Game World of Warcraft: The Darkness Over Duskwood (town wins!)

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You indeed wrote a lot about Plat but you never voted for him or tried to push a wagon, so your "I'm voting for Nevan because a Plat lynch ain't happening" is kinda weird to me as well. I get that you wanted to wait and see how Nevan responded but the fact you're still sussing Plat the most but are essentially following his wagon doesn't feel good to me.

Nothing wrong with soft pings I'm just wary of people being so sure about town reads on day one.

Who else is on the town pile?
Coooo! (So to respond to this because Okosan never got a chance before the day ended. Okosan voted for them or tried to push a wagon or anything for the reason he stated in those exact same posts. Was he scum reading Plat based off the way he pushed Nevan? Sure. But Okosan didn't want to actually finalize anything until he observed how Nevan responded and Platinum responded to that. Hence why Okosan tried pinging Nevan earlier in the day)

Coo! (Because theoretically it was possible that Okosan was misreading Platinum's posts/intention and that there was actually an answer Platinum would accept. But with Nevan responding the way they did made them (Nevan) more suspicious and did absolutely nothing to lift the suspicion off of Platinum. Hence Okosan wanting either of them to die yesterday, but also rather it being Platinum if Okosan had a choice)
So me, Hayumi, Platinum, Melkor, Okosan, and Cooler all voted for Nevan. There's scum on this list for sure.

My money is on Hayumi, Okosan, and/or Cooler.

@Ratchet and @John Wayne I'm especially interested in what you guys think.
Cooo! (Okosan can actually agree about Hayumi and Cooler feeling off as mentioned previously. Cooler as town tends to bring more to the game Okosan finds, and he honestly just doesn't feel right. And Hayumi has some real iffy logic from her pushes. Both from Okosan still not really understanding exactly why Okosan is scummy to her (Okosan even asked Hayumi to quote specific things that she thinks is scummy about Okosan and she hasn't), and from her not really seeming to actually care which of Okosan or Nevan got lynched.)

Coooooo! (The second point matters to Okosan more because from his POV both of those main wagons are town, and it would make sense if a scum Hayumi didn't really care either way in the long run)
I did have a vote on you at one point for a good 3 minutes but changed it pretty quickly. Anyone looking back at the vote count and conversation knows that you, Oko, and Nevan were the main 3 up for lynching at the time. I don’t think I was ever “on your back” or hardcore pushing for your Lynch, if at all.
Cooo! (Was Laix ever actually in any danger of being lynched though? Okosan doesn't really think so. Pretty sure the options for that day were actually always just Nevan or himself)
Cooo! COO! (What even are these reads?)

Platinum seriously slipped under the radar after being one of, if not the MAIN person pushing Nevan for answers and leading his wagon to begin with, my vote may go there but I’m not sure yet. There’s a lot of question marks for me.

Oko for reasons already stated
Coooooo! (So first off you only just now come to the conclusion that Platinum is looking more scummy AFTER we go through on a lynch on Nevan, and yet you still "aren't sure" on it? Honestly this read seems to be the strongest of all the ones listed here, so what's holding you back at this point?)

Coo!! (Second, you think Platinum is null/scummy and yet the actual person who's been leading the case against Platinum is also null/scummy. Lmao. You can't have it both ways that you think Okosan makes sense and sheeping his pushes, AND think he's scummy at the same time. No matter how much you keep justifying stuff as Okosan being a good player and being able to fake it or referencing the previous game where he open wolfed)

I also don’t like Kira. His only posts that I can remember consist of one liners. He voted me last dp, and this dp without explaining himself at all, and then left just so he would have a vote on someone. Would I Lynch him this dp? Probably not. Do I think he could possibly be scum? Yes.

Still haven’t heard much from LG.

Worm juice jumping on my wagon super conveniently but hasn’t voted me yet unless I missed it.
Cooooo! (All three of these reads are really just who cares. They're all coasters who haven't said anything. Of course they're null. :blobshrug)

Tiger immediately jumped to the conclusion that nevan’s wagon is where all the focus should be, not mentioning any of the coasters or people who didn’t say much of anything about Nevan at all, which is arguably more sus.
Cooo! (This is the only read which is honestly fine in Okosan's opinion)
@Okosan thoughts on Platinum post Nevan flip?
Coooooo! (So Okosan doesn't know that Nevan flipping here really does a whole lot to change Okosan's opinions about Platinum. Originally Okosan did already suspect Nevan was town, but that was based off the read Okosan was having of Platinum being scum. So it's pretty similar to when he thought that, though Okosan can for sure go through and iso Platinum's posts again just to see if anything pops up)
Cooo! COO! (What even are these reads?)

Coooooo! (So first off you only just now come to the conclusion that Platinum is looking more scummy AFTER we go through on a lynch on Nevan, and yet you still "aren't sure" on it? Honestly this read seems to be the strongest of all the ones listed here, so what's holding you back at this point?)

Coo!! (Second, you think Platinum is null/scummy and yet the actual person who's been leading the case against Platinum is also null/scummy. Lmao. You can't have it both ways that you think Okosan makes sense and sheeping his pushes, AND think he's scummy at the same time. No matter how much you keep justifying stuff as Okosan being a good player and being able to fake it or referencing the previous game where he open wolfed)

Cooooo! (All three of these reads are really just who cares. They're all coasters who haven't said anything. Of course they're null. :blobshrug)

Cooo! (This is the only read which is honestly fine in Okosan's opinion)
1. Yes, I didn’t think platinum was that scummy last dp, so nevan’s flip makes me question him obviously, but almost nobody else has put a vote his way or even tried pressuring him, which is my point. I wanted to vote tiger while I still had time to see what they had to say for themself. My vote isn’t locked.

2. Which is why if platinum is lynched today, whatever he flips is very alignment indicative of you imo, I can’t see you guys both being scum.

3. I don’t care if you don’t care lol, I was giving ALL my neutral to scum read so I included them anyways.

4. Ik, which is why I placed my vote on him, but since I wouldn’t Lynch him over platinum, my vote won’t be standing.
That is something I mentioned as a red flag I felt yesterday. It caused me to pay close attention to your posts, and I didn't like what I read over night for the hours I was asleep to end the phase. But to say I'm voting you because you were flirting is an erasure.

And let's calm down on "this lynch is too easy"-- no one is being lynched right now. We've barely started the day, and there's very few votes cast. Pressure and votes are good. If you get near the end of a day without any pushback, then you've got a problem.

Though, it does seem interesting that as soon as Ratchet mentions it's been easy to push Hayumi, multiple people go "yeah it HAS been! Let's look elsewhere."
no more shady then the fact that after Ratchet started pressuring me originally, 3-4 people also hopped on and thus formed the current wagon rn. Obviously there’s no drawbacks or pushback right now, which also means the people who aren’t voting me also aren’t objecting because some of them are scum. It’s not hard to figure out
1. Yes, I didn’t think platinum was that scummy last dp, so nevan’s flip makes me question him obviously, but almost nobody else has put a vote his way or even tried pressuring him, which is my point. I wanted to vote tiger while I still had time to see what they had to say for themself. My vote isn’t locked.

2. Which is why if platinum is lynched today, whatever he flips is very alignment indicative of you imo, I can’t see you guys both being scum.

3. I don’t care if you don’t care lol, I was giving ALL my neutral to scum read so I included them anyways.

4. Ik, which is why I placed my vote on him, but since I wouldn’t Lynch him over platinum, my vote won’t be standing.
1. Coooooo! (Okosan also notices you keep using "my vote isn't locked" a lot to defend voting for people. Nowhere is anyone accusing you of having your vote locked on that person. For instance here Okosan was just wondering why you were pressuring Tiger first over Platinum, when Platinum seemed like the most sure read out of that list)

2. Coo? (So you think there's definitely a scum between Okoan and Platinum then correct?)
1. Coooooo! (Okosan also notices you keep using "my vote isn't locked" a lot to defend voting for people. Nowhere is anyone accusing you of having your vote locked on that person. For instance here Okosan was just wondering why you were pressuring Tiger first over Platinum, when Platinum seemed like the most sure read out of that list)

2. Coo? (So you think there's definitely a scum between Okoan and Platinum then correct?)
90 percent sure.
Yes, at one point their vote count was tied with yours, right under Nevan
Cooooooo! (There vote might have been tied, but they were never seriously in danger of being lynched. Like, you can't honestly tell Okosan you think enough people would've pivoted to Laix to get them lynched over Nevan or Okosan.)

COOO! (They were like locked 2nd or 3rd from Okosan's perspective)
Coooo! (So to respond to this because Okosan never got a chance before the day ended. Okosan voted for them or tried to push a wagon or anything for the reason he stated in those exact same posts. Was he scum reading Plat based off the way he pushed Nevan? Sure. But Okosan didn't want to actually finalize anything until he observed how Nevan responded and Platinum responded to that. Hence why Okosan tried pinging Nevan earlier in the day)

Coo! (Because theoretically it was possible that Okosan was misreading Platinum's posts/intention and that there was actually an answer Platinum would accept. But with Nevan responding the way they did made them (Nevan) more suspicious and did absolutely nothing to lift the suspicion off of Platinum. Hence Okosan wanting either of them to die yesterday, but also rather it being Platinum if Okosan had a choice)

OK so is Plat still topping your sus pile?

I agree that Nevan made it easy for Plat to escape scrutiny for tunneling on him. My point was that I didn't get much of a sense you preferred to lynch Plat last phase after Nevan got online.

Cooo! (Okosan can actually agree about Hayumi and Cooler feeling off as mentioned previously. Cooler as town tends to bring more to the game Okosan finds, and he honestly just doesn't feel right. And Hayumi has some real iffy logic from her pushes. Both from Okosan still not really understanding exactly why Okosan is scummy to her (Okosan even asked Hayumi to quote specific things that she thinks is scummy about Okosan and she hasn't), and from her not really seeming to actually care which of Okosan or Nevan got lynched.)

Coooooo! (The second point matters to Okosan more because from his POV both of those main wagons are town, and it would make sense if a scum Hayumi didn't really care either way in the long run)

I mean its just a slow game so far and I can't give 110% every game.
Cooooooo! (There vote might have been tied, but they were never seriously in danger of being lynched. Like, you can't honestly tell Okosan you think enough people would've pivoted to Laix to get them lynched over Nevan or Okosan.)

COOO! (They were like locked 2nd or 3rd from Okosan's perspective)
Could be, I never said they were the “number one” but that they were among the top three. Them being “locked” second or third based off votes doesn’t matter as all it would have took was ONE person to switch their vote to Laix and they would have been lynched, that’s all I meant by that post.
Coooooo! (So Okosan doesn't know that Nevan flipping here really does a whole lot to change Okosan's opinions about Platinum. Originally Okosan did already suspect Nevan was town, but that was based off the read Okosan was having of Platinum being scum. So it's pretty similar to when he thought that, though Okosan can for sure go through and iso Platinum's posts again just to see if anything pops up)

You suspected he was town when you voted him? Or when Plat was going for him?
OK so is Plat still topping your sus pile?

I agree that Nevan made it easy for Plat to escape scrutiny for tunneling on him. My point was that I didn't get much of a sense you preferred to lynch Plat last phase after Nevan got online.
Cooooo! (Plat is at the very least tying it with Hayum, yeah. Okosan notices that one day 1 Okosan tends to hyperfocus on one person, and so on day 2 Okosan always likes to take a step back, push some other people, and generally reevaluate things as they come up)

COO! (Okosan means, he literally stated that he would rather lynch Platinum lmao. And he didn't push much at all during the entire exchange because he just wanted to see where it went naturally)
Coo! (When Plat was going for him. Nevan basically tanked that read when they responded)
COOOO! (To clarify more, Okosan was suspecting that Platinum was scum and that Nevan was town due to how Platinum was going after Nevan. Okosan then waited to see how Nevan would respond, and how Platinum would respond to that.

Nevan then came on, acted as scummy as they could without actually giving Platinum a good opportunity to do change anything for Okosan to read differently or not, and Nevan got scum equity at that point in Okosan's mind

Okosan was still more sus of Platinum, however, as Nevan's sus came from them(Nevan) acting weird while Platinum's came from them(Platinum) approaching Nevan in a way that seemed like there was an agenda to Okosan )
So with Lord Melkor's admission and the supreme lack of deaths overnight (Even if a protector or busser got the target right, or they targeted a BP, it's unlikely to happen twice), we can safely assume the Worgen is infecting players to achieve their win-condition, and at least doesn't have a repeatable kill. This also means that Lord Melkor is a liability to us in the long run if he can not be cured, unfortunately. That said, I do not believe he should be the focus for now. Just not forgotten.

I want to hear from a few more players about these Hayumi v Okosan, Hayumi v Ratchet exchanges before making up my mind. But for now:

[Vote Lynch Hayumi]

I got red flags yesterday from the way you were chatting with Juan. I now understand you two banter away...but it still felt off to me. This is where I want the pressure to remain to see what squeezes out.

Looking back this vote feels opportunistic to me. Seems like an attempt to start a wagon rather than apply pressure considering Kira's earlier vote and the fact Ratchet was going hard at Hayumi all last phase.

Also if you think Juan and Hayumi are scum mates why have you not tried to pressure Juan at all?
Cooooo! (Plat is at the very least tying it with Hayum, yeah. Okosan notices that one day 1 Okosan tends to hyperfocus on one person, and so on day 2 Okosan always likes to take a step back, push some other people, and generally reevaluate things as they come up)

COO! (Okosan means, he literally stated that he would rather lynch Platinum lmao. And he didn't push much at all during the entire exchange because he just wanted to see where it went naturally)

I know what you said but I didn't much evidence of it at the EOD that's my point lol.

Anyway I think we've laboured this point enough lol.
Not saying much because it’s hard to say who is scum and not.

I get a scum vibe of the following players:
- okosan
- cooler
- hayumi

But can’t be too sure. For now I will place my vote on Juan cause if he is scum he plays it off nicely which can be threatening.

[Vote Lynch Juan]
You literally just repeated what tiger said, and picked two of the most suspected people. It’s not weird to you that hardly anyone is objecting or pointing other people out apart from me and Oko?

Explain further.

just a gut feeling. I read a bit through her posts just now, she seems less involved than in the previous game and does not give a feeling of wanting to find scum. On the other hand she didn’t vote for nevan and voted for john wayne so that is a not scummy thing to do. But she also defended okosan a bit, so if okosan is scum that would make her more scummy again.

Names three scum reads and then votes someone else?

WTF lol

Nah it was platinum who started that, right?
Coooooo! (Yeah exactly. But you said, "Hayumi I find you scummy because you are really trying to steer the game but nevan wasn’t scum." So you're point broken down is
  1. You find Hayumi Scummy
  2. You find Hayumi scummy because of them trying to steer the game
  3. Your example point included is, "Nevan wasn't scum" implying it was Hayumi's fault)

What's your take on Hayumi? Platinum?

Not a big fan of Hayumi's vote on Tiger. That type of 'no u!' lynching is rarely productive to scumhunting. The fact that they seem to be angling a lynch on me to escape pressure is whatever, because I did expect something like that after Nevan flipped town. I would still argue the process was correct even if the results weren't.
So far I would say i'm positive on Sigismund and LM, neutral on Tiger and Oko, suspicious of Hayumi and LG, TBD on most everyone else.

Nothing exactly bad from him, Tiger and I have agreed a lot on things this game, so I just want to make sure keep healthy skepticism because its easy to fall into the 'Wow, he agrees with me! He must be town too' logic trap. Honestly, Oko's switching to Nevan was the optimal play for him regardless of alignment when he was the other wagon option, and his defense of the cryptic boi obviously reads better now that he was town. Still not totally sold regardless.
Hayumi I find you scummy because you are really trying to steer the game but nevan wasn’t scum. Now I don’t know your prime suspects and you seem to diversifying the attention so no solid lynch vote can be made. Which means in the end it’s gonna be randomized.

I still find okosan more scummy.

And juan doesn’t seem scummy to me but after his last win he deserves to die.
What the fuck did I just read. How did I in anyway try to lead the Lynch on Nevan despite being one of the only people, besides the ones who didn’t say anything about him at all, expressing legitimate doubt about the Lynch. If you’re referring to my post count, activity does not = “steering the game” especially since after ratchet’s pressure on me, half the players decided to jump on an easy wagon. So please tell me how I’m spreading the attention elsewhere, when you literally just named three of the most common suspects since that’s easy to do, and instead placed your vote on Juan over any of us.
Not a big fan of Hayumi's vote on Tiger. That type of 'no u!' lynching is rarely productive to scumhunting. The fact that they seem to be angling a lynch on me to escape pressure is whatever, because I did expect something like that after Nevan flipped town. I would still argue the process was correct even if the results weren't.
My vote on tiger had nothing to do with “no you” so that’s incorrect. I gave my reasoning a few times already, and for some reason you just chose to make me voting for him implied to be because of something it wasn’t. I voted for tiger because
1. I wanted to pressure them and see what they had to say about my posts
2. Despite what they say, they were basing a good portion of their sussing and vote of me on some bantering between me and Juan that was already explained and is clear joking
3. He started this dp with focusing solely on the people who were on Nevan’s wagon. Why? That’s angle shooting and does more damage then good in the long run, because he’s thereby ignoring the coasters and/OR the people who DIDN’T vote for Nevan. Why would that not be just as suspicious when scum could have easily not went for the Nevan wagon to either earn town credit, or make townies feel like one of the other top candidates was for sure scum, when for all we know, they could all be fellow townies
4. Even though he started, as mentioned above, with putting all the attention on the Nevan wagon, he very quickly decided to vote me within a few minutes after, despite just talking about how all of us are sus, which by the way, he ONLY named the people everyone was sus of to begin with, and he picked the easiest target in me, since ratchet was back to pressuring me right out of the gate. Opportunistic
5. He simply added himself to the people who already had been sussing me since d1 (although I still doubt Kira’s reasoning is genuine) and him saying he got “red flags” from me and Juan without specifically naming what bothered him, apart from calling our interaction “rehearsed” looks scummy to me. Give a good, valid points for me to defend instead of this bs.
6. Since the very start of the game, I had a small feeling he could potentially be searching for someone to target, since he seemed very interested in learning how I play and stuff about me from the get go, which is usually fine since we’ve never played together, but it’s like he used info given to make me his focus, and point out me and Juan as something suspicious to make substance out of nothing.

7. You are also now coming across to me like you’re almost defending him, which makes me even more sus
Not saying much because it’s hard to say who is scum and not.

I get a scum vibe of the following players:
- okosan
- cooler
- hayumi

But can’t be too sure. For now I will place my vote on Juan cause if he is scum he plays it off nicely which can be threatening.

[Vote Lynch Juan]
Since the very start of the game, I had a small feeling he could potentially be searching for someone to target, since he seemed very interested in learning how I play and stuff about me from the get go, which is usually fine since we’ve never played together, but it’s like he used info given to make me his focus, and point out me and Juan as something suspicious to make substance out of nothing.

I suspected something from your behavior.
I was told you and Juan do that in other games.
I wasn't satisfied that that cleared my suspicion.

So not really the narrative you're implying.
@Okosan why so quiet this phase?

@Tiger @Lord Melkor can you give me your reads?

Hm, frankly I do nor have very strong reads, a lot of good players in this game, not so easy to read them but after catching up.

I have slight town reads on Hayumi, you, Laix. Hayumi seems better after giving explanation.

Slight scum reads on Tiger, Sigismund, Worm Juice, Okosan, neutral on others.
So far I would say i'm positive on Sigismund and LM, neutral on Tiger and Oko, suspicious of Hayumi and LG, TBD on most everyone else.

Nothing exactly bad from him, Tiger and I have agreed a lot on things this game, so I just want to make sure keep healthy skepticism because its easy to fall into the 'Wow, he agrees with me! He must be town too' logic trap. Honestly, Oko's switching to Nevan was the optimal play for him regardless of alignment when he was the other wagon option, and his defense of the cryptic boi obviously reads better now that he was town. Still not totally sold regardless.

Why do you think Sigismund is town? I do not think he did anything noteworthy this game.

Anyway, I agree that Tiger seems a bit opportunistic, let's see where voting him takes us.

[Change Vote Lynch Tiger]
How would you be suspecting something from my behavior when I hadn’t even posted by the time you were immediately asking about my play style and such?

When I start a game with new people, in a place where I'm veteran among veterans, I inquire about playstyles. That is 100% irrelevant to me being suspicious of your behavior with Juan. Unless the answer to me asking about you was "I tend to flirt with boys in the thread while I play", it has no mettle.

When it was explained that you two had done that before, I approached your posts from a different angle, and I still did not like them.

Also love how you had nothing to say to all my other points.

Most of your points are fanfic or unimportant. I have very clearly given my reads, both town and scum. Not only those on Nevan's wagon are on my list. But you are the one being pressured and subsequently getting excited about it.

Also how do you feel about platinum right now? @Tiger you seemed to put a bunch of focus on Nevan’s wagon, but hardly said anything about the person who basically spearheaded it...?

I did, in fact. I said Platinum is a town-lean because he and I were of a mind with Nevan's lynch. A perspective that had real bearing, unlike those who latched on after.

If you're going to come after me, I suggest you read the entire thread, not just the posts that reference you. Which, btw, is something scum are so often guilty for doing.

If my vote bothers you, convince me why it should be elsewhere, rather than saying "omgus".
Big blocks of text and hangovers go very well together.

I honestly cant really place Hayumi. This could be a townie with nothin more to say on what they've done, or a scum who is running low on excuses. I cant make heads or tails of it right now.

Plats weird, not only for dodging the day a suspicion with the focus on Nevan, but also saying he finds me as town

Its day 2, fuckin no one ever has called me town that early into a game unless I'm dead. Especially as all I did was pressure Oko, which maybe why he feels that way if he is suspect of Oko, which If he stated I missed that.
Looked to me more like a mafia play I'd seen before to develop early town credit for making people feel like you're interrogating them, only to disappear. So then people have a first impression of you as a townie and then forget about you.

I saw Platinum pick that up and after Nevan responded with fuckery and nonsense-- I decided he was slipping.
Meh I disagree with such judgement, but each to their own, I guess.
except nobody, including yourself, actually presented a valid reason for my lynch or even attempted to isolate my posts, that's why I'm suspicious of both you and JW for bunny hopping on my lynch given the circumstances and the fact the original vote was just an LG spite vote (who btw is way too quiet for my liking)
Huh, why would anyone have to give a valid reason or isolate posts? Sometimes it's just a gut feeling, and we should always trust those.

What's this lynch you're so shaken over, there were just two silly votes or something?
Huh, why would anyone have to give a valid reason or isolate posts? Sometimes it's just a gut feeling, and we should always trust those.

What's this lynch you're so shaken over, there were just two silly votes or something?

I don’t see the issue in asking someone to explain their vote. I didn’t ask her for an essay. If I can make the effort to isolate someone’s posts d1 then so can she

It also wasn’t just “two silly votes”. LG’s was a spite vote which I’m not bothered about. Hayumi and JW’s votes were suspicious as they switched to me when a lead on Nevan became clear and didn’t give a concise response when asked about it

I don’t see the issue in asking someone to explain their vote. I didn’t ask her for an essay. If I can make the effort to isolate someone’s posts d1 then so can she

It also wasn’t just “two silly votes”. LG’s was a spite vote which I’m not bothered about. Hayumi and JW’s votes were suspicious as they switched to me when a lead on Nevan became clear and didn’t give a concise response when asked about it

Asking is not an issue, but you do seem very defensive. At a point when defense isn't really that needed, I don't think anyone took it seriously. :kanyeshrug
I just didn't like the sudden jump. I don't think a mafia would ever try to pull what Nevan did, only a foolish townie. And if I can see this, why can't Platinum? I think he was just looking for someone to suspect hard and to create a fuss.
Coooo! (This seems a lot like analyzing what happened in retrospect. When Nevan was saying what they did, did you ever express the opinion that Nevan was town based off of their response?)
Big blocks of text and hangovers go very well together.

I honestly cant really place Hayumi. This could be a townie with nothin more to say on what they've done, or a scum who is running low on excuses. I cant make heads or tails of it right now.
Definitely the former, and when I come out with factual points and put effort into my posts like I did against tiger, I get responded to with one track posts and replies that only answer one aspect out of like 20. At this point I’m more focused on who I’m going to Lynch.

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