Hello again, guys!
Oh Nana already is a spoiled role, cool.
Question for you amazing experienced mafia players: if you're not sure who to lynch in a game, as in town isn't sure in general, who is the best candidate? A less active player? A player who doesn't scum hunt?
A low activity player, or a lurker, is usually a good shout, if you are early in the game. Alternatives are sheeping town reads of yours, or rereading the thread to try and see the game in a different light. If a player isn't scum hunting, it's usually good justification for a lynch. The problem is, that's not so easy to actually detect. Make sure you ask yourself if they are not scum hunting, or if they are just not scum hunting how you expect people to scum hunt.
Day 1 lie detecting, or just posturing

Almost certainly the latter.
This was weird and obvious af. Lie detector role?
This was a fairly redundant comment at this point.
Yah. It was about as oblivious as one could be, if he actually was, in which case he’s most likely not.
I assume you meant "obvious"? Not to be pedantic, I just want to understand.
“That exchange seemed rehearsed” is something I’ve heard scum use just about every game I’ve ever played. An easy potentially opportunistic comment to make no doubt. Not saying that makes you scummy but move on from that line of thought lmao. Me and Juan simply have an interesting dynamic.
Following that logic, this is an easy, potentially opportunistic defence to make too. Also, if you're describing something you typically see from scum, you really kind of are saying it makes them scummy. This is a very wishy washy post.
Funny, I know Nitty pretty well and played in the last WoW game/followed a couple more. He doesn't use QTs. So at the very least, I won't be ok with a John Wayne lynch today.
@Nana where you at girl. Your presence is requested Miss Mayor~ Also
@Ratchet @Cooler @Lord Melkor @Okosan

Where y’all cuties at.
... Are you calling me a cutie?
The bolded is meh for an initial read imo. He hasn’t said anything game relevant yet. Of course everyone should be relaxed at this point, especially when he last posted, it was just the very beginning stage of d1 (and still is)
Don't you think you're expecting quite a lot from a Day 1 read, when that read is occurring not even halfway through the Day?
Maybe if actually scum, he felt like Natalija was a good choice to target and “pressure” for town free since she’s pretty new?
This doesn't really stand up to reason. If this were the case, then Nevan would have to have pretend to check Natalija, and then push a lynch on the basis that they failed the check. What excuse would they have when they flip town (given that Natalija is Town in this scenario)? They're offering a 1:1 trade for no good reason, and wasting a potential late game gambit to remove a player that by your own admission, is easy to pressure. It doesn't feel like you've actually applied much thought to this at all.
Thanks, I can definitely see the possibility of your explanation being accurate.
What an awkward, round about way of phrasing this.
All I said is that it would not surprise me if he did have a lie detector fake role if he is scum. Its completely possible he is a town lie detector that for some reason thought revealing this on the second page of the thread was a smart move. It's completely possible its a 300IQ bluff he was trying to do that backfired. I already gave good reasons why I thought it was a poor move, and I would not buy a role claim as blanket immunity in a game like this.
I feel like there are several possibilities more likely here. The first and most common is that it's simply a fake check to spur discussion. It seems to be fairly common here. There was little actual reason for any lie detector to counter claim, as it's fairly obvious it's not, yet, a genuine claim. It feels like you're making a mountain out of a molehill on this.
Vote Lynch Hayumi