Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 6 (indie win!)

Day six lynch Edit

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Coroner can only check out one role from last night though, we have two dead townies
2 dead townies doesn't matter since mafia can only know the role of the player they killed. So only Tiffany's role would matter to clear both Flower and me.

Unless I'm wrong @Shizune . Do scum learn the roles of even players who are lynched?

But what hints when there is no role that can vouch for 2 people's alignment?? That's the issue here.
I know that's the issue here Shrike. At first I assumed that Usopp was scum after Nat claimed that he wasn't the second invest. Then Oni claimed that he can vouch for both Usopp and me. So then I thought that he was Inoichi and he checked Usopp's and my alignment. So Nat was probably vouching for Oni.

You can read my post where I said that this is confusing since Nat is saying Usopp isn't the second invest, and the only way Usopp is scum, is if Oni was redirected. But Oni apparently isn't Inoichi and so my assumption here is that they are masons.

So then, how can Zabuza and Haku vouch for me? I hate to admit it, but I think they made some plan in their PM about this thing, or I am completely wrong about their roles.
It just seems like a weird risk play cause Lind is claiming rukia. Coroner/Hiruzen would also speak up if one of the two is sasuke / zoro. So for Linds gamble to work it would require Coroner, Hiruzen, and Zoro/Sasuke to be dead.
Or inactive. Kabuto can find out roles from living players too. Cooler or Aizen or whoever could be one of those roles.
One of them was lynched so scum dont know their role, so there is only one to “fake claim” if lind is scum, which he is not
Again, what if Kabuto is in the game and he learned the role of the lynched person? Come on.
I believe last DP was town vs town being out ip for Lynches and scum was content with whatever.

Plus, one of then flips town and the other gets heat for being “saved”.

TAC/Vivo/Shrike/Kvothe were avoiding the Usopp wagon but now Shrike joined it.

It could be that Shrike now feels comfortable enough mislynhing Usopp as he has the excuse of Usopp and Me+ Lind not making sense down the line once Usopp flips town.
Or inactive. Kabuto can find out roles from living players too. Cooler or Aizen or whoever could be one of those roles.

Again, what if Kabuto is in the game and he learned the role of the lynched person? Come on.
Did not know such a role existed, this changes things.

If say Ratchet was Hiruzen and got lynched and they knew his role, then killing Tiffy and claiming their role could work.
I believe last DP was town vs town being out ip for Lynches and scum was content with whatever.

Plus, one of then flips town and the other gets heat for being “saved”.

TAC/Vivo/Shrike/Kvothe were avoiding the Usopp wagon but now Shrike joined it.

It could be that Shrike now feels comfortable enough mislynhing Usopp as he has the excuse of Usopp and Me+ Lind not making sense down the line once Usopp flips town.
Why would I not avoid the wagon excuse me :dank I didnt think Usopp was scum nor flower
2 dead townies doesn't matter since mafia can only know the role of the player they killed. So only Tiffany's role would matter to clear both Flower and me.

Unless I'm wrong @Shizune . Do scum learn the roles of even players who are lynched?

I know that's the issue here Shrike. At first I assumed that Usopp was scum after Nat claimed that he wasn't the second invest. Then Oni claimed that he can vouch for both Usopp and me. So then I thought that he was Inoichi and he checked Usopp's and my alignment. So Nat was probably vouching for Oni.

You can read my post where I said that this is confusing since Nat is saying Usopp isn't the second invest, and the only way Usopp is scum, is if Oni was redirected. But Oni apparently isn't Inoichi and so my assumption here is that they are masons.

So then, how can Zabuza and Haku vouch for me? I hate to admit it, but I think they made some plan in their PM about this thing, or I am completely wrong about their roles.
Yeah okay, but that thing you last said just sounds too convenient man, think about it from our perspective. You just so readily jumped into that "town pool" as if you're trying to clear yourself so quickly and continue throwing sus elsewhere. I don't know what to think...
His best bet would claim someone that had an option of a role appearing twice rather than something that can be counterclaimed tbh but it seems coroner/Hiruzen has to check tiffany to solve that case
coroner is dead
protagonist is dead

hiruzen likely does not use coroner ability on n1

and scum knows who hiruzen is via rolecop so they will just kill him tonight
Why is @A I Z E N only voting and not talking. Come on bro.

Yeah okay, but that thing you last said just sounds too convenient man, think about it from our perspective. You just so readily jumped into that "town pool" as if you're trying to clear yourself so quickly and continue throwing sus elsewhere. I don't know what to think...
I did not throw my self into a town pool other than my own. I simply listed the players I trust at the moment. I don't deny the fact that you can suspect me, but I'm basing the fact on it being possibilities and not evidence as such.

Not to mention the fact that I can easily prove myself again tomorrow. I have results to back my claim up.

That is what I am saying, only Tiffany role is the claimable one.
If the town coroner was neither Ratchet or Tiffany, they should know Ratchet's role by now. They will know Tiffany's role by tomorrow and I will have another claim tomorrow again since my role gives results. It can be proven.
Usopp is at 9 votes rn, there is no way all his voters are town.

And so who out of the inactives are yeetable? Im down for TAC, do you town read Shrike?
I already mentioned Cooler and TAC but I would yeet TAC more than the others

No I don't town read Shrike

Mafia is looking to aim to kill Coroner or Hiruzen and Usopp is trying to bait them out. He needs to stop
Why is @A I Z E N only voting and not talking. Come on bro.

I did not throw my self into a town pool other than my own. I simply listed the players I trust at the moment. I don't deny the fact that you can suspect me, but I'm basing the fact on it being possibilities and not evidence as such.

Not to mention the fact that I can easily prove myself again tomorrow. I have results to back my claim up.

If the town coroner was neither Ratchet or Tiffany, they should know Ratchet's role by now. They will know Tiffany's role by tomorrow and I will have another claim tomorrow again since my role gives results. It can be proven.
He’s also liking my posts.
Honestly reading the first few pages of the 2nd start to this cycle is just a fucking headache can we please get one game where flower isn't fucking crying and bitching about having sus on her.

I'm like a whole 10 pages behind and dont even want to continue reading this bullshit. You guys make the game unenjoyable sometimes.'

TL;DR would be cool on this cycle if there is anything else going on aside from Usopp and Flower nonsense cause im hoenstly just annoyed reading 4 pages.

Kvothe/Nat/Shrike :pandafiend I smell foul magic amongst these 3.
which one is the strongest scum read and why?

missed like 90% of last phase
Anyway, I'm Naruto (again). Whoever pushes me today is scum confirmed.
oh shaat up.

learn how to play town without insta claiming.

@Lord Melkor this is why cypher is my policy lynch.
Flower’s play has honestly been really bad in that it doesn’t scream town at all, but why tf would she claim a key character that has to be in the game. If she doesn’t get counter claimed I have no choice but to believe her.
could be a ploy to bait out the real protagonist.
@TheAncientCenturion @A I Z E N do u guys have a say on whats going on rn?
yes i do.

both you and flower should just retire at this point you're both betatier and detrimental to town overall. regardless if you're both town im up to just lynching one or the other regardless of your claims.
A Town protagonist is guaranteed and there is only one. So yes, I am confirmed. Why else do you think I was pissed about not being able to claim last day phase?
you're pissed regardless of the situation you do realize you're in the same scenario every game for the past 2/3 years. YOU are the PROBLEM.
no scum is shrike
u and flower helping him looks bad on u

TAC/ A I Z E N laying low is bad
So let's say for a moment that you're right and that I am scum.

What have you done for town to help them get me?

You fake claimed an invest role to... do what, push Flower who might or might not fake claimed?

You caused a ton of confusion and antagonized half the thread here (well, more than half but whatever).

You mudded the read pool by causing chaos so much that it's pretty hard to get actual reads.

And finally, you made many town players out themselves AND gave the scum the opportunity to fake claim under the guise of 'protecting you or someone else'.


Great town work.
From what I've read so far Hayumi & Onii are my 2 town reads coming into this phase.

RIP @Tiffany i literally had a quoted text from you where I was going to tell you you were one of my fav new peeps to play with but phase had ended /:

That sure makes Flowers claim that nobody asked for all the more convienent
I need you both to keep reading :catprotecc
Honestly reading the first few pages of the 2nd start to this cycle is just a fucking headache can we please get one game where flower isn't fucking crying and bitching about having sus on her.

I'm like a whole 10 pages behind and dont even want to continue reading this bullshit. You guys make the game unenjoyable sometimes.'

TL;DR would be cool on this cycle if there is anything else going on aside from Usopp and Flower nonsense cause im hoenstly just annoyed reading 4 pages.

which one is the strongest scum read and why?

missed like 90% of last phase

oh shaat up.

learn how to play town without insta claiming.

@Lord Melkor this is why cypher is my policy lynch.

could be a ploy to bait out the real protagonist.

yes i do.

both you and flower should just retire at this point you're both betatier and detrimental to town overall. regardless if you're both town im up to just lynching one or the other regardless of your claims.

you're pissed regardless of the situation you do realize you're in the same scenario every game for the past 2/3 years. YOU are the PROBLEM.
Yeah. Good Bye. Might actually be better to retire and not be called dumb for trying to game solve or putting effort into a game. Totally dumb to read roles and call people out for flawed claims, right? Totally dumb trying to actually play the game and wanting Town players not to lie, right?

But sure, I am the problem. Not the many players pushing me every game and getting my reads and game messed up because of that. Blame the victim. Nice policy of you.
Honestly reading the first few pages of the 2nd start to this cycle is just a fucking headache can we please get one game where flower isn't fucking crying and bitching about having sus on her.

I'm like a whole 10 pages behind and dont even want to continue reading this bullshit. You guys make the game unenjoyable sometimes.'

TL;DR would be cool on this cycle if there is anything else going on aside from Usopp and Flower nonsense cause im hoenstly just annoyed reading 4 pages.

which one is the strongest scum read and why?

missed like 90% of last phase

oh shaat up.

learn how to play town without insta claiming.

@Lord Melkor this is why cypher is my policy lynch.

could be a ploy to bait out the real protagonist.

yes i do.

both you and flower should just retire at this point you're both betatier and detrimental to town overall. regardless if you're both town im up to just lynching one or the other regardless of your claims.

you're pissed regardless of the situation you do realize you're in the same scenario every game for the past 2/3 years. YOU are the PROBLEM.
ur a keklord
So let's say for a moment that you're right and that I am scum.

What have you done for town to help them get me?

You fake claimed an invest role to... do what, push Flower who might or might not fake claimed?

You caused a ton of confusion and antagonized half the thread here (well, more than half but whatever).

You mudded the read pool by causing chaos so much that it's pretty hard to get actual reads.

And finally, you made many town players out themselves AND gave the scum the opportunity to fake claim under the guise of 'protecting you or someone else'.


Great town work.
Yeah. Good Bye. Might actually be better to retire and not be called dumb for trying to game solve or putting effort into a game. Totally dumb to read roles and call people out for flawed claims, right? Totally dumb trying to actually play the game and wanting Town players not to lie, right?

But sure, I am the problem. Not the many players pushing me every game and getting my reads and game messed up because of that. Blame the victim. Nice policy of you.
Im sorry i called you dumb, don’t leave. And have fun with us aight?

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