Game The Wheel of Time: Trouble in Tar Valon (mafia wins!)

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There must have been some crazy vote manipulation last DP! :blobcatjuice

Do you think it was done by Mafia?

Has anyone seen anything regarding the murder? It seems there are a lot of investigative powers in this game.

I think it is reasonable that there should be one Mafia among the Red Ajah as they were a four persons masons group. I am leaning town on Usopp, he seems genuine in his theories. I did not like Cypher's nervous reaction when she was accused last day, but we should be careful about lynching claimed cop. Maerala I did not like day one, was mostly interested in fluff and seemed to be role fishing, but it seems he has a newbie defence card...

@Melodie, day two, any observations?

Also, did not like how Sigismund dropped his vote on LG at the end of last day, any explanation @Sigismund?
eitherway let me just try to rephrase stuff

cypher had 7 votes, genome had 6

i told cypher no way a cop has an ability to tank a 1 vote difference

cypher said that there could be one of her voters with 1 less vote power, or one of genome voters with 1 more vote power

fine, then lets ask town. any of genome voters has a +1 extra vote power? any of cypher voters has a -1 vote power??

HOWEVER, i also told her i'd only trust u if u brought in an invest result from cooler/sigis, who r the most 2 possible scummates of her as of now. Even investing maerala is an option

but for sm reason she invested nessos??
There should be someone with vote power counted two yesterday which led to rng since Cypher had seven votes while LG had six votes. Among LG voters there should be mafia with that ability.
Yeah there was someone with voting Power counts twice and that was me through the power of White Ajah.

-> there were 8 in Cypher while there were only 6 on LG.
and lastly, she did not wanna use our faction passive on cooler

i know scum already know it, so why not make town know it too

once in the game, we of red ajah have to majority vote on some1 on our convo. who ever we agree on will be permanently role crushed

i proposed voting cooler and i got no reply yet, altho when i proposed voting tiger last day to bait reactions they said no.

i think tiger could be town based on this soft tmi, and cooler has to be 90% scum too
and lastly, she did not wanna use our faction passive on cooler

i know scum already know it, so why not make town know it too

once in the game, we of red ajah have to majority vote on some1 on our convo. who ever we agree on will be permanently role crushed

i proposed voting cooler and i got no reply yet, altho when i proposed voting tiger last day to bait reactions they said no.

i think tiger could be town based on this soft tmi, and cooler has to be 90% scum too

You think I'm scum every game and basically every time I'm town. Time to realise you can't read me for shit man.

Do you think it was done by Mafia?

Has anyone seen anything regarding the murder? It seems there are a lot of investigative powers in this game.

I think it is reasonable that there should be one Mafia among the Red Ajah as they were a four persons masons group. I am leaning town on Usopp, he seems genuine in his theories. I did not like Cypher's nervous reaction when she was accused last day, but we should be careful about lynching claimed cop. Maerala I did not like day one, was mostly interested in fluff and seemed to be role fishing, but it seems he has a newbie defence card...

@Melodie, day two, any observations?

Also, did not like how Sigismund dropped his vote on LG at the end of last day, any explanation @Sigismund?
I was reading eariler in the thread, and noticed the time was close to when Nitty said the cutoff was, so I sent in my vote for LG, as usually when it's LG vs someone else, LG is always a good pick.

Then he flipped innocent, after seemingly requiring vote manipulation to save Cypher, proving me wrong.
Nothing more complex than that.

i propsed voting cooler/sigis

sigis is 100% of scum meta btw, im telling yall now
Lol no.
Yet it still ended in rng? Then there were two LG voters who had vote power two?
Thinking about it was 6 on Flower vs 8 on LG resulting in rng.

The only one confirmed with +1 voting power like me is @WolfPrinceKiba who wasn't on any of these trains.

I highly doubt another Ajah have a similiar passive.

And option could be one of Ajahs might have the ability to lie if it comes to voting.
This would have turned 6 vs 8 -> 7 vs 7 -> rng. Lying totally fits the theme of Black Ajah thus I expect one of the player voting for Cypher is part of Black Ajah.
i propsed voting cooler/sigis

sigis is 100% of scum meta btw, im telling yall now

Sigis is playing a town like game.

While he hasn’t dropped much I’ll bet that on him being busy and then there was only real conversation towards the end of the phase.

Which ended chaotically.

@Sigismund what do you make of the game currently?


Ps. This forum update fucking sucks. I still can’t properly place votes... it won’t let me bold my text man wtf??
I was reading eariler in the thread, and noticed the time was close to when Nitty said the cutoff was, so I sent in my vote for LG, as usually when it's LG vs someone else, LG is always a good pick.

Then he flipped innocent, after seemingly requiring vote manipulation to save Cypher, proving me wrong.
Nothing more complex than that.

Lol no.
Did you target someone last night?

Sigis is playing a town like game.

While he hasn’t dropped much I’ll bet that on him being busy and then there was only real conversation towards the end of the phase.

Which ended chaotically.

@Sigismund what do you make of the game currently?


Ps. This forum update fucking sucks. I still can’t properly place votes... it won’t let me bold my text man wtf??
I need to reread Cypher's entire post log, and try and figure out what exactly that all was. RN she is suspect with the vote manipulation, but if there lies a better explanation as for how that all happened, then im down to hear it. And its just the beginning of day 2 so not the most to go off of from what I've seen.
Did you target someone last night?
I used my ability at someone and received a result yes.
Alright turns out the host made a mistake. Apparently he wasn't supposed to say "Cypher didn't target anyone", but he did. And now he's changed the result to "Cypher did not use any magical abilities"

If I knew that I would have asked a different question. :lufface

magical word is just flavor
doubt there is a difference

Alright how does isoing work now??
same as b4, search, put their name and select this thread xd
You think I'm scum every game and basically every time I'm town. Time to realise you can't read me for shit man.
what do u think about tis

Maerala - Usopp > Cypher
Genome - Cypher
Usopp - WPK > Genome > Cypher > Maerala > Genome
Cypher - DDL > Kvothe > Genome
DDL - Cypher
Tiger - Genome
Cooler - Cypher (shuda been cypher -> natalija)
Xebec - Maerala
Melkor - WPK > Melodie
Sigisund - Genome
Natalija - Cypher
Ishmael - Cypher > Genome
Melodie - Genome
Kvothe - Cypher
WPK - Usopp
Nessos - Cypher

Cypher - 7
Genome - 6
Maerala - 1
Melodie - 1
Usopp - 1
RN she is suspect with the vote manipulation, but if there lies a better explanation as for how that all happened, then im down to hear it
You must have missed my post.

One of the scum themes is lying. Thus there is also the possibility of Black Ajah being able to place fake votes in thread and real votes in their scumchat.

It perfectly fits with the result of 6vs8 ended up in RNG. One Vote shift -> 7 vs 7.
If we look at Cypher-Train this makes Maerala and Natalija look suspicious.
magical word is just flavor
doubt there is a difference

same as b4, search, put their name and select this thread xd

what do u think about tis

Maerala - Usopp > Cypher
Genome - Cypher
Usopp - WPK > Genome > Cypher > Maerala > Genome
Cypher - DDL > Kvothe > Genome
DDL - Cypher
Tiger - Genome
Cooler - Cypher (shuda been cypher -> natalija)
Xebec - Maerala
Melkor - WPK > Melodie
Sigisund - Genome
Natalija - Cypher
Ishmael - Cypher > Genome
Melodie - Genome
Kvothe - Cypher
WPK - Usopp
Nessos - Cypher

Cypher - 7
Genome - 6
Maerala - 1
Melodie - 1
Usopp - 1

Explained the reasons for why I switched off Cypher yesterday.
You must have missed my post.

One of the scum themes is lying. Thus there is also the possibility of Black Ajah being able to place fake votes in thread and real votes in their scumchat.

It perfectly fits with the result of 6vs8 ended up in RNG. One Vote shift -> 7 vs 7.
If we look at Cypher-Train this makes Maerala and Natalija look suspicious.
Ok, and how do we know its not the opposite? Like say Melkor and Xebex (not calling you two out specifically, just yall didnt publically vote either) having their public votes being "3rd party" while there real votes are on LG in the scum chat?
Ok, and how do we know its not the opposite? Like say Melkor and Xebex (not calling you two out specifically, just yall didnt publically vote either) having their public votes being "3rd party" while there real votes are on LG in the scum chat?
If we expect all Black Ajah having this ability then we shouldn't even think about this. I would expect if such an ability exist only one of the Black Ajahs should have it.
You must have missed my post.

One of the scum themes is lying. Thus there is also the possibility of Black Ajah being able to place fake votes in thread and real votes in their scumchat.

It perfectly fits with the result of 6vs8 ended up in RNG. One Vote shift -> 7 vs 7.
If we look at Cypher-Train this makes Maerala and Natalija look suspicious.

Interesting, though I have also seen other ways to affect votes than players having stronger vote powers - there are roles that can affect someone's vote or are more difficult to vote, so many possibilities.

But yes, @Maerala, any views?
and lastly, she did not wanna use our faction passive on cooler

i know scum already know it, so why not make town know it too

once in the game, we of red ajah have to majority vote on some1 on our convo. who ever we agree on will be permanently role crushed

i proposed voting cooler and i got no reply yet, altho when i proposed voting tiger last day to bait reactions they said no.

i think tiger could be town based on this soft tmi, and cooler has to be 90% scum too

Cooler seems very passive so far in this game, anything else that makes you think he is 90% scum?
I was reading eariler in the thread, and noticed the time was close to when Nitty said the cutoff was, so I sent in my vote for LG, as usually when it's LG vs someone else, LG is always a good pick.

Then he flipped innocent, after seemingly requiring vote manipulation to save Cypher, proving me wrong.
Nothing more complex than that.

Lol no.
this post straight up does not make sense lol
vote up cypher rn then and show us how wrong it proved u

What's a black? I'm not really following the thread too closely atm.
back to fake cooler are we?

u know dem well whats black ajah, there is no point to fake that lol. its been mentioned alot in the thread on posts that you read and near posts that you made..
[vote lynch cypher] it’s staying. I can’t bold so please take the formatting
[Vote lynch LG]

See @Nessos the shit isn’t working site is bs now who tf did this update?

uhh can we talk about this swift movement from cypher to LG, even tho he said "it's staying"

and ofc talking about being unable to bold, but ur vote still counter for LG not cypher, cuz u moved it on literally 2 posts apart lol.

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