Game The Wheel of Time: Trouble in Tar Valon (mafia wins!)

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Why ask such a question? I would still prefer a Kvothe lynch.

I would like for you to answer that question.

We have an hour left.

You’re apart of that ajah aren’t you?

Given usopp is right and I do find merit into what he’s saying, since I can confirm my ajah have no chat. It looks sus altogether.

Ddl is cleared due to the previous voting.

That leaves you, LG and usopp.

LG and usopp voted WPK, how come you never followed along? Was it not something you all discussed? If you had to pick from that chat who could more than likely be scum who would you bet on?

Please don’t evade these questions, you’re making yourself a target.

My vote is about to be placed on you. If you flip town I want something that’ll narrow down the rest of your ajah.
I would like for you to answer that question.

We have an hour left.

You’re apart of that ajah aren’t you?

Given usopp is right and I do find merit into what he’s saying, since I can confirm my ajah have no chat. It looks sus altogether.

Ddl is cleared due to the previous voting.

That leaves you, LG and usopp.

LG and usopp voted WPK, how come you never followed along? Was it not something you all discussed? If you had to pick from that chat who could more than likely be scum who would you bet on?

Please don’t evade these questions, you’re making yourself a target.

My vote is about to be placed on you. If you flip town I want something that’ll narrow down the rest of your ajah.
Read up. I already answered.
Not full of scum, but likely one is.

And don't rule out Usopp so easily, he's a sneaky bastard :mayuri of course they all know that info would leak sooner or later. If I was scum, I'd reveal it sooner for some town cred
now ur using the mayui :mayuri

I would like for you to answer that question.

We have an hour left.

You’re apart of that ajah aren’t you?

Given usopp is right and I do find merit into what he’s saying, since I can confirm my ajah have no chat. It looks sus altogether.

Ddl is cleared due to the previous voting.

That leaves you, LG and usopp.

LG and usopp voted WPK, how come you never followed along? Was it not something you all discussed? If you had to pick from that chat who could more than likely be scum who would you bet on?

Please don’t evade these questions, you’re making yourself a target.

My vote is about to be placed on you. If you flip town I want something that’ll narrow down the rest of your ajah.

1. i think ur confusing LM with LG
2. DDL is not in our ajah, its maerala, and he is not cleared either
Did LG claim tracker under pressure or no?

Cypher claimed Cop.
LG claimed tracker.

Both roles are important imo.
Both are important but it could be self preservation.

Another thing is I’ve in a game got assigned Mafia cop, lied to town and gave my role up as a way to get town Fred and spread doubt and ended up winning. Paranoia keeps me from trusting shit like that so easily.
i was just pushing to bair some reactions

i can see no apparent resistance from cypher push

HOWEVER i do not like them both claiming, and I'm sure one of them is lying

its weird af to have a tracker/cop in red

my ability has nothing to do with my color and is not related to cop/tracker

AND i doubt that maerala is a watcher, so if he claimed that sht now hes a liar lmao

I believe that our colors gave us a peek into what we’d be able to do. What was red good for? Like yellow was good at healing or whatever. What was red food for.
I never see LG claim under pressure as scum, if he has I don’t recall. I’ve always seen him just go done if he’s caught.

@Go D. Usopp @Tiger whats the case on maerala? Apologies if I spelled it wrong I just don’t recall them being in this game.

LG, usopp, Maerala, Cyhper? That’s all red yes?

Usopp is the best looking of all
I’m doubtful on LG
I really don't like your blind faith in Usopp :psyduck or Tiger
I believe that our colors gave us a peek into what we’d be able to do. What was red good for? Like yellow was good at healing or whatever. What was red food for.

gathering info is something brown ajah does, according to the color description

so I thought brown is naturally gna have cops/trackers

red said we r good at punishing ningens or smthing idk, i can see that a bit with our convo's passive. but my abilities have absolutely nothing to do with it

and i think one of cypher/LG is lying

[Vote Lynch LG]
at the same time, cypher did not wanna vote sm1 from our that cuz she doesnt wanna make PoE easier to remove her?

i've seen cypher fake claim cop in another game and literally all she did was call out town members one by one every day shes asked who did she invest

like next day shed come and say I checked so and so and hes town, when its obv hes town cuz hes outta her faction

Which is the point I was trying to make.

LG claimed tracker
Cyhper claimed cop
The M guy claimed watcher

Everyone has claimed something it seems. That’s damn near all of red just out there, with one possibly being mafia.

This is all speculation off your behave but it’s brought forth unnecessary claims.

Someone is lying.
Super odd vote. Screams "I don't want to make an impact".

Already said I thought Natalija was on her scum meta. Two main wagons are LG and Cypher, both of whom have claimed useful rolls for town. Don't see how it's odd to switch away from them. My initial vote on Cypher was just for pressure anyway, I don't see what the case on LG even is.

Breh what

Already said I thought Natalija was on her scum meta. Two main wagons are LG and Cypher, both of whom have claimed useful rolls for town. Don't see how it's odd to switch away from them. My initial vote on Cypher was just for pressure anyway, I don't see what the case on LG even is.

The case on me was I didn't post much here day one(as is normal for me) and they didn't like my posts in our red chat or something

My breh is staying there's not enough time when we got half and hour to figure stuff out
You said you trust him over notifying us of the chat first - could have been anyone - and over seeing him a lot.

He's the top poster no matter what, fam
Uhhh coo....

Lmao idk sht how you’re typing shit makes it hard to really get what you’re saying but yeah definitely yeah.

I trust usopp over anyone else in the red.

The commotion that’s came from him doing what he did was good. It ruffled feathers and now we’re getting a better feel. So yeah. I trust him.
I have no idea what the cases are but can we not lynch the forum newcomer on day 1 kthxbye

Who's the newcomer?

Red convo is Red ajah passive. Other Ajahs other passives. Green seems to be Vanilla Ajah.

Ajah color seems to be for their passive only. All roles incl. Mafia seems to be completly random distributed.

Not vanilla. And no, not only passives have ajah flavor.

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