He tells her to vote LG, she does it. He tells her to vote Cooler, she does it

could they be that obvious, not sure
Mafia has this thing called a private chat, and no way does Cypher need an excuse to self-pres both those days to warrant Tiger's guiding hand in the thread itself.
Oh thats cool, thanks Tiger.
Also I blocked JW. Any chance that's what stopped the kill?
It's either a roleblock or a protect that did it, and if Nitty processes your RB as stopping JW's roleblock then only yours could have doubled as stopping a faction kill. That's assuming only green ajahs have RBs...which I rather hope because four is already a lot to be thrown about.
I'll still take the chances with you. It's no coincidence that you voted for the opposing wagons.
And frankly the fact that you can protect yourself makes it feel like you're important.
Town doesn't look to have a vig, so why should Tiger's ability to protect themselves be scum indicative? I can definitely see why scum would be intimidated by a strong townie having that ability though.
It doesn't matter if you pushed for her or not, you are the only one who ultimately voted for LG and Cooler.
So what good does your push excuse do if you didn't vote her?
No, but I intend to, thanks for asking
[vote lynch Tiger]
I just don't see how your logic here doesn't lead you to a Cypher lynch first before a Tiger one. Surely if you think he's continually saving her life then she must be important for him to risk his neck.
I wish I had kills lol. But I'm a roleblocker/tracker
Isn't this like the fourth tracker claim? Like I know Nitty favors them, but it's getting hard to believe this many trackers are in the game and all town. At least with the roleblocks it happens to be their faction active. DDL is IC and LG is confirmed via flip, so good chance at least one of Nataj/JW is lying scum/scum tracker
Well, if there is a Black in Green, it has to be JW or Tiger, right?
Well, since you and Kue are confirmed, it is likely that either Tiger or JW are Black, would town have 4 roleblockers? JW was mostly inactive so far and was roleblocked today and I am a bit torn on Tiger... he makes reasonable points, but voted on two mislynches and has passive making him immune to actions?
[Vote Lynch Cypher] unless there is some new evidence, we cannot ignore how she survived with more votes with two townie mislynches, I wonder if Mafia would make so much effort to frame her?
Also, can each Yellow sister heal? It does not make sense as Mafia ability since apparently town does not have vigs...
Roleblockers are a rather neutral role to add to town, if not long term detrimental. Four is a lot, but not oppressive. Tiger never said he's passively immune to actions, he claims to have had to activate said immunity, at the cost of not being able to use his roleblock.
I also think it's likely black sisters see their non-traitor role.
John Wayne conveniently forgot to use actions N1 when asked. Because he knows he's supposed to have a RB but doesn't.
Don't think this works out, as we have to figure that Black ajah sisters know/have their normal ajah passive from the other groups, then it stands to reason that any black ajah sister from green ajah would share the green ajah active.
Hmmmm, there is an argument from Tiger that if she was cop someone would come out to protect her which would explain her absence... well i says that is bs, why not say the same argument about an actual cop coming out and defying her claim????
1) Unable to lie in the game
2) Would confirm two potential players as well as confirm cypher as mafia
and yet you lay your ground on a doctor to come out instead of a cop roleclaim? I don't understand, a game like this is GUARANTEED to have a cop considering apparently we dont even have a big
Also I firmly believe Hero is mafia and needs to be ridden of
[Vote Lynch Hero]
Could be that there is no actual alignment cop, or they don't want to reveal and are biding their time with checks. A doctor reveal isn't as damaging to town's chances, as doctors are undoubtedly more plentiful as their impact isn't as consistently strong as an alignment cops.
Does he always focus hard on prejudice?
And would you expect from him to 100% trust the results of a cop who was outed D1?
Do you think that as scum his best move is to throw doubt on the checks or to put faith into them? The more clears town has, the harder it is for scum to remain hidden, and they have to use their faction kill to get rid of clears over strong players/roles. I could understand this position more if you weren't one of the two checked, because then you could think scum!Tiger has manipulated Cypher's checks to get his scummates cleared, but right now at the least he would be clearing you as town from your perspective if you're town. Do you suspect Maerala is his scummate?
I just don't see how Cypher isn't a better choice for you, their flip helps solve Tiger as well as others.
@Tiger you want to figure out Vote fuckery we can make it like. We could coreograph the voting like
-Cypher 6 votes
-Nessos 4 votes
-Maerala 4 votes
And see what happens to the lynch.
...this is just asking for more vote fuckery to decide the lynch.
[change Vote lynch Cypher]
What made you change your mind?
@Cypher if you are Town tell us a lie and die. Thus we won't need to waste a lynch.
What was I supposed to say night 1? I hadn’t read the game & had no information to offer. So that’s why I sent it night 2
2 of the same people targeted you last night, but you got a new person to target you as well. Sigs who targeted you before didn’t choose to do it again last night
Who was this new person targeting DDL?