Game World of Warcraft: The Darkness Over Duskwood (town wins!)

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I've stated multiple times what I was told. Nothing stated about being blocked. So... No?
Cooo!! (Alrighty cool. Don't know why it took so long to answer the yes/no question. So here's what's going to happen Tiger. Okosan is first going to clarify with Shizune that a BP would get told if they were roleblocked. Then assuming that they would be, we're going to lynch you and then Kira if you're town. It's a 1 for 1 trade to get half the remaining mafia. Surely you're okay with that right? Especially considering you're vanilla now apparently)

Cooo!! (Alrighty cool. Don't know why it took so long to answer the yes/no question. So here's what's going to happen Tiger. Okosan is first going to clarify with Shizune that a BP would get told if they were roleblocked. Then assuming that they would be, we're going to lynch you and then Kira if you're town. It's a 1 for 1 trade to get half the remaining mafia. Surely you're okay with that right? Especially considering you're vanilla now apparently)

Meh, they’re both too sure of themselves to be lying. Both started to react right away, this might be town vs town.
Cooooo! (And just to really block any potential backing out later @Kira Yagami you were not told you were blocked right? that way we can fully rule out mafia roleblocking you)

Coo! (That way the only outs are a redirect claim on Kira (wtf why choose Kira for that?) or a rolecrush?? Since it doesn't explicitly say that a rolecrush is told to the player Okosan would assume they are)
Nope, not informed of any roleblock towards me:cat
Meh, they’re both too sure of themselves to be lying. Both started to react right away, this might be town vs town.
COO! (How is this town v. town. Please describe the world you're seeing here. You think one of them is lying as town? Because the only way that makes sense is if Kira is lying to destroy Tiger or if Tiger is lying to... bait mafia? Maybe?)

Cooooo! (Good job trying to defend your partner though :blobkfingerguns)
  • i blocked tiger last night, No kill
  • Conveniently Tiger backtracks on his one shot kill claim to a one shot BP so he could claim to be the one to have been targeted for the kill, clear damage control.
  • His claim could not be possible because my roleblock would have disabled his BP.

conclusion: tiger is full of it and is talking out of
his arse, now wheres my MVP :pepesmoke
I don’t honestly know how bulletproofs work, could it have been spent by your roleblock?
The only way this is town vs town is if both are lying about what they did, and if this is actually true then that's really bad play from both of them.
Cooo! (To be entirely fair they don't both have to be lying. Just Kira. And if Kira is lying Okosan gives them about 15 minutes to retract or Okosan will lynch them immediately upon claiming that in the future)
COO! (How is this town v. town. Please describe the world you're seeing here. You think one of them is lying as town? Because the only way that makes sense is if Kira is lying to destroy Tiger or if Tiger is lying to... bait mafia? Maybe?)

Cooooo! (Good job trying to defend your partner though :blobkfingerguns)
Well I don’t know how it works here, but I know it’s possible for someone to be roleblocked and shot. So you’re saying it’s impossible for his passive to remain?

Hahaha I can tell you one thing: you’re either a bird terrible at reading, or bluffing scum :sauceskully
Kira doesn't have the reckless townie aura like Absolute Justice to lie about abilities like that.

He's just mafia.
Cooooo! (Kira could be trying to reaction check just to see if people pile up on you more or something, but again Okosan gives them like 10-15 minutes to retract if that's the case otherwise no. Because it's a pretty poor reaction check even if that is the case)
Well I don’t know how it works here, but I know it’s possible for someone to be roleblocked and shot. So you’re saying it’s impossible for his passive to remain?

Hahaha I can tell you one thing: you’re either a bird terrible at reading, or bluffing scum :sauceskully
Coo!! (According to the mechanics in the op if Tiger was roleblocked it would disable his bp ability. Tiger claims that the bp ability was used and that the host told him that it was used. Kira claims that they role blocked Tiger. Therefore the bp ability would not have been active when Tiger claims it was.)

COOOO! (The only feasible world Okosan could see is if mafia (or town Okosan supposes. Though if that's the case the townie should really consider claiming it right now) redirected Kira to someone else last night)
Coo! (Okay Okosan does see another possible world which is that Tiger got busdriven with someone else)

Cooo! (So really if any town did anything that affected Kira roleblocking Tiger they should just claim it immediately)

let's just say I may have assisted in WPK's death

It just doesn’t make sense, if he was mafia, why would he come out and immediately say that his bulletproof was spent? It would be stupid.
Coo! (Okosan still sees a lack of you explaining what the world would be where one of the two are not scum. It woul also explain why the thread was so dead yesterday. Because any amount of trying to pivot away basically outs the mafia in general. And on top of that probably just hits the other scum.)

COO! (Like, you still need to tell Okosan the world in which both of those are telling the truth)

Cooooo! (And the reason Tiger comes out with that is that Tiger sees he's getting piled up on immediately. Tiger also said they were going to prove themselves town yesterday by using some sort of one shot. Since there was no one shot that was used, the only option Tiger has is basically to claim bp or something similar at that point.)

COOOO? (It also makes sense as Tiger as mafia was pushing for Juan yesterday. If we lynched Juan and they turned out to be town, Cooler would still be alive. That then makes Tiger's claim more believable because if anyone did end up shooting Tiger last night Tiger would still be alive from Cooler)
And what purpose would it serve?

Have you not been following the dayphase? Tiger was right out of the gate heaped with a lot of suspicion and votes. Of course he's going to mount a defense of some sort IF he's scum, unless he just wants to lie down and give up.

You shouldn't just analyze the game from the perspective of everyone being Town and telling the truth.
Have you not been following the dayphase? Tiger was right out of the gate heaped with a lot of suspicion and votes. Of course he's going to mount a defense of some sort IF he's scum, unless he just wants to lie down and give up.

You shouldn't just analyze the game from the perspective of everyone being Town and telling the truth.
What sort of plan or defence is “I was probably shot”? It’s not a really good one, because it serves no purpose.
When I’m scum, I don’t even speak about my teammate

Distancing is not optimal scum play in all situations, sometimes you need to throw your teammates under the buss to earn town cred, and it's fairly common for scum to include their own teammates on any sus lists that they make so that they look like they're actually scumhunting if someone gets revealed.
Coooo! (Like here are your possibilities Natalija

1) Tiger is scum and Kira is town. This is the case as outlined already

2) Tiger is town and Kira is scum. Technically possible for sure. Tiger could've have been doing everything mentioned to actually bait a kill on himself, but even if this is the case we basically trade a vanilla town for half the remaining mafia. That's a solid trade

3) Tiger is scum and Kira is scum. This world is very yikes because then Kira has to somehow make it to endgame as the person who outed Tiger. There's actually a solid chance they make it to endgame overall, but then they probably get lynched at the very end in case Kira is styling on us

4) Tiger is town and Kira is town. That means that either A) Kira wasn't able to roleblock Tiger last night. Or B) Kira is lying about blocking Tiger last night. The latter is impossible as Okosan isn't going to let Kira retract. The former is technically possible, but it's still a little iffy. If this is the case that Kira was messed with from a town they should insta claim so we know. If mafia did it that means they either redirected Kira (why? There's other more townie people to mess with Okosan feels) or Tiger was busdriven?? Or something along those lines.)
Distancing is not optimal scum play in all situations, sometimes you need to throw your teammates under the buss to earn town cred, and it's fairly common for scum to include their own teammates on any sus lists that they make so that they look like they're actually scumhunting if someone gets revealed.
Yeah, I’m not really famous as very good scum, Melkor and Cooler managed to figure me out right away when I was :catpole
Isn't it strange that literally no one would rather see Kira go first?
Coo! (Well Tiger it makes more sense to lynch you first Okosan is pretty sure. It makes a lot less sense for mafia to come out of the blue to bury you some more when you were already getting lynched hard. Like, by Kira doing this they're sacrificing themselves to get rid of a vanilla. the only way this makes sense is if Kira thought you were going to get out of it honestly. Or if they were super confident that they can get out of being lynched tomorrow)
Coooo! (To be fair this is one of the few ability claims that Okosan could reasonable believe. Because a counterwagon to a cooler lynch is a super easy kill the next night normally)

COO! (And it does work with a Natalija foil that Okosan has. Because it would make sense from two perspectives. Killing the inno child feels a lot like a Natalija kill choice. Natalija was the one person Okosan noticed defending why scum might kill them (along with Cooler a bit lmao) when Okosan mentioned it yesterday. And Natalija today started by saying they thought Tiger was town (which would make sense why they would kill tiger in this world), but that they were unsure now that people were sussing them)

Coo! Cooo! (So Okosan does see a potential alternate world here we should at least consider)

But Natalija was one of first to vote Cooler, was she not? I would expect Cooler's scumates to protect him, considering they are immortal as long as he is in game.

All I can tell you guys is what I was told. I lost my BP.

Why did you lie and imply one-shot kill shot last day phase?

let's just say I may have assisted in WPK's death


@Laix, what do you say here? That you killed WPK?

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