after this post while Okosan is catching up)

Cooooo! COO! (Okay yeah so you don't have to answer this until Nevan answers your question (because Okosan can understand having a theory and wanting answers for it) but Okosan's really curious what a "good" response here would be for you?)

COO! (It seems like you would sus Juan's Lie Detect claim as fake if they actually claimed, and that you think Juan backtracking is going to look bad too. At least from Okosan's perspective)

Cooo? (It just seems like Plat is already convinced of Nevan being scum for whatever reason. And half of their defense, as bolded above, is preemptively throwing shade. "If he is lie detector" :mafia all have fake roles" both read like, "even if Nevan claims lie detector I'm (Platinum) going to vote Nevan regardless")

COOO! (But maybe Okosan's wrong about that)

Coo! (Okosan just doesn't see the reason for the questioning though. You obviously are going to think he has scum equity no matter what Nevan says. So what if that's his actual role and some bad play, or it he's mafia trying to get some credit? Just seems agenda-y to Okosan)

he's hard defending Nevan here after their weird psuedo-lie detect claim

let's be real here girls, claiming lie detect on day 1 with absolutely no warning is either

1. scummy, brainless attempt at appearing town
2. trying to trap someone

from my own role i can say this game isn't exactly manga mashup levels of role madness but it's far from a generic game, and I wouldn't be surprised if Elistren included such abilities that involve posts or interactions with players even if they are the role's sole ability or a one-shot

now whether that is a town or scum ability is for you to decide. this interaction is worth remembering if either okosan or nevan flip scum


Coooo! (First off, nice for choosing this post in particular to quote about Okosan reading into your posts and not the multiple ones where Okosan said he might be wrong. Felt no need to correct those ones apparently)

Coo!! (Second, like Okosan said it seems like you already covered both angles for what Nevan could even reply in your previous posts, and implied he would still be bad either way. Let's look at this post for example)

COOO! (The bold portions covers for if Nevan actually claims Lie Detector. If Nevan claims you can say, "ehh we can't really believe what Nevan claims there. It's still extremely sus. Let's lynch him anyways." Then if you lynch him and Nevan flips town you can fall back on just saying it was extremely poor play from Nevan)

Coo! (The italicized portion covers if Nevan claims they aren't a lie detector. Now it can be funneled to same result as above, only now it's sus because Nevan decided to do that in the first place)

Cooo! COOO! (It just really feels like no matter what's said it's all funneling down to the same path of "let's lynch Nevan" when Okosan has no real reason to think Nevan is scum right now)

on the contrary, while you may not believe Nevan is scum, you cannot imply they are wrong for pre-judging Nevan's alignment when you have done the exact same. in relation to your later post where you slag us off for not winning day 1, I don't know why you're putting so much emphasis on what happens day 1? the purpose of day 1 is to get a feel of people's posts, challenge any establishd metas and basically lynch whoever seems the fishiest

which, right now is you

Cooo! (So people can correct Okosan if he's wrong, but Okosan honestly feels he plays very similarly most games. With any fluctuations coming in a lot from just how he's feeling on a particular day. Okosan would probably say a big difference is as Mafia you might find him talking about things that don't matter a lot more often. In particular in that flagbearer game Okosan was purposefully trying to fuel people talking about random dice rolls and how they were bad, without actually being part of the conversation. Therefore wasting a solid portion of the day)

COO! (Okosan is also probably very slightly less talkative as scum sometimes. Because maybe he's trying to discuss the best way to go at something with teammates or is distracted by being the top poster in scum chat)

people describing the difference in their metas when town/scum is absolute bullshit

i've told people i fluff more when im scum but then intentionally do the opposite to fool said meta

though the idea of me even having a meta is hilarious but c'est la vie


Coo!! (Okosan doesn't know what to read from this yet, but Okosna also found it interesting that a lot of the joke, meme votes got thrown on Kira)

yours included?

COOOOO! (A better way to word this is that is seems like you covered any possible response with your shading)

you lowkey did the same

Cooo! (Literally not assuming, just posting what Okosan though when he read the posts like he said repeatedly)

COO? (Hence why one of the first things Okosan posted was "what would be a good response" and told you that you could response after Nevan did. Because Okosan was curious how it would go down)

Cooooo! (And the reason you need to address the fact that Okosan said he could be wrong is because you're addressing the fact that Okosan is assuming he's right)

i didn't even realise how long you guys spent on this

Coooooo! (Okosan means, you're avoiding the entire point of Okosan's argument here though. It's that Platinum seems to claim that Nevan could prove themselves as town, but Platinum's also already covered all possible responses as sus. The suspicion from Platinum therefore seems agenda driven, and not like Platinum is actually curious about Nevan's alignment)

Cooooo! COO! (Also lmao at LM accusing Okosan of tunneling on Platinum when he explicitly said he was waiting to see how the interaction goes before he pushes it more or doesn't. Double lmao at LM not then also classifying Platinum as tunneling on Nevan)

but... yours also seems just as, if not more agenda driven?

your hard defending of Nevan doesn't seem like devil's advocoate anymore and more like you are completely sure of their alignment

COOO! (Hot take talking about what types of indies may or may not exist doesn't really matter right now)


talking about possible indie threats to town isn't important, but in your words we are supposed to solve the game day 1????


Cooo! Coo! (Okosan doesn't really like Natalija's push here, but also doesn't know if a mafia would immediately start pushing someone like that who just got two town reads)

her push was a bit messy but at least she's pushing for something

you've so far dumped a vote on kira, bickered over nevan's possible responses to an unanswered question and now proclaimed juan to be town

Coo! (Oops guess the game is nightless now)

Coooo! Coo! (Also fyi if the game continues with the way it's going Okosan is pretty sure this is a town loss. No one has even been trying to solve the game since Okosan's been on)

yeah sorry these posts are just weird


electric chair
So if you are scum and Okosan is town you are going to use this argument against him? Interesting...

What are you saying here? Anyway, I have not seen anything worthwile from your rather than meta talk and jokes. Granted, it is not easy to scumhunt on day 1, but we should at least try. If I have to vote someone you seem the best candidate at this point, pue coasting.

[Change Vote Lynch Sigismund]
No, that's what in my experience has happened. It may not be the same this game. I do not know.

It's a fucking joke, that's what that means. You apparently recognized the rest, so why ask about that one?

The rest of that paragraph is valid however, except the coasting part, I havent even begun to coast, and only Laix's Okosan collective is really anything going on in the thread with Nevan having gone out to buy cigarettes
No, that's what in my experience has happened. It may not be the same this game. I do not know.

It's a fucking joke, that's what that means. You apparently recognized the rest, so why ask about that one?

The rest of that paragraph is valid however, except the coasting part, I havent even begun to coast, and only Laix's Okosan collective is really anything going on in the thread with Nevan having gone out to buy cigarettes

And what do you make of Laix's case against Okosan?
And what do you make of Laix's case against Okosan?
I agree with the Okosan defending Nevan over the claim is weird as fuck

If people tell you what their metas are in a game, youd be an idiot to believe them at their word, since that means they know how they present themselves. At best take what they say is their "town meta" and apply that to their scum meta

Oko being a hypocrite on the Kira vote is also strange, but that can be explained as him joking and being suprised at the responce. The real kicker is if he did it before the majority of people voted for Kira or after.

[Vote Lynch Kira Yagami]

That bluff on the first page is :doge

also good morning everyone :happykitten


That is a great question to which there is no obvious answer. You should follow your instincts, like you correctly sussed me last game, for example. But both things you said are valid reason to look closely at someone.

Really? [Vote Lynch Kira Yagami] for now.

Hmm.... who you were last game? You are playing newbie card a bit too much IMO, you have played several games already.

Natalija is rather new but seems to improve with each game. Hayumi is good, active player. Worm Juice so far seemed very scummy to me in games we played together (I think there were two of them) but actually were town.

Are you fishing for power roles?

Interesting - we should note this interaction for later.

Cooo! (It's a good thing you got one then :blobcry)

[Vote Lynch Kira]

Those are the 3 votes for Kira, which Okosan criticized, despite being the last person to hop on said wagon.
So yeah it wasnt a joke vote, the votes at least had bare minimum reasoning, and a very weird thing for him to say.

[Vote Lynch Okosan]
I agree with the Okosan defending Nevan over the claim is weird as fuck

If people tell you what their metas are in a game, youd be an idiot to believe them at their word, since that means they know how they present themselves. At best take what they say is their "town meta" and apply that to their scum meta

Oko being a hypocrite on the Kira vote is also strange, but that can be explained as him joking and being suprised at the responce. The real kicker is if he did it before the majority of people voted for Kira or after.

Those are the 3 votes for Kira, which Okosan criticized, despite being the last person to hop on said wagon.
So yeah it wasnt a joke vote, the votes at least had bare minimum reasoning, and a very weird thing for him to say.

[Vote Lynch Okosan]

exactly, his behaviour has been all over the place and I still find his hard defense of nevan weird

I’m not set on this but it’s a good target to pressure before I sleep
Yah there isn’t much to solve at this point in the game dear. Nevan hasn’t even responded to any earlier questioning yet, and nothing has really happened apart from a few trash votes on Kira, Natalija “pushing” for a Nevan vote, and then people jumping on that. That basically sums the day phase up so far. Some people need to start getting active soon. It’s hard to move conversations forward when half the players have like 3 posts.
I didn't push for Nevan at all, I voted for John Wayne :teach

We're all waiting for Nevan to say something, but I honestly don't find him scummy.
how can we solve the game day 1????
Cooooo! (Okosan's not saying to completely solve the game today. Okosan's saying there's a distinct lack of pressuring, voting, or even suspects today. Legit the only thing to hve happened is a "joke" wagon on Kira and the whole Nevan/Platinum thing)

Cooo! (There's just about 0 you can actually glean from what's happened today regardless of who's alignment you flip via the lynch)
Cooooo! (Okosan's not saying to completely solve the game today. Okosan's saying there's a distinct lack of pressuring, voting, or even suspects today. Legit the only thing to hve happened is a "joke" wagon on Kira and the whole Nevan/Platinum thing)

Cooo! (There's just about 0 you can actually glean from what's happened today regardless of who's alignment you flip via the lynch)
I voted and you said it was “pushy”, make up your minds, people :sauceskully
Nah, not even 19 hours in and attempting to shame newer players for not solving the game (newer players being the only ones who would feel admonished). Shady. Getting people to chat freely is playing the game. Discouraging them for not being more successful is preventing it.
Coo! (Okosan wasn't doing any of that though? You're literally putting words in Okosan's mouth. He wasn't "shaming newer players" anyone. He was just pointing out the state of the game and how this is a much less active day 1 than normal. Normally by now you'd have interactions you can actually look back on after you get info from a flip. In this game Okosan's pretty sure you could flip just about anyone and not nearly any info from their lynch. The only exceptions basically being like, Platinum/Nevan/Kira maybe?)
I do not see the town vibe in John Wayne much. It is quite easy it seems to get into your townie list so early this game. Maybe this is paranoia but I have a bad feeling about this game so far. But maybe not enough to vote your lynch yet.
Cooo! COO! (Yeah it is quite easy to get in to Okosan's town list early. No reason to be stingy about handing out reads even if they're mostly gut reads. Helps shape the day and let's people know where Okosan's thought process is at currently)
Coo! (Okosan wasn't doing any of that though? You're literally putting words in Okosan's mouth. He wasn't "shaming newer players" anyone. He was just pointing out the state of the game and how this is a much less active day 1 than normal. Normally by now you'd have interactions you can actually look back on after you get info from a flip. In this game Okosan's pretty sure you could flip just about anyone and not nearly any info from their lynch. The only exceptions basically being like, Platinum/Nevan/Kira maybe?)
What information do you think these flips would give?
he's hard defending Nevan here after their weird psuedo-lie detect claim

let's be real here girls, claiming lie detect on day 1 with absolutely no warning is either

1. scummy, brainless attempt at appearing town
2. trying to trap someone
Cooooo! ( 1. Not hard defending Nevan. The dynamics of Okosan being sus of Platinum narturally point towards Nevan probably being more town sure, but like Okosan has said multiple times e=he was waiting until later in the day. Now Nevan still hasn't responded and honestly both sides are starting look a little more sus. Nevan for not posting and staying out of the limelight, and Platinum for not trying to push literally anything else in the meantime)

Cooo! ( 2. You do realize Nevan never actually claimed lie detect right?)

on the contrary, while you may not believe Nevan is scum, you cannot imply they are wrong for pre-judging Nevan's alignment when you have done the exact same. in relation to your later post where you slag us off for not winning day 1, I don't know why you're putting so much emphasis on what happens day 1? the purpose of day 1 is to get a feel of people's posts, challenge any establishd metas and basically lynch whoever seems the fishiest

COO!! (So here it's something similar of you assuming that Okosan is believing exclusively that Nevan is town. Is Okosan leaning that way? Sure. Is Okosan dead set on it? Not at all)

Cooooo! (And Okosan is putting so much pressure on day 1 because it's actually a lot more important than what you guys are letting on. It's the starting point to get all reads, interactions, and anything else that can help you later down the line. Having a day 1 that's mostly messing around gives you very little info when X flips scum and you want to go back and reread their interactions. Having a day 1 where people get pushed and voted (even if the reasons are meh) is infinitely better)

people describing the difference in their metas when town/scum is absolute bullshit

i've told people i fluff more when im scum but then intentionally do the opposite to fool said meta

though the idea of me even having a meta is hilarious but c'est la vie

Coo! (Okay and? Are you implying that's what Okosan did? He specifically even called everyone else out to correct Okosan if he was wrong, and only described his own meta because he was specifically asked.)

yours included?

COO! COO! (Yeah. Hence why Okosan said he didn't know how to read that yet. Why are you bringing up that as a point against him lmao)

talking about possible indie threats to town isn't important, but in your words we are supposed to solve the game day 1????

COOOOO! (Okay please enlighten Okosan how talking about indies that may or may not exist is going to help solve the game at all? Like, if Okosan is deadset on their being a Jester does that tell you anything? Okosan's curious because you seem to think that it would solve the game)

Cooo!! (Also, again, Okosan didn't say the game needed to be solved today. Just the beginning work needed to be put in otherwise later it's going to be hard)

her push was a bit messy but at least she's pushing for something

Coooo!! (Lmao imagine implying that Okosan hasn't pushed anything :lmao)
I agree with the Okosan defending Nevan over the claim is weird as fuck

If people tell you what their metas are in a game, youd be an idiot to believe them at their word, since that means they know how they present themselves. At best take what they say is their "town meta" and apply that to their scum meta

Oko being a hypocrite on the Kira vote is also strange, but that can be explained as him joking and being suprised at the responce. The real kicker is if he did it before the majority of people voted for Kira or after.

Those are the 3 votes for Kira, which Okosan criticized, despite being the last person to hop on said wagon.
So yeah it wasnt a joke vote, the votes at least had bare minimum reasoning, and a very weird thing for him to say.

[Vote Lynch Okosan]
Cooo! (Imagine your main case being composed of Okosan joe voting Kira, and then you proclaiming that Okosan's vote wasn't a joke. Even though it obviously was)

Coo! (Also calling Okosan a hypocrite even though Okosan didn't say they were scummy at all? Okosan actually explicitly said he didn't know how to read it. Heck the conclusion could literally be that Kira is just easy to dunk on)
What information do you think these flips would give?
Cooooo! (If we flip you it gives more information on a lot of people either directly or a little more indirectly. Obviously there's the main thing on Okosan/Plat, but there's also a lot of others that said they thought you were scummy/not scummy. People that pushed the fact you "claiming" lie detcor was bad hence throwing shade on you. Etc.)

Cooo! (Platinum is a little narrower in scope in that it really only gives info on exactly Okosan and you. Along with the person here and there who might've commented on the whole thing)

Coooo! COO! (And Kira is honestly the worst flip with is why Okosan put maybe. It's a joke wagon with no one actually pushing it, so all you might really get out of it is how comfortable people were staying on it or not after the fact. Which isn't a great source of info either way Kira flips)
Cooooo! (If we flip you it gives more information on a lot of people either directly or a little more indirectly. Obviously there's the main thing on Okosan/Plat, but there's also a lot of others that said they thought you were scummy/not scummy. People that pushed the fact you "claiming" lie detcor was bad hence throwing shade on you. Etc.)

Cooo! (Platinum is a little narrower in scope in that it really only gives info on exactly Okosan and you. Along with the person here and there who might've commented on the whole thing)

Coooo! COO! (And Kira is honestly the worst flip with is why Okosan put maybe. It's a joke wagon with no one actually pushing it, so all you might really get out of it is how comfortable people were staying on it or not after the fact. Which isn't a great source of info either way Kira flips)
Can you be more specific?

Who would yo go for if I for example flipped town/mafia/wargen.

Same thing for Plat and Kira.
Can you be more specific?

Who would yo go for if I for example flipped town/mafia/wargen.

Same thing for Plat and Kira.
Cooo! (Sure. Okosan actually meant to include something asking if you wanted him to actually go more in depth but forgot. He only went the route hid did because he didn't want to write an essay if you didn't want him too)

Cooooo! (Give him a minute. Also it probably won't include literally everyone you get info about via the flips. Just the big ones / the ones that come to Okosan's head)
Cooooo! (If we flip you it gives more information on a lot of people either directly or a little more indirectly. Obviously there's the main thing on Okosan/Plat, but there's also a lot of others that said they thought you were scummy/not scummy. People that pushed the fact you "claiming" lie detcor was bad hence throwing shade on you. Etc.)
But you yourself are seemingly pointing out things about the situation, yet haven’t openly defended or gone against him from what I’ve seen. You just seemed to focus on platinum’s questioning and the reasoning/possible motive behind it, without really telling us your own thoughts on Nevan at all, no? Or did I just miss it. I think I remember you saying that he was probably joking?
But you yourself are seemingly pointing out things about the situation, yet haven’t openly defended or gone against him from what I’ve seen. You just seemed to focus on platinum’s questioning and the reasoning/possible motive behind it, without really telling us your own thoughts on Nevan at all, no? Or did I just miss it. I think I remember you saying that he was probably joking?
Cooo! (Because Okosan doesn't really think what Nevan did is alignment indicative either way. Nevan before now has posted... 4? 6? Times and nothing was actually scummy or towny from what Okosan saw. Hence it would be interesting to see Nevan's alignment in regards to how everyone instantly pushed one way or the other)

COO! (Also why Okosan has focused mostly on Platinum. Because Nevan hadn't done anything to actually read into)
Cooo! (Imagine your main case being composed of Okosan joe voting Kira, and then you proclaiming that Okosan's vote wasn't a joke. Even though it obviously was)

Coo! (Also calling Okosan a hypocrite even though Okosan didn't say they were scummy at all? Okosan actually explicitly said he didn't know how to read it. Heck the conclusion could literally be that Kira is just easy to dunk on)

I explictly said that your vote may have been a joke, but where I took issue with it was when you looked at those votes and soft criticized them (which yes, saying you wonder about them is a criticism, as it implies you dont see them fully as jokes), when they were made before you got on, you said you would catch up, apparantly found them fine at the time, yet later talked about them and viewed them as more than jokes, or else you would have never mentioned them again. Had you said "on going back over", that would have been a decent explanation as to why you found them weird, yet I dont see that. I just see "I wonder about these votes on Kira" with your vote still on Kira, joke or not.

My vote is not final, but what you've done is weird, hence I added pressure, wanting an explanation.

That was my "case", ans why I called you a hypocrite upon that statute.
I explictly said that your vote may have been a joke, but where I took issue with it was when you looked at those votes and soft criticized them (which yes, saying you wonder about them is a criticism, as it implies you dont see them fully as jokes), when they were made before you got on, you said you would catch up, apparantly found them fine at the time, yet later talked about them and viewed them as more than jokes, or else you would have never mentioned them again. Had you said "on going back over", that would have been a decent explanation as to why you found them weird, yet I dont see that. I just see "I wonder about these votes on Kira" with your vote still on Kira, joke or not.

My vote is not final, but what you've done is weird, hence I added pressure, wanting an explanation.

That was my "case", ans why I called you a hypocrite upon that statute.
Coo! (Here's the quote in question)
QUOTE="Okosan, post: 61836380, member: 251780"]Coo!! (Okosan doesn't know what to read from this yet, but Okosna also found it interesting that a lot of the joke, meme votes got thrown on Kira)[/QUOTE]

Cooooo! (Okosan legit doesn't see how you're trying to make such a big deal about Okosan commenting about the votes. First off, Okosan explicitly says he doesn't know what to read from it yet. It could be something, it could literally be nothing. It was also the only actually wagon at the time of Okosan catching up, so of course Okosan is going to comment about them. Especially when Okosan himself voted Kira upon seeing the same post of theirs, without seeing any of the other votes beforehand. Was just something Okosan noticed and was curious about)

Coo! COOO! (You're acting like Okosan was fully pushing some weird agenda of trying to shade these people, when in fact it has so little attention of Okosan's that he legit doesn't even remember who was voting Kira with him)
Coo! (Fixed)

Coo! (Here's the quote in question)
Coo!! (Okosan doesn't know what to read from this yet, but Okosna also found it interesting that a lot of the joke, meme votes got thrown on Kira)

Cooooo! (Okosan legit doesn't see how you're trying to make such a big deal about Okosan commenting about the votes. First off, Okosan explicitly says he doesn't know what to read from it yet. It could be something, it could literally be nothing. It was also the only actually wagon at the time of Okosan catching up, so of course Okosan is going to comment about them. Especially when Okosan himself voted Kira upon seeing the same post of theirs, without seeing any of the other votes beforehand. Was just something Okosan noticed and was curious about)

Coo! COOO! (You're acting like Okosan was fully pushing some weird agenda of trying to shade these people, when in fact it has so little attention of Okosan's that he legit doesn't even remember who was voting Kira with him)
Coooooo! (Ahhh actually correctly fixed this time)

Coo! (Here's the quote in question)
Coo!! (Okosan doesn't know what to read from this yet, but Okosna also found it interesting that a lot of the joke, meme votes got thrown on Kira)

Cooooo! (Okosan legit doesn't see how you're trying to make such a big deal about Okosan commenting about the votes. First off, Okosan explicitly says he doesn't know what to read from it yet. It could be something, it could literally be nothing. It was also the only actually wagon at the time of Okosan catching up, so of course Okosan is going to comment about them. Especially when Okosan himself voted Kira upon seeing the same post of theirs, without seeing any of the other votes beforehand. Was just something Okosan noticed and was curious about)

Coo! COOO! (You're acting like Okosan was fully pushing some weird agenda of trying to shade these people, when in fact it has so little attention of Okosan's that he legit doesn't even remember who was voting Kira with him)
Coooooo! (Ahhh actually correctly fixed this time)

Coo! (Here's the quote in question)

Cooooo! (Okosan legit doesn't see how you're trying to make such a big deal about Okosan commenting about the votes. First off, Okosan explicitly says he doesn't know what to read from it yet. It could be something, it could literally be nothing. It was also the only actually wagon at the time of Okosan catching up, so of course Okosan is going to comment about them. Especially when Okosan himself voted Kira upon seeing the same post of theirs, without seeing any of the other votes beforehand. Was just something Okosan noticed and was curious about)

Coo! COOO! (You're acting like Okosan was fully pushing some weird agenda of trying to shade these people, when in fact it has so little attention of Okosan's that he legit doesn't even remember who was voting Kira with him)

"I dont know what to read" means you find them suspicious if you're town, or wondering how to twist them into your favor if you're scum, whether there is truly something there or not. There is no inbetween, if purely because of how vague "suspicious" can be, so I ask why do/did you find them suspicious? Do you not find them suspect anymore? Something about them caught your eye to comment upon them, was it a gut feeling, what? That's what I want to know.

Its precisely because you're not a bad player that I wonder why exactly that comment was made. Is anyone perfect, God no, I just want to know why you said that.

Well you wanted conversation beyond normal Day 1 banter, so why not acquiesce? As you pointed out nothing else going on, besides Nevans whole thing, but a strange voting inconsistent, that may or may not be nothing.

If you dont bother to know who made the votes, why bring up the votes in the first place, when they are similar in nature to your own? What exactly did you feel that not only made you wonder, but made you wonder for long enough to post about in the thread. That's my only question, and a question you have dodged quite masterfully.

So again, why bring those votes up, if you dont care who made them, if you find nothing there at the moment, of they arent dissimilar to yours?


That's my only question, and has been my only question.
So again, why bring those votes up, if you dont care who made them, if you find nothing there at the moment, of they arent dissimilar to yours?


That's my only question, and has been my only question.

Cooo! (Okosan answered this in his previous post? He said the reason he brought them up is because they were the only wagon going on at the time of Okosan catching up. And in fact one that Okosan joined without knowing about. So of course Okosan is going to mention it at the very least before Okosan finds something more important to latch onto, like he did)
Cooo! (Because Okosan doesn't really think what Nevan did is alignment indicative either way. Nevan before now has posted... 4? 6? Times and nothing was actually scummy or towny from what Okosan saw. Hence it would be interesting to see Nevan's alignment in regards to how everyone instantly pushed one way or the other)

COO! (Also why Okosan has focused mostly on Platinum. Because Nevan hadn't done anything to actually read into)
I personally am not questioning his weird way of asking Natalija’s something in an odd way or as something that is definitively alignment indicative one way or the other, but I do think people were quick to comment on it, or at least in my case, because of how obviously it stood out compared to any other post so far, at least from having a basis for something to read or look into. In any case, I don’t scum read Nevan currently, but I do feel like everyone was rightfully interested in what exactly he meant/why he directly asked her to rephrase what she had already said.
Cooooo! ( 1. Not hard defending Nevan. The dynamics of Okosan being sus of Platinum narturally point towards Nevan probably being more town sure, but like Okosan has said multiple times e=he was waiting until later in the day. Now Nevan still hasn't responded and honestly both sides are starting look a little more sus. Nevan for not posting and staying out of the limelight, and Platinum for not trying to push literally anything else in the meantime)

But again you haven't really tried to push anything else and have spent most of the phase talking about this Nevan situation. You can't really deny this as the receipts are all there in my post

Cooo! ( 2. You do realize Nevan never actually claimed lie detect right?)

You do realise it was inferred like most things in a mafia game right?

COO!! (So here it's something similar of you assuming that Okosan is believing exclusively that Nevan is town. Is Okosan leaning that way? Sure. Is Okosan dead set on it? Not at all)

You saying = your actual behaviour, which leans towards supporting Nevan's town alignment. Whether you're "leaning that way" or "deadset" is just semantics at this point

Cooooo! (And Okosan is putting so much pressure on day 1 because it's actually a lot more important than what you guys are letting on. It's the starting point to get all reads, interactions, and anything else that can help you later down the line. Having a day 1 that's mostly messing around gives you very little info when X flips scum and you want to go back and reread their interactions. Having a day 1 where people get pushed and voted (even if the reasons are meh) is infinitely better)

Which, is what everyone else is doing, and has agreed with, but your dramatic "we're doomed" post was really fishy and I'm sure you can agree with that? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume your point was misconstrued there as I'm of a similiar belief (hence why you're getting pressured right now)


Coo! (Okay and? Are you implying that's what Okosan did? He specifically even called everyone else out to correct Okosan if he was wrong, and only described his own meta because he was specifically asked.)

Not saying you shouldn't have done it, I'm just letting others know not to take it at face value

COOOOO! (Okay please enlighten Okosan how talking about indies that may or may not exist is going to help solve the game at all? Like, if Okosan is deadset on their being a Jester does that tell you anything? Okosan's curious because you seem to think that it would solve the game)

You think... trying to figure out what roles are in the game... won't help solve the game?

Is it crack?


Coooo!! (Lmao imagine implying that Okosan hasn't pushed anything :lmao)

I don't need to imagine it, the receipts are there

Cooooo! (If we flip you it gives more information on a lot of people either directly or a little more indirectly. Obviously there's the main thing on Okosan/Plat, but there's also a lot of others that said they thought you were scummy/not scummy. People that pushed the fact you "claiming" lie detcor was bad hence throwing shade on you. Etc.)

True that a Nevan lynch would give information, but you have the most substantial and questionable interaction with Nevan thus far so...

Coooo! COO! (And Kira is honestly the worst flip with is why Okosan put maybe. It's a joke wagon with no one actually pushing it, so all you might really get out of it is how comfortable people were staying on it or not after the fact. Which isn't a great source of info either way Kira flips)

my point was you were criticising joke wagons while... being on a joke wagon. you was "applying pressure" as you say but your vote never actually changed? are you saying you was content keeping your vote on a target that "isn't a great source of info?"

Cooo! (Sure. Okosan actually meant to include something asking if you wanted him to actually go more in depth but forgot. He only went the route hid did because he didn't want to write an essay if you didn't want him too)

you ended up writing an essay anyway


Coo! COOO! (You're acting like Okosan was fully pushing some weird agenda of trying to shade these people, when in fact it has so little attention of Okosan's that he legit doesn't even remember who was voting Kira with him)

I never said that, I was just pointing out your hypocrisy

Cooo! (Okosan answered this in his previous post? He said the reason he brought them up is because they were the only wagon going on at the time of Okosan catching up. And in fact one that Okosan joined without knowing about. So of course Okosan is going to mention it at the very least before Okosan finds something more important to latch onto, like he did)
>only wagon

[VOTE LYNCH Platinum]


This got to be the first post?

[Vote Lynch Juan]

Also, to all: Well met!

[vote Lynch laix]

I said I'd so it

Also Vote Lynch Juan

Fuck this lying scum for playing with my feelings in mashup.


[Vote Lynch Kira Yagami]

That bluff on the first page is :doge

also good morning everyone :happykitten

[vote lynch Nevan]

Lets get this show on the road. I'll have your excuse now about posturing lie detector hours into a game.


That is a great question to which there is no obvious answer. You should follow your instincts, like you correctly sussed me last game, for example. But both things you said are valid reason to look closely at someone.

Really? [Vote Lynch Kira Yagami] for now.

Hmm.... who you were last game? You are playing newbie card a bit too much IMO, you have played several games already.

Natalija is rather new but seems to improve with each game. Hayumi is good, active player. Worm Juice so far seemed very scummy to me in games we played together (I think there were two of them) but actually were town.

Are you fishing for power roles?

Interesting - we should note this interaction for later.

Considering a Juan wagon existed, yet you commented upon the Kira wagon while not even mentioning the Juan wagon, which the comment you quote in your joke vote exists, after 3 of those non Kira votes were casted. You knew about them and the Juan wagon, which was also of considerable size.

So there is something more to why you found those individual votes odd.
What is that? It wasnt the bullshit you tired to just feed me. Even if you forgot about it as of now, your vote was made less than 3 mins after reading those votes leading up to the Kira quote in your vote. You knew of other wagons existing, so why only mention the one?
Coo! (Never mind we're lynching Kira for being birdist smh)
What happens if you see...
>only wagon

Considering a Juan wagon existed, yet you commented upon the Kira wagon while not even mentioning the Juan wagon, which the comment you quote in your joke vote exists, after 3 of those non Kira votes were casted. You knew about them and the Juan wagon, which was also of considerable size.

So there is something more to why you found those individual votes odd.
What is that? It wasnt the bullshit you tired to just feed me. Even if you forgot about it as of now, your vote was made less than 3 mins after reading those votes leading up to the Kira quote in your vote. You knew of other wagons existing, so why only mention the one?
Why are you so hyperfocused on our pigeon? You know we have other people to read here, right?
>only wagon

Considering a Juan wagon existed, yet you commented upon the Kira wagon while not even mentioning the Juan wagon, which the comment you quote in your joke vote exists, after 3 of those non Kira votes were casted. You knew about them and the Juan wagon, which was also of considerable size.

So there is something more to why you found those individual votes odd.
What is that? It wasnt the bullshit you tired to just feed me. Even if you forgot about it as of now, your vote was made less than 3 mins after reading those votes leading up to the Kira quote in your vote. You knew of other wagons existing, so why only mention the one?
Good point, the other meme votes didn’t even cross my mind (including my own)

Considering a Juan wagon existed, yet you commented upon the Kira wagon while not even mentioning the Juan wagon, which the comment you quote in your joke vote exists, after 3 of those non Kira votes were casted. You knew about them and the Juan wagon, which was also of considerable size.

So there is something more to why you found those individual votes odd.
What is that? It wasnt the bullshit you tired to just feed me. Even if you forgot about it as of now, your vote was made less than 3 mins after reading those votes leading up to the Kira quote in your vote. You knew of other wagons existing, so why only mention the one?
Coooo! (Reading those votes it looks like the only other wagon that exists is a 2 person Juan wagon that Okosan wasn't even a part of? Hardly worth mentioning yet tbh. Like, it's the same type of votes that exist for Kira except there's less focus on Juan and Okosan voted for Kira. Not on the radar at all)

Coo! (Plus you keep pushing that Okosan found the votes "odd" but in reality he just found them "interesting". It may be slightly pedantic, but it's an important pedantic honestly. Odd implies that Okosan thinks there's something malicious behind the votes. Interesting implies that Okosan finds them... well... interesting. It's neutral because Okosan wasn't reading into it at all, but wanted to comment about it because Okosan voted)

Coooooo! (Honestly Okosan doesn't know what you want here. You're insisting there was some master plan or secret reason Okosan brought up the votes, but there's not. And it seems you're not happy with Okosan saying there's not so like :blobshrug)

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