Game World of Warcraft: The Darkness Over Duskwood (town wins!)

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That is a great question to which there is no obvious answer. You should follow your instincts, like you correctly sussed me last game, for example. But both things you said are valid reason to look closely at someone.
Thank you for a serious answer :catcry I’m in trouble in a different game.

Hmm.... who you were last game? You are playing newbie card a bit too much IMO, you have played several games already.

Natalija is rather new but seems to improve with each game. Hayumi is good, active player. Worm Juice so far seemed very scummy to me in games we played together (I think there were two of them) but actually were town.
Huh, I’m not saying I’m a newbie at this game? Last game I was a lie detector turned super vig.
Thank you for thinking I’m getting better, means a lot coming from you :blush

Anyways, yes, Nevan was just playing around probably. No actual lie detector would do that.
Willing to bet Nevan is a jester

like do you think anyone would genuinely do that

even a new player


The setup doesn't mention a Jester existing, if they did it would be a bastard game especially if it was a game ending one.
I’m guessing a spreading faction.
You mean cult

And googling worgen it does sound like cult

Behind the formidable Greymane Wall, a terrible curse transformed some of the stalwart citizens of the isolated kingdom of Gilneas into nightmarish lupine beasts known as worgen. Human scholars intensely debated the origins of the curse, until it was revealed that the original worgen were not—as previously believed—nightmares from another dimension, but cursed night elf druids.

Being bitten by or drinking the blood of a worgen transmits the worgen curse and causes humans and night elves to be transformed into one. After the transformation, those that are overcome by rage and guilt gradually lose all vestiges of their former lives and turn mindless. By controlling their emotions via medication, magic, and self-discipline, worgen may resist being overcome by their feral instincts.

I mean you're either saying you've bluffed as scum many times by hinting lie-detector - which doesn't seem likely lol. Or you're saying that you've bluffed by claiming you're town when you've been scum.

I remember you claimed I was twisting things when I caught you out in the first game we played together :hm
Looooool your imagination is too wild.

I bluffed in the previous game when I was the actual lie detector. Because I needed people to be scared. Stop being overly paranoid :giogio
I mean you're either saying you've bluffed as scum many times by hinting lie-detector - which doesn't seem likely lol. Or you're saying that you've bluffed by claiming you're town when you've been scum.

I remember you claimed I was twisting things when I caught you out in the first game we played together :hm

ok I think we are reading too much into it lol i really doubt nevan would actually just start lie detecting bitches d1
Coo! (Okosan just doesn't see the reason for the questioning though. You obviously are going to think he has scum equity no matter what Nevan says. So what if that's his actual role and some bad play, or it he's mafia trying to get some credit? Just seems agenda-y to Okosan)

I do not like this post from Okosan, feels like he is stretching too much to push Platinum. This is logical - he finds Nevan's behaviour suspicious and waits for his explanation. He is not a mind reader so cannot predict his response.

I agree with Hayumi about how dangerous Okosan is.

@Lord Melkor 's vote looked serious to me. Kira tends to make those kind of statements in opening posts so not a fan of anyone jumping on the wagon.

[Vote Lynch Lord Melkor]

Thoughts on Nevan/Plat @Lord Melkor ?

Nevan's post was a bit weird, hinting role that early, neutral on Platinum's reaction, this is something i can see both scum and cautious townie follow. Would like to see more from Nevan. As mentioned above i did not like Okosan tunnelling on Platinum.

Regarding Kira, vote was serious as this was biggest lead to me from early posts, of course it does not mean i am sure he is Mafia nor that i will not change my vote after this phase develops more.
His vote look like usual LM vote tho

You think this is Mafia or town LM then, or just my usual style?
Hello again, guys!

Oh Nana already is a spoiled role, cool.

Question for you amazing experienced mafia players: if you're not sure who to lynch in a game, as in town isn't sure in general, who is the best candidate? A less active player? A player who doesn't scum hunt? :psyduck
A low activity player, or a lurker, is usually a good shout, if you are early in the game. Alternatives are sheeping town reads of yours, or rereading the thread to try and see the game in a different light. If a player isn't scum hunting, it's usually good justification for a lynch. The problem is, that's not so easy to actually detect. Make sure you ask yourself if they are not scum hunting, or if they are just not scum hunting how you expect people to scum hunt.

Day 1 lie detecting, or just posturing :hmm?
Almost certainly the latter.

This was weird and obvious af. Lie detector role?

This was a fairly redundant comment at this point.

Yah. It was about as oblivious as one could be, if he actually was, in which case he’s most likely not.
I assume you meant "obvious"? Not to be pedantic, I just want to understand.

“That exchange seemed rehearsed” is something I’ve heard scum use just about every game I’ve ever played. An easy potentially opportunistic comment to make no doubt. Not saying that makes you scummy but move on from that line of thought lmao. Me and Juan simply have an interesting dynamic.
Following that logic, this is an easy, potentially opportunistic defence to make too. Also, if you're describing something you typically see from scum, you really kind of are saying it makes them scummy. This is a very wishy washy post.

Funny, I know Nitty pretty well and played in the last WoW game/followed a couple more. He doesn't use QTs. So at the very least, I won't be ok with a John Wayne lynch today.

@Nana where you at girl. Your presence is requested Miss Mayor~ Also @Ratchet @Cooler @Lord Melkor @Okosan

;33 Where y’all cuties at.
... Are you calling me a cutie?

The bolded is meh for an initial read imo. He hasn’t said anything game relevant yet. Of course everyone should be relaxed at this point, especially when he last posted, it was just the very beginning stage of d1 (and still is)
Don't you think you're expecting quite a lot from a Day 1 read, when that read is occurring not even halfway through the Day?

Maybe if actually scum, he felt like Natalija was a good choice to target and “pressure” for town free since she’s pretty new?
This doesn't really stand up to reason. If this were the case, then Nevan would have to have pretend to check Natalija, and then push a lynch on the basis that they failed the check. What excuse would they have when they flip town (given that Natalija is Town in this scenario)? They're offering a 1:1 trade for no good reason, and wasting a potential late game gambit to remove a player that by your own admission, is easy to pressure. It doesn't feel like you've actually applied much thought to this at all.

Thanks, I can definitely see the possibility of your explanation being accurate.
What an awkward, round about way of phrasing this.

All I said is that it would not surprise me if he did have a lie detector fake role if he is scum. Its completely possible he is a town lie detector that for some reason thought revealing this on the second page of the thread was a smart move. It's completely possible its a 300IQ bluff he was trying to do that backfired. I already gave good reasons why I thought it was a poor move, and I would not buy a role claim as blanket immunity in a game like this.
I feel like there are several possibilities more likely here. The first and most common is that it's simply a fake check to spur discussion. It seems to be fairly common here. There was little actual reason for any lie detector to counter claim, as it's fairly obvious it's not, yet, a genuine claim. It feels like you're making a mountain out of a molehill on this.

Vote Lynch Hayumi
A low activity player, or a lurker, is usually a good shout, if you are early in the game. Alternatives are sheeping town reads of yours, or rereading the thread to try and see the game in a different light. If a player isn't scum hunting, it's usually good justification for a lynch. The problem is, that's not so easy to actually detect. Make sure you ask yourself if they are not scum hunting, or if they are just not scum hunting how you expect people to scum hunt.
That is what I have problems with the most. Some players are just passive in general and don't care to scum hunt.

Many thanks for the advice :radiohead
This was a fairly redundant comment at this point.

I assume you meant "obvious"? Not to be pedantic, I just want to understand.

Following that logic, this is an easy, potentially opportunistic defence to make too. Also, if you're describing something you typically see from scum, you really kind of are saying it makes them scummy. This is a very wishy washy post.

... Are you calling me a cutie?

Don't you think you're expecting quite a lot from a Day 1 read, when that read is occurring not even halfway through the Day?

This doesn't really stand up to reason. If this were the case, then Nevan would have to have pretend to check Natalija, and then push a lynch on the basis that they failed the check. What excuse would they have when they flip town (given that Natalija is Town in this scenario)? They're offering a 1:1 trade for no good reason, and wasting a potential late game gambit to remove a player that by your own admission, is easy to pressure. It doesn't feel like you've actually applied much thought to this at all.

What an awkward, round about way of phrasing this.

I feel like there are several possibilities more likely here. The first and most common is that it's simply a fake check to spur discussion. It seems to be fairly common here. There was little actual reason for any lie detector to counter claim, as it's fairly obvious it's not, yet, a genuine claim. It feels like you're making a mountain out of a molehill on this.

Vote Lynch Hayumi
1. It definitely wasn’t redundant when I brought it up. When I posted that comment, I was only caught up to where Nevan had made those weird remarks, and didn’t read platinum’s questioning yet. Either way, nobody else at that point had said much about it yet from what I saw, and there was literally nothing else to really go off of yet.

2. Yah, it was a typo

3. “Wishy washy“ the whole point of my post was that “this is rehearsed” is a sucky argument to make because literally anything could be speculated to be rehearsed, and that I don’t get what the point was to make an off handed comment like that with absolutely no basis just to seemingly throw suspicion in a certain direction. I think it’s often scummy, but do I think he’s scum at this point? No.

4. :harley

5. You literally just restated my post for me. The read was at the start of the day, so why would LG have given you vibes either way if nothing in the game had actually happened yet. He literally just made fluff posts. Not much to go off of.

6. Not really

I do not like this post from Okosan, feels like he is stretching too much to push Platinum. This is logical - he finds Nevan's behaviour suspicious and waits for his explanation. He is not a mind reader so cannot predict his response.

I agree with Hayumi about how dangerous Okosan is.

Nevan's post was a bit weird, hinting role that early, neutral on Platinum's reaction, this is something i can see both scum and cautious townie follow. Would like to see more from Nevan. As mentioned above i did not like Okosan tunnelling on Platinum.

Regarding Kira, vote was serious as this was biggest lead to me from early posts, of course it does not mean i am sure he is Mafia nor that i will not change my vote after this phase develops more.

You think this is Mafia or town LM then, or just my usual style?
kinda agree that something is off with oko and plat

idk tbh most games you were scum ;33
Considering you're a Host yourself who's held in high regard I would assume you'd put in at least that much effort.

Pretending to not know the setup and then inducing confusion by mentioning mechanics that aren't show to exist, that is either indicative of scum but it could also be a incompetent Towning.

I doubt you're the second.

aw thanks but as everyone knows my hosting and player skills are complete opposite ends

I’m just here to have fun and start being serious on day 2
Considering you're a Host yourself who's held in high regard I would assume you'd put in at least that much effort.

Pretending to not know the setup and then inducing confusion by mentioning mechanics that aren't show to exist, that is either indicative of scum but it could also be a incompetent Towning.

I doubt you're the second.

Hey, so... What gives you the impression that it would have to be stated in the game thread that a jester exists? And since when on NF has a jester ever ended a game? Serious question, because I've been away for a year. Did that actually happen?

Despite the fact them saying they realize it was a joke yet their votes were serious has me like

It's just a bad thing to say, and often something scum like to say. As far as Day 1s go, he's now hoping someone says something far worse. Voting him for it is not that weird.

I expect there will be more.
Hey, so... What gives you the impression that it would have to be stated in the game thread that a jester exists? And since when on NF has a jester ever ended a game? Serious question, because I've been away for a year. Did that actually happen?

Yeah there's been games where Jester lynching ends the game in the past year, like Jestermania. In those games that's explicitly stated be part of the game's setup. And I highly doubt this game would include that secretly when our Host has called this a "relatively role light game".
Yeah there's been games where Jester lynching ends the game in the past year, like Jestermania. In those games that's explicitly stated be part of the game's setup. And I highly doubt this game would include that secretly when our Host has called this a "relatively role light game".

Yeah not a fan of the jester talk, feels like an attempt to feign contribution.
Yeah there's been games where Jester lynching ends the game in the past year, like Jestermania. In those games that's explicitly stated be part of the game's setup. And I highly doubt this game would include that secretly when our Host has called this a "relatively role light game".

Ok so in a game called Jestermania, specifically designed for jesters-- lynching one ended the game.

In all other games that include jesters, they don't, and also don't need to be stated they're in the game before game start. Have I grasped the situation now? I don't think anyone but you thought a potential jester could effectively end this game.
I do not like this post from Okosan, feels like he is stretching too much to push Platinum. This is logical - he finds Nevan's behaviour suspicious and waits for his explanation. He is not a mind reader so cannot predict his response.
Coooooo! (Okosan means, you're avoiding the entire point of Okosan's argument here though. It's that Platinum seems to claim that Nevan could prove themselves as town, but Platinum's also already covered all possible responses as sus. The suspicion from Platinum therefore seems agenda driven, and not like Platinum is actually curious about Nevan's alignment)
COOOO! (So this read has absolutely no ground to it, but Cooler feels different to Okosan than he normally does during their town games. Could be absolutely nothing, could be Okosan is reading it wrong, but just something Okosan was thinking.)

Cooo! (For a more actual read Okosan has a decently strong gut town read on John Wayne being town... barring the random indy talk that's happened)
COOOO! (So this read has absolutely no ground to it, but Cooler feels different to Okosan than he normally does during their town games. Could be absolutely nothing, could be Okosan is reading it wrong, but just something Okosan was thinking.)

Cooo! (For a more actual read Okosan has a decently strong gut town read on John Wayne being town... barring the random indy talk that's happened)
I’m not too familiar with cooler so can’t make a judgement there, but I agree on John Wayne being a town read for me, and my only strong one atm.
COOOO! (So this read has absolutely no ground to it, but Cooler feels different to Okosan than he normally does during their town games. Could be absolutely nothing, could be Okosan is reading it wrong, but just something Okosan was thinking.)

Cooo! (For a more actual read Okosan has a decently strong gut town read on John Wayne being town... barring the random indy talk that's happened)

Mwah! (Laix agrees , JW seems like an... eager townie, but still a townie)

Mwaaaaah! (Laix also get town reads off Hayumi I don’t know why Ratchet is getting ratchet with her)
What has Juan done so far to give you a town lean? Or is it more based off of how he usually posts? Because I’m not noticing much of a difference yet.
Coooooo! (Honestly it's just that some of the stuff Juan's said Okosan doesn't see as coming from scum as often. For instance, him saying "pls say sike" like that multiple times doesn't really seem like something scum would waste their time with)

Cooo! (Juan could definitely do with more actual pushing and giving reads though for sure)
His obsession over jesters and game mechanics, without much actual contribution.

I would also like to lynch Cooler :canttouchthis
Cooo! (Okosan isn't really noticing much of an "obsession" over that. There's some pretty meh discussion about it, but it doesn't really stick out to Okosan)

Coooo!! (Plus your vote for him for focusing on Indy's and mechanics is literally you talking about indies lmao)

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