Game World of Warcraft: The Darkness Over Duskwood (town wins!)

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So you would be down for lynching him, why not voting then? What do you think about Tiger?

There's probably better immediate targets than Juan, and as I said you can tinfoil it either way. Either he hard pivoted as scum to play apathetic townie and hope to stay around longer, or he just burned himself out last game and is just not trying. Not knowing Hayumi died is a major sign that he doesn't intend to contribute much this game. His playstyle is dramatically different than last game for sure and that's worth noting.

I'm rather neutral on Tiger. Obviously I don't think the wagon on Nevan was scummy because I was the driver of that and I feel that there was justification there.

I also find it curious how people pointed out in the moment how little resistance the wagon on me got last dayphase, and no one cares about it in the slightest now. Neither wagon was really well-formed, and the dice gods just screwed over LG... as they always do.

Worm's vote on Juan is of note because it was not the only one cast one either Hayumi, LG, or I. Two of those people being confirmed now as people mafia wouldn't care about lynching. I don't have enough information on Worm to know their playstyle, but a lot of scum will toss votes away like that when they aren't confident in justifying a lynch. The whole 'oh these are my suspects and i'll vote none of them' was also odd.
@Tiger, why did you think "flirting" between Juan and Hayumi was rehearsed?

Do people think Tiger was being genuine here?

Their banter seemed forced and rehearsed to me, like they had said "let's go into the thread and do this".

I've seen it dozens of times. I've done it dozens of times. It looked the same to me.

Juan, Kira, Cooler, and Worm-- my vote is going here somewhere today. I haven't had any time to myself today, luckily for me the thread didn't move much lol.

I expect to be dead tonight, and I'll be damned if I'm unable to find at least one actual mafia member in this game.

Juan is back and forth, feigning interest, acting like he's not much help. However, from what people have said-- he deepwolfed in his last game and turned the table on everyone. The last person I thought was playing that way was LG, and he at least flipped anti-town, trying to lead conversation away from the worgen abilities.

I shall start there. 36 hour days mean it is still young!

[Vote Lynch Juan]
It makes sense for mafia to kill him because no one would suspect our confirmed leader anyway. This now just leaves us pointing fingers at each other.
Coo! (Killing the inno child early is very meh. Again inno children rarely have extra abilities, so by killing WPK they're leaving alive a lot of people that can screw them over. Add in the fact that WPK barely even posted in the first place and it's not a great move if mafia is in a bad spot right now)

Coooo! (Okosan actually kind of agrees with Platinum and weirdly doesn't think he wants to kill Platinum today just due to the wagon movement yesterday)
Cooo! (Because you 're hopping around like a mad man where the sentiment of the thread is. Plus you refuse to actually entertain other people's requests to give solid explanations for said moves or reads in general. Without the explanations it looks like you're just wanting to get anyone lynched)

But with cooler I did, I even quoted a post. And usually it’s just the vibe I get from posts, reading through all of cooler’s posts gave me a scummy vibe.
And with juan it’s because the last game he won, though he is giving me a less scummier vibe this game.

and by vibe I mean the way they let the game flow, cooler is making posts but his calls are off it seems. idk he gives me a scummy vibe maybe I am wrong.

I guess platinum and natalija also give off that scummy vibe.
But with cooler I did, I even quoted a post. And usually it’s just the vibe I get from posts, reading through all of cooler’s posts gave me a scummy vibe.
And with juan it’s because the last game he won, though he is giving me a less scummier vibe this game.

and by vibe I mean the way they let the game flow, cooler is making posts but his calls are off it seems. idk he gives me a scummy vibe maybe I am wrong.

I guess platinum and natalija also give off that scummy vibe.

We've not hit scum yet so whose calls haven't been off?
Do you recall Tiger's meta from older games? I am a bit unsure with this lynch, what do yo think of Sigismund, who I do not feel is contributing?


ty @Aries for this screencap, I will use it judiciously :catlove

In seriousness, again, I don't post if I already see stuff that already says what I think, I only really post if I see something not already stated in the thread. I didn't pay too much attention to Tiger's town meta last game, so I can't really base any of my thoughts off of that only their play this game. In relation to that, I don't feel a particularly strong lean for Tiger, but if I had to make a snap call, I'd say they are closer to a scum trying to lead town rather than a townie trying to solve the game.
Well, he makes some effort at least, more than Juan, Sigismund or Wom Juice IMO.
Also getting a real case of "stones in glass houses" with this criticism from you, considering more than half of your posts amount to Psych 101 "Hm I see, so how does that make you feel?".
Coo! (Man you people need to hurry up and carry faster smh. Okosan's only putting like 40% of his effort in this game right now)
Oh. I sorta assumed the day was over due to no activity :sauceskully

Coo!! (Yeah because Okosan said they could either be town or mafia? How is that a bad thing? Okosan first is trying to engage with Worm to see if they're actually open to talk or not)
Could be either town or mafia? Wow, that covers basically every mafia player ever at this point. Who you gonna vote for?
Could be either town or mafia? Wow, that covers basically every mafia player ever at this point. Who you gonna vote for?
Coo! (Nice to know you're not reading the posts that you're criticizing. Nice. That was clearing a response to LM asking Okosan why he wasn't voting Worm. The answer of which is that Worm acting so blatantly bad is hard to read either way)

COOO! (Honestly not sure yet. Going to be honest this was a lower effort game for Okosan starting D2 so he was kind of hoping people would push stuff that Okosan could sheep today)
yeah worm is most likely just a clueless townie

not sure why Juan is getting a pass tho?
I think so too, Worm hasn't changed much from your game.

He's not! But he said a few things that I considered fair, so I don't feel like he's a priority.
Are you keen on voting him?

Why is no one playing :catdespair I know I wanted something calmer than the Manga Mashup, but this is TOO calm.
I think so too, Worm hasn't changed much from your game.

He's not! But he said a few things that I considered fair, so I don't feel like he's a priority.
Are you keen on voting him?

Why is no one playing :catdespair I know I wanted something calmer than the Manga Mashup, but this is TOO calm.

I’m not sure on the Tiger lynch but I’m happy with a Cooler/Juan/Sigismund lynch. I feel like Cooler is being pressured enough but Juan is kinda being allowed to slide through and nobody shares my suspicions of Sigi

I think the phases are too long for the player size. @Elistren can we go to 24 hour phases as the game gets smaller?
I’m not sure on the Tiger lynch but I’m happy with a Cooler/Juan/Sigismund lynch. I feel like Cooler is being pressured enough but Juan is kinda being allowed to slide through and nobody shares my suspicions of Sigi

I think the phases are too long for the player size. @Elistren can we go to 24 hour phases as the game gets smaller?
Sigis always manages to blend in and be forgotten somehow
Why should I BS around the fact that I want to keep playing? If anything the people that make a song and dance about it raise more red flags for me. At least own it...
I mean fair enough, but just straight saying "self preservation time" is something scum will do. Town usually argues their points, or in an open setup drops role hints. The connotation of "self preservation time" sounds closer to outed scum trying to keep themselves alive by selling their fellows/other scum faction, down the river.

Sure you're a lot more blunt, and it amounts to the same thing, but one looks a lot better than the other optics wise
I mean fair enough, but just straight saying "self preservation time" is something scum will do. Town usually argues their points, or in an open setup drops role hints. The connotation of "self preservation time" sounds closer to outed scum trying to keep themselves alive by selling their fellows/other scum faction, down the river.

Sure you're a lot more blunt, and it amounts to the same thing, but one looks a lot better than the other optics wise

Have I not made my points about Tiger?

Don't see how it's a scum thing to say when barely anyone has been posting lol. Like the thread was barely active at the time and I have no idea when the phase is ending.

The irony is no one has given a single reason for lynching me beyond vague I think he's scummy posts. There's literally nothing for me to defend myself against.
Not actually mafia this game

Prove it :maybe

My thoughts on Tiger...

Tiger's vote on Hayumi was the shadiest imo. Did the scum trick of trying to give a reason to justify it but it was weak af. Said how there would be a plethora of info from the flip but literally hasn't pursued it at all - also dodged my questions about what the info would be as well like he was afraid to trap himself.
Have I not made my points about Tiger?

Don't see how it's a scum thing to say when barely anyone has been posting lol. Like the thread was barely active at the time and I have no idea when the phase is ending.

The irony is no one has given a single reason for lynching me beyond vague I think he's scummy posts. There's literally nothing for me to defend myself against.
Again you gave your reasoning, but it's what you said and how it sounds. This is a mafia game, we dont use logic or well reasoned arguements. We go by gut feelings, catching people on shit they say, and ability spam. And the connotation of the words you said are far more associated with scum rather than town, as I priorly stated.

Prove it :maybe

My thoughts on Tiger...

Tiger's vote on Hayumi was the shadiest imo. Did the scum trick of trying to give a reason to justify it but it was weak af. Said how there would be a plethora of info from the flip but literally hasn't pursued it at all - also dodged my questions about what the info would be as well like he was afraid to trap himself.
Have no real way to prove it, being a glorified Generic, with a useless passive at this point. So I'll just wait until town lynches me and that proves I'm town.

So basically a normal town game.

As for Tiger,I already stated my thoughts on him. We have about 6 hours left in the phase, and while this is a slower game, I thought wed have a bit more interaction come near the end of the phase so I havent voted yet.
@Cooler top 3 town and scum?


You, Ratchet and Plat.

For you it's a meta read, you're giving your reads freely and you seem pretty care free.

Ratchet and Plat because the way they pushed those lynches felt genuine, feel like it's brave for scum to go balls deep like that.


Tiger - explained why

Laix - kinda just feels like he's shit stirring and not trying to game solve. Aggro'ing me without voting as well feels off.

John Wayne - coasting and I'm tinfoiling here but the way he called my other two scum reads as buddies D1 is ringing in my ears lol. Like was it a cheeky bluff? TMI? Feel like he pulled it out of thin air.

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