Game HST Mafia 3 (mafia wins!)

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>wagon on sin


[vote lynch SinRaven]

also plat/stelios/sin

all scum :naruramen


Platinum is genuinely annoyed by those he interacts yet he votes for no one.
What kind of town has that level of tolerance?

[change vote lynch Platinum]

@Nighty the Mighty


>complains about 11 pages
>rides the bandwagon


Wait, isn't his vote on me?
Or maybe I'm finally started to get good :skully

Here's my secret:


We'll see :ufdup

I'm really skeptical of you an Plat now, and more inclined to believe wad, but then again with wad this could all be scripted bs but plat seems genuinely frustrated, but at the same time don't remember plat ever being such a pansy to get his panties in a twist over people disagreeing with him

I think you need to go through the thread again mate. Everyone and their grandmother knows Wad's claim can't be trusted, but tunnelling onto him and making a scene about it isn't going to help the game move forward and identify other potential suspects.

We got 44 hours left, hardly a race against time when it's 4 people at 2 in the morning. Of course people know his shitty claim can't be trusted, my point is that we should lynch him for it. If you want to move the game forward, do it yourself instead of trying to tell me which targets are okay for me to focus on.

Oh great Roman, who else should I focus on?
In other words, you just think he's scum but have no way of proving it (yet).

Uh, yeah :drake?

It's a few hours into the game, how would I possibly have a way to prove it? Unless you were thinking i'm a day cop or some shit.

In that case, what are your other reads for this game?

Stelios seems pretty scummy going off the observations I pointed out earlier.
We got 44 hours left, hardly a race against time when it's 4 people at 2 in the morning. Of course people know his shitty claim can't be trusted, my point is that we should lynch him for it. If you want to move the game forward, do it yourself instead of trying to tell me which targets are okay for me to focus on.

Oh great Roman, who else should I focus on?


Either you're a genuinely tilted townie or getting rid of the miller is part of your wincon somehow. Or you just hate WAD on principle (which I can get), but like you say, there's 44 hours left in this phase yet you're unwilling to make other reads and even asking me who else you should focus on. That's for you to decide.

If you're low-key asking for my reads, I'll fill you in later. First I gotta deal with a shitty colleague in a few minutes for about an hour (hopefully not that long).
That's not what I'm saying...(and I don't know why?)

I'm contesting your claim that he's voted for no one...when he's voting...for me...

My wording was poor the train of thought is that he is voting no one from those that are pushing on him
for his vote on you. I don't understand how Town Platinum who votes for a scum replies to roman and ww without a slight hint of sus on their alignment. Check his posts
You seemed very confident that he's scum earlier. You seem to be backpedalling now.

.... i'm not?

Seriously, this line of reasoning is just hilariously poor. Yeah, i'm confident he's bullshitting his claim, but because I have no proof of this, i'm backtracking? Even if I was a day cop, his miller claim would make that worthless. I have no idea what you want from me other than 'I feel strongly about this, and so I voted and continue to push it.'
My wording was poor the train of thought is that he is voting no one from those that are pushing on him
for his vote on you. I don't understand how Town Platinum who votes for a scum replies to roman and ww without a slight hint of sus on their alignment. Check his posts

Because anyone who has to throw out 'lul you scum' anytime someone tries to refute them just shows they are a poor debater in mafia. I can accept someone disagreeing with me and them being potentially town.
Because anyone who has to throw out 'lul you scum' anytime someone tries to refute them just shows they are a poor debater in mafia. I can accept someone disagreeing with me and them being potentially town.

That doesn't exclude that a poor debater may be scum either.
My suspicion on you stems from the fact that your posts read like you were replying to town folks.

Oh please, my suspicion of you goes back to our interactions on the first pages.

Though, this is all very interesting.

This is a phrase I have used a number of times as a scum in the past to fake show that I'm actually thinking about it.
Do tell me what you find very interesting I'm all eyes.
Since Stelios struggles with basic reading comprehension, and based his vote on me not voting for anyone, when I voted for Wad on page 3, I will conviently remind him of the post i'm referring too.

His first posts made me wanna lynch him but as he kept going I got the sentiment that it’s a trap. Maybe someone should super kill him

Attempting to direct the vig day 1 (and assuming he has super kills for some reason)

Such an ironic eloquent post just to argue not to lynch the inactive Sin. I ll remind you inactive Sin last game was scum

Making an activity judgement on someone two hours into the game.

That doesn't exclude that a poor debater may be scum either.
My suspicion on you stems from the fact that your posts read like you were replying to town folks.

Yeah, it can lean one way or the other. Congratulations on finding that out. So if your assertion is that me not throwing out wild accusations because someone disagrees with me is a bad thing, then whatever. That's always how I have played. Retorting back to any refuting with 'you must be scum!' is worthless. Not only does it put the person on the defensive and make them less prone to slip ups (which are far more valuable than 'durr, no i'm town comebacks'), it also implicitly makes me look more guilty to them if they are town. "Oh, this guy is trying to get me lynched. Look at the scum!"

This is why I usually ask more open-ended questions. The only difference in this case is that this is WAD, and I fundamentally don't believe him, so I see no reason to pussyfoot about.

This is a phrase I have used a number of times as a scum in the past to fake show that I'm actually thinking about it.
Do tell me what you find very interesting I'm all eyes.

The above do it for you? Or the fact that you tried to justify your vote of me with a shitty claim that I know you were aware of being false, because you quoted material directly before my vote, and talked to me right after it.
Yeah, i'm confident he's bullshitting his claim, but because I have no proof of this, i'm backtracking?

No you doofus, you're backpedaling on your confidence in his being scum. You sounded 100% certain he's scum until I called you out on it, at which point you went on to say you just think he's scum and, on a separate note, think he's bullshitting about his claim (which literally everyone agrees with).

I have no idea what you want from me other than 'I feel strongly about this, and so I voted and continue to push it.'

I only expect consistency in your rhetoric.
Since Stelios struggles with basic reading comprehension, and based his vote on me not voting for anyone, when I voted for Wad on page 3, I will conviently remind him of the post i'm referring too.

Ad hominem. You start by insulting me before you push your narrative.

Attempting to direct the vig day 1 (and assuming he has super kills for some reason)

That is a lie. I didn't attempt to redirect or assume. Super kills exist in the game it's right there in Gameplay:

2. There are two levels of kills: regular and super. Regular kills can be stopped by roleblocking the killer or protecting the victim, and consume one life from roles with multiple lives. Superkills bypass all defenses, roleblocks and bonus lives.

The train of thought is that wad's claim was so bogus that anything other than a superkil on him wouldn't cut it.

Making an activity judgement on someone two hours into the game.


this is a lie as well

Nah. My own principles of mafia gamedom conflict with my base human urges to policy Sin for almost blowing puddletown. Luckily, a Wad lynch is far more fun, and probably more productive.

After all, we can't possibly kill the activity generator SinRaven.

Such an ironic eloquent post just to argue not to lynch the inactive Sin. I ll remind you inactive Sin last game was scum

Kek you made the irony by calling him activity generator

That's a callback to Puddletown, where Sin referred to themselves as The Activity Generator then got modkilled as a mason alongside the other mason.

Stay up to date on your mafia memes my dude.

That was me missing context on the puddletown game. I wasn't in that game. I picked up your post as ironic because of Sin's activity in Nello's game. I explained this you seemed to accept it. Funny how you brought it up now as an accusation

The above do it for you? Or the fact that you tried to justify your vote of me with a shitty claim that I know you were aware of being false, because you quoted material directly before my vote, and talked to me right after it.

All i see is a poorly constructed accusation on me after pushing you to tell me what you find interesting.
And again this is something a scum would do to save face
Time for some reads:

Plat - Seems like a frustrated townie with tunnel vision, focusing too much on WAD due to his miller claim which is likely bullshit. Stelios does make a good point that he isn't openly sussing out people calling him on his bullshit tho, which also makes me wonder if there's an ulterior motive for his extreme focus on WAD. I'm leaning more town tho.

Wad - I definitely think he's more likely scum but he could still be town. His miller claim could well be bullshit either to get people not to lynch him because he is scum so that he can safely say that a guilty investigation result on him is to be expected or he's a jester banking on people not trusting him and lynching him, thus getting his wincon. That or he's not lying (LOL). I don't feel safe lynching him tho because if he really is a miller, we're wasting a lynch and if he's jester, we're handing the game to him. I'd feel better about him getting vigged, tho the fact that he suggested doing so himself also gives me pause.

Sin - his play here is lazy, which describes him in most games, scum or town. I can only remember one time where he played more seriously and he was town, but one game out of how many isn't much to go on.

WW - shitposting as usual but has contributed a fair amount to the game. Could flip either way but I wouldn't prioritize him atm.

Stelios - Could flip either way. He's putting a lot of pressure on Plat which I don't personally agree with for reasons stated above. Would be good to see where their exchange goes tho in case Plat really is trying to dash for a wincon.

Dr. White - he seems a bit distanced atm but that's what I've seen him do lately so he could flip either way as of now. Not a priority either.
Also your read on me. :caticon


I at least believe ur unlynchable and it's interesting that ur playing the same condition in a different way to the plat game where u were also unlynchable but that's mitigated as a factor by you yourself bringing it up (iirc?) which makes me go "wait if wad is aware that he's playing it differently he could be playing it differently on purpose to catch people out for precisely this line of thought" :catshrug

also I stopped reading that game, what did u ultimately flip as?

I at least believe ur unlynchable and it's interesting that ur playing the same condition in a different way to the plat game where u were also unlynchable but that's mitigated as a factor by you yourself bringing it up (iirc?) which makes me go "wait if wad is aware that he's playing it differently he could be playing it differently on purpose to catch people out for precisely this line of thought" :catshrug

also I stopped reading that game, what did u ultimately flip as?

Independent Survivor, which I did initially claim.

Instead of analyzing the individuals, their in between interactions and their posts under a broader scope you just placed everything under "they are trying to save Sinraven" umbrella and polluted your readings. I've seen you keeping tabs on people in the past as a cop and matching people based on their interactions and that post is nowhere near the kind of analysis I'm used from you.
This is either a very bad display of analysis from you or Scum Nighty being nervous.
Basically my thought process to this game is:

A Miller should always claim if they know they’re a Miller. I’m gathering there may be more than one, and there’s certain a Death Miller as the OP outlines so thats already :thunk -inducing I’m sure.

And I wasn’t sure if I should at first but I decided to claim unlynchable. I don’t think normally one would want to do this since it could serve as a generally nice method of baiting scum but the problem is:

1) As Town I never get lynched anyways

2) In a closed setup like this if I don’t claim unlynchable and people fail to lynch me they will likely perceive it as some sort of scum-saving mechanic rather than what it simply is, since it’s me.

So I chose to lay all my cards on the table (and at the time to taunt Mr. Waffles and White Wolf since they were saying how they wanted to lynch me. :catnoworries)
Instead of analyzing the individuals, their in between interactions and their posts under a broader scope you just placed everything under "they are trying to save Sinraven" umbrella and polluted your readings. I've seen you keeping tabs on people in the past as a cop and matching people based on their interactions and that post is nowhere near the kind of analysis I'm used from you.
This is either a very bad display of analysis from you or Scum Nighty being nervous.


I don't think that's the case, as I said at the end of my post

regardless of sin (which tbf is a d1 policy lynch) the ultimate take away is that you and platinum are of the same faction.

you both (attempting to) save sin is another something that ties you together as faction mates (lets say scum mates for now :cat) rather than something that is the lynchpin of the whole argument

your back and forth together is suspicious on its own - hence why some of my post is not about the sin wagon specifically but rather about how you talk/behave in regards to plat and the lynch.
Instead of analyzing the individuals, their in between interactions and their posts under a broader scope you just placed everything under "they are trying to save Sinraven" umbrella and polluted your readings. I've seen you keeping tabs on people in the past as a cop and matching people based on their interactions and that post is nowhere near the kind of analysis I'm used from you.
This is either a very bad display of analysis from you or Scum Nighty being nervous.

For the sake of hopefully putting Nighty's mind at ease, what is your take on Sin and the wagon on him?

I don't think that's the case, as I said at the end of my post

regardless of sin (which tbf is a d1 policy lynch) the ultimate take away is that you and platinum are of the same faction.

you both (attempting to) save sin is another something that ties you together as faction mates (lets say scum mates for now :cat) rather than something that is the lynchpin of the whole argument

your back and forth together is suspicious on its own - hence why some of my post is not about the sin wagon specifically but rather about how you talk/behave in regards to plat and the lynch.

I want to lynch him and reading him as scum how are we on the same faction?
How optimal would be for a scum to do all this you describe on day one when wad's gimmicks have created such a dust of cloud?

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